path: root/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_vpx_encoder.h
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1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_vpx_encoder.h b/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_vpx_encoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c99309e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_vpx_encoder.h
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+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <vpx/vpx_encoder.h>
+#include <vpx/vpx_image.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <condition_variable> // NOLINT
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <queue>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "cast/standalone_sender/streaming_video_encoder.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/constants.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/frame_id.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/rtp_time.h"
+#include "platform/api/task_runner.h"
+#include "platform/api/time.h"
+namespace openscreen {
+class TaskRunner;
+namespace cast {
+class Sender;
+// Uses libvpx to encode VP8/9 video and streams it to a Sender. Includes
+// extensive logic for fine-tuning the encoder parameters in real-time, to
+// provide the best quality results given external, uncontrollable factors:
+// CPU/network availability, and the complexity of the video frame content.
+// Internally, a separate encode thread is created and used to prevent blocking
+// the main thread while frames are being encoded. All public API methods are
+// assumed to be called on the same sequence/thread as the main TaskRunner
+// (injected via the constructor).
+// Usage:
+// 1. EncodeAndSend() is used to queue-up video frames for encoding and sending,
+// which will be done on a best-effort basis.
+// 2. The client is expected to call SetTargetBitrate() frequently based on its
+// own bandwidth estimates and congestion control logic. In addition, a client
+// may provide a callback for each frame's encode statistics, which can be used
+// to further optimize the user experience. For example, the stats can be used
+// as a signal to reduce the data volume (i.e., resolution and/or frame rate)
+// coming from the video capture source.
+class StreamingVpxEncoder : public StreamingVideoEncoder {
+ public:
+ StreamingVpxEncoder(const Parameters& params,
+ TaskRunner* task_runner,
+ Sender* sender);
+ ~StreamingVpxEncoder();
+ int GetTargetBitrate() const override;
+ void SetTargetBitrate(int new_bitrate) override;
+ void EncodeAndSend(const VideoFrame& frame,
+ Clock::time_point reference_time,
+ std::function<void(Stats)> stats_callback) override;
+ private:
+ // Syntactic convenience to wrap the vpx_image_t alloc/free API in a smart
+ // pointer.
+ struct VpxImageDeleter {
+ void operator()(vpx_image_t* ptr) const { vpx_img_free(ptr); }
+ };
+ using VpxImageUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<vpx_image_t, VpxImageDeleter>;
+ // Represents the state of one frame encode. This is created in
+ // EncodeAndSend(), and passed to the encode thread via the |encode_queue_|.
+ struct WorkUnit {
+ VpxImageUniquePtr image;
+ Clock::duration duration;
+ Clock::time_point reference_time;
+ RtpTimeTicks rtp_timestamp;
+ std::function<void(Stats)> stats_callback;
+ };
+ // Same as WorkUnit, but with additional fields to carry the encode results.
+ struct WorkUnitWithResults : public WorkUnit {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> payload;
+ bool is_key_frame = false;
+ Stats stats;
+ };
+ bool is_encoder_initialized() const { return config_.g_threads != 0; }
+ // Destroys the VP8 encoder context if it has been initialized.
+ void DestroyEncoder();
+ // The procedure for the |encode_thread_| that loops, processing work units
+ // from the |encode_queue_| by calling Encode() until it's time to end the
+ // thread.
+ void ProcessWorkUnitsUntilTimeToQuit();
+ // If the |encoder_| is live, attempt reconfiguration to allow it to encode
+ // frames at a new frame size or target bitrate. If reconfiguration is not
+ // possible, destroy the existing instance and re-create a new |encoder_|
+ // instance.
+ void PrepareEncoder(int width, int height, int target_bitrate);
+ // Wraps the complex libvpx vpx_codec_encode() call using inputs from
+ // |work_unit| and populating results there.
+ void EncodeFrame(bool force_key_frame, WorkUnitWithResults& work_unit);
+ // Computes and populates |work_unit.stats| after the last call to
+ // EncodeFrame().
+ void ComputeFrameEncodeStats(Clock::duration encode_wall_time,
+ int target_bitrate,
+ WorkUnitWithResults& work_unit);
+ // Assembles and enqueues an EncodedFrame with the Sender on the main thread.
+ void SendEncodedFrame(WorkUnitWithResults results);
+ // Allocates a vpx_image_t and copies the content from |frame| to it.
+ static VpxImageUniquePtr CloneAsVpxImage(const VideoFrame& frame);
+ // The reference time of the first frame passed to EncodeAndSend().
+ Clock::time_point start_time_ = Clock::time_point::min();
+ // The RTP timestamp of the last frame that was pushed into the
+ // |encode_queue_| by EncodeAndSend(). This is used to check whether
+ // timestamps are monotonically increasing.
+ RtpTimeTicks last_enqueued_rtp_timestamp_;
+ // Guards a few members shared by both the main and encode threads.
+ std::mutex mutex_;
+ // Used by the encode thread to sleep until more work is available.
+ std::condition_variable cv_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // These encode parameters not passed in the WorkUnit struct because it is
+ // desirable for them to be applied as soon as possible, with the very next
+ // WorkUnit popped from the |encode_queue_| on the encode thread, and not to
+ // wait until some later WorkUnit is processed.
+ bool needs_key_frame_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = true;
+ int target_bitrate_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = 2 << 20; // Default: 2 Mbps.
+ // The queue of frame encodes. The size of this queue is implicitly bounded by
+ // EncodeAndSend(), where it checks for the total in-flight media duration and
+ // maybe drops a frame.
+ std::queue<WorkUnit> encode_queue_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // Current VP8 encoder configuration. Most of the fields are unchanging, and
+ // are populated in the ctor; but thereafter, only the encode thread accesses
+ // this struct.
+ //
+ // The speed setting is controlled via a separate libvpx API (see members
+ // below).
+ vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t config_{};
+ // libvpx VP8/9 encoder instance. Only the encode thread accesses this.
+ vpx_codec_ctx_t encoder_;
+} // namespace cast
+} // namespace openscreen