diff options
authorAnthony DiGirolamo <tonymd@google.com>2022-03-06 10:13:51 -0800
committerCQ Bot Account <pigweed-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com>2022-03-16 18:18:35 +0000
commit6e6f440f401b3ff386efcc313dfefc40ebc1fdda (patch)
parent86698c0b9620febe11cc274a44c9457e6127dd62 (diff)
pw_console: Fuzzy command runner dialog
- New command runner for searching and running menu item actions - Open logger menu converted to a command runner action instead of a large nested submenu. - Renamed some menu items for better searchability - Removed unused WindowPane after_render_hooks - border.py now accepts a title to display in the upper left. - Numerous fixes to window focus behavior when opening and closing the command runner dialog. - Added 'Copy all Python Input' and Output menu options. Change-Id: I1430dd3215fa45eee48e00d40ec309bb6b1b8f10 Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/pigweed/+/86900 Reviewed-by: Chad Norvell <chadnorvell@google.com> Commit-Queue: Anthony DiGirolamo <tonymd@google.com>
21 files changed, 3116 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/pw_console/BUILD.gn b/pw_console/BUILD.gn
index 119377c4b..eee9a4ff2 100644
--- a/pw_console/BUILD.gn
+++ b/pw_console/BUILD.gn
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import("$dir_pw_docgen/docs.gni")
pw_doc_group("docs") {
inputs = [
+ "images/command_runner_main_menu.svg",
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ef98ef2a
--- /dev/null
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+ <use xlink:href="#glyph0-22" x="966" y="646"/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(19.607843%,19.607843%,19.607843%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 1302 620 L 1316 620 L 1316 651 L 1302 651 Z M 1302 620 "/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(11.764706%,11.764706%,11.764706%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 1316 620 L 1358 620 L 1358 651 L 1316 651 Z M 1316 620 "/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(14.117647%,15.686275%,21.568627%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 1414 620 L 1428 620 L 1428 651 L 1414 651 Z M 1414 620 "/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(11.764706%,11.764706%,11.764706%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 1358 620 L 1414 620 L 1414 651 L 1358 651 Z M 1358 620 "/>
+<g style="fill:rgb(81.176471%,79.215686%,100%);fill-opacity:1;">
+ <use xlink:href="#glyph0-55" x="1358" y="646"/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(14.117647%,15.686275%,21.568627%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 0 651 L 28 651 L 28 682 L 0 682 Z M 0 651 "/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(14.117647%,15.686275%,21.568627%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 28 651 L 1429 651 L 1429 682 L 28 682 Z M 28 651 "/>
diff --git a/pw_console/py/BUILD.gn b/pw_console/py/BUILD.gn
index efa80ed11..b7164c95b 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/BUILD.gn
+++ b/pw_console/py/BUILD.gn
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pw_python_package("py") {
sources = [
+ "pw_console/command_runner.py",
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ pw_python_package("py") {
tests = [
+ "command_runner_test.py",
diff --git a/pw_console/py/command_runner_test.py b/pw_console/py/command_runner_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45362fe90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_console/py/command_runner_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Tests for pw_console.command_runner dialog."""
+import logging
+import re
+import unittest
+from typing import Callable, List, Tuple
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from prompt_toolkit.application import create_app_session
+from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth
+# inclusive-language: ignore
+from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput as FakeOutput
+from pw_console.console_app import ConsoleApp
+from pw_console.console_prefs import ConsolePrefs
+from pw_console.text_formatting import (
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples,
+ join_adjacent_style_tuples,
+from window_manager_test import target_list_and_pane, window_pane_titles
+def _create_console_app(log_pane_count=2):
+ console_app = ConsoleApp(color_depth=ColorDepth.DEPTH_8_BIT,
+ prefs=ConsolePrefs(project_file=False,
+ project_user_file=False,
+ user_file=False))
+ console_app.prefs.reset_config()
+ # Setup log panes
+ loggers = {}
+ for i in range(log_pane_count):
+ loggers['LogPane-{}'.format(i)] = [
+ logging.getLogger('test_log{}'.format(i))
+ ]
+ for window_title, logger_instances in loggers.items():
+ console_app.add_log_handler(window_title, logger_instances)
+ return console_app
+class TestCommandRunner(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for CommandRunner."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.maxDiff = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ def test_flatten_menu_items(self) -> None:
+ with create_app_session(output=FakeOutput()):
+ console_app = _create_console_app(log_pane_count=2)
+ flattened_menu_items = [
+ text for text, handler in
+ console_app.command_runner.load_menu_items()
+ ]
+ # Check some common menu items exist.
+ self.assertIn('[File] > Open Logger', flattened_menu_items)
+ self.assertIn('[File] > Themes > UI Themes > High Contrast',
+ flattened_menu_items)
+ self.assertIn('[Help] > User Guide', flattened_menu_items)
+ self.assertIn('[Help] > Keyboard Shortcuts', flattened_menu_items)
+ # Check for log windows
+ self.assertRegex(
+ '\n'.join(flattened_menu_items),
+ re.compile(r'^\[Windows\] > .* LogPane-[0-9]+ > .*$',
+ )
+ def test_filter_and_highlight_matches(self) -> None:
+ """Check filtering matches and highlighting works correctly."""
+ with create_app_session(output=FakeOutput()):
+ console_app = _create_console_app(log_pane_count=2)
+ command_runner = console_app.command_runner
+ command_runner.filter_completions = MagicMock(
+ wraps=command_runner.filter_completions)
+ command_runner.width = 20
+ # Define custom completion items
+ def empty_handler() -> None:
+ return None
+ def get_completions() -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
+ return [
+ ('[File] > Open Logger', empty_handler),
+ ('[Windows] > 1: Host Logs > Show/Hide', empty_handler),
+ ('[Windows] > 2: Device Logs > Show/Hide', empty_handler),
+ ('[Help] > User Guide', empty_handler),
+ ]
+ command_runner.filter_completions.assert_not_called()
+ command_runner.set_completions(window_title='Test Completions',
+ load_completions=get_completions)
+ command_runner.filter_completions.assert_called_once()
+ command_runner.filter_completions.reset_mock()
+ # Input field should be empty
+ self.assertEqual(command_runner.input_field.buffer.text, '')
+ # Flatten resulting formatted text
+ result_items = join_adjacent_style_tuples(
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples(
+ command_runner.completion_fragments))
+ # index 0: the selected line
+ # index 1: the rest of the completions with line breaks
+ self.assertEqual(len(result_items), 2)
+ first_item_style = result_items[0][0]
+ first_item_text = result_items[0][1]
+ second_item_text = result_items[1][1]
+ # Check expected number of lines are present
+ self.assertEqual(len(first_item_text.splitlines()), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(second_item_text.splitlines()), 3)
+ # First line is highlighted as a selected item
+ self.assertEqual(first_item_style,
+ 'class:command-runner-selected-item')
+ self.assertIn('[File] > Open Logger', first_item_text)
+ # Type: file open
+ command_runner.input_field.buffer.text = 'file open'
+ self.assertEqual(command_runner.input_field.buffer.text,
+ 'file open')
+ # Run the filter
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ # Flatten resulting formatted text
+ result_items = join_adjacent_style_tuples(
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples(
+ command_runner.completion_fragments))
+ # Check file and open are highlighted
+ self.assertEqual(
+ result_items[:4],
+ [
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item', '['),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item '
+ 'class:command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-0 ', 'File'),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item', '] > '),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item '
+ 'class:command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-1 ', 'Open'),
+ ],
+ )
+ # Type: open file
+ command_runner.input_field.buffer.text = 'open file'
+ # Run the filter
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ result_items = join_adjacent_style_tuples(
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples(
+ command_runner.completion_fragments))
+ # Check file and open are highlighted, the fuzzy-highlight class
+ # should be swapped.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ result_items[:4],
+ [
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item', '['),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item '
+ 'class:command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-1 ', 'File'),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item', '] > '),
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item '
+ 'class:command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-0 ', 'Open'),
+ ],
+ )
+ # Clear input
+ command_runner._reset_selected_item() # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ result_items = join_adjacent_style_tuples(
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples(
+ command_runner.completion_fragments))
+ self.assertEqual(len(first_item_text.splitlines()), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(second_item_text.splitlines()), 3)
+ # Press down (select the next item)
+ command_runner._next_item() # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ # Filter and check results
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ result_items = join_adjacent_style_tuples(
+ flatten_formatted_text_tuples(
+ command_runner.completion_fragments))
+ self.assertEqual(len(result_items), 3)
+ # First line - not selected
+ self.assertEqual(result_items[0], ('', '[File] > Open Logger\n'))
+ # Second line - is selected
+ self.assertEqual(result_items[1],
+ ('class:command-runner-selected-item',
+ '[Windows] > 1: Host Logs > Show/Hide\n'))
+ # Third and fourth lines separated by \n - not selected
+ self.assertEqual(result_items[2],
+ ('', '[Windows] > 2: Device Logs > Show/Hide\n'
+ '[Help] > User Guide'))
+ def test_run_action(self) -> None:
+ """Check running an action works correctly."""
+ with create_app_session(output=FakeOutput()):
+ console_app = _create_console_app(log_pane_count=2)
+ command_runner = console_app.command_runner
+ self.assertEqual(
+ window_pane_titles(console_app.window_manager),
+ [
+ # Split 1
+ [
+ 'LogPane-1 - test_log1',
+ 'LogPane-0 - test_log0',
+ 'Python Repl - ',
+ ],
+ ],
+ )
+ command_runner.open_dialog()
+ # Set LogPane-1 as the focused window pane
+ target_list_and_pane(console_app.window_manager, 0, 0)
+ command_runner.input_field.buffer.text = 'move right'
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ command_runner._make_regexes = MagicMock(
+ wraps=command_runner._make_regexes)
+ # pylint: enable=protected-access
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ # Filter should only be re-run if input text changed
+ command_runner.filter_completions()
+ command_runner._make_regexes.assert_called_once() # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ self.assertIn('[View] > Move Window Right',
+ command_runner.selected_item_text)
+ # Run the Move Window Right action
+ command_runner._run_selected_item() # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ # Dialog should be closed
+ self.assertFalse(command_runner.show_dialog)
+ # LogPane-1 should be moved to the right in it's own split
+ self.assertEqual(
+ window_pane_titles(console_app.window_manager),
+ [
+ # Split 1
+ [
+ 'LogPane-0 - test_log0',
+ 'Python Repl - ',
+ ],
+ # Split 2
+ [
+ 'LogPane-1 - test_log1',
+ ],
+ ],
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/pw_console/py/log_view_test.py b/pw_console/py/log_view_test.py
index da843166d..a21a5647d 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/log_view_test.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/log_view_test.py
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ def _create_log_view():
log_pane.current_log_pane_height = 10
application = MagicMock()
- application.prefs = ConsolePrefs()
+ application.prefs = ConsolePrefs(project_file=False,
+ project_user_file=False,
+ user_file=False)
log_view = LogView(log_pane, application)
return log_view, log_pane
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/command_runner.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/command_runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aff8a047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/command_runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""CommandRunner dialog classes."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import functools
+import logging
+import re
+from typing import (
+ Callable,
+ Iterable,
+ Iterator,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Tuple,
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import StyleAndTextTuples
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.utils import fragment_list_to_text
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.utils import explode_text_fragments
+from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import (
+ KeyBindings,
+ KeyBindingsBase,
+ KeyPressEvent,
+from prompt_toolkit.layout import (
+ AnyContainer,
+ ConditionalContainer,
+ DynamicContainer,
+ FormattedTextControl,
+ HSplit,
+ VSplit,
+ Window,
+ WindowAlign,
+from prompt_toolkit.widgets import MenuItem
+from prompt_toolkit.widgets import TextArea
+import pw_console.widgets.border
+import pw_console.widgets.checkbox
+import pw_console.widgets.mouse_handlers
+ from pw_console.console_app import ConsoleApp
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__package__)
+def flatten_menu_items(items: List[MenuItem],
+ prefix: str = '') -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
+ """Flatten nested prompt_toolkit MenuItems into text and callable tuples."""
+ for item in items:
+ new_text = []
+ if prefix:
+ new_text.append(prefix)
+ new_text.append(item.text)
+ new_prefix = ' > '.join(new_text)
+ if item.children:
+ yield from flatten_menu_items(item.children, new_prefix)
+ elif item.handler:
+ # Skip this item if it's a separator or disabled.
+ if item.text == '-' or item.disabled:
+ continue
+ yield (new_prefix, item.handler)
+def highlight_matches(
+ regexes: Iterable[re.Pattern],
+ line_fragments: StyleAndTextTuples) -> StyleAndTextTuples:
+ """Highlight regex matches in prompt_toolkit FormattedTextTuples."""
+ line_text = fragment_list_to_text(line_fragments)
+ exploded_fragments = explode_text_fragments(line_fragments)
+ def apply_highlighting(fragments: StyleAndTextTuples,
+ index: int,
+ matching_regex_index: int = 0) -> None:
+ # Expand all fragments and apply the highlighting style.
+ old_style, _text, *_ = fragments[index]
+ # There are 6 fuzzy-highlight styles defined in style.py. Get an index
+ # from 0-5 to use one style after the other in turn.
+ style_index = matching_regex_index % 6
+ fragments[index] = (
+ old_style +
+ f' class:command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-{style_index} ',
+ fragments[index][1],
+ )
+ # Highlight each non-overlapping search match.
+ for regex_i, regex in enumerate(regexes):
+ for match in regex.finditer(line_text):
+ for fragment_i in range(match.start(), match.end()):
+ apply_highlighting(exploded_fragments, fragment_i, regex_i)
+ return exploded_fragments
+class CommandRunner:
+ """CommandRunner dialog box."""
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ application: ConsoleApp,
+ window_title: str = None,
+ load_completions: Optional[Callable[[],
+ List[Tuple[str,
+ Callable]]]] = None,
+ width: int = 80,
+ height: int = 10):
+ # Parent pw_console application
+ self.application = application
+ # Visibility toggle
+ self.show_dialog = False
+ # Tracks the last focused container, to enable restoring focus after
+ # closing the dialog.
+ self.last_focused_pane = None
+ # List of all possible completion items
+ self.completions: List[Tuple[str, Callable]] = []
+ # Formatted text fragments of matched items
+ self.completion_fragments: List[StyleAndTextTuples] = []
+ # Current selected item tracking variables
+ self.selected_item: int = 0
+ self.selected_item_text: str = ''
+ self.selected_item_handler: Optional[Callable] = None
+ # Previous input text
+ self.last_input_field_text: str = 'EMPTY'
+ # Previous selected item
+ self.last_selected_item: int = 0
+ # Dialog width, height and title
+ self.width = width
+ self.height = height
+ self.window_title: str
+ # Callable to fetch completion items
+ self.load_completions: Callable[[], List[Tuple[str, Callable]]]
+ # Command runner text input field
+ self.input_field = TextArea(
+ prompt=[
+ ('class:command-runner-setting', '> ',
+ functools.partial(pw_console.widgets.mouse_handlers.on_click,
+ self.focus_self))
+ ],
+ focusable=True,
+ focus_on_click=True,
+ scrollbar=False,
+ multiline=False,
+ height=1,
+ dont_extend_height=True,
+ dont_extend_width=False,
+ accept_handler=self._command_accept_handler,
+ history=InMemoryHistory(),
+ )
+ # Set additional keybindings for the input field
+ self.input_field.control.key_bindings = self._create_key_bindings()
+ # Container for the Cancel and Run buttons
+ input_field_buttons_container = ConditionalContainer(
+ Window(
+ content=FormattedTextControl(
+ self._get_input_field_button_fragments,
+ focusable=False,
+ show_cursor=False,
+ ),
+ height=1,
+ align=WindowAlign.RIGHT,
+ dont_extend_width=True,
+ ),
+ filter=Condition(lambda: self.content_width() > 40),
+ )
+ # Container for completion matches
+ command_items_window = Window(
+ content=FormattedTextControl(
+ self.render_completion_items,
+ show_cursor=False,
+ focusable=False,
+ ),
+ align=WindowAlign.LEFT,
+ dont_extend_width=False,
+ height=self.height,
+ )
+ # Main content HSplit
+ self.command_runner_content = HSplit(
+ [
+ # Input field and buttons on the same line
+ VSplit([
+ self.input_field,
+ input_field_buttons_container,
+ ]),
+ # Completion items below
+ command_items_window,
+ ],
+ style='class:command-runner class:theme-fg-default',
+ )
+ # Set completions if passed in.
+ self.set_completions(window_title, load_completions)
+ # bordered_content wraps the above command_runner_content in a border.
+ self.bordered_content: AnyContainer
+ # Root prompt_toolkit container
+ self.container = ConditionalContainer(
+ DynamicContainer(lambda: self.bordered_content),
+ filter=Condition(lambda: self.show_dialog),
+ )
+ def _create_bordered_content(self) -> None:
+ """Wrap self.command_runner_content in a border."""
+ # This should be called whenever the window_title changes.
+ self.bordered_content = pw_console.widgets.border.create_border(
+ self.command_runner_content,
+ title=self.window_title,
+ border_style='class:command-runner-border',
+ left_margin_columns=1,
+ right_margin_columns=1,
+ )
+ def __pt_container__(self) -> AnyContainer:
+ """Return the prompt_toolkit root container for this dialog."""
+ return self.container
+ def _create_key_bindings(self) -> KeyBindingsBase:
+ """Create additional key bindings for the command input field."""
+ key_bindings = KeyBindings()
+ @key_bindings.add('escape')
+ @key_bindings.add('c-c')
+ def _cancel(_event: KeyPressEvent) -> None:
+ """Clear input or close command."""
+ if self._get_input_field_text() != '':
+ self._reset_selected_item()
+ return
+ self.close_dialog()
+ @key_bindings.add('up')
+ @key_bindings.add('s-tab')
+ def _select_previous_item(_event: KeyPressEvent) -> None:
+ """Select previous completion item."""
+ self._previous_item()
+ @key_bindings.add('down')
+ @key_bindings.add('tab')
+ def _select_next_item(_event: KeyPressEvent) -> None:
+ """Select next completion item."""
+ self._next_item()
+ return key_bindings
+ def content_width(self) -> int:
+ """Return the smaller value of self.width and the available width."""
+ window_manager_width = (
+ self.application.window_manager.current_window_manager_width)
+ if not window_manager_width:
+ window_manager_width = self.width
+ return min(self.width, window_manager_width)
+ def focus_self(self) -> None:
+ self.application.layout.focus(self)
+ def close_dialog(self) -> None:
+ """Close command runner dialog box."""
+ self.show_dialog = False
+ self._reset_selected_item()
+ # Restore original focus if possible.
+ if self.last_focused_pane:
+ self.application.focus_on_container(self.last_focused_pane)
+ else:
+ # Fallback to focusing on the main menu.
+ self.application.focus_main_menu()
+ def open_dialog(self) -> None:
+ self.show_dialog = True
+ self.last_focused_pane = self.application.focused_window()
+ self.focus_self()
+ self.application.redraw_ui()
+ def set_completions(
+ self,
+ window_title: str = None,
+ load_completions: Optional[Callable[[], List[Tuple[str,
+ Callable]]]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Set window title and callable to fetch possible completions.
+ Call this function whenever new completion items need to be loaded.
+ """
+ self.window_title = window_title if window_title else 'Menu Items'
+ self.load_completions = (load_completions
+ if load_completions else self.load_menu_items)
+ self._reset_selected_item()
+ self.completions = []
+ self.completion_fragments = []
+ # Load and filter completions
+ self.filter_completions()
+ # (Re)create the bordered content with the window_title set.
+ self._create_bordered_content()
+ def reload_completions(self) -> None:
+ self.completions = self.load_completions()
+ def load_menu_items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ return list(flatten_menu_items(self.application.menu_items))
+ def _get_input_field_text(self) -> str:
+ return self.input_field.buffer.text
+ def _make_regexes(self, input_text) -> List[re.Pattern]:
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ regexes: List[re.Pattern] = []
+ if not input_text:
+ return regexes
+ text_tokens = input_text.split(' ')
+ if len(text_tokens) > 0:
+ regexes = [
+ re.compile(re.escape(text), re.IGNORECASE)
+ for text in text_tokens
+ ]
+ return regexes
+ def _matches_orderless(self, regexes: List[re.Pattern], text) -> bool:
+ """Check if all supplied regexs match the input text."""
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ return all(regex.search(text) for regex in regexes)
+ def filter_completions(self) -> None:
+ """Filter completion items if new user input detected."""
+ if not self.input_text_changed() and not self.selected_item_changed():
+ return
+ self.reload_completions()
+ input_text = self._get_input_field_text()
+ self.completion_fragments = []
+ regexes = self._make_regexes(input_text)
+ check_match = self._matches_orderless
+ i = 0
+ for text, handler in self.completions:
+ if not (input_text == '' or check_match(regexes, text)):
+ continue
+ style = ''
+ if i == self.selected_item:
+ style = 'class:command-runner-selected-item'
+ self.selected_item_text = text
+ self.selected_item_handler = handler
+ text = text.ljust(self.content_width())
+ fragments: StyleAndTextTuples = highlight_matches(
+ regexes, [(style, text + '\n')])
+ self.completion_fragments.append(fragments)
+ i += 1
+ def input_text_changed(self) -> bool:
+ """Return True if text in the input field has changed."""
+ input_text = self._get_input_field_text()
+ if input_text != self.last_input_field_text:
+ self.last_input_field_text = input_text
+ self.selected_item = 0
+ return True
+ return False
+ def selected_item_changed(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if the user pressed up or down to select a different item."""
+ return self.last_selected_item != self.selected_item
+ def _next_item(self) -> None:
+ self.last_selected_item = self.selected_item
+ self.selected_item = min(
+ # Don't move past the height of the window or the length of possible
+ # items.
+ min(self.height, len(self.completion_fragments)) - 1,
+ self.selected_item + 1)
+ self.application.redraw_ui()
+ def _previous_item(self) -> None:
+ self.last_selected_item = self.selected_item
+ self.selected_item = max(0, self.selected_item - 1)
+ self.application.redraw_ui()
+ def _get_input_field_button_fragments(self) -> StyleAndTextTuples:
+ # Mouse handlers
+ focus = functools.partial(pw_console.widgets.mouse_handlers.on_click,
+ self.focus_self)
+ cancel = functools.partial(pw_console.widgets.mouse_handlers.on_click,
+ self.close_dialog)
+ select_item = functools.partial(
+ pw_console.widgets.mouse_handlers.on_click,
+ self._run_selected_item)
+ separator_text = ('', ' ', focus)
+ # Default button style
+ button_style = 'class:toolbar-button-inactive'
+ fragments: StyleAndTextTuples = []
+ # Cancel button
+ fragments.extend(
+ pw_console.widgets.checkbox.to_keybind_indicator(
+ key='Ctrl-c',
+ description='Cancel',
+ mouse_handler=cancel,
+ base_style=button_style,
+ ))
+ fragments.append(separator_text)
+ # Run button
+ fragments.extend(
+ pw_console.widgets.checkbox.to_keybind_indicator(
+ 'Enter', 'Run', select_item, base_style=button_style))
+ return fragments
+ def render_completion_items(self) -> StyleAndTextTuples:
+ """Render completion items."""
+ fragments: StyleAndTextTuples = []
+ # Update completions if any state change since the last render (new text
+ # entered or arrow keys pressed).
+ self.filter_completions()
+ for completion_item in self.completion_fragments:
+ fragments.extend(completion_item)
+ return fragments
+ def _reset_selected_item(self) -> None:
+ self.selected_item = 0
+ self.last_selected_item = 0
+ self.selected_item_text = ''
+ self.selected_item_handler = None
+ self.last_input_field_text = 'EMPTY'
+ self.input_field.buffer.reset()
+ def _run_selected_item(self) -> None:
+ """Run the selected action."""
+ if not self.selected_item_handler:
+ return
+ # Save the selected item handler. This is reset by self.close_dialog()
+ handler = self.selected_item_handler
+ # Depending on what action is run, the command runner dialog may need to
+ # be closed, left open, or closed before running the selected action.
+ close_dialog = True
+ close_dialog_first = False
+ # Actions that launch new command runners, close_dialog should not run.
+ for command_text in [
+ '[File] > Open Logger',
+ ]:
+ if command_text in self.selected_item_text:
+ close_dialog = False
+ break
+ # Actions that change what is in focus should be run after closing the
+ # command runner dialog.
+ for command_text in [
+ '[View] > Focus Next Window/Tab',
+ '[View] > Focus Prev Window/Tab',
+ # All help menu entries open popup windows.
+ '[Help] > ',
+ # This focuses on a save dialog bor.
+ 'Save/Export a copy',
+ ]:
+ if command_text in self.selected_item_text:
+ close_dialog_first = True
+ break
+ # Close first if needed
+ if close_dialog and close_dialog_first:
+ self.close_dialog()
+ # Run the selected item handler
+ handler()
+ # If not already closed earlier.
+ if close_dialog and not close_dialog_first:
+ self.close_dialog()
+ def _command_accept_handler(self, _buff: Buffer) -> bool:
+ """Function run when pressing Enter in the command runner input box."""
+ # If at least one match is available
+ if len(self.completion_fragments) > 0:
+ self._run_selected_item()
+ # Erase input text
+ return False
+ # Keep input text
+ return True
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_app.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_app.py
index d988dd9e6..78939de2c 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_app.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_app.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from threading import Thread
-from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, make_logging_undefined
from prompt_toolkit.clipboard.pyperclip import PyperclipClipboard
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ from ptpython.key_bindings import ( # type: ignore
from pw_console.console_prefs import ConsolePrefs
from pw_console.help_window import HelpWindow
+from pw_console.command_runner import CommandRunner
import pw_console.key_bindings
from pw_console.log_pane import LogPane
from pw_console.log_store import LogStore
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ def get_default_colordepth(
class ConsoleApp:
"""The main ConsoleApp class that glues everything together."""
- # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
def __init__(
@@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ class ConsoleApp:
- 'F1',
- 'Help',
+ 'Ctrl-p',
+ 'Search Menu',
- self.user_guide_window.toggle_display),
+ self.open_command_runner_main_menu),
# One space separator
@@ -241,63 +242,77 @@ class ConsoleApp:
# Create help window text based global key_bindings and active panes.
+ self.command_runner = CommandRunner(
+ self,
+ width=self.prefs.command_runner_width,
+ height=self.prefs.command_runner_height,
+ )
+ self.floats = [
+ # Top message bar
+ Float(
+ content=FloatingMessageBar(self),
+ top=0,
+ right=0,
+ height=1,
+ ),
+ # Centered floating help windows
+ Float(
+ content=self.app_help_window,
+ top=2,
+ bottom=2,
+ # Callable to get width
+ width=self.app_help_window.content_width,
+ ),
+ Float(
+ content=self.user_guide_window,
+ top=2,
+ bottom=2,
+ # Callable to get width
+ width=self.user_guide_window.content_width,
+ ),
+ Float(
+ content=self.keybind_help_window,
+ top=2,
+ bottom=2,
+ # Callable to get width
+ width=self.keybind_help_window.content_width,
+ ),
+ # Completion menu that can overlap other panes since it lives in
+ # the top level Float container.
+ Float(
+ xcursor=True,
+ ycursor=True,
+ content=ConditionalContainer(
+ content=CompletionsMenu(
+ scroll_offset=(lambda: self.pw_ptpython_repl.
+ completion_menu_scroll_offset),
+ max_height=16,
+ ),
+ # Only show our completion if ptpython's is disabled.
+ filter=Condition(
+ lambda: self.pw_ptpython_repl.completion_visualisation
+ == CompletionVisualisation.NONE),
+ ),
+ ),
+ Float(
+ content=self.command_runner,
+ # Callable to get width
+ width=self.command_runner.content_width,
+ **self.prefs.command_runner_position,
+ ),
+ Float(
+ content=self.quit_dialog,
+ top=2,
+ left=2,
+ ),
+ ]
# prompt_toolkit root container.
self.root_container = MenuContainer(
- floats=[
- # Top message bar
- Float(
- content=FloatingMessageBar(self),
- top=0,
- right=0,
- height=1,
- ),
- # Centered floating help windows
- Float(
- content=self.app_help_window,
- top=2,
- bottom=2,
- # Callable to get width
- width=self.app_help_window.content_width,
- ),
- Float(
- content=self.user_guide_window,
- top=2,
- bottom=2,
- # Callable to get width
- width=self.user_guide_window.content_width,
- ),
- Float(
- content=self.keybind_help_window,
- top=2,
- bottom=2,
- # Callable to get width
- width=self.keybind_help_window.content_width,
- ),
- Float(
- content=self.quit_dialog,
- top=2,
- left=2,
- ),
- # Completion menu that can overlap other panes since it lives in
- # the top level Float container.
- Float(
- xcursor=True,
- ycursor=True,
- content=ConditionalContainer(
- content=CompletionsMenu(
- scroll_offset=(lambda: self.pw_ptpython_repl.
- completion_menu_scroll_offset),
- max_height=16,
- ),
- # Only show our completion if ptpython's is disabled.
- filter=Condition(lambda: self.pw_ptpython_repl.
- completion_visualisation ==
- CompletionVisualisation.NONE),
- ),
- ),
- ],
+ floats=self.floats,
# NOTE: ptpython stores it's completion menus in this HSplit:
@@ -324,7 +339,6 @@ class ConsoleApp:
# Create the prompt_toolkit Application instance.
self.application: Application = Application(
- after_render=self.run_after_render_hooks,
# Pull key bindings from ptpython
@@ -393,24 +407,37 @@ class ConsoleApp:
self.menu_items = self._create_menu_items()
self.root_container.menu_items = self.menu_items
- def _create_logger_submenu(self):
- submenu = [
- MenuItem(
+ def open_command_runner_main_menu(self) -> None:
+ self.command_runner.set_completions()
+ if not self.command_runner_is_open():
+ self.command_runner.open_dialog()
+ def open_command_runner_loggers(self) -> None:
+ self.command_runner.set_completions(
+ window_title='Open Logger',
+ load_completions=self._create_logger_completions)
+ if not self.command_runner_is_open():
+ self.command_runner.open_dialog()
+ def _create_logger_completions(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
+ completions: List[Tuple[str, Callable]] = [
+ (
- handler=functools.partial(self.open_new_log_pane_for_logger,
- '',
- window_title='root'),
- )
+ functools.partial(self.open_new_log_pane_for_logger,
+ '',
+ window_title='root'),
+ ),
all_logger_names = sorted([logger.name for logger in all_loggers()])
for logger_name in all_logger_names:
- submenu.append(
- MenuItem(
- logger_name,
- handler=functools.partial(
- self.open_new_log_pane_for_logger, logger_name),
- ))
- return submenu
+ completions.append((
+ logger_name,
+ functools.partial(self.open_new_log_pane_for_logger,
+ logger_name),
+ ))
+ return completions
def _create_menu_items(self):
themes_submenu = [
@@ -460,7 +487,7 @@ class ConsoleApp:
MenuItem('Open Logger',
- children=self._create_logger_submenu()),
+ handler=self.open_command_runner_loggers),
'Log Table View',
@@ -526,6 +553,11 @@ class ConsoleApp:
MenuItem('Paste to Python Input',
+ MenuItem('-'),
+ MenuItem('Copy all Python Output',
+ handler=self.repl_pane.copy_all_output_text),
+ MenuItem('Copy all Python Input',
+ handler=self.repl_pane.copy_all_input_text),
@@ -629,7 +661,13 @@ class ConsoleApp:
def focus_on_container(self, pane):
"""Set application focus to a specific container."""
- self.application.layout.focus(pane)
+ # Try to focus on the given pane
+ try:
+ self.application.layout.focus(pane)
+ except ValueError:
+ # If the container can't be focused, focus on the first visible
+ # window pane.
+ self.window_manager.focus_first_visible_pane()
def toggle_light_theme(self):
"""Toggle light and dark theme colors."""
@@ -706,12 +744,6 @@ class ConsoleApp:
- def run_after_render_hooks(self, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs):
- """Run each active pane's `after_render_hook` if defined."""
- for pane in self.window_manager.active_panes():
- if hasattr(pane, 'after_render_hook'):
- pane.after_render_hook()
def start_user_code_thread(self):
"""Create a thread for running user code so the UI isn't blocked."""
thread = Thread(target=self._user_code_thread_entry,
@@ -760,16 +792,24 @@ class ConsoleApp:
"""Return the currently focused window."""
return self.application.layout.current_window
+ def command_runner_is_open(self) -> bool:
+ return self.command_runner.show_dialog
+ def command_runner_last_focused_pane(self) -> Any:
+ return self.command_runner.last_focused_pane
def modal_window_is_open(self):
"""Return true if any modal window or dialog is open."""
if self.app_help_text:
return (self.app_help_window.show_window
or self.keybind_help_window.show_window
or self.user_guide_window.show_window
- or self.quit_dialog.show_dialog)
+ or self.quit_dialog.show_dialog
+ or self.command_runner.show_dialog)
return (self.keybind_help_window.show_window
or self.user_guide_window.show_window
- or self.quit_dialog.show_dialog)
+ or self.quit_dialog.show_dialog
+ or self.command_runner.show_dialog)
def exit_console(self):
"""Quit the console prompt_toolkit application UI."""
@@ -787,22 +827,12 @@ class ConsoleApp:
if test_mode:
background_log_task = asyncio.create_task(self.log_forever())
- background_menu_updater_task = asyncio.create_task(
- self.background_menu_updater())
unused_result = await self.application.run_async(
if test_mode:
- background_menu_updater_task.cancel()
- async def background_menu_updater(self):
- """Periodically update main menu items to capture new logger names."""
- while True:
- await asyncio.sleep(30)
- _LOG.debug('Update main menu items')
- self.update_menu_items()
async def log_forever(self):
"""Test mode async log generator coroutine that runs forever."""
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_prefs.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_prefs.py
index a7d1c7bce..70ac3bef3 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_prefs.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/console_prefs.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
import os
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Union
+from typing import Dict, List, Union
from pw_console.style import get_theme_colors
from pw_console.yaml_config_loader_mixin import YamlConfigLoaderMixin
@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ _DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
# Window arrangement
'windows': {},
'window_column_split_method': 'vertical',
+ 'command_runner': {
+ 'width': 80,
+ 'height': 10,
+ 'position': {
+ 'top': 3
+ },
+ },
_DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILE = Path('$PW_PROJECT_ROOT/.pw_console.yaml')
@@ -203,6 +210,24 @@ class ConsolePrefs(YamlConfigLoaderMixin):
return list(column_type for column_type in self.windows.keys())
+ def command_runner_position(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
+ position = self._config.get('command_runner',
+ {}).get('position', {'top': 3})
+ return {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in position.items()
+ if key in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']
+ }
+ @property
+ def command_runner_width(self) -> int:
+ return self._config.get('command_runner', {}).get('width', 80)
+ @property
+ def command_runner_height(self) -> int:
+ return self._config.get('command_runner', {}).get('height', 10)
+ @property
def unique_window_titles(self) -> set:
titles = []
for window_list_title, column in self.windows.items():
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/docs/user_guide.rst b/pw_console/py/pw_console/docs/user_guide.rst
index 67baef164..7e0f4eadf 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/docs/user_guide.rst
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/docs/user_guide.rst
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ User Guide
.. seealso::
- This guide can be viewed online at: https://pigweed.dev/pw_console/
+ This guide can be viewed online at:
+ https://pigweed.dev/pw_console/py/pw_console/docs/user_guide.html
The Pigweed Console provides a Python repl (read eval print loop) and log viewer
in a single-window terminal based interface.
@@ -27,9 +29,11 @@ There are a few ways to exit the Pigweed Console user interface:
1. Click the :guilabel:`[File]` menu and then :guilabel:`Exit`.
2. Type ``quit`` or ``exit`` in the Python Input window and press :kbd:`Enter`.
3. Press :kbd:`Ctrl-d` once to show the quit confirmation dialog. From there
- pressing :kbd:`Ctrl-d` a second time or :kbd:`y` will exit.
-4. Pressing :kbd:`Ctrl-x` quickly followed by :kbd:`Ctrl-c` will exit without
+ press :kbd:`Ctrl-d` a second time or :kbd:`y` will exit.
+4. Press :kbd:`Ctrl-x` quickly followed by :kbd:`Ctrl-c` will exit without
+5. Press :kbd:`Ctrl-p` to search for commands, type ``exit``, then press
+ :kbd:`Enter`.
Interface Layout
@@ -64,8 +68,36 @@ mouse wheel should work too. This requires that your terminal is able to send
mouse events.
-Main Menu Navigation with the Keyboard
+Navigation with the Keyboard
+The main menu can be searched by pressing :kbd:`Ctrl-p`. This opens a fuzzy
+search box containing all main menu item actions.
+Words separated by spaces are used to narrow down the match results. The order
+each word is entered does not matter.
+.. figure:: /pw_console/images/command_runner_main_menu.svg
+ :alt: Main menu item search dialog.
+============================================ =====================
+Function Keys
+============================================ =====================
+Open main menu search :kbd:`Ctrl-p`
+Cancel search :kbd:`Ctrl-c`
+Run selected item :kbd:`Enter`
+Select next item :kbd:`Tab`
+ :kbd:`Down`
+Select previous item :kbd:`Shift-Tab`
+ :kbd:`Up`
+============================================ =====================
+Switching Focus
+Clicking on any window will focus on it. Alternatively, the key bindings below
+will switch focus.
============================================ =====================
Function Keys
@@ -189,15 +221,13 @@ Here is a view of the search bar:
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Enter : Search Ctrl-Alt-f : Add Filter Ctrl-Alt-r : Clear Filters |
- | Search Ctrl-t : Column:All Ctrl-v : [ ] Invert Ctrl-n : Matcher:REGEX |
- | / |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Search Column:All Ctrl-t [ ] Invert Ctrl-v Matcher:REGEX Ctrl-n |
+ | / Search Enter Cancel Ctrl-c |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Across the top are various functions with keyboard shortcuts listed. Each of
-these are clickable with the mouse. The second line shows configurable search
+these are clickable with the mouse.
**Search Parameters**
@@ -618,15 +648,14 @@ Example Config
- metadata1
- metadata2
- # If True, any metadata field not listed above in 'column_order' will be hidden in table view.
+ # If True, any metadata field not listed above in 'column_order'
+ # will be hidden in table view.
column_order_omit_unspecified_columns: False
# Unique Colors for Column Values
# Color format: 'bg:#BG-HEX #FG-HEX STYLE'
# All parts are optional.
# Empty strings will leave styling unchanged.
- # See prompt_toolkit style format docs here:
- # https://python-prompt-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/advanced_topics/styling.html
# Column name
@@ -670,7 +699,8 @@ Example Config
# Second window column
Split 2 tabbed:
- # This is a duplicate of the existing 'Device Logs' window with a new title.
+ # This is a duplicate of the existing 'Device Logs' window.
+ # The title is 'NEW DEVICE'
duplicate_of: Device Logs
# Log filters are defined here
@@ -713,6 +743,17 @@ Example Config
regex: 'Apple.*USB'
+ # Command Runner dialog size and position
+ command_runner:
+ width: 80
+ height: 10
+ position:
+ top: 3 # 3 lines below the top edge of the screen
+ # Alternatively one of these options can be used instead:
+ # bottom: 2 # 2 lines above the bottom edge of the screen
+ # left: 2 # 2 lines away from the left edge of the screen
+ # right: 2 # 2 lines away from the right edge of the screen
Known Issues
@@ -721,7 +762,8 @@ Log Window
- Tab character rendering will not work in the log pane view. They will
- appear as ``^I`` since prompt_toolkit can't render them. See this issue for details:
+ appear as ``^I`` since prompt_toolkit can't render them. See this issue for
+ details:
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/help_window.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/help_window.py
index 758a5f68f..ccb6d0302 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/help_window.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/help_window.py
@@ -203,9 +203,16 @@ class HelpWindow(ConditionalContainer):
scrollbar_padding = 1
scrollbar_width = 1
- return self.max_line_length + (left_side_frame_and_padding_width +
- right_side_frame_and_padding_width +
- scrollbar_padding + scrollbar_width)
+ desired_width = self.max_line_length + (
+ left_side_frame_and_padding_width +
+ right_side_frame_and_padding_width + scrollbar_padding +
+ scrollbar_width)
+ window_manager_width = (
+ self.application.window_manager.current_window_manager_width)
+ if not window_manager_width:
+ window_manager_width = 80
+ return min(desired_width, window_manager_width)
def load_user_guide(self):
rstdoc = Path(__file__).parent / 'docs/user_guide.rst'
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/key_bindings.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/key_bindings.py
index cec1f613b..22e053de5 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/key_bindings.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/key_bindings.py
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ def create_key_bindings(console_app):
# F2 is ptpython settings
# F3 is ptpython history
+ @bindings.add(
+ 'c-p',
+ filter=Condition(lambda: not console_app.modal_window_is_open()))
+ def show_command_runner(event):
+ """Open command runner window."""
+ console_app.open_command_runner_main_menu()
def app_focus_previous(event):
"""Move focus to the previous widget."""
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/log_pane.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/log_pane.py
index 79ca5026b..620dd29f6 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/log_pane.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/log_pane.py
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class LogPane(WindowPane):
self._pane_subtitle = self._pane_subtitle + ', ' + text
- def pane_subtitle(self):
+ def pane_subtitle(self) -> str:
if not self._pane_subtitle:
return ', '.join(self.log_view.log_store.channel_counts.keys())
logger_names = self._pane_subtitle.split(', ')
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ class LogPane(WindowPane):
# Menu separator
('-', None),
- 'Save a copy',
+ 'Save/Export a copy',
('-', None),
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ class LogPane(WindowPane):
if self.is_a_duplicate:
options += [(
- 'Remove pane',
+ 'Remove/Delete pane',
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ class LogPane(WindowPane):
- 'Reset active filters',
+ 'Clear/Reset active filters',
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/repl_pane.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/repl_pane.py
index 97a8078b8..08ef96cd0 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/repl_pane.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/repl_pane.py
@@ -277,7 +277,8 @@ class ReplPane(WindowPane):
checked=lambda: self.wrap_output_lines))
- ToolbarButton('Ctrl-Alt-c', 'Copy All Output', self.copy_text))
+ ToolbarButton('Ctrl-Alt-c', 'Copy All Output',
+ self.copy_all_output_text))
ToolbarButton('Ctrl-c', 'Copy Selected Text',
@@ -297,11 +298,16 @@ class ReplPane(WindowPane):
clipboard_data = self.pw_ptpython_repl.default_buffer.copy_selection()
- def copy_text(self):
- """Copy visible text in this window pane to the system clipboard."""
+ def copy_all_output_text(self):
+ """Copy all text in the Python output to the system clipboard."""
+ def copy_all_input_text(self):
+ """Copy all text in the Python input to the system clipboard."""
+ self.application.application.clipboard.set_text(
+ self.pw_ptpython_repl.default_buffer.text)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def get_all_key_bindings(self) -> List:
"""Return all keybinds for this plugin."""
@@ -320,9 +326,6 @@ class ReplPane(WindowPane):
def get_all_menu_options(self):
return []
- def after_render_hook(self):
- """Run tasks after the last UI render."""
def run_code(self):
"""Trigger a repl code execution on mouse click."""
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/search_toolbar.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/search_toolbar.py
index e0d681c4a..2307a3c61 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/search_toolbar.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/search_toolbar.py
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class SearchToolbar(ConditionalContainer):
self._search_invert = False
self._search_field = None
- # FormattedText of the search column headers.
self.input_field = TextArea(
('class:search-bar-setting', '/',
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/style.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/style.py
index 8a0b486c1..19d41820d 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/style.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/style.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import StyleAndTextTuples
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.base import OneStyleAndTextTuple
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
from prompt_toolkit.filters import has_focus
@@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ _THEME_NAME_MAPPING = {
'dark': DarkColors(),
'high-contrast-dark': HighContrastDarkColors(),
'ansi': AnsiTerm(),
-} # yapf: disable
+} # yapf: disable
def get_theme_colors(theme_name=''):
@@ -373,6 +375,20 @@ def generate_styles(theme_name='dark'):
'quit-dialog-border': 'bg:{} {}'.format(theme.inactive_bg,
+ 'command-runner': 'bg:{}'.format(theme.inactive_bg),
+ 'command-runner-title': 'bg:{} {}'.format(theme.inactive_bg,
+ theme.default_fg),
+ 'command-runner-setting': '{}'.format(theme.purple_accent),
+ 'command-runner-border': 'bg:{} {}'.format(theme.inactive_bg,
+ theme.purple_accent),
+ 'command-runner-selected-item': 'bg:{}'.format(theme.selected_line_bg),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-0': '{}'.format(theme.blue_accent),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-1': '{}'.format(theme.cyan_accent),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-2': '{}'.format(theme.green_accent),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-3': '{}'.format(theme.yellow_accent),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-4': '{}'.format(theme.orange_accent),
+ 'command-runner-fuzzy-highlight-5': '{}'.format(theme.red_accent),
# Progress Bar Styles
# Entire set of ProgressBars - no title is used in pw_console
'title': '',
@@ -427,7 +443,7 @@ def generate_styles(theme_name='dark'):
'theme-bg-button-active': 'bg:{}'.format(theme.button_active_bg),
'theme-bg-button-inactive': 'bg:{}'.format(theme.button_inactive_bg),
- } # yapf: disable
+ } # yapf: disable
return Style.from_dict(pw_console_styles)
@@ -456,8 +472,14 @@ def get_pane_style(pt_container) -> str:
def get_pane_indicator(pt_container,
- hide_indicator=False):
+ hide_indicator=False) -> StyleAndTextTuples:
"""Return formatted text for a pane indicator and title."""
+ inactive_indicator: OneStyleAndTextTuple
+ active_indicator: OneStyleAndTextTuple
+ inactive_title: OneStyleAndTextTuple
+ active_title: OneStyleAndTextTuple
if mouse_handler:
inactive_indicator = ('class:pane_indicator_inactive', ' ',
@@ -470,7 +492,7 @@ def get_pane_indicator(pt_container,
inactive_title = ('class:pane_title_inactive', title)
active_title = ('class:pane_title_active', title)
- fragments = []
+ fragments: StyleAndTextTuples = []
if has_focus(pt_container.__pt_container__())():
if not hide_indicator:
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/border.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/border.py
index d4624e9c9..64a03a3be 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/border.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/border.py
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
# the License.
"""Wrapper fuctions to add borders around prompt_toolkit containers."""
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Optional
from prompt_toolkit.layout import (
+ FormattedTextControl,
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ from prompt_toolkit.layout import (
def create_border(
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
content: AnyContainer,
- content_height: int,
+ content_height: Optional[int] = None,
+ title: str = '',
border_style: str = '',
base_style: str = '',
top: bool = True,
@@ -48,9 +50,17 @@ def create_border(
if left:
Window(width=1, height=1, char=top_left_char, style=border_style))
+ title_text = None
+ if title:
+ title_text = FormattedTextControl([
+ ('', f'{horizontal_char}{horizontal_char} {title} ')
+ ])
- char='━',
+ title_text,
+ char=horizontal_char,
# Expand width to max available space
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane.py
index eb16428cf..ab2484a74 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane.py
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import AnyDimension
from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition
from prompt_toolkit.layout import (
+ AnyContainer,
+ walk,
from pw_console.get_pw_console_app import get_pw_console_app
@@ -199,3 +201,11 @@ class WindowPane(ABC):
style=functools.partial(pw_console.style.get_pane_style, self),
filter=Condition(lambda: self.show_pane))
+ def has_child_container(self, child_container: AnyContainer) -> bool:
+ if not child_container:
+ return False
+ for container in walk(self.__pt_container__()):
+ if container == child_container:
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane_toolbar.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane_toolbar.py
index 76ee0fc11..3c16beb62 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane_toolbar.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/widgets/window_pane_toolbar.py
@@ -66,9 +66,13 @@ class WindowPaneToolbar:
def get_left_text_tokens(self):
"""Return toolbar indicator and title."""
- title = ' {} '.format(self.title)
+ title = self.title
+ if not title and self.parent_window_pane:
+ # No title was set, fetch the parent window pane title if available.
+ parent_pane_title = self.parent_window_pane.pane_title()
+ title = parent_pane_title if parent_pane_title else title
return pw_console.style.get_pane_indicator(self.focus_check_container,
- title,
+ f' {title} ',
def get_center_text_tokens(self):
@@ -161,8 +165,6 @@ class WindowPaneToolbar:
# Set parent_window_pane related options
if self.parent_window_pane:
- if not title:
- self.title = self.parent_window_pane.pane_title()
if not subtitle:
self.subtitle = self.parent_window_pane.pane_subtitle
self.focus_check_container = self.parent_window_pane
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_list.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_list.py
index 075f4dbba..ec21b5810 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_list.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_list.py
@@ -203,8 +203,21 @@ class WindowList:
def get_current_active_pane(self):
"""Return the current active window pane."""
focused_pane = None
+ command_runner_focused_pane = None
+ if self.application.command_runner_is_open():
+ command_runner_focused_pane = (
+ self.application.command_runner_last_focused_pane())
for index, pane in enumerate(self.active_panes):
+ in_focus = False
if has_focus(pane)():
+ in_focus = True
+ elif command_runner_focused_pane and pane.has_child_container(
+ command_runner_focused_pane):
+ in_focus = True
+ if in_focus:
focused_pane = pane
self.focused_pane_index = index
diff --git a/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_manager.py b/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_manager.py
index a6dc4ea59..6b880532f 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_manager.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/pw_console/window_manager.py
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ class WindowManager:
"""Focus on the first visible container."""
for pane in self.active_panes():
if pane.show_pane:
- self.application.focus_on_container(pane)
+ self.application.application.layout.focus(pane)
def check_for_all_hidden_panes_and_unhide(self) -> None:
@@ -1000,13 +1000,13 @@ class WindowManager:
- '{index}: {title} {subtitle}'.format(
+ '{index}: {title}'.format(
index=pane_index + 1,
- subtitle=pane.pane_subtitle()),
+ ),
- '{check} Show Window'.format(
+ '{check} Show/Hide Window'.format(
to_checkbox_text(pane.show_pane, end='')),
handler=functools.partial(self.toggle_pane, pane),
diff --git a/pw_console/py/window_manager_test.py b/pw_console/py/window_manager_test.py
index 0193af52e..676d07cb4 100644
--- a/pw_console/py/window_manager_test.py
+++ b/pw_console/py/window_manager_test.py
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ def _window_pane_counts(window_manager):
-def _window_pane_titles(window_manager):
+def window_pane_titles(window_manager):
return [[
pane.pane_title() + ' - ' + pane.pane_subtitle()
for pane in window_list.active_panes
] for window_list in window_manager.window_lists]
-def _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, list_index, pane_index):
+def target_list_and_pane(window_manager, list_index, pane_index):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# Bypass prompt_toolkit has_focus()
window_manager._get_active_window_list_and_pane = (
@@ -132,23 +132,23 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual([4], _window_pane_counts(window_manager))
# Move 2 windows to the right into their own splits
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
# 3 splits, first split has 2 windows
self.assertEqual([2, 1, 1], _window_pane_counts(window_manager))
# Move the first window in the first split left
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# 4 splits, each with their own window
self.assertEqual([1, 1, 1, 1], _window_pane_counts(window_manager))
# Move the first window to the right
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# 3 splits, first split has 2 windows
self.assertEqual([2, 1, 1], _window_pane_counts(window_manager))
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
window_manager = console_app.window_manager
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Should have one window list split of size 50.
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Move another pane to the right twice, creating a third
# window_list split.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Above window pane is at a new location
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
# Should have 3 splits now
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(list(window_manager.active_panes())), 4)
# Target the middle split
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
# Shrink the middle split twice
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Target the first split
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Shrink the first split twice
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Target the third (last) split
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 2, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 2, 0)
# Shrink the third split once
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Target the middle split
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
# Move the middle window pane left
# This is called on the next render pass
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Check window pane ordering
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log2 - test_log2',
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log1 - test_log1',
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log0 - test_log0',
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log0 - test_log0',
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
window_manager = console_app.window_manager
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log3 - test_log3',
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Scenario: Move between panes with a single stacked window list.
# Set the first pane in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Switch focus to the next pane
# Pane index 1 should now be focused.
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set the first pane in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Switch focus to the previous pane
# Previous pane should wrap around to the last pane in the first
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set the last pane in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
# Switch focus to the next pane
# Next pane should wrap around to the first pane in the first
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set the first pane/tab in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Switch focus to the next pane/tab
# Check switch_to_tab is called
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set the last pane/tab in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
# Switch focus to the next pane/tab
# Check switch_to_tab is called
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set the first pane/tab in focus.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Switch focus to the prev pane/tab
# Check switch_to_tab is called
@@ -563,12 +563,12 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Setup: Move two panes to the right into their own stacked
# window_list.
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 4)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 3)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 3)
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log3 - test_log3',
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set Log1 in focus
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 2)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 2)
# Log0 should now have focus
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set Log0 in focus
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 0)
# Log1 should now have focus
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set Python Repl in focus
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
# Log3 should now have focus
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set Log3 in focus
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
# Log2 should now have focus
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Set Python Repl in focus
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
# Log0 should now have focus
@@ -660,16 +660,16 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Move windows to create 3 splits
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
# Check windows are where expected
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log1 - test_log1',
@@ -738,16 +738,16 @@ class TestWindowManager(unittest.TestCase):
# Move windows to create 3 splits
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 0, 0)
- _target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
+ target_list_and_pane(window_manager, 1, 1)
# Check windows are where expected
- _window_pane_titles(window_manager),
+ window_pane_titles(window_manager),
'Log1 - test_log1',