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- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
- <title>Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Using the FindBugs&#8482; Eclipse plugin</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.76.1"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="FindBugs&#8482; Manual"><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="FindBugs&#8482; Manual"><link rel="prev" href="anttask.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;6.&nbsp;Using the FindBugs&#8482; Ant task"><link rel="next" href="filter.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;8.&nbsp;Filter Files"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Using the <span class="application">FindBugs</span>&#8482; Eclipse plugin</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="anttask.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">&nbsp;</th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="filter.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="chapter" title="Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Using the FindBugs&#8482; Eclipse plugin"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="eclipse"></a>Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Using the <span class="application">FindBugs</span>&#8482; Eclipse plugin</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="eclipse.html#d0e1662">1. Requirements</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="eclipse.html#d0e1670">2. Installation</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="eclipse.html#d0e1717">3. Using the Plugin</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="eclipse.html#d0e1748">4. Extending the Eclipse Plugin (since 2.0.0)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="eclipse.html#d0e1802">5. Troubleshooting</a></span></dt></dl></div><p>
-The FindBugs Eclipse plugin allows <span class="application">FindBugs</span> to be used within
-the <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Eclipse</a> IDE.
-The FindBugs Eclipse plugin was generously contributed by Peter Friese.
-Phil Crosby and Andrei Loskutov contributed major improvements
-to the plugin.
-</p><div class="sect1" title="1.&nbsp;Requirements"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e1662"></a>1.&nbsp;Requirements</h2></div></div></div><p>
-To use the <span class="application">FindBugs</span> Plugin for Eclipse, you need Eclipse 3.3 or later,
-and JRE/JDK 1.5 or later.
-</p></div><div class="sect1" title="2.&nbsp;Installation"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e1670"></a>2.&nbsp;Installation</h2></div></div></div><p>
- We provide update sites that allow you to automatically install FindBugs into Eclipse and also query and install updates.
- There are three different update sites</p><div class="variablelist" title="FindBugs Eclipse update sites"><p class="title"><b>FindBugs Eclipse update sites</b></p><dl><dt><span class="term"><a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a></span></dt><dd><p>
- Only provides official releases of FindBugs.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a></span></dt><dd><p>
- Provides official releases and release candidates of FindBugs.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a></span></dt><dd><p>
- Provides the daily build of FindBugs. No testing other than that it compiles.
- </p></dd></dl></div><p>You can also manually
-download the plugin from the following link:
-<a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a>.
-Extract it in Eclipse's "plugins" subdirectory.
-(So &lt;eclipse_install_dir&gt;/plugins/edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse_2.0.3.20131122/findbugs.png
-should be the path to the <span class="application">FindBugs</span> logo.)
-Once the plugin is extracted, start Eclipse and choose
-<span class="guimenu">Help</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">About Eclipse Platform</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Plug-in Details</span>.
-You should find a plugin called "FindBugs Plug-in" provided by "FindBugs Project".
-</p></div><div class="sect1" title="3.&nbsp;Using the Plugin"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e1717"></a>3.&nbsp;Using the Plugin</h2></div></div></div><p>
-To get started, right click on a Java project in Package Explorer,
-and select the option labeled "Find Bugs".
-<span class="application">FindBugs</span> will run, and problem markers (displayed in source
-windows, and also in the Eclipse Problems view) will point to
-locations in your code which have been identified as potential instances
-of bug patterns.
-You can also run <span class="application">FindBugs</span> on existing java archives (jar, ear, zip, war etc). Simply
-create an empty Java project and attach archives to the project classpath. Having that, you
-can now right click the archive node in Package Explorer and select the option labeled
-"Find Bugs". If you additionally configure the source code locations for the binaries,
-<span class="application">FindBugs</span> will also link the generated warnings to the right source files.
-You may customize how <span class="application">FindBugs</span> runs by opening the Properties
-dialog for a Java project, and choosing the "Findbugs" property page.
-Options you may choose include:
-</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li class="listitem"><p>
- Enable or disable the "Run FindBugs Automatically" checkbox.
- When enabled, FindBugs will run every time you modify a Java class
- within the project.
- </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
- Choose minimum warning priority and enabled bug categories.
- These options will choose which warnings are shown.
- For example, if you select the "Medium" warning priority,
- only Medium and High priority warnings will be shown.
- Similarly, if you uncheck the "Style" checkbox, no warnings
- in the Style category will be displayed.
- </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
- Select detectors. The table allows you to select which detectors
- you want to enable for your project.
- </p></li></ul></div></div><div class="sect1" title="4.&nbsp;Extending the Eclipse Plugin (since 2.0.0)"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e1748"></a>4.&nbsp;Extending the Eclipse Plugin (since 2.0.0)</h2></div></div></div><p>
-Eclipse plugin supports contribution of custom <span class="application">FindBugs</span> detectors (see also
-<a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">AddingDetectors.txt</a>
-for more information). There are two ways to contribute custom plugins to the Eclipse:
-</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li class="listitem"><p>
- Existing standard <span class="application">FindBugs</span> detector packages can be configured via
- <span class="guimenu">Window</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Preferences</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Java</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem"><span class="application">FindBugs</span></span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Misc. Settings</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Custom Detectors</span>.
- Simply specify there locations of any additional plugin libraries.
- </p><p>
- The benefit of this solution is that already existing detector packages can be
- used "as is", and that you can quickly verify the quality of third party detectors.
- The drawback is that you have to apply this settings in each
- new Eclipse workspace, and this settings can't be shared between team members.
- </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
- It is possible to contribute custom detectors via standard Eclipse extensions mechanism.
- </p><p>
- Please check the documentation of the
- <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">
- findBugsEclipsePlugin/schema/detectorPlugins.exsd</a>
- extension point how to update the plugin.xml. Existing <span class="application">FindBugs</span> detector plugins can
- be easily "extended" to be full featured <span class="application">FindBugs</span> AND Eclipse detector plugins.
- Usually you only need to add META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml to the jar and
- update your build scripts to not to override the MANIFEST.MF during the build.
- </p><p>
- The benefit of this solution is that for given (shared) Eclipse installation
- each team member has exactly same detectors set, and there is no need to configure
- anything anymore. The (really small) precondition
- is that you have to convert your existing detectors package to the valid
- Eclipse plugin. You can do this even for third-party detector packages.
- Another major differentiator is the ability to extend the default FindBugs
- classpath at runtime with required third party libraries (see
- <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">AddingDetectors.txt</a>
- for more information).
- </p></li></ul></div></div><div class="sect1" title="5.&nbsp;Troubleshooting"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e1802"></a>5.&nbsp;Troubleshooting</h2></div></div></div><p>
-This section lists common problems with the plugin and (if known) how to resolve them.
-</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li class="listitem"><p>
- If you see OutOfMemory error dialogs after starting <span class="application">FindBugs</span> analysis in Eclipse,
- please increase JVM available memory: change eclipse.ini and add the lines below
- to the end of the file:
- </p><pre class="programlisting">
- -vmargs
- -Xmx1000m
- </pre><p>
- Important: the configuration arguments starting with the line "-vmargs" must
- be last lines in the eclipse.ini file, and only one argument per line is allowed!
- </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
- If you do not see any <span class="application">FindBugs</span> problem markers (in your source
- windows or in the Problems View), you may need to change your
- Problems View filter settings. See
- <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"></a> for more information.
- </p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="anttask.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center">&nbsp;</td><td width="40%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="filter.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter&nbsp;6.&nbsp;Using the <span class="application">FindBugs</span>&#8482; <span class="application">Ant</span> task&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;Chapter&nbsp;8.&nbsp;Filter Files</td></tr></table></div></body></html> \ No newline at end of file