path: root/pw_log_rpc/log_service_test.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'pw_log_rpc/log_service_test.cc')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pw_log_rpc/log_service_test.cc b/pw_log_rpc/log_service_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620ea46e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_log_rpc/log_service_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+// the License at
+// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#include "pw_log_rpc/log_service.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <limits>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
+#include "pw_log/log.h"
+#include "pw_log/proto/log.pwpb.h"
+#include "pw_log/proto_utils.h"
+#include "pw_protobuf/decoder.h"
+#include "pw_result/result.h"
+#include "pw_rpc/raw/test_method_context.h"
+#include "pw_string/string_builder.h"
+#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
+namespace pw::log_rpc {
+namespace {
+constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSize = 50;
+static_assert(RpcLogDrain::kMaxDropMessageSize < kMaxMessageSize);
+constexpr size_t kMaxLogEntrySize =
+ RpcLogDrain::kMinEntrySizeWithoutPayload + kMaxMessageSize;
+constexpr size_t kMultiSinkBufferSize = kMaxLogEntrySize * 10;
+constexpr size_t kMaxDrains = 3;
+constexpr char kMessage[] = "message";
+// A message small enough to fit encoded in LogServiceTest::entry_encode_buffer_
+// but large enough to not fit in LogServiceTest::small_buffer_.
+constexpr char kLongMessage[] =
+ "This is a long log message that will be dropped.";
+static_assert(sizeof(kLongMessage) < kMaxMessageSize);
+static_assert(sizeof(kLongMessage) > RpcLogDrain::kMaxDropMessageSize);
+std::array<std::byte, 1> rpc_request_buffer;
+// `LogServiceTest` sets up a logging environment for testing with a `MultiSink`
+// for log entries, and multiple `RpcLogDrain`s for consuming such log entries.
+// It includes methods to add log entries to the `MultiSink`, and buffers for
+// encoding and retrieving log entries. Tests can choose how many entries to
+// add to the multisink, and which drain to use.
+class LogServiceTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ LogServiceTest() : multisink_(multisink_buffer_), drain_map_(drains_) {
+ for (auto& drain : drain_map_.drains()) {
+ multisink_.AttachDrain(drain);
+ }
+ }
+ void AddLogEntries(size_t log_count, std::string_view message) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < log_count; ++i) {
+ AddLogEntry(message);
+ }
+ }
+ void AddLogEntry(std::string_view message) {
+ auto metadata =
+ log_tokenized::Metadata::Set<PW_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __LINE__, 0, 0>();
+ Result<ConstByteSpan> encoded_log_result =
+ log::EncodeTokenizedLog(metadata,
+ std::as_bytes(std::span(message)),
+ /*ticks_since_epoch=*/0,
+ entry_encode_buffer_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(encoded_log_result.status(), OkStatus());
+ multisink_.HandleEntry(encoded_log_result.value());
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::array<std::byte, kMultiSinkBufferSize> multisink_buffer_;
+ multisink::MultiSink multisink_;
+ RpcLogDrainMap drain_map_;
+ std::array<std::byte, kMaxLogEntrySize> entry_encode_buffer_;
+ // Drain Buffers
+ std::array<std::byte, kMaxLogEntrySize> drain_buffer1_;
+ std::array<std::byte, kMaxLogEntrySize> drain_buffer2_;
+ std::array<std::byte, RpcLogDrain::kMinEntryBufferSize> small_buffer_;
+ static constexpr uint32_t kSmallBufferDrainId = 3;
+ sync::Mutex shared_mutex_;
+ std::array<RpcLogDrain, kMaxDrains> drains_{
+ RpcLogDrain(1,
+ drain_buffer1_,
+ shared_mutex_,
+ RpcLogDrain::LogDrainErrorHandling::kIgnoreWriterErrors),
+ RpcLogDrain(
+ 2,
+ drain_buffer2_,
+ shared_mutex_,
+ RpcLogDrain::LogDrainErrorHandling::kCloseStreamOnWriterError),
+ RpcLogDrain(kSmallBufferDrainId,
+ small_buffer_,
+ shared_mutex_,
+ RpcLogDrain::LogDrainErrorHandling::kIgnoreWriterErrors),
+ };
+// Unpacks a `LogEntry` proto buffer and compares it with the expected data.
+void VerifyLogEntry(protobuf::Decoder& entry_decoder,
+ log_tokenized::Metadata expected_metadata,
+ ConstByteSpan expected_tokenized_data,
+ const int64_t expected_timestamp) {
+ ConstByteSpan tokenized_data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.Next().ok()); // message [tokenized]
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, entry_decoder.FieldNumber());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.ReadBytes(&tokenized_data).ok());
+ EXPECT_EQ(tokenized_data.size(), expected_tokenized_data.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(std::memcmp(tokenized_data.begin(),
+ expected_tokenized_data.begin(),
+ expected_tokenized_data.size()),
+ 0);
+ uint32_t line_level;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.Next().ok()); // line_level
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, entry_decoder.FieldNumber());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.ReadUint32(&line_level).ok());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_metadata.level(), line_level & PW_LOG_LEVEL_BITMASK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_metadata.line_number(),
+ if (expected_metadata.flags() != 0) {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.Next().ok()); // flags
+ EXPECT_EQ(3U, entry_decoder.FieldNumber());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.ReadUint32(&flags).ok());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_metadata.flags(), flags);
+ }
+ const bool has_timestamp = entry_decoder.Next().ok(); // timestamp
+ if (expected_timestamp == 0 && !has_timestamp) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int64_t timestamp;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(has_timestamp);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4U, entry_decoder.FieldNumber());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry_decoder.ReadInt64(&timestamp).ok());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_timestamp, timestamp);
+// Verifies a stream of log entries, returning the total count found.
+size_t VerifyLogEntries(protobuf::Decoder& entries_decoder,
+ Vector<ConstByteSpan>& message_stack) {
+ size_t entries_found = 0;
+ while (entries_decoder.Next().ok()) {
+ ConstByteSpan entry;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entries_decoder.ReadBytes(&entry).ok());
+ protobuf::Decoder entry_decoder(entry);
+ auto expected_metadata =
+ log_tokenized::Metadata::Set<PW_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __LINE__, 0, 0>();
+ if (message_stack.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ConstByteSpan expected_message = message_stack.back();
+ VerifyLogEntry(entry_decoder,
+ expected_metadata,
+ expected_message,
+ /*expected_timestamp=*/0);
+ message_stack.pop_back();
+ ++entries_found;
+ }
+ return entries_found;
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, AssignWriter) {
+ // Drains don't have writers.
+ for (auto& drain : drain_map_.drains()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(drain.Flush(), Status::Unavailable());
+ }
+ // Create context directed to drain with ID 1.
+ RpcLogDrain& active_drain = drains_[0];
+ const uint32_t drain_channel_id = active_drain.channel_id();
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ // Call RPC, which sets the drain's writer.
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ // Other drains are still missing writers.
+ for (auto& drain : drain_map_.drains()) {
+ if (drain.channel_id() != drain_channel_id) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(drain.Flush(), Status::Unavailable());
+ }
+ }
+ // Calling an ongoing log stream must not change the active drain's
+ // writer, and the second writer must not get any responses.
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT second_call_context(drain_map_);
+ second_call_context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ second_call_context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(second_call_context.done());
+ EXPECT_EQ(second_call_context.responses().size(), 0u);
+ // Setting a new writer on a closed stream is allowed.
+ ASSERT_EQ(active_drain.Close(), OkStatus());
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT third_call_context(drain_map_);
+ third_call_context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ third_call_context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(third_call_context.done());
+ EXPECT_EQ(third_call_context.responses().size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Close(), OkStatus());
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, StartAndEndStream) {
+ RpcLogDrain& active_drain = drains_[2];
+ const uint32_t drain_channel_id = active_drain.channel_id();
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ // Add log entries.
+ const size_t total_entries = 10;
+ AddLogEntries(total_entries, kMessage);
+ // Request logs.
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ // Not done until the stream is finished.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(context.done());
+ active_drain.Close();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(context.done());
+ EXPECT_EQ(context.status(), OkStatus());
+ // There is at least 1 response with multiple log entries packed.
+ EXPECT_GE(context.responses().size(), 1u);
+ // Verify data in responses.
+ Vector<ConstByteSpan, total_entries> message_stack;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < total_entries; ++i) {
+ message_stack.push_back(
+ std::as_bytes(std::span(std::string_view(kMessage))));
+ }
+ size_t entries_found = 0;
+ for (auto& response : context.responses()) {
+ protobuf::Decoder entry_decoder(response);
+ entries_found += VerifyLogEntries(entry_decoder, message_stack);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries_found, total_entries);
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, HandleDropped) {
+ RpcLogDrain& active_drain = drains_[0];
+ const uint32_t drain_channel_id = active_drain.channel_id();
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ // Add log entries.
+ const size_t total_entries = 5;
+ const uint32_t total_drop_count = 2;
+ AddLogEntries(total_entries, kMessage);
+ multisink_.HandleDropped(total_drop_count);
+ // Request logs.
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ active_drain.Close();
+ ASSERT_EQ(context.status(), OkStatus());
+ // There is at least 1 response with multiple log entries packed.
+ ASSERT_GE(context.responses().size(), 1u);
+ // Add create expected messages in a stack to match the order they arrive in.
+ Vector<ConstByteSpan, total_entries + 1> message_stack;
+ StringBuffer<32> message;
+ message.Format("Dropped %u", static_cast<unsigned int>(total_drop_count));
+ message_stack.push_back(std::as_bytes(std::span(std::string_view(message))));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < total_entries; ++i) {
+ message_stack.push_back(
+ std::as_bytes(std::span(std::string_view(kMessage))));
+ }
+ // Verify data in responses.
+ size_t entries_found = 0;
+ for (auto& response : context.responses()) {
+ protobuf::Decoder entry_decoder(response);
+ entries_found += VerifyLogEntries(entry_decoder, message_stack);
+ }
+ // Expect an extra message with the drop count.
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries_found, total_entries + 1);
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, HandleSmallBuffer) {
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(kSmallBufferDrainId);
+ auto small_buffer_drain =
+ drain_map_.GetDrainFromChannelId(kSmallBufferDrainId);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(small_buffer_drain.ok());
+ // Add log entries.
+ const size_t total_entries = 5;
+ const uint32_t total_drop_count = total_entries;
+ AddLogEntries(total_entries, kLongMessage);
+ // Request logs.
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(small_buffer_drain.value()->Flush(), OkStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(small_buffer_drain.value()->Close(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_EQ(context.status(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_GE(context.responses().size(), 1u);
+ Vector<ConstByteSpan, total_entries + 1> message_stack;
+ StringBuffer<32> message;
+ message.Format("Dropped %u", static_cast<unsigned int>(total_drop_count));
+ message_stack.push_back(std::as_bytes(std::span(std::string_view(message))));
+ // Verify data in responses.
+ size_t entries_found = 0;
+ for (auto& response : context.responses()) {
+ protobuf::Decoder entry_decoder(response);
+ entries_found += VerifyLogEntries(entry_decoder, message_stack);
+ }
+ // No messages fit the buffer, expect a drop message.
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries_found, 1u);
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, FlushDrainWithoutMultisink) {
+ auto& detached_drain = drains_[0];
+ multisink_.DetachDrain(detached_drain);
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(detached_drain.channel_id());
+ // Add log entries.
+ const size_t total_entries = 5;
+ AddLogEntries(total_entries, kMessage);
+ // Request logs.
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(detached_drain.Close(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_EQ(context.status(), OkStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(context.responses().size(), 0u);
+TEST_F(LogServiceTest, LargeLogEntry) {
+ const auto expected_metadata =
+ log_tokenized::Metadata::Set<PW_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
+ ConstByteSpan expected_message = std::as_bytes(std::span(kMessage));
+ const int64_t expected_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
+ // Add entry to multisink.
+ log::LogEntry::MemoryEncoder encoder(entry_encode_buffer_);
+ encoder.WriteMessage(expected_message);
+ encoder.WriteLineLevel(
+ (expected_metadata.level() & PW_LOG_LEVEL_BITMASK) |
+ ((expected_metadata.line_number() << PW_LOG_LEVEL_BITS) &
+ encoder.WriteFlags(expected_metadata.flags());
+ encoder.WriteTimestamp(expected_timestamp);
+ ASSERT_EQ(encoder.status(), OkStatus());
+ multisink_.HandleEntry(encoder);
+ // Start log stream.
+ RpcLogDrain& active_drain = drains_[0];
+ const uint32_t drain_channel_id = active_drain.channel_id();
+ LOG_SERVICE_METHOD_CONTEXT context(drain_map_);
+ context.set_channel_id(drain_channel_id);
+ context.call(rpc_request_buffer);
+ ASSERT_EQ(active_drain.Flush(), OkStatus());
+ active_drain.Close();
+ ASSERT_EQ(context.status(), OkStatus());
+ ASSERT_EQ(context.responses().size(), 1u);
+ // Verify message.
+ protobuf::Decoder entries_decoder(context.responses()[0]);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entries_decoder.Next().ok());
+ ConstByteSpan entry;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entries_decoder.ReadBytes(&entry).ok());
+ protobuf::Decoder entry_decoder(entry);
+ VerifyLogEntry(
+ entry_decoder, expected_metadata, expected_message, expected_timestamp);
+// TODO(pwbug/469): add tests for an open RawServerWriter that closes or fails
+// while flushing, then on re-open the drain sends a counts. The drain mus have
+// ignore_writer_error disabled.
+} // namespace
+} // namespace pw::log_rpc