// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // **** DO NOT EDIT - this file was automatically generated. **** syntax = "proto3"; package cast.platform; import "cast/cast_core/api/common/service_info.proto"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; // Platform service. Implemented and hosted by Platform. service PlatformService { // Starts a runtime. Called by CastCoreService which endpoint is fetched from // the ServerContext. rpc StartRuntime(StartRuntimeRequest) returns (StartRuntimeResponse); // Stops a runtime. rpc StopRuntime(StopRuntimeRequest) returns (StopRuntimeResponse); // Gets device info. rpc GetDeviceInfo(GetDeviceInfoRequest) returns (GetDeviceInfoResponse); } message StartRuntimeRequest { // Cast Runtime ID assigned in CastCoreService.RegisterRuntime. string runtime_id = 1; // gRPC endpoint Cast Runtime must run on. cast.common.ServiceInfo runtime_service_info = 2; } message StartRuntimeResponse {} message StopRuntimeRequest { string runtime_id = 1; } message StopRuntimeResponse {} message GetDeviceInfoRequest {} message GetDeviceInfoResponse { // TODO: Add device information that Cast needs. Below is an approximation of // such information. bool has_surface = 1; }