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"""Tests for log.py module.""" from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import collections import sys import threading import pytest import six import framework.log as log # pylint: disable=no-self-use,protected-access @pytest.fixture def log_state(): """Create a unique state instance per test.""" return {'total': 1, 'complete': 0, 'lastlength': 0, 'running': [], 'summary': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)} class TestLogFactory(object): """Tests for the LogFactory class.""" class TestGet(object): """Tests for the LogFactory.get method.""" def test_returns_log(self): """Returns a BaseLog derived instance.""" logger = log.LogManager('quiet', 100) log_inst = logger.get() assert isinstance(log_inst, log.BaseLog) def test_log_state_update(self): """log.BaseLog.log updates shared state managed by LogManager""" logger = log.LogManager('quiet', 100) log_inst = logger.get() log_inst.start(None) log_inst.log('pass') assert logger._state['total'] == 100 assert logger._state['summary'] == {'pass': 1} assert logger._state['complete'] == 1 class TestQuietLog(object): """Test QuietLog class.""" class TestOutput(object): """Test the output of the various methods.""" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function') def mock_stdout(self, mocker): mocker.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', six.StringIO()) def test_log(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the log method.""" quiet = log.QuietLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) quiet.start(None) quiet.log('pass') sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b'[1/1] pass: 1 -\n' def test_summary(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the summary method.""" quiet = log.QuietLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) # Call log to set the total correctly, then truncate and remove the # values, so the we can test quiet.start(None) quiet.log('pass') sys.stdout.seek(0) sys.stdout.truncate() quiet.summary() sys.stdout.seek(0) # Because of the 'lastlength' mechanims there will likely be # trainling whitespace after the the output, it's not useful to # test that here, so just strip it. assert sys.stdout.read().rstrip() == b'[1/1] pass: 1' def test_start(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test that the start method doesn't have output.""" quiet = log.QuietLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) quiet.start(None) quiet.start('foo') sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b'' class TestVerboseLog(object): """Tests for the VerboseLog class.""" class TestOutput(object): """Test the output of the various methods.""" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function') def mock_stdout(self, mocker): mocker.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', six.StringIO()) def test_log(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the log method.""" l = log.VerboseLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) l.start('foo') sys.stdout.seek(0) sys.stdout.truncate() l.log('pass') sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b'pass: foo\n\n[1/1] pass: 1 /\n' def test_summary(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the summary method.""" l = log.VerboseLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) l.start('foo') l.log('pass') sys.stdout.seek(0) sys.stdout.truncate() l.summary() sys.stdout.seek(0) assert sys.stdout.read().rstrip() == b'[1/1] pass: 1' def test_start(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test that the start method doesn't have output.""" l = log.VerboseLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) l.start('foo') sys.stdout.seek(0) assert sys.stdout.read().rstrip() == b'running: foo\n\n[0/1] \\' class TestDummyLog(object): """Tests for the DummyLog class.""" class TestOutput(object): """Test the output of the various methods.""" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function') def mock_stdout(self, mocker): mocker.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', six.StringIO()) def test_log(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the log method.""" quiet = log.DummyLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) quiet.start(None) quiet.log('pass') sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b'' def test_summary(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test the output of the summary method.""" quiet = log.DummyLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) quiet.summary() sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b'' def test_start(self, log_state): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Test that the start method doesn't have output.""" quiet = log.DummyLog(log_state, threading.Lock()) quiet.start('foo') sys.stdout.seek(0) actual = sys.stdout.read() assert actual == b''