path: root/tools/findbugs/doc/AddingDetectors.txt
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diff --git a/tools/findbugs/doc/AddingDetectors.txt b/tools/findbugs/doc/AddingDetectors.txt
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-Adding Detectors to FindBugs
-May 12, 2003
-Updated June 6, 2003 (detector meta-information, cleanups)
-1. Introduction
-FindBugs uses a plugin-based approach to adding detectors.
-This makes it easy for users to add their own detectors alongside
-the ones that come built in.
-Basic idea: FindBugs has some Jar files in a "plugins" directory.
-At startup, each of those jar files is checked for a "findbugs.xml"
-file. That XML file registers instances of Detectors, as well
-as particular "bug patterns" that the detector reports.
-Additionally to the findbugs.xml, bugrank.txt and messages.xml files are
-required for each FindBugs detector plugin.
-At startup, FindBugs loads all plugin Jar files. At analysis time,
-all detectors named in the findbugs.xml files from those plugins
-are instantiated and applied to analyzed class files.
-In order to format reported BugInstances as text for display,
-a messages file is loaded from the plugin. In order to support multiple
-language translations, a locale search is performed in a manner
-similar to the handling of resource bundles. For example, if the
-locale is "pt_BR", then the files
- messages_pt_BR.xml
- messages_pt.xml
- messages.xml
-are tried, in that order.
-The "findbugs.xml" and "messages.xml" files used by the standard FindBugs
-bug pattern detectors (coreplugin.jar) can be found in the "etc" directory
-of the findbugs source distribution. Both files must be UTF-8 encoded.
-2. Example findbugs.xml file
- <Detector class="org.foobar.findbugs.FindUnreleasedLocks" speed="slow" />
- <Detector class="org.foobar.findbugs.ExperimentalDetector" speed="fast" disabled="true" />
- <!-- More Detector elements would go here... -->
- <BugPattern type="UBL_UNRELEASED_LOCK" abbrev="UL" category="MT_CORRECTNESS" />
- <!-- More BugPattern elements would go here... -->
-3. Meaning of elements in findbugs.xml
- <DetectorPlugin> a collection of <Detector> and <BugPattern> elements.
- Each plugin Jar file can (and usually will) provide multiple detectors
- and define multiple bug patterns.
- <Detector> specifies a class which implements the edu.umd.cs.findbugs.Detector
- interface and has a constructor that takes a single parameter of type
- edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugReporter. This element has three possible attributes:
- 1. The required "class" attribute specifies the Detector class.
- 2. The optional "disabled" attribute, if set to "true", means
- that by default, the detector will be disabled at runtime.
- This is useful for detectors that aren't quite ready for prime time.
- 3. The required "speed" attribute supplies a value to be shown in the
- "Settings->Configure Detectors" dialog. It gives the user an idea of
- how expensive the analysis will be to perform. The value of this
- attribute should be one of "fast", "moderate", or "slow".
- <BugPattern> specifies a kind of bug that will be reported.
- It has three required attributes:
- 1. "type" is a unique code identifying the bug. Only one BugPattern
- can have a a particular type.
- 2. "abbrev" is a short alphanumeric code for the bug.
- Note that multiple BugPatterns can use the same abbreviation
- if they are related. (See the BugCode element in messages.xml).
- 3. "category" can be one of categories defined in the core plugin's messages.xml:
- CORRECTNESS - code that was probably not what the developer intended
- BAD_PRACTICE - violations of recommended and essential coding practice
- STYLE - code that is confusing, anomalous, or written in a way that that leads itself to errors
- MT_CORRECTNESS - multithreaded correctness issues
- MALICIOUS_CODE - a potential vulnerability if exposed to malicious code
- PERFORMANCE - a performance issue
- I18N - internationalization and locale
- or you may create your own category, in which case you should define
- it in a <BugCategory> element in _your_ messages.xml file.
-4. Example messages.xml file
- <Detector class="org.foobar.findbugs.FindUnreleasedLocks" >
- <Details>
- <![CDATA[
- <p> This detector looks for JSR-166 locks that are not released on all paths
- out of a method. Because it performs dataflow analysis, it is fairly slow.
- ]]>
- </Details>
- </Detector>
- <!-- More Detector nodes would go here... -->
- <BugPattern type="UBL_UNRELEASED_LOCK">
- <ShortDescription>Lock not released on all paths out of method</ShortDescription>
- <LongDescription>{1} does not release lock on all paths out of method</LongDescription>
- <Details>
- <![CDATA[
- <p> A JSR-166 lock acquired in this method is not released on all paths
- out of the method. This could result in a deadlock if another thread
- tries to acquire the lock. Generally, you should use a finally
- block to ensure that acquired locks are always released.
- ]]>
- </Details>
- </BugPattern>
- <!-- More BugPattern nodes would go here... -->
- <BugCode abbrev="UL">Unreleased locks</BugCode>
- <!-- More BugCode nodes would go here... -->
-5. Meaning of elements in messages.xml
- <MessageCollection> is the top level element
- <BugCategory> elements optionally describe any categories you
- may have created for your bug patterns. You can skip these if
- you are using only the categories defined by the core plugin.
- The <Description> child element has a brief (a word or three)
- description of the category. The <Abbreviation> child element
- is typically a single capital latter. The optional <Details>
- child element may describe it in more detail (but no markup).
- <Detector> holds meta-information about a Detector in the plugin.
- The required "class" attribute specifies the Detector class.
- Detector elements much have the following child elements:
- The <Details> child element has a brief HTML description of the Detector.
- It should have HTML markup that would be valid in a BODY element.
- It should be specified in a CDATA section so that the HTML
- tags are not misinterpreted as XML.
- <BugPattern> holds all of the human-readable messages for the bug pattern
- identified by the "type" attribute. The type corresponds to the
- type attribute of the BugPattern elements described in findbugs.xml.
- BugPattern elements must have the following child elements:
- <ShortDescription> this is used for when "View->Full Descriptions"
- is turned off in the GUI, and it's also used as the title for
- descriptions in the Details window.
- <LongDescription> this is used for when "View->Full Descriptions"
- is turned on in the GUI, and for output using the command line UI.
- The placeholders in the long description ({0}, {1}, etc.)
- refer to BugAnnotations attached to the BugInstances reported by
- the detector for this bug pattern. You may also use constructs
- like {} or {1.returnType}.
- <Details> this is the descriptive text to be used in the Details
- window. It consists of HTML markup to appear in the BODY element of an HTML
- document. It should be specified in a CDATA section so that the HTML
- tags are not misinterpreted as XML.
- <BugCode> is the text which describes the common characteristic of all
- of the BugPatterns which share an abbreviation. In the example above,
- the abbreviation "UL" is for bugs in which a lock is not released.
- The text of a BugCode element is shown for tree nodes in the GUI
- which group bug instances by "bug type".
-6. Meaning of elements in bugrank.txt
-For the detailed and up to date information, please read the javadoc of the
-edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugRanker class.
-7. Using 3rd party libraries in the detector
-FindBugs plugins may extend the default FindBugs classpath and use custom 3rd party
-libraries during the analysis. This libraries must be part of standard jar class path
-specified via "ClassPath" attribute in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.
-8. Adding detectors to Eclipse plugin
-Since version 2.0.0 Eclipse plugin allows to configure or contribute custom detectors.
-7.1. It is possible to contribute custom detectors via standard Eclipse extensions mechanism.
-Please check the documentation of the "findBugsEclipsePlugin/schema/detectorPlugins.exsd"
-extension point how to update the plugin.xml. Existing FindBugs detector plugins can
-be easily "extended" to be full featured FindBugs & Eclipse detector plugins.
-Usually you only need to add META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml to the jar and
-update your build scripts to not to override the MANIFEST.MF during the build.
-7.2 It is possible to configure custom detectors via Eclipse workspace preferences.
-Go to "Window->Preferences->Java->FindBugs->Misc. Settings->Custom Detectors"
-and specify there locations of any additional plugin libraries.
-7.3 Plugins contributed via standard Eclipse extensions mechanism (see 7.1)
-may extend the default FindBugs classpath and use custom libraries during the analysis.
-This libraries must be part of standard Eclipse plugin dependencies specified via
-either "Require-Bundle" or "Bundle-ClassPath" attributes in the MANIFEST.MF file.
-In case custom detectors need access to this custom libraries at runtime, an
-extra line must be added to the MANIFEST.MF (without quotation marks):
-"Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse".