#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility for checking and processing licensing information in third_party directories. Copied from Chrome's tools/licenses.py. Usage: licenses.py Commands: scan scan third_party directories, verifying that we have licensing info credits generate about:credits on stdout (You can also import this as a module.) """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import codecs import json import os import shutil import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile # TODO(issuetracker.google.com/173766869): Remove Python2 checks/compatibility. if sys.version_info.major == 2: from cgi import escape else: from html import escape _REPOSITORY_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # Paths from the root of the tree to directories to skip. PRUNE_PATHS = set([ # Used for development and test, not in the shipping product. os.path.join('third_party', 'llvm-build'), ]) # Directories we don't scan through. PRUNE_DIRS = ('.git') # Directories where we check out directly from upstream, and therefore # can't provide a README.chromium. Please prefer a README.chromium # wherever possible. SPECIAL_CASES = { os.path.join('third_party', 'googletest'): { "Name": "gtest", "URL": "http://code.google.com/p/googletest", "License": "BSD", "License File": "NOT_SHIPPED", } } # Special value for 'License File' field used to indicate that the license file # should not be used in about:credits. NOT_SHIPPED = "NOT_SHIPPED" def MakeDirectory(dir_path): try: os.makedirs(dir_path) except OSError: pass def WriteDepfile(depfile_path, first_gn_output, inputs=None): assert depfile_path != first_gn_output # http://crbug.com/646165 assert not isinstance(inputs, string_types) # Easy mistake to make inputs = inputs or [] MakeDirectory(os.path.dirname(depfile_path)) # Ninja does not support multiple outputs in depfiles. with open(depfile_path, 'w') as depfile: depfile.write(first_gn_output.replace(' ', '\\ ')) depfile.write(': ') depfile.write(' '.join(i.replace(' ', '\\ ') for i in inputs)) depfile.write('\n') class LicenseError(Exception): """We raise this exception when a directory's licensing info isn't fully filled out.""" pass def AbsolutePath(path, filename, root): """Convert a path in README.chromium to be absolute based on the source root.""" if filename.startswith('/'): # Absolute-looking paths are relative to the source root # (which is the directory we're run from). absolute_path = os.path.join(root, filename[1:]) else: absolute_path = os.path.join(root, path, filename) if os.path.exists(absolute_path): return absolute_path return None def ParseDir(path, root, require_license_file=True, optional_keys=None): """Examine a third_party/foo component and extract its metadata.""" # Parse metadata fields out of README.chromium. # We examine "LICENSE" for the license file by default. metadata = { "License File": "LICENSE", # Relative path to license text. "Name": None, # Short name (for header on about:credits). "URL": None, # Project home page. "License": None, # Software license. } if optional_keys is None: optional_keys = [] if path in SPECIAL_CASES: metadata.update(SPECIAL_CASES[path]) else: # Try to find README.chromium. readme_path = os.path.join(root, path, 'README.chromium') if not os.path.exists(readme_path): raise LicenseError("missing README.chromium or licenses.py " "SPECIAL_CASES entry in %s\n" % path) for line in open(readme_path): line = line.strip() if not line: break for key in list(metadata.keys()) + optional_keys: field = key + ": " if line.startswith(field): metadata[key] = line[len(field):] # Check that all expected metadata is present. errors = [] for key, value in metadata.items(): if not value: errors.append("couldn't find '" + key + "' line " "in README.chromium or licences.py " "SPECIAL_CASES") # Special-case modules that aren't in the shipping product, so don't need # their license in about:credits. if metadata["License File"] != NOT_SHIPPED: # Check that the license file exists. for filename in (metadata["License File"], "COPYING"): license_path = AbsolutePath(path, filename, root) if license_path is not None: break if require_license_file and not license_path: errors.append("License file not found. " "Either add a file named LICENSE, " "import upstream's COPYING if available, " "or add a 'License File:' line to " "README.chromium with the appropriate path.") metadata["License File"] = license_path if errors: raise LicenseError("Errors in %s:\n %s\n" % (path, ";\n ".join(errors))) return metadata def ContainsFiles(path, root): """Determines whether any files exist in a directory or in any of its subdirectories.""" for _, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(root, path)): if files: return True for prune_dir in PRUNE_DIRS: if prune_dir in dirs: dirs.remove(prune_dir) return False def FilterDirsWithFiles(dirs_list, root): # If a directory contains no files, assume it's a DEPS directory for a # project not used by our current configuration and skip it. return [x for x in dirs_list if ContainsFiles(x, root)] def FindThirdPartyDirs(prune_paths, root): """Find all third_party directories underneath the source root.""" third_party_dirs = set() for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root): path = path[len(root) + 1:] # Pretty up the path. # .gitignore ignores /out*/, so do the same here. if path in prune_paths or path.startswith('out'): dirs[:] = [] continue # Prune out directories we want to skip. # (Note that we loop over PRUNE_DIRS so we're not iterating over a # list that we're simultaneously mutating.) for skip in PRUNE_DIRS: if skip in dirs: dirs.remove(skip) if os.path.basename(path) == 'third_party': # Add all subdirectories that are not marked for skipping. for dir in dirs: dirpath = os.path.join(path, dir) if dirpath not in prune_paths: third_party_dirs.add(dirpath) # Don't recurse into any subdirs from here. dirs[:] = [] continue return third_party_dirs def FindThirdPartyDirsWithFiles(root): third_party_dirs = FindThirdPartyDirs(PRUNE_PATHS, root) return FilterDirsWithFiles(third_party_dirs, root) # Many builders do not contain 'gn' in their PATH, so use the GN binary from # //buildtools. def _GnBinary(): exe = 'gn' if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): subdir = 'linux64' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': subdir = 'mac' elif sys.platform == 'win32': subdir, exe = 'win', 'gn.exe' else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform '%s'." % sys.platform) return os.path.join(_REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'buildtools', subdir, exe) def GetThirdPartyDepsFromGNDepsOutput(gn_deps, target_os): """Returns third_party/foo directories given the output of "gn desc deps". Note that it always returns the direct sub-directory of third_party where README.chromium and LICENSE files are, so that it can be passed to ParseDir(). e.g.: third_party/cld_3/src/src/BUILD.gn -> third_party/cld_3 It returns relative paths from _REPOSITORY_ROOT, not absolute paths. """ third_party_deps = set() for absolute_build_dep in gn_deps.split(): relative_build_dep = os.path.relpath(absolute_build_dep, _REPOSITORY_ROOT) m = re.search( r'^((.+[/\\])?third_party[/\\][^/\\]+[/\\])(.+[/\\])?BUILD\.gn$', relative_build_dep) if not m: continue third_party_path = m.group(1) if any(third_party_path.startswith(p + os.sep) for p in PRUNE_PATHS): continue third_party_deps.add(third_party_path[:-1]) return third_party_deps def FindThirdPartyDeps(gn_out_dir, gn_target, target_os): if not gn_out_dir: raise RuntimeError("--gn-out-dir is required if --gn-target is used.") # Generate gn project in temp directory and use it to find dependencies. # Current gn directory cannot be used when we run this script in a gn action # rule, because gn doesn't allow recursive invocations due to potential side # effects. tmp_dir = None try: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=gn_out_dir) shutil.copy(os.path.join(gn_out_dir, "args.gn"), tmp_dir) subprocess.check_output([_GnBinary(), "gen", tmp_dir]) gn_deps = subprocess.check_output([ _GnBinary(), "desc", tmp_dir, gn_target, "deps", "--as=buildfile", "--all" ]) if isinstance(gn_deps, bytes): gn_deps = gn_deps.decode("utf-8") finally: if tmp_dir and os.path.exists(tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return GetThirdPartyDepsFromGNDepsOutput(gn_deps, target_os) def ScanThirdPartyDirs(root=None): """Scan a list of directories and report on any problems we find.""" if root is None: root = os.getcwd() third_party_dirs = FindThirdPartyDirsWithFiles(root) errors = [] for path in sorted(third_party_dirs): try: metadata = ParseDir(path, root) except LicenseError as e: errors.append((path, e.args[0])) continue return ['{}: {}'.format(path, error) for path, error in sorted(errors)] def GenerateCredits(file_template_file, entry_template_file, output_file, target_os, gn_out_dir, gn_target, depfile=None): """Generate about:credits.""" def EvaluateTemplate(template, env, escape=True): """Expand a template with variables like {{foo}} using a dictionary of expansions.""" for key, val in env.items(): if escape: val = escape(val) template = template.replace('{{%s}}' % key, val) return template def MetadataToTemplateEntry(metadata, entry_template): env = { 'name': metadata['Name'], 'url': metadata['URL'], 'license': open(metadata['License File']).read(), } return { 'name': metadata['Name'], 'content': EvaluateTemplate(entry_template, env), 'license_file': metadata['License File'], } if gn_target: third_party_dirs = FindThirdPartyDeps(gn_out_dir, gn_target, target_os) # Sanity-check to raise a build error if invalid gn_... settings are # somehow passed to this script. if not third_party_dirs: raise RuntimeError("No deps found.") else: third_party_dirs = FindThirdPartyDirs(PRUNE_PATHS, _REPOSITORY_ROOT) if not file_template_file: file_template_file = os.path.join(_REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'components', 'about_ui', 'resources', 'about_credits.tmpl') if not entry_template_file: entry_template_file = os.path.join(_REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'components', 'about_ui', 'resources', 'about_credits_entry.tmpl') entry_template = open(entry_template_file).read() entries = [] # Start from Chromium's LICENSE file chromium_license_metadata = { 'Name': 'The Chromium Project', 'URL': 'http://www.chromium.org', 'License File': os.path.join(_REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'LICENSE') } entries.append( MetadataToTemplateEntry(chromium_license_metadata, entry_template)) entries_by_name = {} for path in third_party_dirs: try: metadata = ParseDir(path, _REPOSITORY_ROOT) except LicenseError: # TODO(phajdan.jr): Convert to fatal error (http://crbug.com/39240). continue if metadata['License File'] == NOT_SHIPPED: continue new_entry = MetadataToTemplateEntry(metadata, entry_template) # Skip entries that we've already seen. prev_entry = entries_by_name.setdefault(new_entry['name'], new_entry) if prev_entry is not new_entry and ( prev_entry['content'] == new_entry['content']): continue entries.append(new_entry) entries.sort(key=lambda entry: (entry['name'].lower(), entry['content'])) for entry_id, entry in enumerate(entries): entry['content'] = entry['content'].replace('{{id}}', str(entry_id)) entries_contents = '\n'.join([entry['content'] for entry in entries]) file_template = open(file_template_file).read() template_contents = "" template_contents += EvaluateTemplate(file_template, {'entries': entries_contents}, escape=False) if output_file: changed = True try: old_output = open(output_file, 'r').read() if old_output == template_contents: changed = False except: pass if changed: with open(output_file, 'w') as output: output.write(template_contents) else: print(template_contents) if depfile: assert output_file # Add in build.ninja so that the target will be considered dirty when # gn gen is run. Otherwise, it will fail to notice new files being # added. This is still not perfect, as it will fail if no build files # are changed, but a new README.chromium / LICENSE is added. This # shouldn't happen in practice however. license_file_list = (entry['license_file'] for entry in entries) license_file_list = (os.path.relpath(p) for p in license_file_list) license_file_list = sorted(set(license_file_list)) WriteDepfile(depfile, output_file, license_file_list + ['build.ninja']) return True def _ReadFile(path): """Reads a file from disk. Args: path: The path of the file to read, relative to the root of the repository. Returns: The contents of the file as a string. """ with codecs.open(os.path.join(_REPOSITORY_ROOT, path), 'r', 'utf-8') as f: return f.read() def GenerateLicenseFile(output_file, gn_out_dir, gn_target, target_os): """Generate a plain-text LICENSE file which can be used when you ship a part of Chromium code (specified by gn_target) as a stand-alone library (e.g., //ios/web_view). The LICENSE file contains licenses of both Chromium and third-party libraries which gn_target depends on. """ third_party_dirs = FindThirdPartyDeps(gn_out_dir, gn_target, target_os) # Start with Chromium's LICENSE file. content = [_ReadFile('LICENSE')] # Add necessary third_party. for directory in sorted(third_party_dirs): metadata = ParseDir(directory, _REPOSITORY_ROOT, require_license_file=True) license_file = metadata['License File'] if license_file and license_file != NOT_SHIPPED: content.append('-' * 20) content.append(directory.split(os.sep)[-1]) content.append('-' * 20) content.append(_ReadFile(license_file)) content_text = '\n'.join(content) if output_file: with codecs.open(output_file, 'w', 'utf-8') as output: output.write(content_text) else: print(content_text) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file-template', help='Template HTML to use for the license page.') parser.add_argument('--entry-template', help='Template HTML to use for each license.') parser.add_argument('--target-os', help='OS that this build is targeting.') parser.add_argument('--gn-out-dir', help='GN output directory for scanning dependencies.') parser.add_argument('--gn-target', help='GN target to scan for dependencies.') parser.add_argument('command', choices=['help', 'scan', 'credits', 'license_file']) parser.add_argument('output_file', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--depfile', help='Path to depfile (refer to `gn help depfile`)') args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'scan': if not ScanThirdPartyDirs(): return 1 elif args.command == 'credits': if not GenerateCredits(args.file_template, args.entry_template, args.output_file, args.target_os, args.gn_out_dir, args.gn_target, args.depfile): return 1 elif args.command == 'license_file': try: GenerateLicenseFile(args.output_file, args.gn_out_dir, args.gn_target, args.target_os) except LicenseError as e: print("Failed to parse README.chromium: {}".format(e)) return 1 else: print(__doc__) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())