# Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. """CLI tools for pw_ide.""" import argparse import enum from inspect import cleandoc import re from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol from pw_ide.commands import ( cmd_cpp, cmd_python, cmd_setup, cmd_sync, cmd_vscode, ) from pw_ide.vscode import VscSettingsType def _get_docstring(obj: Any) -> Optional[str]: doc: Optional[str] = getattr(obj, '__doc__', None) return doc class _ParsedDocstring: """Parses help content out of a standard docstring.""" def __init__(self, obj: Any) -> None: self.description = '' self.epilog = '' if obj is not None and (doc := _get_docstring(obj)) is not None: lines = doc.split('\n') self.description = lines.pop(0) # Eliminate the blank line between the summary and the main content if len(lines) > 0: lines.pop(0) self.epilog = cleandoc('\n'.join(lines)) class SphinxStripperState(enum.Enum): SEARCHING = 0 COLLECTING = 1 HANDLING = 2 class SphinxStripper: """Strip Sphinx directives from text. The caller can provide an object with methods named _handle_directive_{} to handle specific directives. Otherwise, the default will apply. Feed text line by line to .process(line), then get the processed text back with .result(). """ def __init__(self, handler: Any) -> None: self.handler = handler self.directive: str = '' self.tag: str = '' self.lines_to_handle: List[str] = [] self.handled_lines: List[str] = [] self._prev_state: SphinxStripperState = SphinxStripperState.SEARCHING self._curr_state: SphinxStripperState = SphinxStripperState.SEARCHING @property def state(self) -> SphinxStripperState: return self._curr_state @state.setter def state(self, value: SphinxStripperState) -> None: self._prev_state = self._curr_state self._curr_state = value def search_for_directives(self, line: str) -> None: match = re.search( r'^\.\.\s*(?P[\-\w]+)::\s*(?P[\-\w]+)$', line ) if match is not None: self.directive = match.group('directive') self.tag = match.group('tag') self.state = SphinxStripperState.COLLECTING else: self.handled_lines.append(line) def collect_lines(self, line) -> None: # Collect lines associated with a directive, including blank lines in # the middle of the directive text, but not the blank line between the # directive and the start of its text. if not (line.strip() == '' and len(self.lines_to_handle) == 0): self.lines_to_handle.append(line) def handle_lines(self, line: str = '') -> None: handler_fn = f'_handle_directive_{self.directive.replace("-", "_")}' self.handled_lines.extend( getattr(self.handler, handler_fn, lambda _, s: s)( self.tag, self.lines_to_handle ) ) self.handled_lines.append(line) self.lines_to_handle = [] self.state = SphinxStripperState.SEARCHING def process_line(self, line: str) -> None: if self.state == SphinxStripperState.SEARCHING: self.search_for_directives(line) else: if self.state == SphinxStripperState.COLLECTING: # Assume that indented text below the directive is associated # with the directive. if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in (' ', '\t'): self.collect_lines(line) # When we encounter non-indented text, we're done with this # directive. else: self.state = SphinxStripperState.HANDLING if self.state == SphinxStripperState.HANDLING: self.handle_lines(line) def result(self) -> str: if self.state == SphinxStripperState.COLLECTING: self.state = SphinxStripperState.HANDLING self.handle_lines() return '\n'.join(self.handled_lines) class RawDescriptionSphinxStrippedHelpFormatter( argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ): """An argparse formatter that strips Sphinx directives. CLI command docstrings can contain Sphinx directives for rendering in docs. But we don't want to include those directives when printing to the terminal. So we strip them and, if appropriate, replace them with something better suited to terminal output. """ def _reformat(self, text: str) -> str: """Given a block of text, replace Sphinx directives. Directive handlers will be provided with the directive name, its tag, and all of the associated lines of text. "Association" is determined by those lines being indented to any degree under the directive. Unhandled directives will only have the directive line removed. """ sphinx_stripper = SphinxStripper(self) for line in text.splitlines(): sphinx_stripper.process_line(line) # The space at the end prevents the final blank line from being stripped # by argparse, which provides breathing room between the text and the # prompt. return sphinx_stripper.result() + ' ' def _format_text(self, text: str) -> str: # This overrides an arparse method that is not technically a public API. return super()._format_text(self._reformat(text)) def _handle_directive_code_block( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, tag: str, lines: List[str] ) -> List[str]: if tag == 'bash': processed_lines = [] for line in lines: if line.strip() == '': processed_lines.append(line) else: stripped_line = line.lstrip() indent = len(line) - len(stripped_line) spaces = ' ' * indent processed_line = f'{spaces}$ {stripped_line}' processed_lines.append(processed_line) return processed_lines return lines class _ParserAdder(Protocol): """Return type for _parser_adder. Essentially expresses the type of __call__, which cannot be expressed in type annotations. """ def __call__( self, subcommand_handler: Callable[..., None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: ... def _parser_adder(subcommand_parser) -> _ParserAdder: """Create subcommand parsers with a consistent format. When given a subcommand handler, this will produce a parser that pulls the description, help, and epilog values from its docstring, and passes parsed args on to to the function. Create a subcommand parser, then feed it to this to get an `add_parser` function: .. code-block:: python subcommand_parser = parser_root.add_subparsers(help='Subcommands') add_parser = _parser_adder(subcommand_parser) Then use `add_parser` instead of `subcommand_parser.add_parser`. """ def _add_parser( subcommand_handler: Callable[..., None], *args, **kwargs ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: doc = _ParsedDocstring(subcommand_handler) default_kwargs = dict( # Displayed in list of subcommands description=doc.description, # Displayed as top-line summary for this subcommand's help help=doc.description, # Displayed as detailed help text for this subcommand's help epilog=doc.epilog, # Ensures that formatting is preserved and Sphinx directives are # stripped out when printing to the terminal formatter_class=RawDescriptionSphinxStrippedHelpFormatter, ) new_kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs} parser = subcommand_parser.add_parser(*args, **new_kwargs) parser.set_defaults(func=subcommand_handler) return parser return _add_parser def _build_argument_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser_root = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pw ide', description=__doc__) parser_root.set_defaults( func=lambda *_args, **_kwargs: parser_root.print_help() ) subcommand_parser = parser_root.add_subparsers(help='Subcommands') add_parser = _parser_adder(subcommand_parser) add_parser(cmd_sync, 'sync') add_parser(cmd_setup, 'setup') parser_cpp = add_parser(cmd_cpp, 'cpp') parser_cpp.add_argument( '-l', '--list', dest='should_list_targets', action='store_true', help='list the target toolchains available for C/C++ language analysis', ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '-g', '--get', dest='should_get_target', action='store_true', help=( 'print the current target toolchain ' 'used for C/C++ language analysis' ), ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '-s', '--set', dest='target_to_set', metavar='TARGET', help=( 'set the target toolchain to ' 'use for C/C++ language server analysis' ), ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '--set-default', dest='use_default_target', action='store_true', help=( 'set the C/C++ analysis target toolchain to the default ' 'defined in pw_ide settings' ), ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '-p', '--process', action='store_true', help='process a file or several files matching ' 'the clang compilation database format', ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '--clangd-command', action='store_true', help='print the command for your system that runs ' 'clangd in the activated Pigweed environment', ) parser_cpp.add_argument( '--clangd-command-for', dest='clangd_command_system', metavar='SYSTEM', help='print the command for the specified system ' 'that runs clangd in the activated Pigweed ' 'environment', ) parser_python = add_parser(cmd_python, 'python') parser_python.add_argument( '--venv', dest='should_print_venv', action='store_true', help='print the path to the Pigweed Python virtual environment', ) parser_python.add_argument( '--install-editable', metavar='MODULE', help='install a Pigweed Python module in editable mode', ) parser_vscode = add_parser(cmd_vscode, 'vscode') parser_vscode.add_argument( '--include', nargs='+', type=VscSettingsType, metavar='SETTINGS_TYPE', help='update only these settings types', ) parser_vscode.add_argument( '--exclude', nargs='+', type=VscSettingsType, metavar='SETTINGS_TYPE', help='do not update these settings types', ) parser_vscode.add_argument( '--install-extension', dest='should_install_extension', action='store_true', help='install the experimental extension', ) return parser_root def _parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: args = _build_argument_parser().parse_args() return args def _dispatch_command(func: Callable, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Dispatch arguments to a subcommand handler. Each CLI subcommand is handled by handler function, which is registered with the subcommand parser with `parser.set_defaults(func=handler)`. By calling this function with the parsed args, the appropriate subcommand handler is called, and the arguments are passed to it as kwargs. """ return func(**kwargs) def parse_args_and_dispatch_command() -> int: return _dispatch_command(**vars(_parse_args()))