path: root/src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 915 deletions
diff --git a/src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.cc b/src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5976f42..0000000
--- a/src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// This file implements the image type recognition algorithm. Functions, which
-// will check each single image type, are implemented based on the comparisons
-// of magic numbers or signature strings. Other checks (e.g endianness, general
-// tiff magic number "42", etc.) could also be used in some of those functions
-// to make the type recognition more stable. Those checks are designed
-// according to the format spcifications and our own experiments. Notice that
-// the magic numbers and signature strings may have different binary values
-// according to different endiannesses.
-#include "src/image_type_recognition/image_type_recognition_lite.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "src/binary_parse/range_checked_byte_ptr.h"
-namespace piex {
-namespace image_type_recognition {
-namespace {
-using std::string;
-using binary_parse::MemoryStatus;
-using binary_parse::RangeCheckedBytePtr;
-// Base class for checking image type. For each image type, one should create an
-// inherited class and do the implementation.
-class TypeChecker {
- public:
- // Comparing function, whihc is used for sorting.
- static bool Compare(const TypeChecker* a, const TypeChecker* b) {
- assert(a);
- assert(b);
- return a->RequestedSize() < b->RequestedSize();
- }
- virtual ~TypeChecker() {}
- // Returns the type of current checker.
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const = 0;
- // Returns the requested data size (in bytes) for current checker. The checker
- // guarantees that it will not read more than this size.
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const = 0;
- // Checks if source data belongs to current checker type.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const = 0;
- protected:
- // Limits the source length to the RequestedSize(), using it guarantees that
- // we will not read more than this size from the source.
- RangeCheckedBytePtr LimitSource(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- return source.pointerToSubArray(0 /* pos */, RequestedSize());
- }
-// Check if the uint16 value at (source + offset) is equal to the target value.
-bool CheckUInt16Value(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- const size_t source_offset, const bool use_big_endian,
- const unsigned short target_value) { // NOLINT
- MemoryStatus status = binary_parse::RANGE_CHECKED_BYTE_SUCCESS;
- const unsigned short value = binary_parse::Get16u( // NOLINT
- source + source_offset, use_big_endian, &status);
- if (status != binary_parse::RANGE_CHECKED_BYTE_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- return (target_value == value);
-// Check if the uint32 value at (source + offset) is equal to the target value.
-bool CheckUInt32Value(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- const size_t source_offset, const bool use_big_endian,
- const unsigned int target_value) {
- MemoryStatus status = binary_parse::RANGE_CHECKED_BYTE_SUCCESS;
- const unsigned int value =
- binary_parse::Get32u(source + source_offset, use_big_endian, &status);
- if (status != binary_parse::RANGE_CHECKED_BYTE_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- return (target_value == value);
-// Determine the endianness. The return value is NOT the endianness indicator,
-// it's just that this function was successful.
-bool DetermineEndianness(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- bool* is_big_endian) {
- if (source.remainingLength() < 2) {
- return false;
- }
- if (source[0] == 0x49 && source[1] == 0x49) {
- *is_big_endian = false;
- } else if (source[0] == 0x4D && source[1] == 0x4D) {
- *is_big_endian = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Check if signature string can match to the same length string start from
-// (source + offset). The signature string will be used as longer magic number
-// series.
-bool IsSignatureMatched(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- const size_t source_offset, const string& signature) {
- return source.substr(source_offset, signature.size()) == signature;
-// Check if signature is found in [source + offset, source + offset + range].
-bool IsSignatureFound(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- const size_t search_offset, const size_t search_range,
- const string& signature, size_t* first_matched) {
- if (source.remainingLength() < search_offset + search_range) {
- return false;
- }
- // The index must be in range [offset, offset + range - sizeof(signature)], so
- // that it can guarantee that it will not read outside of range.
- for (size_t i = search_offset;
- i < search_offset + search_range - signature.size(); ++i) {
- if (IsSignatureMatched(source, i, signature)) {
- if (first_matched) {
- *first_matched = i;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// Sony RAW format.
-class ArwTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kArwImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 10000; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. correct tiff magic number at the (offset == 8) position of the file;
- // 3. signature "SONY" in first requested bytes;
- // 4. correct signature for (section + version) in first requested bytes.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTiffMagic = 0x2A; // NOLINT
- const unsigned int kTiffOffset = 8;
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffMagic) ||
- !CheckUInt32Value(limited_source, 4 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffOffset)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search for kSignatureSony in first requested bytes
- const string kSignatureSony("SONY");
- if (!IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignatureSony, NULL)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search for (kSignatureFileTypeSection + kSignatureVersions[i]) in first
- // requested bytes
- const string kSignatureSection("\x00\xb0\x01\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00", 8);
- const int kSignatureVersionsSize = 6;
- const string kSignatureVersions[kSignatureVersionsSize] = {
- string("\x02\x00", 2), // ARW 1.0
- string("\x03\x00", 2), // ARW 2.0
- string("\x03\x01", 2), // ARW 2.1
- string("\x03\x02", 2), // ARW 2.2
- string("\x03\x03", 2), // ARW 2.3
- string("\x04\x00", 2), // ARW 4.0
- };
- bool matched = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < kSignatureVersionsSize; ++i) {
- matched = matched || IsSignatureFound(
- limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignatureSection + kSignatureVersions[i], NULL);
- }
- return matched;
- }
-// Canon RAW (CR3 extension).
-class Cr3TypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- static constexpr size_t kSignatureOffset = 4;
- static constexpr const char* kSignature = "ftypcrx ";
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kCr3Image; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const {
- return kSignatureOffset + strlen(kSignature);
- }
- // Checks for the ftyp box w/ brand 'crx '.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, kSignatureOffset, kSignature);
- }
-// Canon RAW (CR2 extension).
-class Cr2TypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kCr2Image; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 16; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. magic number "42" at the (offset == 2) position of the file;
- // 3. signature "CR2" at the (offset == 8) position of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTag = 42; // NOLINT
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTag)) {
- return false;
- }
- const string kSignature("CR\2\0", 4);
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 8 /* offset */, kSignature);
- }
-// Canon RAW (CRW extension).
-class CrwTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kCrwImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 14; }
- // Check only the signature at the (offset == 6) position of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- string signature;
- if (use_big_endian) {
- signature = string("\x00\x10\xba\xb0\xac\xbb\x00\x02", 8);
- } else {
- signature = string("HEAPCCDR");
- }
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 6 /* offset */, signature);
- }
-// Kodak RAW.
-class DcrTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kDcrImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 5000; }
- // Check two different cases, only need to fulfill one of the two:
- // 1. signature at the (offset == 16) position of the file;
- // 2. two tags (OriginalFileName and FirmwareVersion) can be found in the
- // first requested bytes of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Case 1: has signature
- const string kSignature(
- "\x4b\x4f\x44\x41\x4b\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20", 16);
- if (IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 16 /* offset */, kSignature)) {
- return true;
- }
- // Case 2: search for tags in first requested bytes
- string kIfdTags[2];
- if (use_big_endian) {
- kIfdTags[0] = string("\x03\xe9\x00\x02", 4); // OriginalFileName
- kIfdTags[1] = string("\x0c\xe5\x00\x02", 4); // FirmwareVersion
- } else {
- kIfdTags[0] = string("\xe9\x03\x02\x00", 4); // OriginalFileName
- kIfdTags[1] = string("\xe5\x0c\x02\x00", 4); // FirmwareVersion
- }
- return IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kIfdTags[0], NULL) &&
- IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kIfdTags[1], NULL);
- }
-// Digital Negative RAW.
-class DngTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kDngImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 1024; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. at least two dng specific tags in the first requested bytes of the
- // file
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search tags in first requested bytes and verify the order of them.
- const int kTagsCount = 5;
- string dng_tags[kTagsCount];
- if (use_big_endian) {
- dng_tags[0] =
- string("\xc6\x12\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04", 8); // tag: 50706
- dng_tags[1] =
- string("\xc6\x13\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04", 8); // tag: 50707
- dng_tags[2] = string("\xc6\x14\x00\x02", 4); // tag: 50708
- dng_tags[3] = string("\xc6\x20", 2); // tag: 50720
- dng_tags[4] =
- string("\xc6\x2d\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01", 8); // tag: 50733
- } else {
- dng_tags[0] =
- string("\x12\xc6\x01\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00", 8); // tag: 50706
- dng_tags[1] =
- string("\x13\xc6\x01\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00", 8); // tag: 50707
- dng_tags[2] = string("\x14\xc6\x02\x00", 4); // tag: 50708
- dng_tags[3] = string("\x20\xc6", 2); // tag: 50720
- dng_tags[4] =
- string("\x2d\xc6\x04\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00", 8); // tag: 50733
- }
- int tags_found = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < kTagsCount; ++i) {
- if (IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- dng_tags[i], NULL)) {
- tags_found++;
- }
- }
- return tags_found >= 2;
- }
-// Kodak RAW.
-class KdcTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kKdcImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 5000; }
- // Check two points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. two tags (WhiteBalance and SerialNumber) in the first requested bytes.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search in first requested bytes
- const size_t kIfdTagsSize = 2;
- string kIfdTags[kIfdTagsSize];
- if (use_big_endian) {
- kIfdTags[0] = string("\xfa\x0d\x00\x01", 4); // WhiteBalance
- kIfdTags[1] = string("\xfa\x00\x00\x02", 4); // SerialNumber
- } else {
- kIfdTags[0] = string("\x0d\xfa\x01\x00", 4); // WhiteBalance
- kIfdTags[1] = string("\x00\xfa\x02\x00", 4); // SerialNumber
- }
- return IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kIfdTags[0], NULL) &&
- IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kIfdTags[1], NULL);
- }
-// Leaf RAW.
-class MosTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kMosImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 5000; }
- // Check two points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. signature "PKTS " in the first requested bytes. Note the
- // "whitespace". It's important as they are special binary values.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search kSignaturePKTS in first requested bytes
- const string kSignaturePKTS("PKTS\x00\x00\x00\x001", 8);
- return IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignaturePKTS, NULL);
- }
-// Minolta RAW.
-class MrwTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kMrwImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 4; }
- // Check only the signature at the beginning of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- // Limits the source length to the RequestedSize(), using it guarantees that
- // we will not read more than this size from the source.
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source =
- source.pointerToSubArray(0 /* pos */, RequestedSize());
- const string kSignature("\0MRM", 4);
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, kSignature);
- }
-// Check if the file contains a NRW signature "NRW " in the first requested
-// bytes. Note the "whitespace". It's important as they are special binary
-// values.
-const size_t kRequestedSizeForNrwSignature = 4000;
-bool ContainsNrwSignature(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) {
- // Search for kSignatureNrw.
- const string kSignatureNrw("NRW\x20\x20\x20", 6);
- return IsSignatureFound(source, 0 /* offset */, kRequestedSizeForNrwSignature,
- kSignatureNrw, NULL);
-// Checks if the file contains the signatures for Nikon formats:
-// * the general Nikon singature "NIKON" string.
-// * the ReferenceBlackWhite tag.
-const size_t kRequestedSizeForNikonSignatures = 4000;
-bool ContainsNikonSignatures(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source,
- const bool use_big_endian) {
- const string kSignatureNikon("NIKON");
- const string kReferenceBlackWhiteTag = use_big_endian
- ? string("\x02\x14\x00\x05", 4)
- : string("\x14\x02\x05\x00", 4);
- const std::vector<string> kSignatures = {kSignatureNikon,
- kReferenceBlackWhiteTag};
- for (auto const& signature : kSignatures) {
- if (!IsSignatureFound(source, 0, kRequestedSizeForNikonSignatures,
- signature, NULL)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Nikon RAW (NEF extension).
-class NefTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kNefImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const {
- return std::max(kRequestedSizeForNikonSignatures,
- kRequestedSizeForNrwSignature);
- }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. magic number at the (offset == 2) position of the file;
- // 3. the signature "NIKON" in the requested bytes of the file;
- // 4. the ReferenceBlackWhite tag in the requested bytes of the file;
- // 5. does not contain the NRW signature. We may also check a special
- // signature "RAW " similar to the NRW case, but we got issues in some
- // special images that the signature locates in the middle of the file, and it
- // costs too long time to check;
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTiffMagic = 0x2A; // NOLINT
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffMagic)) {
- return false;
- }
- return ContainsNikonSignatures(limited_source, use_big_endian) &&
- !ContainsNrwSignature(limited_source); // not NRW
- }
-// Nikon RAW (NRW extension).
-class NrwTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kNrwImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const {
- return std::max(kRequestedSizeForNikonSignatures,
- kRequestedSizeForNrwSignature);
- }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. magic numbers at the (offset == 2 and offset == 4) positions of the
- // file;
- // 3. the signature "NIKON" in the first requested bytes of the file;
- // 4. the ReferenceBlackWhite tag in the requested bytes of the file;
- // 5. contains the NRW signature;
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTiffMagic = 0x2A; // NOLINT
- const unsigned int kTiffOffset = 8;
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffMagic) ||
- !CheckUInt32Value(limited_source, 4 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffOffset)) {
- return false;
- }
- return ContainsNikonSignatures(limited_source, use_big_endian) &&
- ContainsNrwSignature(limited_source);
- }
-// Olympus RAW.
-class OrfTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kOrfImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 3000; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. tag at the (offset == 2) position of the file;
- // 3. signature "OLYMP" in the first requested bytes.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const size_t kTagSize = 2;
- const unsigned short kTag[kTagSize] = {0x4F52, 0x5352}; // NOLINT
- if (!(CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTag[0]) ||
- CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTag[1]))) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search for kSignatureOlymp in first requested bytes
- const string kSignatureOlymp("OLYMP");
- return IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignatureOlymp, NULL);
- }
-// Pentax RAW.
-class PefTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kPefImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 1280; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid big endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. magic numbers at the (offset == 2 and offset==4) positions of the file;
- // 3. signature "AOC " or "PENTAX " in first requested bytes.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(limited_source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTiffMagic = 0x2A; // NOLINT
- const unsigned int kTiffOffset = 8;
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffMagic) ||
- !CheckUInt32Value(limited_source, 4 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffOffset)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Search for kSignatureAOC or kSignaturePENTAX in first requested bytes
- const string kSignatureAOC("\x41\x4f\x43\x00\x4d\x4d", 6);
- const string kSignaturePENTAX("\x50\x45\x4e\x54\x41\x58\x20\x00", 8);
- return IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignatureAOC, NULL) ||
- IsSignatureFound(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, RequestedSize(),
- kSignaturePENTAX, NULL);
- }
-// Apple format.
-class QtkTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kQtkImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 8; }
- // Check only the signature at the beginning of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- const size_t kSignatureSize = 2;
- const string kSignature[kSignatureSize] = {
- string("qktk\x00\x00\x00\x08", 8), string("qktn\x00\x00\x00\x08", 8),
- };
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, kSignature[0]) ||
- IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, kSignature[1]);
- }
-// Fuji RAW.
-class RafTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kRafImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 8; }
- // Check only the signature at the beginning of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- const string kSignature("FUJIFILM");
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, kSignature);
- }
-// Contax N RAW.
-class RawContaxNTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kRawContaxNImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 36; }
- // Check only the signature at the (offset == 25) position of the
- // file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- const string kSignature("ARECOYK");
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 25, kSignature);
- }
-// Panasonic RAW.
-class Rw2TypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kRw2Image; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 4; }
- // Check two points: 1. valid endianness at the beginning of the
- // file; 2. tag at the (offset == 2) position of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTag = 0x55; // NOLINT
- return CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTag);
- }
-// Samsung RAW.
-class SrwTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kSrwImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 256; }
- // Check multiple points:
- // 1. valid big endianness at the beginning of the file;
- // 2. magic numbers at the (offset == 2 and offset==4) positions of the file;
- // 3. the signature "SAMSUNG" in the requested bytes of the file;
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- bool use_big_endian;
- if (!DetermineEndianness(source, &use_big_endian)) {
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned short kTiffMagic = 0x2A; // NOLINT
- const unsigned int kTiffOffset = 8;
- if (!CheckUInt16Value(limited_source, 2 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffMagic) ||
- !CheckUInt32Value(limited_source, 4 /* offset */, use_big_endian,
- kTiffOffset)) {
- return false;
- }
- const string kSignature("SAMSUNG");
- if (!IsSignatureFound(source, 0, RequestedSize(), kSignature, NULL)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-// Sigma / Polaroid RAW.
-class X3fTypeChecker : public TypeChecker {
- public:
- virtual RawImageTypes Type() const { return kX3fImage; }
- virtual size_t RequestedSize() const { return 4; }
- // Check only the signature at the beginning of the file.
- virtual bool IsMyType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- RangeCheckedBytePtr limited_source = LimitSource(source);
- const string kSignature("FOVb", 4);
- return IsSignatureMatched(limited_source, 0 /* offset */, kSignature);
- }
-// This class contains the list of all type checkers. One should used this list
-// as a whole to execute the image type recognition.
-class TypeCheckerList {
- public:
- TypeCheckerList() {
- // Add all supported RAW type checkers here.
- checkers_.push_back(new ArwTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new Cr3TypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new Cr2TypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new CrwTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new DcrTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new DngTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new KdcTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new MosTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new MrwTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new NefTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new NrwTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new OrfTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new PefTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new QtkTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new RafTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new RawContaxNTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new Rw2TypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new SrwTypeChecker());
- checkers_.push_back(new X3fTypeChecker());
- // Sort the checkers by the ascending RequestedSize() to get better
- // performance when checking type.
- std::sort(checkers_.begin(), checkers_.end(), TypeChecker::Compare);
- }
- ~TypeCheckerList() {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < checkers_.size(); ++i) {
- delete checkers_[i];
- checkers_[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Returns the type of source data. If it can not be identified, returns
- // kNonRawImage.
- RawImageTypes GetType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) const {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < checkers_.size(); ++i) {
- if (checkers_[i]->IsMyType(source)) {
- return checkers_[i]->Type();
- }
- }
- return kNonRawImage;
- }
- // Returns the maximum size of requested size of data for identifying image
- // type using this class. The class guarantees that it will not read more than
- // this size.
- size_t RequestedSize() const {
- assert(!checkers_.empty());
- // The checkers_ is ascending sorted. The last element is the maximum.
- return checkers_.back()->RequestedSize();
- }
- bool IsOfType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source, const RawImageTypes type) {
- const TypeChecker* type_checker = GetTypeCheckerForType(type);
- if (type_checker) {
- return type_checker->IsMyType(source);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- size_t RequestedSizeForType(const RawImageTypes type) {
- const TypeChecker* type_checker = GetTypeCheckerForType(type);
- if (type_checker) {
- return type_checker->RequestedSize();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- private:
- const TypeChecker* GetTypeCheckerForType(const RawImageTypes type) {
- for (const auto* type_checker : checkers_) {
- if (type_checker->Type() == type) {
- return type_checker;
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- std::vector<TypeChecker*> checkers_;
-} // namespace
-bool IsRaw(const RawImageTypes type) {
- switch (type) {
- // Non-RAW-image type
- case kNonRawImage: {
- return false;
- }
- // Raw image types
- case kArwImage:
- case kCr3Image:
- case kCr2Image:
- case kCrwImage:
- case kDcrImage:
- case kDngImage:
- case kKdcImage:
- case kMosImage:
- case kMrwImage:
- case kNefImage:
- case kNrwImage:
- case kOrfImage:
- case kPefImage:
- case kQtkImage:
- case kRafImage:
- case kRawContaxNImage:
- case kRw2Image:
- case kSrwImage:
- case kX3fImage: {
- return true;
- }
- default: {
- // Unsupported type!
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool IsOfType(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source, const RawImageTypes type) {
- return TypeCheckerList().IsOfType(source, type);
-RawImageTypes RecognizeRawImageTypeLite(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) {
- return TypeCheckerList().GetType(source);
-size_t GetNumberOfBytesForIsRawLite() {
- return TypeCheckerList().RequestedSize();
-size_t GetNumberOfBytesForIsOfType(const RawImageTypes type) {
- return TypeCheckerList().RequestedSizeForType(type);
-bool IsRawLite(const RangeCheckedBytePtr& source) {
- return IsRaw(RecognizeRawImageTypeLite(source));
-} // namespace image_type_recognition
-} // namespace piex