/* Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Pommier. Small test & bench for PFFFT, comparing its performance with the scalar FFTPACK, FFTW, and Apple vDSP How to build: on linux, with fftw3: gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse -mfpmath=sse -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm on macos, without fftw3: clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -framework Accelerate on macos, with fftw3: clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -framework Accelerate as alternative: replace clang by gcc. on windows, with visual c++: cl /Ox -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES /arch:SSE test_pffft.c pffft.c fftpack.c build without SIMD instructions: gcc -o test_pffft -DPFFFT_SIMD_DISABLE -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -lm */ #define _WANT_SNAN 1 #include "pffft.h" #include "pffastconv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMES # include # include #endif /* vector support macros: the rest of the code is independant of SSE/Altivec/NEON -- adding support for other platforms with 4-element vectors should be limited to these macros */ #include "pf_float.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # define RESTRICT __restrict #elif defined(__GNUC__) # define RESTRICT __restrict #else # define RESTRICT #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #endif #ifdef SNANF #define INVALID_FLOAT_VAL SNANF #elif defined(SNAN) #define INVALID_FLOAT_VAL SNAN #elif defined(NAN) #define INVALID_FLOAT_VAL NAN #elif defined(INFINITY) #define INVALID_FLOAT_VAL INFINITY #else #define INVALID_FLOAT_VAL FLT_MAX #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIMES) inline double uclock_sec(void) { static double ttclk = 0.; struct tms t; if (ttclk == 0.) ttclk = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); times(&t); /* use only the user time of this process - not realtime, which depends on OS-scheduler .. */ return ((double)t.tms_utime)) / ttclk; } # else double uclock_sec(void) { return (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } #endif typedef int (*pfnConvolution) (void * setup, const float * X, int len, float *Y, const float *Yref, int applyFlush); typedef void* (*pfnConvSetup) (float *Hfwd, int Nf, int * BlkLen, int flags); typedef pfnConvolution (*pfnGetConvFnPtr) (void * setup); typedef void (*pfnConvDestroy) (void * setup); struct ConvSetup { pfnConvolution pfn; int N; int B; float * H; int flags; }; void * convSetupRev( float * H, int N, int * BlkLen, int flags ) { struct ConvSetup * s = pffastconv_malloc( sizeof(struct ConvSetup) ); int i, Nr = N; if (flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) Nr *= 2; Nr += 4; s->pfn = NULL; s->N = N; s->B = *BlkLen; s->H = pffastconv_malloc((unsigned)Nr * sizeof(float)); s->flags = flags; memset(s->H, 0, (unsigned)Nr * sizeof(float)); if (flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i ) { s->H[2*(N-1 -i) ] = H[i]; s->H[2*(N-1 -i)+1] = H[i]; } /* simpler detection of overruns */ s->H[ 2*N ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ 2*N +1 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ 2*N +2 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ 2*N +3 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; } else { for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i ) s->H[ N-1 -i ] = H[i]; /* simpler detection of overruns */ s->H[ N ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ N +1 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ N +2 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; s->H[ N +3 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; } return s; } void convDestroyRev( void * setup ) { struct ConvSetup * s = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; pffastconv_free(s->H); pffastconv_free(setup); } pfnConvolution ConvGetFnPtrRev( void * setup ) { struct ConvSetup * s = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; if (!s) return NULL; return s->pfn; } void convSimdDestroy( void * setup ) { convDestroyRev(setup); } void * fastConvSetup( float * H, int N, int * BlkLen, int flags ) { void * p = pffastconv_new_setup( H, N, BlkLen, flags ); if (!p) printf("fastConvSetup(N = %d, *BlkLen = %d, flags = %d) = NULL\n", N, *BlkLen, flags); return p; } void fastConvDestroy( void * setup ) { pffastconv_destroy_setup( (PFFASTCONV_Setup*)setup ); } int slow_conv_R(void * setup, const float * input, int len, float *output, const float *Yref, int applyFlush) { struct ConvSetup * p = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); int i, j; (void)Yref; (void)applyFlush; if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { float sumRe = 0.0F, sumIm = 0.0F; for ( j = 0; j < Nr; j += 2 ) { sumRe += X[i+j ] * Hrev[j]; sumIm += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; } Y[i ] = sumRe; Y[i+1] = sumIm; } return i/2; } else { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { float sum = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < Nr; ++j ) sum += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; Y[i] = sum; } return i; } } int slow_conv_A(void * setup, const float * input, int len, float *output, const float *Yref, int applyFlush) { float sum[4]; struct ConvSetup * p = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); int i, j; (void)Yref; (void)applyFlush; if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { if ( (Nr & 3) == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < Nr; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } Y[i ] = sum[0] + sum[2]; Y[i+1] = sum[1] + sum[3]; } } else { const int M = Nr & (~3); for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { float tailSumRe = 0.0F, tailSumIm = 0.0F; sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < M; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j ] * Hrev[j ]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } for ( ; j < Nr; j += 2 ) { tailSumRe += X[i+j ] * Hrev[j ]; tailSumIm += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; } Y[i ] = ( sum[0] + sum[2] ) + tailSumRe; Y[i+1] = ( sum[1] + sum[3] ) + tailSumIm; } } return i/2; } else { if ( (Nr & 3) == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < Nr; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } Y[i] = sum[0] + sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3]; } return i; } else { const int M = Nr & (~3); /* printf("A: Nr = %d, M = %d, H[M] = %f, H[M+1] = %f, H[M+2] = %f, H[M+3] = %f\n", Nr, M, Hrev[M], Hrev[M+1], Hrev[M+2], Hrev[M+3] ); */ for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { float tailSum = 0.0; sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < M; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } for ( ; j < Nr; ++j ) tailSum += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; Y[i] = (sum[0] + sum[1]) + (sum[2] + sum[3]) + tailSum; } return i; } } } int slow_conv_B(void * setup, const float * input, int len, float *output, const float *Yref, int applyFlush) { float sum[4]; struct ConvSetup * p = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; (void)Yref; (void)applyFlush; if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC) { const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); const int h = Nr / 2 -4; const int E = Nr -4; int i, j; if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { const int k = i + E; sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j <= h; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += Hrev[j ] * ( X[i+j ] + X[k-j+2] ); sum[1] += Hrev[j+1] * ( X[i+j+1] + X[k-j+3] ); sum[2] += Hrev[j+2] * ( X[i+j+2] + X[k-j ] ); sum[3] += Hrev[j+3] * ( X[i+j+3] + X[k-j+1] ); } Y[i ] = sum[0] + sum[2]; Y[i+1] = sum[1] + sum[3]; } return i/2; } else { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { const int k = i + E; sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j <= h; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += Hrev[j ] * ( X[i+j ] + X[k-j+3] ); sum[1] += Hrev[j+1] * ( X[i+j+1] + X[k-j+2] ); sum[2] += Hrev[j+2] * ( X[i+j+2] + X[k-j+1] ); sum[3] += Hrev[j+3] * ( X[i+j+3] + X[k-j ] ); } Y[i] = sum[0] + sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3]; } return i; } } else { const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); int i, j; if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < Nr; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } Y[i ] = sum[0] + sum[2]; Y[i+1] = sum[1] + sum[3]; } return i/2; } else { if ( (Nr & 3) == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < Nr; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } Y[i] = (sum[0] + sum[1]) + (sum[2] + sum[3]); } return i; } else { const int M = Nr & (~3); /* printf("B: Nr = %d\n", Nr ); */ for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { float tailSum = 0.0; sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0.0F; for (j = 0; j < M; j += 4 ) { sum[0] += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; sum[1] += X[i+j+1] * Hrev[j+1]; sum[2] += X[i+j+2] * Hrev[j+2]; sum[3] += X[i+j+3] * Hrev[j+3]; } for ( ; j < Nr; ++j ) tailSum += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; Y[i] = (sum[0] + sum[1]) + (sum[2] + sum[3]) + tailSum; } return i; } } } } int slow_conv_SIMD(void * setup, const float * input, int len, float *output, const float *Yref, int applyFlush) { v4sf_union sum; struct ConvSetup * p = (struct ConvSetup*)setup; (void)Yref; (void)applyFlush; #if defined(PFFFT_SIMD_DISABLE) || !(defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(i386) || defined(_M_IX86)) return 0; #endif #if SIMD_SZ != 4 #error "Error: SIMD_SZ != 4 not implemented!" return 0; #endif if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC) { const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); const int h = Nr / 2 -SIMD_SZ; const int E = Nr -SIMD_SZ; int i, j; assert(VALIGNED(Hrev)); if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { const int k = i + E; sum.v = VZERO(); for ( j = 0; j <= h; j += SIMD_SZ ) { v4sf t = VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X +(k-j)); sum.v = VMADD( VADD( VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X+(i+j)), VREV_C(t) ) , VLOAD_ALIGNED(Hrev+j), sum.v ); } Y[i ] = sum.f[0] + sum.f[2]; Y[i+1] = sum.f[1] + sum.f[3]; } return i/2; } else { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { const int k = i + E; sum.v = VZERO(); for ( j = 0; j <= h; j += SIMD_SZ ) { v4sf t = VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X +(k-j)); sum.v = VMADD( VADD( VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X+(i+j)), VREV_S(t) ) , VLOAD_ALIGNED(Hrev+j), sum.v ); } Y[i] = (sum.f[0] + sum.f[1]) + (sum.f[2] + sum.f[3]); } return i; } } else { const float * RESTRICT X = input; const float * RESTRICT Hrev = p->H; float * RESTRICT Y = output; const int Nr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * p->N; const int lenNr = ((p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) ? 2 : 1) * (len - p->N); int i, j; assert(VALIGNED(Hrev)); if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; i += 2 ) { sum.v = VZERO(); for ( j = 0; j < Nr; j += SIMD_SZ ) sum.v = VMADD( VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X+(i+j)), VLOAD_ALIGNED(Hrev+j), sum.v ); Y[i ] = sum.f[0] + sum.f[2]; Y[i+1] = sum.f[1] + sum.f[3]; } return i/2; } else { if ( (Nr & 3) == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { sum.v = VZERO(); for ( j = 0; j < Nr; j += SIMD_SZ ) sum.v = VMADD( VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X+(i+j)), VLOAD_ALIGNED(Hrev+j), sum.v ); Y[i] = (sum.f[0] + sum.f[1]) + (sum.f[2] + sum.f[3]); } return i; } else { const int M = Nr & (~3); for ( i = 0; i <= lenNr; ++i ) { float tailSum = 0.0; sum.v = VZERO(); for (j = 0; j < M; j += SIMD_SZ ) sum.v = VMADD( VLOAD_UNALIGNED(X+(i+j)), VLOAD_ALIGNED(Hrev+j), sum.v ); for ( ; j < Nr; ++j ) tailSum += X[i+j] * Hrev[j]; Y[i] = (sum.f[0] + sum.f[1]) + (sum.f[2] + sum.f[3]) + tailSum; } return i; } } } } void * convSimdSetup( float * H, int N, int * BlkLen, int flags ) { struct ConvSetup * p = (struct ConvSetup*) convSetupRev( H, N, BlkLen, flags ); int NomMul = 1, DenMul = 1; if (!p) return p; #if defined(PFFFT_SIMD_DISABLE) || (SIMD_SZ != 4) || !(defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(i386) || defined(_M_IX86)) p->pfn = slow_conv_B; return p; #endif if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC) { if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) NomMul = DenMul = 1; else DenMul = 2; } else { if (p->flags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT) NomMul = 2; else { p->pfn = slow_conv_SIMD; return p; } } p->pfn = ( ( (NomMul * p->N) % (DenMul * SIMD_SZ) ) != 0 ) ? slow_conv_B : slow_conv_SIMD; return p; } int fast_conv(void * setup, const float * X, int len, float *Y, const float *Yref, int applyFlush) { (void)Yref; return pffastconv_apply( (PFFASTCONV_Setup*)setup, X, len, Y, applyFlush ); } void printFirst( const float * V, const char * st, const int N, const int perLine ) { (void)V; (void)st; (void)N; (void)perLine; return; #if 0 int i; for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i ) { if ( (i % perLine) == 0 ) printf("\n%s[%d]", st, i); printf("\t%.1f", V[i]); } printf("\n"); #endif } #define NUMY 11 int test(int FILTERLEN, int convFlags, const int testOutLen, int printDbg, int printSpeed) { double t0, t1, tstop, td, tdref; float *X, *H; float *Y[NUMY]; int64_t outN[NUMY]; /* 256 KFloats or 16 MFloats data */ #if 1 const int len = testOutLen ? (1 << 18) : (1 << 24); #elif 0 const int len = testOutLen ? (1 << 18) : (1 << 13); #else const int len = testOutLen ? (1 << 18) : (1024); #endif const int cplxFactor = ( convFlags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT ) ? 2 : 1; const int lenC = len / cplxFactor; int yi, yc, posMaxErr; float yRangeMin, yRangeMax, yErrLimit, maxErr = 0.0; int i, j, numErrOverLimit, iter; int retErr = 0; const int iSlowSIMDalgo = 3; /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 */ pfnConvSetup aSetup[NUMY] = { convSetupRev, convSetupRev, convSetupRev, convSimdSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup, fastConvSetup }; pfnConvDestroy aDestroy[NUMY] = { convDestroyRev, convDestroyRev, convDestroyRev, convSimdDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy, fastConvDestroy }; pfnGetConvFnPtr aGetFnPtr[NUMY] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, ConvGetFnPtrRev, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, }; pfnConvolution aConv[NUMY] = { slow_conv_R, slow_conv_A, slow_conv_B, NULL, fast_conv, fast_conv, fast_conv, fast_conv, fast_conv, fast_conv, fast_conv }; const char * convText[NUMY] = { "R(non-simd)", "A(non-simd)", "B(non-simd)", "slow_simd", "fast_conv_64", "fast_conv_128", "fast_conv_256", "fast_conv_512", "fast_conv_1K", "fast_conv_2K", "fast_conv_4K" }; int aFastAlgo[NUMY] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; void * aSetupCfg[NUMY] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; int aBlkLen[NUMY] = { 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 }; #if 1 int aRunAlgo[NUMY] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, FILTERLEN<64, FILTERLEN<128, FILTERLEN<256, FILTERLEN<512, FILTERLEN<1024, FILTERLEN<2048, FILTERLEN<4096 }; #else int aRunAlgo[NUMY] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 && FILTERLEN<64, 1 && FILTERLEN<128, 1 && FILTERLEN<256, 0 && FILTERLEN<512, 0 && FILTERLEN<1024, 0 && FILTERLEN<2048, 0 && FILTERLEN<4096 }; #endif double aSpeedFactor[NUMY], aDuration[NUMY], procSmpPerSec[NUMY]; X = pffastconv_malloc( (unsigned)(len+4) * sizeof(float) ); for ( i=0; i < NUMY; ++i) { if ( i < 2 ) Y[i] = pffastconv_malloc( (unsigned)len * sizeof(float) ); else Y[i] = Y[1]; Y[i][0] = 123.F; /* test for pffft_zconvolve_no_accu() */ aSpeedFactor[i] = -1.0; aDuration[i] = -1.0; procSmpPerSec[i] = -1.0; } H = pffastconv_malloc((unsigned)FILTERLEN * sizeof(float)); /* initialize input */ if ( convFlags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT ) { for ( i = 0; i < lenC; ++i ) { X[2*i ] = (float)(i % 4093); /* 4094 is a prime number. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_numbers */ X[2*i+1] = (float)((i+2048) % 4093); } } else { for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) X[i] = (float)(i % 4093); /* 4094 is a prime number. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_numbers */ } X[ len ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; X[ len +1 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; X[ len +2 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; X[ len +3 ] = INVALID_FLOAT_VAL; if (!testOutLen) printFirst( X, "X", 64, 8 ); /* filter coeffs */ memset( H, 0, FILTERLEN * sizeof(float) ); #if 1 if ( convFlags & PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC ) { const int half = FILTERLEN / 2; for ( j = 0; j < half; ++j ) { switch (j % 3) { case 0: H[j] = H[FILTERLEN-1-j] = -1.0F; break; case 1: H[j] = H[FILTERLEN-1-j] = 1.0F; break; case 2: H[j] = H[FILTERLEN-1-j] = 0.5F; break; } } } else { for ( j = 0; j < FILTERLEN; ++j ) { switch (j % 3) { case 0: H[j] = -1.0F; break; case 1: H[j] = 1.0F; break; case 2: H[j] = 0.5F; break; } } } #else H[0] = 1.0F; H[FILTERLEN -1] = 1.0F; #endif if (!testOutLen) printFirst( H, "H", FILTERLEN, 8 ); printf("\n"); printf("filterLen = %d\t%s%s\t%s:\n", FILTERLEN, ((convFlags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT)?"cplx":"real"), (convFlags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT)?((convFlags & PFFASTCONV_CPLX_SINGLE_FFT)?" single":" 2x") : "", ((convFlags & PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC)?"symmetric":"non-sym") ); while (1) { for ( yi = 0; yi < NUMY; ++yi ) { if (!aRunAlgo[yi]) continue; aSetupCfg[yi] = aSetup[yi]( H, FILTERLEN, &aBlkLen[yi], convFlags ); /* get effective apply function ptr */ if ( aSetupCfg[yi] && aGetFnPtr[yi] ) aConv[yi] = aGetFnPtr[yi]( aSetupCfg[yi] ); if ( aSetupCfg[yi] && aConv[yi] ) { if (testOutLen) { t0 = uclock_sec(); outN[yi] = aConv[yi]( aSetupCfg[yi], X, lenC, Y[yi], Y[0], 1 /* applyFlush */ ); t1 = uclock_sec(); td = t1 - t0; } else { const int blkLen = 4096; /* required for 'fast_conv_4K' */ int64_t offC = 0, offS, Nout; int k; iter = 0; outN[yi] = 0; t0 = uclock_sec(); tstop = t0 + 0.25; /* benchmark duration: 250 ms */ do { for ( k = 0; k < 128 && offC +blkLen < lenC; ++k ) { offS = cplxFactor * offC; Nout = aConv[yi]( aSetupCfg[yi], X +offS, blkLen, Y[yi] +offS, Y[0], (offC +blkLen >= lenC) /* applyFlush */ ); offC += Nout; ++iter; if ( !Nout ) break; if ( offC +blkLen >= lenC ) { outN[yi] += offC; offC = 0; } } t1 = uclock_sec(); } while ( t1 < tstop ); outN[yi] += offC; td = t1 - t0; procSmpPerSec[yi] = cplxFactor * (double)outN[yi] / td; } } else { t0 = t1 = td = 0.0; outN[yi] = 0; } aDuration[yi] = td; if ( yi == 0 ) { const float * Yvals = Y[0]; const int64_t refOutLen = cplxFactor * outN[0]; tdref = td; if (printDbg) { printf("convolution '%s' took: %f ms\n", convText[yi], td*1000.0); printf(" convolution '%s' output size %" PRId64 " == (cplx) len %d + %" PRId64 "\n", convText[yi], outN[yi], len / cplxFactor, outN[yi] - len / cplxFactor); } aSpeedFactor[yi] = 1.0; /* */ yRangeMin = FLT_MAX; yRangeMax = FLT_MIN; for ( i = 0; i < refOutLen; ++i ) { if ( yRangeMax < Yvals[i] ) yRangeMax = Yvals[i]; if ( yRangeMin > Yvals[i] ) yRangeMin = Yvals[i]; } yErrLimit = fabsf(yRangeMax - yRangeMin) / ( 100.0F * 1000.0F ); /* yErrLimit = 0.01F; */ if (testOutLen) { if (1) { printf("reference output len = %" PRId64 " smp\n", outN[0]); printf("reference output range |%.1f ..%.1f| = %.1f ==> err limit = %f\n", yRangeMin, yRangeMax, yRangeMax - yRangeMin, yErrLimit); } printFirst( Yvals, "Yref", 64, 8 ); } } else { aSpeedFactor[yi] = tdref / td; if (printDbg) { printf("\nconvolution '%s' took: %f ms == %f %% == %f X\n", convText[yi], td*1000.0, td * 100 / tdref, tdref / td); printf(" convolution '%s' output size %" PRId64 " == (cplx) len %d + %" PRId64 "\n", convText[yi], outN[yi], len / cplxFactor, outN[yi] - len / cplxFactor); } } } int iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo = -1; int iFirstFastAlgo = -1; int iMaxSpeedFastAlgo = -1; int iPrintedRefOutLen = 0; { for ( yc = 1; yc < NUMY; ++yc ) { if (!aRunAlgo[yc]) continue; if (aFastAlgo[yc]) { if ( iMaxSpeedFastAlgo < 0 || aSpeedFactor[yc] > aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo] ) iMaxSpeedFastAlgo = yc; if (iFirstFastAlgo < 0) iFirstFastAlgo = yc; } else { if ( iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo < 0 || aSpeedFactor[yc] > aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo] ) iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo = yc; } } if (printSpeed) { if (testOutLen) { if (iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo >= 0 ) printf("fastest slow algorithm is '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo], aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo], 1000.0 * aDuration[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo]); if (0 != iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo && 0 != iSlowSIMDalgo && aRunAlgo[0]) printf("slow algorithm '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[0], aSpeedFactor[0], 1000.0 * aDuration[0]); if (1 != iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo && 1 != iSlowSIMDalgo && aRunAlgo[1]) printf("slow algorithm '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[1], aSpeedFactor[1], 1000.0 * aDuration[1]); if (iSlowSIMDalgo != iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo && aRunAlgo[iSlowSIMDalgo]) printf("slow algorithm '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[iSlowSIMDalgo], aSpeedFactor[iSlowSIMDalgo], 1000.0 * aDuration[iSlowSIMDalgo]); if (iFirstFastAlgo >= 0 && iFirstFastAlgo != iMaxSpeedFastAlgo && aRunAlgo[iFirstFastAlgo]) printf("first fast algorithm is '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[iFirstFastAlgo], aSpeedFactor[iFirstFastAlgo], 1000.0 * aDuration[iFirstFastAlgo]); if (iFirstFastAlgo >= 0 && iFirstFastAlgo+1 != iMaxSpeedFastAlgo && iFirstFastAlgo+1 < NUMY && aRunAlgo[iFirstFastAlgo+1]) printf("2nd fast algorithm is '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[iFirstFastAlgo+1], aSpeedFactor[iFirstFastAlgo+1], 1000.0 * aDuration[iFirstFastAlgo+1]); if ( 0 <= iMaxSpeedFastAlgo && iMaxSpeedFastAlgo < NUMY && aRunAlgo[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo] ) { printf("fastest fast algorithm is '%s' at speed %f X ; abs duration %f ms\n", convText[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo], aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo], 1000.0 * aDuration[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo]); if ( 0 <= iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo && iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo < NUMY && aRunAlgo[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo] ) printf("fast / slow ratio: %f X\n", aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedFastAlgo] / aSpeedFactor[iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo] ); } printf("\n"); } else { for ( yc = 0; yc < NUMY; ++yc ) { if (!aRunAlgo[yc] || procSmpPerSec[yc] <= 0.0) continue; printf("algo '%s':\t%.2f MSmp\tin\t%.1f ms\t= %g kSmpPerSec\n", convText[yc], (double)outN[yc]/(1000.0 * 1000.0), 1000.0 * aDuration[yc], procSmpPerSec[yc] * 0.001 ); } } } } for ( yc = 1; yc < NUMY; ++yc ) { const float * Yref; const float * Ycurr; int outMin; if (!aRunAlgo[yc]) continue; if (printDbg) printf("\n"); if ( outN[yc] == 0 ) { printf("output size 0: '%s' not implemented\n", convText[yc]); } else if ( outN[0] != outN[yc] /* && aFastAlgo[yc] */ && testOutLen ) { if (!iPrintedRefOutLen) { printf("reference output size = %" PRId64 ", delta to (cplx) input length = %" PRId64 " smp\n", outN[0], (len / cplxFactor) - outN[0]); iPrintedRefOutLen = 1; } printf("output size doesn't match!: ref (FILTERLEN %d) returned %" PRId64 " smp, '%s' returned %" PRId64 " smp : delta = %" PRId64 " smp\n", FILTERLEN, outN[0], convText[yc], outN[yc], outN[yc] - outN[0] ); retErr = 1; } posMaxErr = 0; maxErr = -1.0; Yref = Y[0]; Ycurr = Y[yc]; outMin = ( outN[yc] < outN[0] ) ? outN[yc] : outN[0]; numErrOverLimit = 0; for ( i = 0; i < outMin; ++i ) { if ( numErrOverLimit < 6 && fabs(Ycurr[i] - Yref[i]) >= yErrLimit ) { printf("algo '%s': at %d: ***ERROR*** = %f, errLimit = %f, ref = %f, actual = %f\n", convText[yc], i, fabs(Ycurr[i] - Yref[i]), yErrLimit, Yref[i], Ycurr[i] ); ++numErrOverLimit; } if ( fabs(Ycurr[i] - Yref[i]) > maxErr ) { maxErr = fabsf(Ycurr[i] - Yref[i]); posMaxErr = i; } } if ( printDbg || (iMaxSpeedSlowAlgo == i) || (iMaxSpeedFastAlgo == i) ) printf("max difference for '%s' is %g at sample idx %d of max inp 4093-1 == %f %%\n", convText[yc], maxErr, posMaxErr, maxErr * 100.0 / 4092.0 ); } break; } pffastconv_free(X); for ( i=0; i < NUMY; ++i) { if ( i < 2 ) pffastconv_free( Y[i] ); if (!aRunAlgo[i]) continue; aDestroy[i]( aSetupCfg[i] ); } pffastconv_free(H); return retErr; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result = 0; int i, k, M, flagsA, flagsB, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed; int testOutLens = 1, benchConv = 1, quickTest = 0, slowTest = 0; int testReal = 1, testCplx = 1, testSymetric = 0; for ( i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-len")) { testOutLens = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-bench")) { benchConv = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--quick")) { quickTest = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--slow")) { slowTest = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--real")) { testCplx = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--cplx")) { testReal = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--sym")) { testSymetric = 1; } else /* if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) */ { printf("usage: %s [--no-len] [--no-bench] [--quick|--slow] [--real|--cplx] [--sym]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } if (testOutLens) { for ( k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { if ( (k == 0 && !testReal) || (k > 0 && !testCplx) ) continue; printf("\n\n==========\n"); printf("testing %s %s output lengths ..\n", (k == 0 ? "real" : "cplx"), ( k == 0 ? "" : (k==1 ? "2x" : "single") ) ); printf("==========\n"); flagsA = (k == 0) ? 0 : PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT; flagsB = flagsA | ( testSymetric ? PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC : 0 ); flagsC = flagsB | PFFASTCONV_CPLX_SINGLE_FFT; testOutLen = 1; printDbg = 0; printSpeed = 0; for ( M = 128 - 4; M <= (quickTest ? 128+16 : 256); ++M ) { if ( (M % 16) != 0 && testSymetric ) continue; result |= test(M, flagsB, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); } } } if (benchConv) { for ( k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { if ( (k == 0 && !testReal) || (k > 0 && !testCplx) ) continue; printf("\n\n==========\n"); printf("starting %s %s benchmark against linear convolutions ..\n", (k == 0 ? "real" : "cplx"), ( k == 0 ? "" : (k==1 ? "2x" : "single") ) ); printf("==========\n"); flagsA = (k == 0) ? 0 : PFFASTCONV_CPLX_INP_OUT; flagsB = flagsA | ( testSymetric ? PFFASTCONV_SYMMETRIC : 0 ); flagsC = flagsB | ( k == 2 ? PFFASTCONV_CPLX_SINGLE_FFT : 0 ); testOutLen = 0; printDbg = 0; printSpeed = 1; if (!slowTest) { result |= test( 32, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test( 32+ 16, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test( 64, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test( 64+ 32, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test(128, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); } if (!quickTest) { result |= test(128+ 64, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test(256, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test(256+128, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test(512, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); result |= test(1024, flagsC, testOutLen, printDbg, printSpeed); } } } return result; }