path: root/docs/getting-started/new_project_guide.md
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+layout: default
+title: New project guide
+parent: Getting started
+nav_order: 2
+permalink: /getting-started/new-project-guide/
+# Setting up a New Project
+## Prerequisites
+- [Integrate]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/ideal-integration/) one or more [Fuzz Targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)
+ with the project you want to fuzz.
+ Examples:
+- Install Docker using the instructions
+ [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation).
+ Googlers: [go/installdocker](https://goto.google.com/installdocker).
+ [Why Docker?]({{ site.baseurl }}/faq/#why-do-you-use-docker)
+ *NOTE: (Optional) If you want to run `docker` without `sudo`, follow the
+ [Create a docker group](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/#/create-a-docker-group) section.*
+ *NOTE: Docker images can consume significant disk space. Run*
+ *[docker-cleanup](https://gist.github.com/mikea/d23a839cba68778d94e0302e8a2c200f)*
+ *periodically to garbage collect unused images.*
+## Overview
+To add a new OSS project to OSS-Fuzz, you need a project subdirectory
+inside the [`projects/`](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects) directory in [OSS-Fuzz repository](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz).
+Example: [boringssl](https://github.com/google/boringssl) project is located in
+The project directory needs to contain the following three configuration files:
+* `projects/<project_name>/project.yaml` - provides metadata about the project.
+* `projects/<project_name>/Dockerfile` - defines the container environment with information
+on dependencies needed to build the project and its [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target).
+* `projects/<project_name>/build.sh` - build script that executes inside the container and
+generates project build.
+To *automatically* create a new directory for your project and
+generate templated versions of these configuration files,
+run the following set of commands:
+$ cd /path/to/oss-fuzz
+$ export PROJECT_NAME=<project_name>
+$ python infra/helper.py generate $PROJECT_NAME
+It is preferred to keep and maintain [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) in your own source code repository. If this is not possible due to various reasons, you can store them inside the OSS-Fuzz's project directory created above.
+## project.yaml
+This file stores the metadata about your project. The following attributes are supported:
+### homepage
+Project's homepage.
+### primary_contact, auto_ccs
+Primary contact and CCs list. These people get access to ClusterFuzz
+which includes crash reports, fuzzer statistics, etc and are auto-cced on newly filed bugs in OSS-Fuzz
+tracker. To get full access to these artifacts, you should use a [Google account](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/176347?hl=en)
+here ([why?]({{ site.baseurl }}/faq/#why-do-you-require-a-google-account-for-authentication)).
+### sanitizers (optional)
+List of sanitizers to use. By default, it will use the default list of supported
+sanitizers (currently -
+If your project does not build with a particular sanitizer configuration and you need some time fixing
+it, then you can use this option to override the defaults temporarily. E.g. For disabling
+UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer build, then you can just specify all supported sanitizers, except "undefined".
+[MemorySanitizer ("memory")](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/MemorySanitizer.html) is also supported, but is not enabled by default due to likelihood of false positives.
+For this to work, ensure that your project's runtime dependencies are listed in
+[this file](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/infra/base-images/msan-builder/Dockerfile#L20).
+You may opt-in by adding "memory" to this list.
+If you want to test a particular sanitizer (e.g. memory) and see what crashes it generates without filing
+them in the issue tracker, you can set the experimental flag. The crashes can be accessed on [ClusterFuzz
+homepage]({{ site.baseurl }}/furthur-reading/clusterfuzz#web-interface). Example:
+ - address
+ - memory:
+ experimental: True
+ - undefined
+ ```
+Example: [boringssl](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/boringssl/project.yaml).
+### help_url
+Link to a custom help URL in bug reports instead of the
+[default OSS-Fuzz guide to reproducing crashes]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/reproducing/). This can be useful if you assign
+bugs to members of your project unfamiliar with OSS-Fuzz or if they should follow a different workflow for
+reproducing and fixing bugs than standard one outlined in the reproducing guide.
+Example: [skia](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/skia/project.yaml).
+### experimental
+A boolean (either True or False) that indicates whether this project is in evaluation mode. This allows a project to be
+fuzzed and generate crash findings, but not file them in the issue tracker. The crashes can be accessed on [ClusterFuzz homepage]({{ site.baseurl }}/furthur-reading/clusterfuzz#web-interface). This should be only used if you are not a maintainer of the project and have
+less confidence in the efficacy of your fuzz targets. Example:
+homepage: "{project_homepage}"
+primary_contact: "{primary_contact}"
+ - "{auto_cc_1}"
+ - "{auto_cc_2}"
+ - address
+ - memory
+ - undefined
+help_url: "{help_url}"
+experimental: True
+## Dockerfile
+This file defines the Docker image definition. This is where the build.sh script will be executed in.
+It is very simple for most projects:
+FROM gcr.io/oss-fuzz-base/base-builder # base image with clang toolchain
+MAINTAINER YOUR_EMAIL # maintainer for this file
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ... # install required packages to build your project
+RUN git clone <git_url> <checkout_dir> # checkout all sources needed to build your project
+WORKDIR <checkout_dir> # current directory for build script
+COPY build.sh fuzzer.cc $SRC/ # copy build script and other fuzzer files in src dir
+Expat example: [expat/Dockerfile](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects/expat/Dockerfile)
+In the above example, the git clone will check out the source to `$SRC/<checkout_dir>`.
+## build.sh
+This file describes how to build binaries for [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) in your project.
+The script will be executed within the image built from `Dockerfile`.
+In general, this script will need to:
+1. Build the project using your build system *with* correct compiler and its flags provided as
+ *environment variables* (see below).
+2. Build the [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target), linking your project's build and libFuzzer.
+ Resulting binaries should be placed in `$OUT`.
+1. Please don't assume that the fuzzing engine is libFuzzer and hardcode in your build scripts.
+We generate builds for both libFuzzer and AFL fuzzing engine configurations.
+So, link the fuzzing engine using $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE, see example below.
+2. Please make sure that the binary names for your [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) contain only
+alphanumeric characters, underscore(_) or dash(-). Otherwise, they won't run on our infrastructure.
+3. Please don't remove source code files. They are needed for code coverage.
+For expat, this looks like [this](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/expat/build.sh):
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# configure scripts usually use correct environment variables.
+make clean
+make -j$(nproc) all
+$CXX $CXXFLAGS -std=c++11 -Ilib/ \
+ $SRC/parse_fuzzer.cc -o $OUT/parse_fuzzer \
+ $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE .libs/libexpat.a
+cp $SRC/*.dict $SRC/*.options $OUT/
+### build.sh Script Environment
+When build.sh script is executed, the following locations are available within the image:
+| Location|Env| Description |
+|---------| -------- | ---------- |
+| `/out/` | `$OUT` | Directory to store build artifacts (fuzz targets, dictionaries, options files, seed corpus archives). |
+| `/src/` | `$SRC` | Directory to checkout source files |
+| `/work/`| `$WORK` | Directory for storing intermediate files |
+While files layout is fixed within a container, the environment variables are
+provided to be able to write retargetable scripts.
+### Requirements
+Only binaries without any extension will be accepted as targets. Extensions are reserved for other artifacts like .dict, etc.
+You *must* use the special compiler flags needed to build your project and fuzz targets.
+These flags are provided in the following environment variables:
+| Env Variable | Description
+| ------------- | --------
+| `$CC`, `$CXX`, `$CCC` | The C and C++ compiler binaries.
+| `$CFLAGS`, `$CXXFLAGS` | C and C++ compiler flags.
+| `$LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE` | C++ compiler argument to link fuzz target against the prebuilt engine library (e.g. libFuzzer).
+You *must* use `$CXX` as a linker, even if your project is written in pure C.
+Most well-crafted build scripts will automatically use these variables. If not,
+pass them manually to the build tool.
+See [Provided Environment Variables](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/infra/base-images/base-builder/README.md#provided-environment-variables) section in
+`base-builder` image documentation for more details.
+## Disk space restrictions
+Our builders have a disk size of 70GB (this includes space taken up by the OS). Builds must keep peak disk usage below this.
+In addition to this, please keep the size of the build (everything copied to `$OUT`) small (<10GB uncompressed) -- this will need be repeatedly transferred and unzipped during fuzzing and run on VMs with limited disk space.
+## Fuzzer execution environment
+[This page]({{ site.baseurl }}/furthur-reading/fuzzer-environment/) gives information about the environment that
+your [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) will run on ClusterFuzz, and the assumptions that you can make.
+## Testing locally
+Use the helper script to build docker image and [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target).
+$ cd /path/to/oss-fuzz
+$ python infra/helper.py build_image $PROJECT_NAME
+$ python infra/helper.py build_fuzzers --sanitizer <address/memory/undefined> $PROJECT_NAME
+This should place the built binaries into `/path/to/oss-fuzz/build/out/$PROJECT_NAME`
+directory on your machine (and `$OUT` in the container).
+*Note*: You *must* run these fuzz target binaries inside the base-runner docker
+container to make sure that they work properly:
+$ python infra/helper.py check_build $PROJECT_NAME
+Please fix any failures pointed by the `check_build` command above. To test changes against
+a particular fuzz target, run using:
+$ python infra/helper.py run_fuzzer $PROJECT_NAME <fuzz_target>
+If everything works locally, then it should also work on our automated builders and ClusterFuzz.
+If it fails, check out [this]({{ site.baseurl }}/furthur-reading/fuzzer-environment/#dependencies) entry.
+It's recommended to look at code coverage as a sanity check to make sure that
+[fuzz target]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target) gets to the code you expect.
+$ python infra/helper.py build_fuzzers --sanitizer coverage $PROJECT_NAME
+$ python infra/helper.py coverage $PROJECT_NAME <fuzz_target>
+*Note*: Currently, we only support AddressSanitizer (address) and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (undefined)
+configurations. MemorySanitizer is in development mode and not recommended for use. <b>Make sure to test each
+of the supported build configurations with the above commands (build_fuzzers -> run_fuzzer -> coverage).</b>
+## Debugging Problems
+[Debugging]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/debugging/) document lists ways to debug your build scripts or
+[fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)
+in case you run into problems.
+## Custom libFuzzer options for ClusterFuzz
+By default, ClusterFuzz will run your fuzzer without any options. You can specify
+custom options by creating a `my_fuzzer.options` file next to a `my_fuzzer` executable in `$OUT`:
+close_fd_mask = 3
+only_ascii = 1
+[List of available options](http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#options). Use of `max_len` is not recommended as other fuzzing engines may not support that option. Instead, if
+you need to strictly enforce the input length limit, add a sanity check to the
+beginning of your fuzz target:
+if (size < kMinInputLength || size > kMaxInputLength)
+ return 0;
+For out of tree [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target), you will likely add options file using docker's
+`COPY` directive and will copy it into output in build script.
+(example: [woff2](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/woff2/convert_woff2ttf_fuzzer.options)).
+### Seed Corpus
+OSS-Fuzz uses evolutionary fuzzing algorithms. Supplying seed corpus consisting
+of good sample inputs is one of the best ways to improve [fuzz target]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)'s coverage.
+To provide a corpus for `my_fuzzer`, put `my_fuzzer_seed_corpus.zip` file next
+to the [fuzz target]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)'s binary in `$OUT` during the build. Individual files in this
+archive will be used as starting inputs for mutations. The name of each file in the corpus is the sha1 checksum (which you can get using the `sha1sum` or `shasum` comand) of its contents. You can store the corpus
+next to source files, generate during build or fetch it using curl or any other
+tool of your choice.
+(example: [boringssl](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/boringssl/build.sh#L41)).
+Seed corpus files will be used for cross-mutations and portions of them might appear
+in bug reports or be used for further security research. It is important that corpus
+has an appropriate and consistent license.
+See also [Accessing Corpora]({{ site.baseurl }}/advanced-topics/corpora/) for information about getting access to the corpus we are currently using for your fuzz targets.
+### Dictionaries
+Dictionaries hugely improve fuzzing efficiency for inputs with lots of similar
+sequences of bytes. [libFuzzer documentation](http://libfuzzer.info#dictionaries)
+Put your dict file in `$OUT`. If the dict filename is the same as your target
+binary name (i.e. `%fuzz_target%.dict`), it will be automatically used. If the
+name is different (e.g. because it is shared by several targets), specify this
+in .options file:
+dict = dictionary_name.dict
+It is common for several [fuzz targets]({{ site.baseurl }}/reference/glossary/#fuzz-target)
+to reuse the same dictionary if they are fuzzing very similar inputs.
+(example: [expat](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/expat/parse_fuzzer.options)).
+## Checking in to OSS-Fuzz repository
+Fork OSS-Fuzz, commit and push to the fork, and then create a pull request with
+your change! Follow the [Forking Project](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/) guide
+if you are new to contributing via GitHub.
+### Copyright headers
+Please include copyright headers for all files checked in to oss-fuzz:
+# Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+If you are porting a fuzz target from Chromium, keep the original Chromium license header.
+## The end
+Once your change is merged, your project and fuzz targets should be automatically built and run on
+ClusterFuzz after a short while (&lt; 1 day)!
+Check your project's build status [here](https://oss-fuzz-build-logs.storage.googleapis.com/index.html).
+Use [ClusterFuzz]({{ site.baseurl }}/furthur-reading/clusterfuzz) web interface [here](https://oss-fuzz.com/) to checkout the following items:
+* Crashes generated
+* Code coverage statistics
+* Fuzzer statistics
+* Fuzzer performance analyzer (linked from fuzzer statistics)
+Note that your Google Account must be listed in [project.yaml](#projectyaml) for you to have access to the ClusterFuzz web interface.