// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "pw_assert/check.h" #include "pw_log/log.h" #include "pw_rpc/benchmark.raw_rpc.pb.h" #include "pw_rpc/integration_testing.h" #include "pw_sync/binary_semaphore.h" namespace rpc_test { namespace { constexpr int kIterations = 3; // This client configures a socket read timeout to allow the RPC dispatch thread // to exit gracefully. constexpr timeval kSocketReadTimeout = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_usec = 0}; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using pw::ByteSpan; using pw::ConstByteSpan; using pw::Function; using pw::OkStatus; using pw::Status; using pw::rpc::pw_rpc::raw::Benchmark; Benchmark::Client kServiceClient(pw::rpc::integration_test::client(), pw::rpc::integration_test::kChannelId); class StringReceiver { public: const char* Wait() { PW_CHECK(sem_.try_acquire_for(1500ms)); return buffer_; } Function UnaryOnCompleted() { return [this](ConstByteSpan data, Status) { CopyPayload(data); }; } Function OnNext() { return [this](ConstByteSpan data) { CopyPayload(data); }; } private: void CopyPayload(ConstByteSpan data) { std::memset(buffer_, 0, sizeof(buffer_)); PW_CHECK_UINT_LE(data.size(), sizeof(buffer_)); std::memcpy(buffer_, data.data(), data.size()); sem_.release(); } pw::sync::BinarySemaphore sem_; char buffer_[64]; }; TEST(RawRpcIntegrationTest, Unary) { for (int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) { StringReceiver receiver; pw::rpc::RawUnaryReceiver call = kServiceClient.UnaryEcho( std::as_bytes(std::span("hello")), receiver.UnaryOnCompleted()); EXPECT_STREQ(receiver.Wait(), "hello"); } } TEST(RawRpcIntegrationTest, BidirectionalStreaming) { for (int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) { StringReceiver receiver; pw::rpc::RawClientReaderWriter call = kServiceClient.BidirectionalEcho(receiver.OnNext()); ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), call.Write(std::as_bytes(std::span("Yello")))); EXPECT_STREQ(receiver.Wait(), "Yello"); ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), call.Write(std::as_bytes(std::span("Dello")))); EXPECT_STREQ(receiver.Wait(), "Dello"); ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), call.Cancel()); } } } // namespace } // namespace rpc_test int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (!pw::rpc::integration_test::InitializeClient(argc, argv).ok()) { return 1; } // Set read timout on socket to allow // pw::rpc::integration_test::TerminateClient() to complete. int retval = setsockopt(pw::rpc::integration_test::GetClientSocketFd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &rpc_test::kSocketReadTimeout, sizeof(rpc_test::kSocketReadTimeout)); PW_CHECK_INT_EQ(retval, 0, "Failed to configure socket receive timeout with errno=%d", errno); int test_retval = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); pw::rpc::integration_test::TerminateClient(); return test_retval; }