#!/bin/bash -eux # Copyright 2020 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ # Note: This project creates Rust fuzz targets exclusively # recipe: # ------- # 1. we list all the fuzzers and save to a file fuzzer_list # 2. we build the corpus for each fuzzer # 3. we build all the fuzzers # reset flags of OSS-Fuzz export CFLAGS="-O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -gline-tables-only -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION" export CXXFLAGS_EXTRA="-stdlib=libc++" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS_EXTRA" # correct workdir cd $SRC/libra/testsuite/libra-fuzzer # fetch all dependencies (needed for patching rocksdb) cargo fetch # patch rocksdb to not link libc++ statically sed -i "s/link_cpp(&mut build)/build.cpp_link_stdlib(None)/" \ /rust/git/checkouts/rust-rocksdb-a9a28e74c6ead8ef/72e45c3/librocksdb_sys/build.rs # so now we need to link libc++ at the end export RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-L/usr/local/lib -C link-arg=-lc++" # 1. list fuzzers cargo run --bin libra-fuzzer list --no-desc > fuzzer_list # 2. build corpus and move to $OUT cat fuzzer_list | while read -r line do cargo run --bin libra-fuzzer generate -n 128 $line zip -r $OUT/"$line"_seed_corpus.zip fuzz/corpus/$line rm -r fuzz/corpus/$line done # rust libfuzzer flags (https://github.com/rust-fuzz/libfuzzer/blob/master/build.rs#L12) export CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_PATH="$LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE_DEPRECATED" export CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_STD_CXX=c++ # export CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_STD_CXX=none # export fuzzing flags RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS --cfg fuzzing" # used to change code logic RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cdebug-assertions" # to get debug_assert in rust RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Zsanitizer=address" # address sanitizer (ASAN) RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cdebuginfo=1" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cforce-frame-pointers" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cpasses=sancov" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-level=4" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-trace-compares" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-inline-8bit-counters" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-trace-geps" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-prune-blocks=0" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-pc-table" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Clink-dead-code" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Cllvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-stack-depth" RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -Ccodegen-units=1" export RUSTFLAGS # 3. build all the fuzzers! cat fuzzer_list | while read -r line do # build export SINGLE_FUZZ_TARGET="$line" cargo build --manifest-path fuzz/Cargo.toml --bin fuzzer_builder --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # move fuzzer to $OUT mv $SRC/libra/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/fuzzer_builder $OUT/$SINGLE_FUZZ_TARGET done