# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. import("//build_overrides/pigweed.gni") import("$dir_pw_bloat/bloat.gni") import("$dir_pw_build/python.gni") import("$dir_pw_build/python_action.gni") import("$dir_pw_build/target_types.gni") import("$dir_pw_docgen/docs.gni") import("$dir_pw_protobuf_compiler/proto.gni") import("$dir_pw_sync/backend.gni") import("$dir_pw_third_party/nanopb/nanopb.gni") import("$dir_pw_unit_test/test.gni") import("config.gni") import("internal/integration_test_ports.gni") config("public_include_path") { include_dirs = [ "public" ] visibility = [ ":*" ] } config("global_mutex_config") { defines = [ "PW_RPC_USE_GLOBAL_MUTEX=1" ] visibility = [ ":*" ] } # Set pw_rpc_CONFIG to this to enable the global mutex. If additional options # are needed, a config target that sets those can depend on this. group("use_global_mutex") { public_configs = [ ":global_mutex_config" ] } pw_source_set("config") { sources = [ "public/pw_rpc/internal/config.h" ] public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ pw_rpc_CONFIG ] visibility = [ "./*" ] friend = [ "./*" ] } pw_source_set("log_config") { sources = [ "public/pw_rpc/internal/log_config.h" ] public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":config" ] visibility = [ "./*" ] friend = [ "./*" ] } pw_source_set("server") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":common" ] deps = [ ":log_config", dir_pw_log, ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/server.h", "public/pw_rpc/service.h", ] sources = [ "public/pw_rpc/internal/hash.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method_lookup.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method_union.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/server_call.h", "server.cc", "server_call.cc", "service.cc", ] friend = [ "./*" ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":common" ] } pw_source_set("client") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":common", dir_pw_result, ] deps = [ ":log_config", dir_pw_log, ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/client.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/client_call.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/service_client.h", ] sources = [ "client.cc", "client_call.cc", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":common" ] } pw_source_set("client_server") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":client", ":server", ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/client_server.h" ] sources = [ "client_server.cc" ] } pw_source_set("synchronous_client_api") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":client", ":common", "$dir_pw_chrono:system_clock", "$dir_pw_sync:timed_thread_notification", ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/synchronous_call.h", "public/pw_rpc/synchronous_call_result.h", ] } # Classes shared by the server and client. pw_source_set("common") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":config", ":protos.pwpb", "$dir_pw_containers:intrusive_list", "$dir_pw_sync:lock_annotations", dir_pw_assert, dir_pw_bytes, dir_pw_function, dir_pw_status, ] if (pw_sync_MUTEX_BACKEND != "") { public_deps += [ "$dir_pw_sync:mutex" ] } deps = [ ":log_config", dir_pw_log, ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/channel.h", "public/pw_rpc/writer.h", ] sources = [ "call.cc", "channel.cc", "channel_list.cc", "endpoint.cc", "packet.cc", "public/pw_rpc/internal/call.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/call_context.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/channel.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/channel_list.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/endpoint.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/lock.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method_info.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/packet.h", "public/pw_rpc/method_type.h", ] friend = [ "./*" ] } pw_source_set("benchmark") { public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":protos.raw_rpc" ] public = [ "public/pw_rpc/benchmark.h" ] sources = [ "benchmark.cc" ] } pw_source_set("fake_channel_output") { public = [ "public/pw_rpc/internal/fake_channel_output.h", "public/pw_rpc/payloads_view.h", ] sources = [ "fake_channel_output.cc" ] public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":common", "$dir_pw_containers:filtered_view", "$dir_pw_containers:vector", "$dir_pw_containers:wrapped_iterator", "$dir_pw_sync:mutex", dir_pw_assert, dir_pw_bytes, dir_pw_function, ] deps = [ ":log_config" ] visibility = [ "./*" ] } pw_source_set("thread_testing") { public = [ "public/pw_rpc/thread_testing.h" ] public_deps = [ ":fake_channel_output", "$dir_pw_sync:counting_semaphore", dir_pw_assert, ] } pw_source_set("test_utils") { public = [ "public/pw_rpc/internal/fake_channel_output.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method_impl_tester.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/method_info_tester.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/test_method.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/test_method_context.h", "public/pw_rpc/internal/test_utils.h", "pw_rpc_private/fake_server_reader_writer.h", ] public_configs = [ ":public_include_path" ] public_deps = [ ":client", ":server", "$dir_pw_containers:vector", "raw:fake_channel_output", "raw:server_api", dir_pw_assert, dir_pw_bytes, ] visibility = [ "./*" ] } pw_source_set("integration_testing") { public = [ "public/pw_rpc/integration_test_socket_client.h", "public/pw_rpc/integration_testing.h", ] sources = [ "integration_testing.cc" ] public_deps = [ ":client", "$dir_pw_hdlc:pw_rpc", "$dir_pw_hdlc:rpc_channel_output", "$dir_pw_stream:socket_stream", "$dir_pw_unit_test:logging_event_handler", dir_pw_assert, dir_pw_function, dir_pw_unit_test, ] deps = [ dir_pw_log ] } pw_executable("test_rpc_server") { sources = [ "test_rpc_server.cc" ] deps = [ ":benchmark", ":log_config", "system_server", "system_server:socket", dir_pw_log, ] } pw_executable("client_integration_test") { sources = [ "client_integration_test.cc" ] deps = [ ":client", ":integration_testing", ":protos.raw_rpc", "$dir_pw_sync:binary_semaphore", dir_pw_log, dir_pw_unit_test, ] deps += [ "pwpb:client_integration_test" ] if (dir_pw_third_party_nanopb != "") { deps += [ "nanopb:client_integration_test" ] } } pw_python_action("cpp_client_server_integration_test") { script = "py/pw_rpc/testing.py" args = [ "--server", "", "--client", "", "--", "$pw_rpc_CPP_CLIENT_INTEGRATION_TEST_PORT", ] deps = [ ":client_integration_test", ":test_rpc_server", ] stamp = true } pw_proto_library("protos") { sources = [ "benchmark.proto", "echo.proto", "internal/packet.proto", ] inputs = [ "echo.options", "benchmark.options", ] deps = [ "$dir_pw_protobuf:common_protos" ] python_package = "py" prefix = "pw_rpc" } pw_doc_group("docs") { sources = [ "benchmark.rst", "docs.rst", ] inputs = [ "benchmark.proto", "echo.proto", "internal/packet.proto", "unary_rpc.svg", "unary_rpc_cancelled.svg", "server_streaming_rpc.svg", "server_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg", "client_streaming_rpc.svg", "client_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg", "bidirectional_streaming_rpc.svg", "bidirectional_streaming_rpc_cancelled.svg", "request_packets.svg", "response_packets.svg", ] group_deps = [ "nanopb:docs", "pwpb:docs", "py:docs", "ts:docs", ] report_deps = [ ":server_size" ] } pw_size_report("server_size") { title = "Pigweed RPC server size report" binaries = [ { target = "size_report:server_only" base = "size_report:base" label = "Server by itself" }, ] if (dir_pw_third_party_nanopb != "") { binaries += [ { target = "size_report:server_with_echo_service" base = "size_report:base_with_nanopb" label = "Server with a registered nanopb EchoService" }, ] } } pw_test_group("tests") { tests = [ ":call_test", ":channel_test", ":client_server_test", ":fake_channel_output_test", ":method_test", ":ids_test", ":packet_test", ":server_test", ":service_test", ] group_deps = [ "nanopb:tests", "pwpb:tests", "raw:tests", ] } pw_proto_library("test_protos") { sources = [ "pw_rpc_test_protos/test.proto" ] inputs = [ "pw_rpc_test_protos/test.options" ] visibility = [ "./*" ] } pw_test("call_test") { deps = [ ":server", ":test_utils", ] sources = [ "call_test.cc" ] } pw_test("channel_test") { deps = [ ":server", ":test_utils", ] sources = [ "channel_test.cc" ] } pw_python_action("generate_ids_test") { outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/generated_ids_test.cc" ] script = "py/tests/ids_test.py" args = [ "--generate-cc-test" ] + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) python_deps = [ "$dir_pw_build/py", "py", ] } pw_test("ids_test") { deps = [ ":generate_ids_test", ":server", ] sources = get_target_outputs(":generate_ids_test") } pw_test("packet_test") { deps = [ ":server", dir_pw_bytes, dir_pw_protobuf, ] sources = [ "packet_test.cc" ] } pw_test("service_test") { deps = [ ":protos.pwpb", ":server", dir_pw_assert, ] sources = [ "service_test.cc" ] } pw_test("client_server_test") { deps = [ ":client_server", ":test_utils", "raw:server_api", ] sources = [ "client_server_test.cc" ] } pw_test("method_test") { deps = [ ":server", ":test_utils", ] sources = [ "method_test.cc" ] } pw_test("server_test") { deps = [ ":protos.pwpb", ":server", ":test_utils", dir_pw_assert, ] sources = [ "server_test.cc" ] } pw_test("fake_channel_output_test") { deps = [ ":test_utils" ] sources = [ "fake_channel_output_test.cc" ] }