image: gradle:7.6-jdk11 variables: # Set the location of the dependency cache to a local directory, so that it # can be cached between GitLab Continous Integration Jobs. GRADLE_USER_HOME: '.gradle' GRADLE: 'gradle -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m' SONAR: '' cache: paths: # Cache the downloaded dependencies and plugins between builds. - '$GRADLE_USER_HOME' build: script: - $GRADLE build - $GRADLE test jacocoTestCoverageVerification - if [ $NEXUS_USER_NAME ]; then $GRADLE publish; fi - if [ !$NEXUS_USER_NAME ]; then $GRADLE publishToMavenLocal; fi - if [ $SONAR_LOGIN ]; then $GRADLE jacocoTestReport sonarqube$SONAR -Dsonar.login=${SONAR_LOGIN}; fi