#!/bin/bash set -ex # Make sure we are in a protobuf source tree. [ -f "php/release.sh" ] || { echo "This script must be ran under root of protobuf source tree." exit 1 } VERSION=$1 git clone https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-php.git git clone https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf.git # Clean old files pushd protobuf-php rm -rf src popd # Checkout the target version pushd protobuf/php git checkout -b $VERSION popd # Copy files pushd protobuf-php mv ../protobuf/php/src src mv ../protobuf/composer.json composer.json sed -i 's|php/src|src|g' composer.json git add . git commit -m "$VERSION" git tag "$VERSION" popd # Clean up rm -rf protobuf