# This file is used to manage the dependencies of the Open Screen repo. It is # used by gclient to determine what version of each dependency to check out. # # For more information, please refer to the official documentation: # https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/how-tos/get-the-code # # When adding a new dependency, please update the top-level .gitignore file # to list the dependency's destination directory. use_relative_paths = True vars = { 'boringssl_git': 'https://boringssl.googlesource.com', 'chromium_git': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com', # TODO(jophba): move to googlesource external for github repos. 'github': 'https://github.com', # NOTE: Strangely enough, this will be overridden by any _parent_ DEPS, so # in Chromium it will correctly be True. 'build_with_chromium': False, 'gn_version': 'git_revision:0790d3043387c762a6bacb1ae0a9ebe883188ab2', 'checkout_chromium_quic_boringssl': False, # By default, do not check out openscreen/cast. This can be overridden # by custom_vars in .gclient. 'checkout_openscreen_cast_internal': False } deps = { 'cast/internal': { 'url': 'https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/openscreen/cast.git' + '@' + '703984f9d1674c2cfc259904a5a7fba4990cca4b', 'condition': 'checkout_openscreen_cast_internal', }, 'buildtools': { 'url': Var('chromium_git')+ '/chromium/src/buildtools' + '@' + 'd5c58b84d50d256968271db459cd29b22bff1ba2', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'buildtools/linux64': { 'packages': [ { 'package': 'gn/gn/linux-amd64', 'version': Var('gn_version'), }, ], 'dep_type': 'cipd', 'condition': 'checkout_linux', }, 'buildtools/mac': { 'packages': [ { 'package': 'gn/gn/mac-amd64', 'version': Var('gn_version'), }, ], 'dep_type': 'cipd', 'condition': 'checkout_mac', }, 'third_party/protobuf/src': { 'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf.git' + '@' + '09745575a923640154bcf307fba8aedff47f240a', # version 3.8.0 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/zlib/src': { 'url': Var('github') + '/madler/zlib.git' + '@' + 'cacf7f1d4e3d44d871b605da3b647f07d718623f', # version 1.2.11 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/jsoncpp/src': { 'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp.git' + '@' + '3c32dca89214c03b107cc9d1c468000cff3f8127', # version 1.9.0 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/googletest/src': { 'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/google/googletest.git' + '@' + '565f1b848215b77c3732bca345fe76a0431d8b34', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/mDNSResponder/src': { 'url': Var('github') + '/jevinskie/mDNSResponder.git' + '@' + '2942dde61f920fbbf96ff9a3840567ebbe7cb1b6', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/boringssl/src': { 'url' : Var('boringssl_git') + '/boringssl.git' + '@' + '6410e18e9190b6b0c71955119fbf3cae1b9eedb7', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/chromium_quic/src': { 'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/openscreen/quic.git' + '@' + '9a1c004d7930e1a4c4f9d4af51b6c5f88c619415', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, 'third_party/tinycbor/src': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/intel/tinycbor.git' + '@' + 'bfc40dcf909f1998d7760c2bc0e1409979d3c8cb', 'third_party/abseil/src': { 'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp.git' + '@' + '5eea0f713c14ac17788b83e496f11903f8e2bbb0', 'condition': 'not build_with_chromium', }, } recursedeps = [ 'third_party/chromium_quic/src', ] include_rules = [ '+util', '+platform/api', '+platform/base', '+platform/test', '+third_party', # Don't include abseil from the root so the path can change via include_dirs # rules when in Chromium. '-third_party/abseil', # Abseil whitelist. '+absl/algorithm/container.h', '+absl/base/thread_annotations.h', '+absl/hash/hash.h', '+absl/strings/ascii.h', '+absl/strings/match.h', '+absl/strings/numbers.h', '+absl/strings/str_cat.h', '+absl/strings/str_join.h', '+absl/strings/string_view.h', '+absl/strings/substitute.h', '+absl/types/optional.h', '+absl/types/span.h', '+absl/types/variant.h', # Similar to abseil, don't include boringssl using root path. Instead, # explicitly allow 'openssl' where needed. '-third_party/boringssl', # Test framework includes. "-third_party/googletest", "+gtest", "+gmock", ] skip_child_includes = [ 'third_party/chromium_quic', ]