path: root/conformance/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'conformance/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2031 deletions
diff --git a/conformance/ b/conformance/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a61e51..00000000
--- a/conformance/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2031 +0,0 @@
-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "conformance.pb.h"
-#include "conformance_test.h"
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/util/json_util.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/util/field_comparator.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/util/type_resolver_util.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h>
-#include "third_party/jsoncpp/json.h"
-using conformance::ConformanceRequest;
-using conformance::ConformanceResponse;
-using conformance::TestAllTypes;
-using conformance::WireFormat;
-using google::protobuf::Descriptor;
-using google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor;
-using google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite;
-using google::protobuf::TextFormat;
-using google::protobuf::util::DefaultFieldComparator;
-using google::protobuf::util::JsonToBinaryString;
-using google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer;
-using google::protobuf::util::NewTypeResolverForDescriptorPool;
-using google::protobuf::util::Status;
-using std::string;
-namespace {
-static const char kTypeUrlPrefix[] = "";
-static string GetTypeUrl(const Descriptor* message) {
- return string(kTypeUrlPrefix) + "/" + message->full_name();
-/* Routines for building arbitrary protos *************************************/
-// We would use CodedOutputStream except that we want more freedom to build
-// arbitrary protos (even invalid ones).
-const string empty;
-string cat(const string& a, const string& b,
- const string& c = empty,
- const string& d = empty,
- const string& e = empty,
- const string& f = empty,
- const string& g = empty,
- const string& h = empty,
- const string& i = empty,
- const string& j = empty,
- const string& k = empty,
- const string& l = empty) {
- string ret;
- ret.reserve(a.size() + b.size() + c.size() + d.size() + e.size() + f.size() +
- g.size() + h.size() + i.size() + j.size() + k.size() + l.size());
- ret.append(a);
- ret.append(b);
- ret.append(c);
- ret.append(d);
- ret.append(e);
- ret.append(f);
- ret.append(g);
- ret.append(h);
- ret.append(i);
- ret.append(j);
- ret.append(k);
- ret.append(l);
- return ret;
-// The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint.
-#define VARINT_MAX_LEN 10
-size_t vencode64(uint64_t val, char *buf) {
- if (val == 0) { buf[0] = 0; return 1; }
- size_t i = 0;
- while (val) {
- uint8_t byte = val & 0x7fU;
- val >>= 7;
- if (val) byte |= 0x80U;
- buf[i++] = byte;
- }
- return i;
-string varint(uint64_t x) {
- char buf[VARINT_MAX_LEN];
- size_t len = vencode64(x, buf);
- return string(buf, len);
-// TODO: proper byte-swapping for big-endian machines.
-string fixed32(void *data) { return string(static_cast<char*>(data), 4); }
-string fixed64(void *data) { return string(static_cast<char*>(data), 8); }
-string delim(const string& buf) { return cat(varint(buf.size()), buf); }
-string uint32(uint32_t u32) { return fixed32(&u32); }
-string uint64(uint64_t u64) { return fixed64(&u64); }
-string flt(float f) { return fixed32(&f); }
-string dbl(double d) { return fixed64(&d); }
-string zz32(int32_t x) { return varint(WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode32(x)); }
-string zz64(int64_t x) { return varint(WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode64(x)); }
-string tag(uint32_t fieldnum, char wire_type) {
- return varint((fieldnum << 3) | wire_type);
-string submsg(uint32_t fn, const string& buf) {
- return cat( tag(fn, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED), delim(buf) );
-#define UNKNOWN_FIELD 666
-uint32_t GetFieldNumberForType(FieldDescriptor::Type type, bool repeated) {
- const Descriptor* d = TestAllTypes().GetDescriptor();
- for (int i = 0; i < d->field_count(); i++) {
- const FieldDescriptor* f = d->field(i);
- if (f->type() == type && f->is_repeated() == repeated) {
- return f->number();
- }
- }
- GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Couldn't find field with type " << (int)type;
- return 0;
-string UpperCase(string str) {
- for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
- str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
- }
- return str;
-} // anonymous namespace
-namespace google {
-namespace protobuf {
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSuccess(const string& test_name) {
- if (expected_to_fail_.erase(test_name) != 0) {
- StringAppendF(&output_,
- "ERROR: test %s is in the failure list, but test succeeded. "
- "Remove it from the failure list.\n",
- test_name.c_str());
- unexpected_succeeding_tests_.insert(test_name);
- }
- successes_++;
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportFailure(const string& test_name,
- const ConformanceRequest& request,
- const ConformanceResponse& response,
- const char* fmt, ...) {
- if (expected_to_fail_.erase(test_name) == 1) {
- expected_failures_++;
- if (!verbose_)
- return;
- } else {
- StringAppendF(&output_, "ERROR, test=%s: ", test_name.c_str());
- unexpected_failing_tests_.insert(test_name);
- }
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- StringAppendV(&output_, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- StringAppendF(&output_, " request=%s, response=%s\n",
- request.ShortDebugString().c_str(),
- response.ShortDebugString().c_str());
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSkip(const string& test_name,
- const ConformanceRequest& request,
- const ConformanceResponse& response) {
- if (verbose_) {
- StringAppendF(&output_, "SKIPPED, test=%s request=%s, response=%s\n",
- test_name.c_str(), request.ShortDebugString().c_str(),
- response.ShortDebugString().c_str());
- }
- skipped_.insert(test_name);
-void ConformanceTestSuite::RunTest(const string& test_name,
- const ConformanceRequest& request,
- ConformanceResponse* response) {
- if (test_names_.insert(test_name).second == false) {
- GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Duplicated test name: " << test_name;
- }
- string serialized_request;
- string serialized_response;
- request.SerializeToString(&serialized_request);
- runner_->RunTest(test_name, serialized_request, &serialized_response);
- if (!response->ParseFromString(serialized_response)) {
- response->Clear();
- response->set_runtime_error("response proto could not be parsed.");
- }
- if (verbose_) {
- StringAppendF(&output_, "conformance test: name=%s, request=%s, response=%s\n",
- test_name.c_str(),
- request.ShortDebugString().c_str(),
- response->ShortDebugString().c_str());
- }
-void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidInputTest(
- const string& test_name, const string& input, WireFormat input_format,
- const string& equivalent_text_format, WireFormat requested_output) {
- TestAllTypes reference_message;
- TextFormat::ParseFromString(equivalent_text_format, &reference_message))
- << "Failed to parse data for test case: " << test_name
- << ", data: " << equivalent_text_format;
- ConformanceRequest request;
- ConformanceResponse response;
- switch (input_format) {
- case conformance::PROTOBUF:
- request.set_protobuf_payload(input);
- break;
- case conformance::JSON:
- request.set_json_payload(input);
- break;
- default:
- GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Unspecified input format";
- }
- request.set_requested_output_format(requested_output);
- RunTest(test_name, request, &response);
- TestAllTypes test_message;
- switch (response.result_case()) {
- case ConformanceResponse::kParseError:
- case ConformanceResponse::kRuntimeError:
- case ConformanceResponse::kSerializeError:
- ReportFailure(test_name, request, response,
- "Failed to parse JSON input or produce JSON output.");
- return;
- case ConformanceResponse::kSkipped:
- ReportSkip(test_name, request, response);
- return;
- case ConformanceResponse::kJsonPayload: {
- if (requested_output != conformance::JSON) {
- ReportFailure(
- test_name, request, response,
- "Test was asked for protobuf output but provided JSON instead.");
- return;
- }
- string binary_protobuf;
- Status status =
- JsonToBinaryString(type_resolver_.get(), type_url_,
- response.json_payload(), &binary_protobuf);
- if (!status.ok()) {
- ReportFailure(test_name, request, response,
- "JSON output we received from test was unparseable.");
- return;
- }
- if (!test_message.ParseFromString(binary_protobuf)) {
- ReportFailure(test_name, request, response,
- "INTERNAL ERROR: internal JSON->protobuf transcode "
- "yielded unparseable proto.");
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ConformanceResponse::kProtobufPayload: {
- if (requested_output != conformance::PROTOBUF) {
- ReportFailure(
- test_name, request, response,
- "Test was asked for JSON output but provided protobuf instead.");
- return;
- }
- if (!test_message.ParseFromString(response.protobuf_payload())) {
- ReportFailure(test_name, request, response,
- "Protobuf output we received from test was unparseable.");
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << test_name << ": unknown payload type: "
- << response.result_case();
- }
- MessageDifferencer differencer;
- DefaultFieldComparator field_comparator;
- field_comparator.set_treat_nan_as_equal(true);
- differencer.set_field_comparator(&field_comparator);
- string differences;
- differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&differences);
- if (differencer.Compare(reference_message, test_message)) {
- ReportSuccess(test_name);
- } else {
- ReportFailure(test_name, request, response,
- "Output was not equivalent to reference message: %s.",
- differences.c_str());
- }
-// Expect that this precise protobuf will cause a parse error.
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- const string& proto, const string& test_name) {
- ConformanceRequest request;
- ConformanceResponse response;
- request.set_protobuf_payload(proto);
- string effective_test_name = "ProtobufInput." + test_name;
- // We don't expect output, but if the program erroneously accepts the protobuf
- // we let it send its response as this. We must not leave it unspecified.
- request.set_requested_output_format(conformance::PROTOBUF);
- RunTest(effective_test_name, request, &response);
- if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kParseError) {
- ReportSuccess(effective_test_name);
- } else if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kSkipped) {
- ReportSkip(effective_test_name, request, response);
- } else {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "Should have failed to parse, but didn't.");
- }
-// Expect that this protobuf will cause a parse error, even if it is followed
-// by valid protobuf data. We can try running this twice: once with this
-// data verbatim and once with this data followed by some valid data.
-// TODO(haberman): implement the second of these.
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectHardParseFailureForProto(
- const string& proto, const string& test_name) {
- return ExpectParseFailureForProto(proto, test_name);
-void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidJsonTest(
- const string& test_name, const string& input_json,
- const string& equivalent_text_format) {
- RunValidInputTest("JsonInput." + test_name + ".ProtobufOutput", input_json,
- conformance::JSON, equivalent_text_format,
- conformance::PROTOBUF);
- RunValidInputTest("JsonInput." + test_name + ".JsonOutput", input_json,
- conformance::JSON, equivalent_text_format,
- conformance::JSON);
-void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidJsonTestWithProtobufInput(
- const string& test_name, const TestAllTypes& input,
- const string& equivalent_text_format) {
- RunValidInputTest("ProtobufInput." + test_name + ".JsonOutput",
- input.SerializeAsString(), conformance::PROTOBUF,
- equivalent_text_format, conformance::JSON);
-// According to proto3 JSON specification, JSON serializers follow more strict
-// rules than parsers (e.g., a serializer must serialize int32 values as JSON
-// numbers while the parser is allowed to accept them as JSON strings). This
-// method allows strict checking on a proto3 JSON serializer by inspecting
-// the JSON output directly.
-void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- const string& test_name, const string& input_json,
- const Validator& validator) {
- ConformanceRequest request;
- ConformanceResponse response;
- request.set_json_payload(input_json);
- request.set_requested_output_format(conformance::JSON);
- string effective_test_name = "JsonInput." + test_name + ".Validator";
- RunTest(effective_test_name, request, &response);
- if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kSkipped) {
- ReportSkip(effective_test_name, request, response);
- return;
- }
- if (response.result_case() != ConformanceResponse::kJsonPayload) {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "Expected JSON payload but got type %d.",
- response.result_case());
- return;
- }
- Json::Reader reader;
- Json::Value value;
- if (!reader.parse(response.json_payload(), value)) {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "JSON payload cannot be parsed as valid JSON: %s",
- reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str());
- return;
- }
- if (!validator(value)) {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "JSON payload validation failed.");
- return;
- }
- ReportSuccess(effective_test_name);
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- const string& test_name, const string& input_json) {
- ConformanceRequest request;
- ConformanceResponse response;
- request.set_json_payload(input_json);
- string effective_test_name = "JsonInput." + test_name;
- // We don't expect output, but if the program erroneously accepts the protobuf
- // we let it send its response as this. We must not leave it unspecified.
- request.set_requested_output_format(conformance::JSON);
- RunTest(effective_test_name, request, &response);
- if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kParseError) {
- ReportSuccess(effective_test_name);
- } else if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kSkipped) {
- ReportSkip(effective_test_name, request, response);
- } else {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "Should have failed to parse, but didn't.");
- }
-void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- const string& test_name, const string& text_format) {
- TestAllTypes payload_message;
- TextFormat::ParseFromString(text_format, &payload_message))
- << "Failed to parse: " << text_format;
- ConformanceRequest request;
- ConformanceResponse response;
- request.set_protobuf_payload(payload_message.SerializeAsString());
- string effective_test_name = test_name + ".JsonOutput";
- request.set_requested_output_format(conformance::JSON);
- RunTest(effective_test_name, request, &response);
- if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kSerializeError) {
- ReportSuccess(effective_test_name);
- } else if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kSkipped) {
- ReportSkip(effective_test_name, request, response);
- } else {
- ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response,
- "Should have failed to serialize, but didn't.");
- }
-void ConformanceTestSuite::TestPrematureEOFForType(FieldDescriptor::Type type) {
- // Incomplete values for each wire type.
- static const string incompletes[6] = {
- string("\x80"), // VARINT
- string("abcdefg"), // 64BIT
- string("\x80"), // DELIMITED (partial length)
- string(), // START_GROUP (no value required)
- string(), // END_GROUP (no value required)
- string("abc") // 32BIT
- };
- uint32_t fieldnum = GetFieldNumberForType(type, false);
- uint32_t rep_fieldnum = GetFieldNumberForType(type, true);
- WireFormatLite::WireType wire_type = WireFormatLite::WireTypeForFieldType(
- static_cast<WireFormatLite::FieldType>(type));
- const string& incomplete = incompletes[wire_type];
- const string type_name =
- UpperCase(string(".") + FieldDescriptor::TypeName(type));
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- tag(fieldnum, wire_type),
- "PrematureEofBeforeKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type),
- "PrematureEofBeforeKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type),
- "PrematureEofBeforeUnknownValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete ),
- "PrematureEofInsideKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete ),
- "PrematureEofInsideKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), incomplete ),
- "PrematureEofInsideUnknownValue" + type_name);
- if (wire_type == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) {
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) ),
- "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) ),
- "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name);
- // EOF in the middle of delimited data for unknown value.
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), varint(1) ),
- "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForUnknownValue" + type_name);
- if (type == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE) {
- // Submessage ends in the middle of a value.
- string incomplete_submsg =
- cat( tag(WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT),
- incompletes[WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT] );
- ExpectHardParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED),
- varint(incomplete_submsg.size()),
- incomplete_submsg ),
- "PrematureEofInSubmessageValue" + type_name);
- }
- } else if (type != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) {
- // Non-delimited, non-group: eligible for packing.
- // Packed region ends in the middle of a value.
- ExpectHardParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED),
- varint(incomplete.size()),
- incomplete ),
- "PrematureEofInPackedFieldValue" + type_name);
- // EOF in the middle of packed region.
- ExpectParseFailureForProto(
- cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED),
- varint(1) ),
- "PrematureEofInPackedField" + type_name);
- }
-void ConformanceTestSuite::SetFailureList(const string& filename,
- const vector<string>& failure_list) {
- failure_list_filename_ = filename;
- expected_to_fail_.clear();
- std::copy(failure_list.begin(), failure_list.end(),
- std::inserter(expected_to_fail_, expected_to_fail_.end()));
-bool ConformanceTestSuite::CheckSetEmpty(const set<string>& set_to_check,
- const std::string& write_to_file,
- const std::string& msg) {
- if (set_to_check.empty()) {
- return true;
- } else {
- StringAppendF(&output_, "\n");
- StringAppendF(&output_, "%s\n\n", msg.c_str());
- for (set<string>::const_iterator iter = set_to_check.begin();
- iter != set_to_check.end(); ++iter) {
- StringAppendF(&output_, " %s\n", iter->c_str());
- }
- StringAppendF(&output_, "\n");
- if (!write_to_file.empty()) {
- std::ofstream os(write_to_file);
- if (os) {
- for (set<string>::const_iterator iter = set_to_check.begin();
- iter != set_to_check.end(); ++iter) {
- os << *iter << "\n";
- }
- } else {
- StringAppendF(&output_, "Failed to open file: %s\n",
- write_to_file.c_str());
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
-bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunSuite(ConformanceTestRunner* runner,
- std::string* output) {
- runner_ = runner;
- successes_ = 0;
- expected_failures_ = 0;
- skipped_.clear();
- test_names_.clear();
- unexpected_failing_tests_.clear();
- unexpected_succeeding_tests_.clear();
- type_resolver_.reset(NewTypeResolverForDescriptorPool(
- kTypeUrlPrefix, DescriptorPool::generated_pool()));
- type_url_ = GetTypeUrl(TestAllTypes::descriptor());
- output_ = "\nCONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================\n\n";
- for (int i = 1; i <= FieldDescriptor::MAX_TYPE; i++) {
- if (i == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) continue;
- TestPrematureEOFForType(static_cast<FieldDescriptor::Type>(i));
- }
- RunValidJsonTest("HelloWorld", "{\"optionalString\":\"Hello, World!\"}",
- "optional_string: 'Hello, World!'");
- // Test field name conventions.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FieldNameInSnakeCase",
- R"({
- "fieldname1": 1,
- "fieldName2": 2,
- "FieldName3": 3
- })",
- R"(
- fieldname1: 1
- field_name2: 2
- _field_name3: 3
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FieldNameWithNumbers",
- R"({
- "field0name5": 5,
- "field0Name6": 6
- })",
- R"(
- field0name5: 5
- field_0_name6: 6
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FieldNameWithMixedCases",
- R"({
- "fieldName7": 7,
- "fieldName8": 8,
- "fieldName9": 9,
- "fieldName10": 10,
- "fIELDNAME11": 11,
- "fIELDName12": 12
- })",
- R"(
- fieldName7: 7
- FieldName8: 8
- field_Name9: 9
- Field_Name10: 10
- FIELD_NAME11: 11
- FIELD_name12: 12
- )");
- // Using the original proto field name in JSON is also allowed.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OriginalProtoFieldName",
- R"({
- "fieldname1": 1,
- "field_name2": 2,
- "_field_name3": 3,
- "field0name5": 5,
- "field_0_name6": 6,
- "fieldName7": 7,
- "FieldName8": 8,
- "field_Name9": 9,
- "Field_Name10": 10,
- "FIELD_NAME11": 11,
- "FIELD_name12": 12
- })",
- R"(
- fieldname1: 1
- field_name2: 2
- _field_name3: 3
- field0name5: 5
- field_0_name6: 6
- fieldName7: 7
- FieldName8: 8
- field_Name9: 9
- Field_Name10: 10
- FIELD_NAME11: 11
- FIELD_name12: 12
- )");
- // Field names can be escaped.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FieldNameEscaped",
- R"({"fieldn\u0061me1": 1})",
- "fieldname1: 1");
- // Field names must be quoted (or it's not valid JSON).
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FieldNameNotQuoted",
- "{fieldname1: 1}");
- // Trailing comma is not allowed (not valid JSON).
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TrailingCommaInAnObject",
- R"({"fieldname1":1,})");
- // JSON doesn't support comments.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "JsonWithComments",
- R"({
- // This is a comment.
- "fieldname1": 1
- })");
- // Duplicated field names are not allowed.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FieldNameDuplicate",
- R"({
- "optionalNestedMessage": {a: 1},
- "optionalNestedMessage": {}
- })");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FieldNameDuplicateDifferentCasing1",
- R"({
- "optional_nested_message": {a: 1},
- "optionalNestedMessage": {}
- })");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FieldNameDuplicateDifferentCasing2",
- R"({
- "optionalNestedMessage": {a: 1},
- "optional_nested_message": {}
- })");
- // Serializers should use lowerCamelCase by default.
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "FieldNameInLowerCamelCase",
- R"({
- "fieldname1": 1,
- "fieldName2": 2,
- "FieldName3": 3
- })",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value.isMember("fieldname1") &&
- value.isMember("fieldName2") &&
- value.isMember("FieldName3");
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "FieldNameWithNumbers",
- R"({
- "field0name5": 5,
- "field0Name6": 6
- })",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value.isMember("field0name5") &&
- value.isMember("field0Name6");
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "FieldNameWithMixedCases",
- R"({
- "fieldName7": 7,
- "fieldName8": 8,
- "fieldName9": 9,
- "fieldName10": 10,
- "fIELDNAME11": 11,
- "fIELDName12": 12
- })",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value.isMember("fieldName7") &&
- value.isMember("fieldName8") &&
- value.isMember("fieldName9") &&
- value.isMember("fieldName10") &&
- value.isMember("fIELDNAME11") &&
- value.isMember("fIELDName12");
- });
- // Integer fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 2147483647})",
- "optional_int32: 2147483647");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldMinValue",
- R"({"optionalInt32": -2147483648})",
- "optional_int32: -2147483648");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint32FieldMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalUint32": 4294967295})",
- "optional_uint32: 4294967295");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64FieldMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "9223372036854775807"})",
- "optional_int64: 9223372036854775807");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64FieldMinValue",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "-9223372036854775808"})",
- "optional_int64: -9223372036854775808");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint64FieldMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalUint64": "18446744073709551615"})",
- "optional_uint64: 18446744073709551615");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64FieldMaxValueNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalInt64": 9223372036854775807})",
- "optional_int64: 9223372036854775807");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64FieldMinValueNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalInt64": -9223372036854775808})",
- "optional_int64: -9223372036854775808");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint64FieldMaxValueNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalUint64": 18446744073709551615})",
- "optional_uint64: 18446744073709551615");
- // Values can be represented as JSON strings.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldStringValue",
- R"({"optionalInt32": "2147483647"})",
- "optional_int32: 2147483647");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldStringValueEscaped",
- R"({"optionalInt32": "2\u003147483647"})",
- "optional_int32: 2147483647");
- // Parsers reject out-of-bound integer values.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 2147483648})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalInt32": -2147483649})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint32FieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalUint32": 4294967296})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int64FieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "9223372036854775808"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int64FieldTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "-9223372036854775809"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint64FieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalUint64": "18446744073709551616"})");
- // Parser reject non-integer numeric values as well.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldNotInteger",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 0.5})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint32FieldNotInteger",
- R"({"optionalUint32": 0.5})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int64FieldNotInteger",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "0.5"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint64FieldNotInteger",
- R"({"optionalUint64": "0.5"})");
- // Integers but represented as float values are accepted.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldFloatTrailingZero",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 100000.000})",
- "optional_int32: 100000");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldExponentialFormat",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 1e5})",
- "optional_int32: 100000");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldMaxFloatValue",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 2.147483647e9})",
- "optional_int32: 2147483647");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32FieldMinFloatValue",
- R"({"optionalInt32": -2.147483648e9})",
- "optional_int32: -2147483648");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint32FieldMaxFloatValue",
- R"({"optionalUint32": 4.294967295e9})",
- "optional_uint32: 4294967295");
- // Parser reject non-numeric values.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldNotNumber",
- R"({"optionalInt32": "3x3"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint32FieldNotNumber",
- R"({"optionalUint32": "3x3"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int64FieldNotNumber",
- R"({"optionalInt64": "3x3"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint64FieldNotNumber",
- R"({"optionalUint64": "3x3"})");
- // JSON does not allow "+" on numric values.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldPlusSign",
- R"({"optionalInt32": +1})");
- // JSON doesn't allow leading 0s.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldLeadingZero",
- R"({"optionalInt32": 01})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldNegativeWithLeadingZero",
- R"({"optionalInt32": -01})");
- // String values must follow the same syntax rule. Specifically leading
- // or traling spaces are not allowed.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldLeadingSpace",
- R"({"optionalInt32": " 1"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32FieldTrailingSpace",
- R"({"optionalInt32": "1 "})");
- // 64-bit values are serialized as strings.
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "Int64FieldBeString",
- R"({"optionalInt64": 1})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalInt64"].type() == Json::stringValue &&
- value["optionalInt64"].asString() == "1";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "Uint64FieldBeString",
- R"({"optionalUint64": 1})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalUint64"].type() == Json::stringValue &&
- value["optionalUint64"].asString() == "1";
- });
- // Bool fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BoolFieldTrue",
- R"({"optionalBool":true})",
- "optional_bool: true");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BoolFieldFalse",
- R"({"optionalBool":false})",
- "optional_bool: false");
- // Other forms are not allowed.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldIntegerZero",
- R"({"optionalBool":0})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldIntegerOne",
- R"({"optionalBool":1})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldCamelCaseTrue",
- R"({"optionalBool":True})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldCamelCaseFalse",
- R"({"optionalBool":False})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldAllCapitalTrue",
- R"({"optionalBool":TRUE})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldAllCapitalFalse",
- R"({"optionalBool":FALSE})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldDoubleQuotedTrue",
- R"({"optionalBool":"true"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolFieldDoubleQuotedFalse",
- R"({"optionalBool":"false"})");
- // Float fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldMinPositiveValue",
- R"({"optionalFloat": 1.175494e-38})",
- "optional_float: 1.175494e-38");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldMaxNegativeValue",
- R"({"optionalFloat": -1.175494e-38})",
- "optional_float: -1.175494e-38");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldMaxPositiveValue",
- R"({"optionalFloat": 3.402823e+38})",
- "optional_float: 3.402823e+38");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldMinNegativeValue",
- R"({"optionalFloat": 3.402823e+38})",
- "optional_float: 3.402823e+38");
- // Values can be quoted.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldQuotedValue",
- R"({"optionalFloat": "1"})",
- "optional_float: 1");
- // Special values.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldNan",
- R"({"optionalFloat": "NaN"})",
- "optional_float: nan");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldInfinity",
- R"({"optionalFloat": "Infinity"})",
- "optional_float: inf");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FloatFieldNegativeInfinity",
- R"({"optionalFloat": "-Infinity"})",
- "optional_float: -inf");
- // Non-cannonical Nan will be correctly normalized.
- {
- TestAllTypes message;
- // IEEE floating-point standard 32-bit quiet NaN:
- // 0111 1111 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
- message.set_optional_float(
- WireFormatLite::DecodeFloat(0x7FA12345));
- RunValidJsonTestWithProtobufInput(
- "FloatFieldNormalizeQuietNan", message,
- "optional_float: nan");
- // IEEE floating-point standard 64-bit signaling NaN:
- // 1111 1111 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
- message.set_optional_float(
- WireFormatLite::DecodeFloat(0xFFB54321));
- RunValidJsonTestWithProtobufInput(
- "FloatFieldNormalizeSignalingNan", message,
- "optional_float: nan");
- }
- // Special values must be quoted.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FloatFieldNanNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalFloat": NaN})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FloatFieldInfinityNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalFloat": Infinity})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FloatFieldNegativeInfinityNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalFloat": -Infinity})");
- // Parsers should reject out-of-bound values.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FloatFieldTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalFloat": -3.502823e+38})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FloatFieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalFloat": 3.502823e+38})");
- // Double fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldMinPositiveValue",
- R"({"optionalDouble": 2.22507e-308})",
- "optional_double: 2.22507e-308");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldMaxNegativeValue",
- R"({"optionalDouble": -2.22507e-308})",
- "optional_double: -2.22507e-308");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldMaxPositiveValue",
- R"({"optionalDouble": 1.79769e+308})",
- "optional_double: 1.79769e+308");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldMinNegativeValue",
- R"({"optionalDouble": -1.79769e+308})",
- "optional_double: -1.79769e+308");
- // Values can be quoted.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldQuotedValue",
- R"({"optionalDouble": "1"})",
- "optional_double: 1");
- // Speical values.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldNan",
- R"({"optionalDouble": "NaN"})",
- "optional_double: nan");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldInfinity",
- R"({"optionalDouble": "Infinity"})",
- "optional_double: inf");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DoubleFieldNegativeInfinity",
- R"({"optionalDouble": "-Infinity"})",
- "optional_double: -inf");
- // Non-cannonical Nan will be correctly normalized.
- {
- TestAllTypes message;
- message.set_optional_double(
- WireFormatLite::DecodeDouble(0x7FFA123456789ABCLL));
- RunValidJsonTestWithProtobufInput(
- "DoubleFieldNormalizeQuietNan", message,
- "optional_double: nan");
- message.set_optional_double(
- WireFormatLite::DecodeDouble(0xFFFBCBA987654321LL));
- RunValidJsonTestWithProtobufInput(
- "DoubleFieldNormalizeSignalingNan", message,
- "optional_double: nan");
- }
- // Special values must be quoted.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DoubleFieldNanNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalDouble": NaN})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DoubleFieldInfinityNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalDouble": Infinity})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DoubleFieldNegativeInfinityNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalDouble": -Infinity})");
- // Parsers should reject out-of-bound values.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DoubleFieldTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalDouble": -1.89769e+308})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DoubleFieldTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalDouble": +1.89769e+308})");
- // Enum fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "EnumField",
- R"({"optionalNestedEnum": "FOO"})",
- "optional_nested_enum: FOO");
- // Enum values must be represented as strings.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "EnumFieldNotQuoted",
- R"({"optionalNestedEnum": FOO})");
- // Numeric values are allowed.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "EnumFieldNumericValueZero",
- R"({"optionalNestedEnum": 0})",
- "optional_nested_enum: FOO");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "EnumFieldNumericValueNonZero",
- R"({"optionalNestedEnum": 1})",
- "optional_nested_enum: BAR");
- // Unknown enum values are represented as numeric values.
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "EnumFieldUnknownValue",
- R"({"optionalNestedEnum": 123})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalNestedEnum"].type() == Json::intValue &&
- value["optionalNestedEnum"].asInt() == 123;
- });
- // String fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringField",
- R"({"optionalString": "Hello world!"})",
- "optional_string: \"Hello world!\"");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringFieldUnicode",
- // Google in Chinese.
- R"({"optionalString": "谷歌"})",
- R"(optional_string: "谷歌")");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringFieldEscape",
- R"({"optionalString": "\"\\\/\b\f\n\r\t"})",
- R"(optional_string: "\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t")");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringFieldUnicodeEscape",
- R"({"optionalString": "\u8C37\u6B4C"})",
- R"(optional_string: "谷歌")");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringFieldUnicodeEscapeWithLowercaseHexLetters",
- R"({"optionalString": "\u8c37\u6b4c"})",
- R"(optional_string: "谷歌")");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringFieldSurrogatePair",
- // The character is an emoji: grinning face with smiling eyes. 😁
- R"({"optionalString": "\uD83D\uDE01"})",
- R"(optional_string: "\xF0\x9F\x98\x81")");
- // Unicode escapes must start with "\u" (lowercase u).
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldUppercaseEscapeLetter",
- R"({"optionalString": "\U8C37\U6b4C"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldInvalidEscape",
- R"({"optionalString": "\uXXXX\u6B4C"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldUnterminatedEscape",
- R"({"optionalString": "\u8C3"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldUnpairedHighSurrogate",
- R"({"optionalString": "\uD800"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldUnpairedLowSurrogate",
- R"({"optionalString": "\uDC00"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldSurrogateInWrongOrder",
- R"({"optionalString": "\uDE01\uD83D"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "StringFieldNotAString",
- R"({"optionalString": 12345})");
- // Bytes fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BytesField",
- R"({"optionalBytes": "AQI="})",
- R"(optional_bytes: "\x01\x02")");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BytesFieldNoPadding",
- R"({"optionalBytes": "AQI"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BytesFieldInvalidBase64Characters",
- R"({"optionalBytes": "-_=="})");
- // Message fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "MessageField",
- R"({"optionalNestedMessage": {"a": 1234}})",
- "optional_nested_message: {a: 1234}");
- // Oneof fields.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "OneofFieldDuplicate",
- R"({"oneofUint32": 1, "oneofString": "test"})");
- // Repeated fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "PrimitiveRepeatedField",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, 2, 3, 4]})",
- "repeated_int32: [1, 2, 3, 4]");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "EnumRepeatedField",
- R"({"repeatedNestedEnum": ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]})",
- "repeated_nested_enum: [FOO, BAR, BAZ]");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "StringRepeatedField",
- R"({"repeatedString": ["Hello", "world"]})",
- R"(repeated_string: ["Hello", "world"])");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BytesRepeatedField",
- R"({"repeatedBytes": ["AAEC", "AQI="]})",
- R"(repeated_bytes: ["\x00\x01\x02", "\x01\x02"])");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "MessageRepeatedField",
- R"({"repeatedNestedMessage": [{"a": 1234}, {"a": 5678}]})",
- "repeated_nested_message: {a: 1234}"
- "repeated_nested_message: {a: 5678}");
- // Repeated field elements are of incorrect type.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotBool",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, false, 3, 4]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotString",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, 2, "name", 4]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingIntegersGotMessage",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, 2, 3, {"a": 4}]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotInt",
- R"({"repeatedString": ["1", 2, "3", "4"]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotBool",
- R"({"repeatedString": ["1", "2", false, "4"]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingStringsGotMessage",
- R"({"repeatedString": ["1", 2, "3", {"a": 4}]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotInt",
- R"({"repeatedNestedMessage": [{"a": 1}, 2]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotBool",
- R"({"repeatedNestedMessage": [{"a": 1}, false]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldWrongElementTypeExpectingMessagesGotString",
- R"({"repeatedNestedMessage": [{"a": 1}, "2"]})");
- // Trailing comma in the repeated field is not allowed.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldTrailingComma",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, 2, 3, 4,]})");
- // Map fields.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32MapField",
- R"({"mapInt32Int32": {"1": 2, "3": 4}})",
- "map_int32_int32: {key: 1 value: 2}"
- "map_int32_int32: {key: 3 value: 4}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int32MapFieldKeyNotQuoted",
- R"({"mapInt32Int32": {1: 2, 3: 4}})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint32MapField",
- R"({"mapUint32Uint32": {"1": 2, "3": 4}})",
- "map_uint32_uint32: {key: 1 value: 2}"
- "map_uint32_uint32: {key: 3 value: 4}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint32MapFieldKeyNotQuoted",
- R"({"mapUint32Uint32": {1: 2, 3: 4}})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64MapField",
- R"({"mapInt64Int64": {"1": 2, "3": 4}})",
- "map_int64_int64: {key: 1 value: 2}"
- "map_int64_int64: {key: 3 value: 4}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Int64MapFieldKeyNotQuoted",
- R"({"mapInt64Int64": {1: 2, 3: 4}})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Uint64MapField",
- R"({"mapUint64Uint64": {"1": 2, "3": 4}})",
- "map_uint64_uint64: {key: 1 value: 2}"
- "map_uint64_uint64: {key: 3 value: 4}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "Uint64MapFieldKeyNotQuoted",
- R"({"mapUint64Uint64": {1: 2, 3: 4}})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BoolMapField",
- R"({"mapBoolBool": {"true": true, "false": false}})",
- "map_bool_bool: {key: true value: true}"
- "map_bool_bool: {key: false value: false}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "BoolMapFieldKeyNotQuoted",
- R"({"mapBoolBool": {true: true, false: false}})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "MessageMapField",
- R"({
- "mapStringNestedMessage": {
- "hello": {"a": 1234},
- "world": {"a": 5678}
- }
- })",
- R"(
- map_string_nested_message: {
- key: "hello"
- value: {a: 1234}
- }
- map_string_nested_message: {
- key: "world"
- value: {a: 5678}
- }
- )");
- // Since Map keys are represented as JSON strings, escaping should be allowed.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int32MapEscapedKey",
- R"({"mapInt32Int32": {"\u0031": 2}})",
- "map_int32_int32: {key: 1 value: 2}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Int64MapEscapedKey",
- R"({"mapInt64Int64": {"\u0031": 2}})",
- "map_int64_int64: {key: 1 value: 2}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "BoolMapEscapedKey",
- R"({"mapBoolBool": {"tr\u0075e": true}})",
- "map_bool_bool: {key: true value: true}");
- // "null" is accepted for all fields types.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AllFieldAcceptNull",
- R"({
- "optionalInt32": null,
- "optionalInt64": null,
- "optionalUint32": null,
- "optionalUint64": null,
- "optionalBool": null,
- "optionalString": null,
- "optionalBytes": null,
- "optionalNestedEnum": null,
- "optionalNestedMessage": null,
- "repeatedInt32": null,
- "repeatedInt64": null,
- "repeatedUint32": null,
- "repeatedUint64": null,
- "repeatedBool": null,
- "repeatedString": null,
- "repeatedBytes": null,
- "repeatedNestedEnum": null,
- "repeatedNestedMessage": null,
- "mapInt32Int32": null,
- "mapBoolBool": null,
- "mapStringNestedMessage": null
- })",
- "");
- // Repeated field elements cannot be null.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldPrimitiveElementIsNull",
- R"({"repeatedInt32": [1, null, 2]})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "RepeatedFieldMessageElementIsNull",
- R"({"repeatedNestedMessage": [{"a":1}, null, {"a":2}]})");
- // Map field keys cannot be null.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "MapFieldKeyIsNull",
- R"({"mapInt32Int32": {null: 1}})");
- // Map field values cannot be null.
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "MapFieldValueIsNull",
- R"({"mapInt32Int32": {"0": null}})");
- // Wrapper types.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalBoolWrapper",
- R"({"optionalBoolWrapper": false})",
- "optional_bool_wrapper: {value: false}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalInt32Wrapper",
- R"({"optionalInt32Wrapper": 0})",
- "optional_int32_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalUint32Wrapper",
- R"({"optionalUint32Wrapper": 0})",
- "optional_uint32_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalInt64Wrapper",
- R"({"optionalInt64Wrapper": 0})",
- "optional_int64_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalUint64Wrapper",
- R"({"optionalUint64Wrapper": 0})",
- "optional_uint64_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalFloatWrapper",
- R"({"optionalFloatWrapper": 0})",
- "optional_float_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalDoubleWrapper",
- R"({"optionalDoubleWrapper": 0})",
- "optional_double_wrapper: {value: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalStringWrapper",
- R"({"optionalStringWrapper": ""})",
- R"(optional_string_wrapper: {value: ""})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalBytesWrapper",
- R"({"optionalBytesWrapper": ""})",
- R"(optional_bytes_wrapper: {value: ""})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "OptionalWrapperTypesWithNonDefaultValue",
- R"({
- "optionalBoolWrapper": true,
- "optionalInt32Wrapper": 1,
- "optionalUint32Wrapper": 1,
- "optionalInt64Wrapper": "1",
- "optionalUint64Wrapper": "1",
- "optionalFloatWrapper": 1,
- "optionalDoubleWrapper": 1,
- "optionalStringWrapper": "1",
- "optionalBytesWrapper": "AQI="
- })",
- R"(
- optional_bool_wrapper: {value: true}
- optional_int32_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_uint32_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_int64_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_uint64_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_float_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_double_wrapper: {value: 1}
- optional_string_wrapper: {value: "1"}
- optional_bytes_wrapper: {value: "\x01\x02"}
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedBoolWrapper",
- R"({"repeatedBoolWrapper": [true, false]})",
- "repeated_bool_wrapper: {value: true}"
- "repeated_bool_wrapper: {value: false}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedInt32Wrapper",
- R"({"repeatedInt32Wrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_int32_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_int32_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedUint32Wrapper",
- R"({"repeatedUint32Wrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_uint32_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_uint32_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedInt64Wrapper",
- R"({"repeatedInt64Wrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_int64_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_int64_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedUint64Wrapper",
- R"({"repeatedUint64Wrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_uint64_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_uint64_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedFloatWrapper",
- R"({"repeatedFloatWrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_float_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_float_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedDoubleWrapper",
- R"({"repeatedDoubleWrapper": [0, 1]})",
- "repeated_double_wrapper: {value: 0}"
- "repeated_double_wrapper: {value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedStringWrapper",
- R"({"repeatedStringWrapper": ["", "AQI="]})",
- R"(
- repeated_string_wrapper: {value: ""}
- repeated_string_wrapper: {value: "AQI="}
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "RepeatedBytesWrapper",
- R"({"repeatedBytesWrapper": ["", "AQI="]})",
- R"(
- repeated_bytes_wrapper: {value: ""}
- repeated_bytes_wrapper: {value: "\x01\x02"}
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "WrapperTypesWithNullValue",
- R"({
- "optionalBoolWrapper": null,
- "optionalInt32Wrapper": null,
- "optionalUint32Wrapper": null,
- "optionalInt64Wrapper": null,
- "optionalUint64Wrapper": null,
- "optionalFloatWrapper": null,
- "optionalDoubleWrapper": null,
- "optionalStringWrapper": null,
- "optionalBytesWrapper": null,
- "repeatedBoolWrapper": null,
- "repeatedInt32Wrapper": null,
- "repeatedUint32Wrapper": null,
- "repeatedInt64Wrapper": null,
- "repeatedUint64Wrapper": null,
- "repeatedFloatWrapper": null,
- "repeatedDoubleWrapper": null,
- "repeatedStringWrapper": null,
- "repeatedBytesWrapper": null
- })",
- "");
- // Duration
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DurationMinValue",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "-315576000000.999999999s"})",
- "optional_duration: {seconds: -315576000000 nanos: -999999999}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DurationMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "315576000000.999999999s"})",
- "optional_duration: {seconds: 315576000000 nanos: 999999999}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "DurationRepeatedValue",
- R"({"repeatedDuration": ["1.5s", "-1.5s"]})",
- "repeated_duration: {seconds: 1 nanos: 500000000}"
- "repeated_duration: {seconds: -1 nanos: -500000000}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DurationMissingS",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "1"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DurationJsonInputTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "-315576000001.000000000s"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "DurationJsonInputTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "315576000001.000000000s"})");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "DurationProtoInputTooSmall",
- "optional_duration: {seconds: -315576000001 nanos: 0}");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "DurationProtoInputTooLarge",
- "optional_duration: {seconds: 315576000001 nanos: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "DurationHasZeroFractionalDigit",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "1.000000000s"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalDuration"].asString() == "1s";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "DurationHas3FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "1.010000000s"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalDuration"].asString() == "1.010s";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "DurationHas6FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "1.000010000s"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalDuration"].asString() == "1.000010s";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "DurationHas9FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalDuration": "1.000000010s"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalDuration"].asString() == "1.000000010s";
- });
- // Timestamp
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "TimestampMinValue",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"})",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: -62135596800}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "TimestampMaxValue",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"})",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: 253402300799 nanos: 999999999}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "TimestampRepeatedValue",
- R"({
- "repeatedTimestamp": [
- "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"
- ]
- })",
- "repeated_timestamp: {seconds: -62135596800}"
- "repeated_timestamp: {seconds: 253402300799 nanos: 999999999}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "TimestampWithPositiveOffset",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1970-01-01T08:00:00+08:00"})",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: 0}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "TimestampWithNegativeOffset",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00"})",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: 0}");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputTooSmall",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0000-01-01T00:00:00Z"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputTooLarge",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "10000-01-01T00:00:00Z"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputMissingZ",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputMissingT",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0001-01-01 00:00:00Z"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputLowercaseZ",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00z"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "TimestampJsonInputLowercaseT",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "0001-01-01t00:00:00Z"})");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "TimestampProtoInputTooSmall",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: -62135596801}");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "TimestampProtoInputTooLarge",
- "optional_timestamp: {seconds: 253402300800}");
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "TimestampZeroNormalized",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalTimestamp"].asString() ==
- "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "TimestampHasZeroFractionalDigit",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalTimestamp"].asString() ==
- "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "TimestampHas3FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.010000000Z"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalTimestamp"].asString() ==
- "1970-01-01T00:00:00.010Z";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "TimestampHas6FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000010000Z"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalTimestamp"].asString() ==
- "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000010Z";
- });
- RunValidJsonTestWithValidator(
- "TimestampHas9FractionalDigits",
- R"({"optionalTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000010Z"})",
- [](const Json::Value& value) {
- return value["optionalTimestamp"].asString() ==
- "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000010Z";
- });
- // FieldMask
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "FieldMask",
- R"({"optionalFieldMask": "foo,barBaz"})",
- R"(optional_field_mask: {paths: "foo" paths: "bar_baz"})");
- ExpectParseFailureForJson(
- "FieldMaskInvalidCharacter",
- R"({"optionalFieldMask": "foo,bar_bar"})");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "FieldMaskPathsDontRoundTrip",
- R"(optional_field_mask: {paths: "fooBar"})");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "FieldMaskNumbersDontRoundTrip",
- R"(optional_field_mask: {paths: "foo_3_bar"})");
- ExpectSerializeFailureForJson(
- "FieldMaskTooManyUnderscore",
- R"(optional_field_mask: {paths: "foo__bar"})");
- // Struct
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Struct",
- R"({
- "optionalStruct": {
- "nullValue": null,
- "intValue": 1234,
- "boolValue": true,
- "doubleValue": 1234.5678,
- "stringValue": "Hello world!",
- "listValue": [1234, "5678"],
- "objectValue": {
- "value": 0
- }
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_struct: {
- fields: {
- key: "nullValue"
- value: {null_value: NULL_VALUE}
- }
- fields: {
- key: "intValue"
- value: {number_value: 1234}
- }
- fields: {
- key: "boolValue"
- value: {bool_value: true}
- }
- fields: {
- key: "doubleValue"
- value: {number_value: 1234.5678}
- }
- fields: {
- key: "stringValue"
- value: {string_value: "Hello world!"}
- }
- fields: {
- key: "listValue"
- value: {
- list_value: {
- values: {
- number_value: 1234
- }
- values: {
- string_value: "5678"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fields: {
- key: "objectValue"
- value: {
- struct_value: {
- fields: {
- key: "value"
- value: {
- number_value: 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- // Value
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptInteger",
- R"({"optionalValue": 1})",
- "optional_value: { number_value: 1}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptFloat",
- R"({"optionalValue": 1.5})",
- "optional_value: { number_value: 1.5}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptBool",
- R"({"optionalValue": false})",
- "optional_value: { bool_value: false}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptNull",
- R"({"optionalValue": null})",
- "optional_value: { null_value: NULL_VALUE}");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptString",
- R"({"optionalValue": "hello"})",
- R"(optional_value: { string_value: "hello"})");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptList",
- R"({"optionalValue": [0, "hello"]})",
- R"(
- optional_value: {
- list_value: {
- values: {
- number_value: 0
- }
- values: {
- string_value: "hello"
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "ValueAcceptObject",
- R"({"optionalValue": {"value": 1}})",
- R"(
- optional_value: {
- struct_value: {
- fields: {
- key: "value"
- value: {
- number_value: 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- // Any
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "Any",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "optionalInt32": 12345
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- optional_int32: 12345
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyNested",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": {
- "@type": "",
- "optionalInt32": 12345
- }
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- [] {
- optional_int32: 12345
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- // The special "@type" tag is not required to appear first.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyUnorderedTypeTag",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "optionalInt32": 12345,
- "@type": ""
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- optional_int32: 12345
- }
- }
- )");
- // Well-known types in Any.
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithInt32ValueWrapper",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": 12345
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- value: 12345
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithDuration",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": "1.5s"
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- seconds: 1
- nanos: 500000000
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithTimestamp",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- seconds: 0
- nanos: 0
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithFieldMask",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": "foo,barBaz"
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- paths: ["foo", "bar_baz"]
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithStruct",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": {
- "foo": 1
- }
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- fields: {
- key: "foo"
- value: {
- number_value: 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithValueForJsonObject",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": {
- "foo": 1
- }
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- struct_value: {
- fields: {
- key: "foo"
- value: {
- number_value: 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )");
- RunValidJsonTest(
- "AnyWithValueForInteger",
- R"({
- "optionalAny": {
- "@type": "",
- "value": 1
- }
- })",
- R"(
- optional_any: {
- [] {
- number_value: 1
- }
- }
- )");
- bool ok = true;
- if (!CheckSetEmpty(expected_to_fail_, "nonexistent_tests.txt",
- "These tests were listed in the failure list, but they "
- "don't exist. Remove them from the failure list by "
- "running:\n"
- " ./ " + failure_list_filename_ +
- " --remove nonexistent_tests.txt")) {
- ok = false;
- }
- if (!CheckSetEmpty(unexpected_failing_tests_, "failing_tests.txt",
- "These tests failed. If they can't be fixed right now, "
- "you can add them to the failure list so the overall "
- "suite can succeed. Add them to the failure list by "
- "running:\n"
- " ./ " + failure_list_filename_ +
- " --add failing_tests.txt")) {
- ok = false;
- }
- if (!CheckSetEmpty(unexpected_succeeding_tests_, "succeeding_tests.txt",
- "These tests succeeded, even though they were listed in "
- "the failure list. Remove them from the failure list "
- "by running:\n"
- " ./ " + failure_list_filename_ +
- " --remove succeeding_tests.txt")) {
- ok = false;
- }
- if (verbose_) {
- CheckSetEmpty(skipped_, "",
- "These tests were skipped (probably because support for some "
- "features is not implemented)");
- }
- StringAppendF(&output_,
- "CONFORMANCE SUITE %s: %d successes, %d skipped, "
- "%d expected failures, %d unexpected failures.\n",
- ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED", successes_, skipped_.size(),
- expected_failures_, unexpected_failing_tests_.size());
- StringAppendF(&output_, "\n");
- output->assign(output_);
- return ok;
-} // namespace protobuf
-} // namespace google