path: root/osp/impl/internal_services.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'osp/impl/internal_services.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/osp/impl/internal_services.cc b/osp/impl/internal_services.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b55927..00000000
--- a/osp/impl/internal_services.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "osp/impl/internal_services.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <utility>
-#include "osp/impl/discovery/mdns/mdns_responder_adapter_impl.h"
-#include "osp/impl/mdns_responder_service.h"
-#include "platform/api/udp_socket.h"
-#include "platform/base/error.h"
-#include "util/osp_logging.h"
-namespace openscreen {
-namespace osp {
-namespace {
-constexpr char kServiceName[] = "_openscreen";
-constexpr char kServiceProtocol[] = "_udp";
-const IPAddress kMulticastAddress{224, 0, 0, 251};
-const IPAddress kMulticastIPv6Address{
- // ff02::fb
- 0xff02, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00fb,
-const uint16_t kMulticastListeningPort = 5353;
-class MdnsResponderAdapterImplFactory final
- : public MdnsResponderAdapterFactory {
- public:
- MdnsResponderAdapterImplFactory() = default;
- ~MdnsResponderAdapterImplFactory() override = default;
- std::unique_ptr<MdnsResponderAdapter> Create() override {
- return std::make_unique<MdnsResponderAdapterImpl>();
- }
-Error SetUpMulticastSocket(UdpSocket* socket, NetworkInterfaceIndex ifindex) {
- const IPAddress broadcast_address =
- socket->IsIPv6() ? kMulticastIPv6Address : kMulticastAddress;
- socket->JoinMulticastGroup(broadcast_address, ifindex);
- socket->SetMulticastOutboundInterface(ifindex);
- socket->Bind();
- return Error::None();
-// Ref-counted singleton instance of InternalServices. This lives only as long
-// as there is at least one ServiceListener and/or ServicePublisher alive.
-InternalServices* g_instance = nullptr;
-int g_instance_ref_count = 0;
-} // namespace
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ServiceListener> InternalServices::CreateListener(
- const MdnsServiceListenerConfig& config,
- ServiceListener::Observer* observer,
- TaskRunner* task_runner) {
- auto* services = ReferenceSingleton(task_runner);
- auto listener =
- std::make_unique<ServiceListenerImpl>(&services->mdns_service_);
- listener->AddObserver(observer);
- listener->SetDestructionCallback(&InternalServices::DereferenceSingleton,
- services);
- return listener;
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ServicePublisher> InternalServices::CreatePublisher(
- const ServicePublisher::Config& config,
- ServicePublisher::Observer* observer,
- TaskRunner* task_runner) {
- auto* services = ReferenceSingleton(task_runner);
- services->mdns_service_.SetServiceConfig(
- config.hostname, config.service_instance_name,
- config.connection_server_port, config.network_interface_indices,
- {{"fn", config.friendly_name}});
- auto publisher = std::make_unique<ServicePublisherImpl>(
- observer, &services->mdns_service_);
- publisher->SetDestructionCallback(&InternalServices::DereferenceSingleton,
- services);
- return publisher;
- InternalServices* parent)
- : parent_(parent) {}
-InternalServices::InternalPlatformLinkage::~InternalPlatformLinkage() {
- // If there are open sockets, then there will be dangling references to
- // destroyed objects after destruction.
- OSP_CHECK(open_sockets_.empty());
- const std::vector<NetworkInterfaceIndex>& allowlist) {
- const std::vector<InterfaceInfo> interfaces = GetNetworkInterfaces();
- const bool do_filter_using_allowlist = !allowlist.empty();
- std::vector<NetworkInterfaceIndex> index_list;
- for (const auto& interface : interfaces) {
- OSP_VLOG << "Found interface: " << interface;
- if (do_filter_using_allowlist &&
- std::find(allowlist.begin(), allowlist.end(), interface.index) ==
- allowlist.end()) {
- OSP_VLOG << "Ignoring interface not in allowed list: " << interface;
- continue;
- }
- if (!interface.addresses.empty())
- index_list.push_back(interface.index);
- }
- OSP_LOG_IF(WARN, index_list.empty())
- << "No network interfaces had usable addresses for mDNS.";
- // Set up sockets to send and listen to mDNS multicast traffic on all
- // interfaces.
- std::vector<BoundInterface> result;
- for (NetworkInterfaceIndex index : index_list) {
- const auto& interface = *std::find_if(
- interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end(),
- [index](const InterfaceInfo& info) { return info.index == index; });
- if (interface.addresses.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Pick any address for the given interface.
- const IPSubnet& primary_subnet = interface.addresses.front();
- auto create_result =
- UdpSocket::Create(parent_->task_runner_, parent_,
- IPEndpoint{{}, kMulticastListeningPort});
- if (!create_result) {
- OSP_LOG_ERROR << "failed to create socket for interface " << index << ": "
- << create_result.error().message();
- continue;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<UdpSocket> socket = std::move(create_result.value());
- if (!SetUpMulticastSocket(socket.get(), index).ok()) {
- continue;
- }
- result.emplace_back(interface, primary_subnet, socket.get());
- parent_->RegisterMdnsSocket(socket.get());
- open_sockets_.emplace_back(std::move(socket));
- }
- return result;
-void InternalServices::InternalPlatformLinkage::DeregisterInterfaces(
- const std::vector<BoundInterface>& registered_interfaces) {
- for (const auto& interface : registered_interfaces) {
- UdpSocket* const socket = interface.socket;
- parent_->DeregisterMdnsSocket(socket);
- const auto it = std::find_if(open_sockets_.begin(), open_sockets_.end(),
- [socket](const std::unique_ptr<UdpSocket>& s) {
- return s.get() == socket;
- });
- OSP_DCHECK(it != open_sockets_.end());
- open_sockets_.erase(it);
- }
-InternalServices::InternalServices(ClockNowFunctionPtr now_function,
- TaskRunner* task_runner)
- : mdns_service_(now_function,
- task_runner,
- kServiceName,
- kServiceProtocol,
- std::make_unique<MdnsResponderAdapterImplFactory>(),
- std::make_unique<InternalPlatformLinkage>(this)),
- task_runner_(task_runner) {}
-InternalServices::~InternalServices() = default;
-void InternalServices::RegisterMdnsSocket(UdpSocket* socket) {
- OSP_CHECK(g_instance) << "No listener or publisher is alive.";
- // TODO(rwkeane): Hook this up to the new mDNS library once we swap out the
- // mDNSResponder.
-void InternalServices::DeregisterMdnsSocket(UdpSocket* socket) {
- // TODO(rwkeane): Hook this up to the new mDNS library once we swap out the
- // mDNSResponder.
-// static
-InternalServices* InternalServices::ReferenceSingleton(
- TaskRunner* task_runner) {
- if (!g_instance) {
- OSP_CHECK_EQ(g_instance_ref_count, 0);
- g_instance = new InternalServices(&Clock::now, task_runner);
- }
- ++g_instance_ref_count;
- return g_instance;
-// static
-void InternalServices::DereferenceSingleton(void* instance) {
- OSP_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<InternalServices*>(instance), g_instance);
- OSP_CHECK_GT(g_instance_ref_count, 0);
- --g_instance_ref_count;
- if (g_instance_ref_count == 0) {
- delete g_instance;
- g_instance = nullptr;
- }
-void InternalServices::OnError(UdpSocket* socket, Error error) {
- OSP_LOG_ERROR << "failed to configure socket " << error.message();
- this->DeregisterMdnsSocket(socket);
-void InternalServices::OnSendError(UdpSocket* socket, Error error) {
- // TODO(crbug.com/openscreen/67): Implement this method.
-void InternalServices::OnRead(UdpSocket* socket, ErrorOr<UdpPacket> packet) {
- g_instance->mdns_service_.OnRead(socket, std::move(packet));
-} // namespace osp
-} // namespace openscreen