.. _module-pw_third_party_emboss: ====== Emboss ====== `Emboss `_ is a tool for generating code to safely read and write binary data structures. The ``$dir_pw_third_party/emboss`` module provides an ``emboss_cc_library`` GN template, defined in build_defs.gni, which generates C++ bindings for the given Emboss source file. The Emboss source code needs to be provided by the user. ------------------ Configuring Emboss ------------------ The recommended way to include the Emboss source code is to add it as a Git submodule: .. code-block:: sh git submodule add https://github.com/google/emboss.git third_party/emboss/src Next, set the GN variable ``dir_pw_third_party_emboss`` to the path of your Emboss installation. If using the submodule path from above, add the following to the ``default_args`` of your project's ``.gn`` file: .. code-block:: dir_pw_third_party_emboss = "//third_party/emboss/src" .. inclusive-language: disable Optionally, configure the Emboss defines documented at `dir_pw_third_party_emboss/runtime/cpp/emboss_defines.h `_ by setting the ``pw_third_party_emboss_CONFIG`` variable to a config that overrides the defines. By default, checks will use PW_DCHECK. .. inclusive-language: enable ------------ Using Emboss ------------ Let's say you've authored an Emboss source file at ``//some/path/to/my-protocol.emb``. To generate its bindings, you can add the following to ``//some/path/to/BUILD.gn``: .. code-block:: import("$dir_pw_third_party/emboss/build_defs.gni") emboss_cc_library("protocol") { source = "my-protocol.emb" } This generates a source set of the same name as the target, in this case "protocol". To use the bindings, list this target as a dependency in GN and include the generated header by adding ``.h`` to the path of your Emboss source file: .. code-block:: #include