path: root/private_join_and_compute/crypto/commutative_elgamal.h
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diff --git a/private_join_and_compute/crypto/commutative_elgamal.h b/private_join_and_compute/crypto/commutative_elgamal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc5fab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private_join_and_compute/crypto/commutative_elgamal.h
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+ * Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "private_join_and_compute/crypto/elgamal.h"
+#include "private_join_and_compute/util/status.inc"
+// Defines functions to generate ElGamal public/private keys, and
+// to encrypt/decrypt messages using those keys.
+// The ciphertexts thus produced are "commutative" with ec_commutative_cipher.
+// That is, one can perform an ElGamal encryption, followed by an EC encryption,
+// followed by decryptions in any order. Note that we only support one level of
+// ElGamal encryption (and any number of levels of EC encryption.)
+// This class is NOT thread-safe.
+// Example: To generate a with new public/private ElGamal key pair for the named
+// curve NID_X9_62_prime256v1. The key can be securely stored and reused.
+// #include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+// std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal> elgamal =
+// CommutativeElGamal::CreateWithNewKeyPair(NID_X9_62_prime256v1).value();
+// StatusOr<stringpair> public_key_bytes = elgamal->GetPublicKeyBytes();
+// StatusOr<string> private_key_bytes = elgamal->GetPrivateKeyBytes();
+// Example: To generate a cipher with an existing public/private key pair for
+// the named curve NID_X9_62_prime256v1.
+// #include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+// StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal>> elgamal =
+// CommutativeElGamal::CreateFromPublicAndPrivateKeys(NID_X9_62_prime256v1,
+// public_key_bytes, private_key_bytes);
+// Example: To generate a cipher with an existing public key _only_ for
+// the named curve NID_X9_62_prime256v1. The resulting object can only encrypt,
+// not decrypt.
+// #include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+// StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal>> elgamal =
+// CommutativeElGamal::CreateFromPublicKey(NID_X9_62_prime256v1,
+// public_key_bytes);
+// Example: To encrypt a message using a std::unique_ptr<ECCommutativeCipher>
+// cipher generated as above. Note that the secret must already mapped to the
+// curve before encrypting it.
+// #include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
+// Context context;
+// EcPointUtil ec_point_util =
+// ECPointUtil::Create(NID_X9_62_prime256v1).value();
+// string point =
+// ec_point_util->HashToCurve("secret").value();
+// StatusOr<stringpair> encrypted_point = elgamal->Encrypt(point);
+// Example: To decrypt a message that has been encrypted using the same ElGamal
+// key. This does not reverse hashing to the curve.
+// StatusOr<string> decrypted_point =
+// cipher->Decrypt(encrypted_point);
+namespace private_join_and_compute {
+class CommutativeElGamal {
+ public:
+ // CommutativeElGamal is neither copyable nor assignable.
+ CommutativeElGamal(const CommutativeElGamal&) = delete;
+ CommutativeElGamal& operator=(const CommutativeElGamal&) = delete;
+ ~CommutativeElGamal() = default;
+ // Creates a new CommutativeElGamal object by generating a new public/private
+ // key pair.
+ // Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT status instead if the curve_id is not valid
+ // or INTERNAL status when crypto operations are not successful.
+ static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal>> CreateWithNewKeyPair(
+ int curve_id);
+ // Creates a new CommutativeElGamal object using the given public key.
+ // The resulting object will not be able to decrypt ciphertexts, since it
+ // doesn't have the private key. However, it can still create encryptions.
+ // Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT status instead if the public_key is not valid for
+ // the given curve or the curve_id is not valid.
+ // Returns INTERNAL status when crypto operations are not successful.
+ static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal>> CreateFromPublicKey(
+ int curve_id,
+ const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& public_key_bytes);
+ // Creates a new CommutativeElGamal object using the given public and private
+ // keys. The resulting object will be able to both encrypt and decrypt.
+ // Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT status instead if either key is not valid for
+ // the given curve, the keys are inconsistent, or the curve_id is not valid.
+ // Returns INTERNAL status when crypto operations are not successful.
+ static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<CommutativeElGamal>>
+ CreateFromPublicAndPrivateKeys(
+ int curve_id, const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& public_key_bytes,
+ absl::string_view private_key_bytes);
+ // Encrypts the supplied point, and returns the resulting ElGamal ciphertext.
+ // Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the input is not on the same curve.
+ // Returns INTERNAL when crypto operations fail.
+ StatusOr<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> Encrypt(
+ absl::string_view plaintext) const;
+ // Encrypts the identity element of the EC group (typically the point at
+ // infinity). Note that the ciphertext returned by this method will never
+ // decrypt successfully; however, it can be used in homomorphic operations,
+ // though doing so is equivalent to rerandomizing the ciphertext.
+ StatusOr<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> EncryptIdentityElement() const;
+ // Decrypts the supplied ElGamal ciphertext, and returns the underlying
+ // EC point.
+ // Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the input ciphertext is not on the same curve,
+ // or if this object does not have the ElGamal private key.
+ // Returns INTERNAL when crypto operations fail.
+ // A special point to note is that the decryption fails if the message
+ // decrypts to the point at infinity. This is because the point at infinity
+ // does not have a valid serialization in OpenSSL.
+ StatusOr<std::string> Decrypt(
+ const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ciphertext) const;
+ // Returns a byte representation of the public key.
+ // Return INTERNAL error if converting the public key to bytes fails.
+ StatusOr<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GetPublicKeyBytes() const;
+ // Returns a byte representation of the private key.
+ // Return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the object doesn't have the private key.
+ StatusOr<std::string> GetPrivateKeyBytes() const;
+ private:
+ CommutativeElGamal(std::unique_ptr<Context> ctx, ECGroup group,
+ std::unique_ptr<elgamal::PublicKey> elgamal_public_key,
+ std::unique_ptr<elgamal::PrivateKey> elgamal_private_key);
+ CommutativeElGamal(std::unique_ptr<Context> ctx, ECGroup group,
+ std::unique_ptr<elgamal::PublicKey> elgamal_public_key);
+ // Context used for storing temporary values to be reused across openssl
+ // function calls for better performance.
+ std::unique_ptr<Context> context_;
+ // The EC Group representing the curve definition.
+ const ECGroup group_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ElGamalEncrypter> encrypter_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ElGamalDecrypter> decrypter_;
+} // namespace private_join_and_compute