# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # A fuzzable_proto_library is a proto_library that is the same as any other in # non-fuzzer builds (ie: use_libfuzzer=false). However, in fuzzer builds, the # proto_library is built with the full protobuf runtime and any "optimize_for = # LITE_RUNTIME" options are ignored. This is done because libprotobuf-mutator # needs the full protobuf runtime, but proto_libraries shipped in Chrome must # use the optimize for LITE_RUNTIME option which is incompatible with the full # protobuf runtime. tl;dr: A fuzzable_proto_library is a proto_library that can # be fuzzed with libprotobuf-mutator and shipped in Chrome. import("//build_overrides/build.gni") import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni") template("fuzzable_proto_library") { if (use_libfuzzer) { proto_library("proto_library_" + target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") assert(current_toolchain == host_toolchain) cc_generator_options = "speed" extra_configs = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_config" ] } # Inspired by proto_library.gni's handling of # component_build_force_source_set. if (defined(component_build_force_source_set) && component_build_force_source_set && is_component_build) { link_target_type = "source_set" } else { link_target_type = "static_library" } # By making target a static_library or source_set, we can add protobuf_full # to public_deps. target(link_target_type, target_name) { if (defined(invoker.testonly)) { testonly = invoker.testonly } sources = [ "//third_party/libprotobuf-mutator/dummy.cc" ] public_deps = [ ":proto_library_" + target_name, "//third_party/libprotobuf-mutator:protobuf_full", ] } } else { # fuzzable_proto_library should behave like a proto_library when # !use_libfuzzer. proto_library(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") } } }