import {LitElement, html} from ''; class BumbleControls extends LitElement { constructor() { super(); this.bumbleLoaded = false; this.connected = false; } render() { return html`

WebSocket URL for HCI transport

` } get settingsHciUrlInput() { return this.renderRoot.querySelector('#settings-hci-url-input'); } get settingsDialog() { return this.renderRoot.querySelector('#settings-dialog'); } canConnect() { return this.bumbleLoaded && !this.connected && this.getHciUrl(); } getHciUrl() { // Look for a URL parameter setting first. const params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams; let hciWsUrl = params.get("hci"); if (hciWsUrl) { return hciWsUrl; } // Try to load the setting from storage. hciWsUrl = localStorage.getItem("hciWsUrl"); if (hciWsUrl) { return hciWsUrl; } // Finally, default to nothing. return null; } openSettingsDialog() { const hciUrl = this.getHciUrl(); if (hciUrl) { this.settingsHciUrlInput.value = hciUrl; } else { // Start with default, assuming port 7681. this.settingsHciUrlInput.value = "ws://localhost:7681/v1/websocket/bt" } this.settingsDialog.showModal(); } onSettingsDialogClose() { if (this.settingsDialog.returnValue === "cancel") { return; } if (this.settingsHciUrlInput.value) { localStorage.setItem("hciWsUrl", this.settingsHciUrlInput.value); } else { localStorage.removeItem("hciWsUrl"); } this.requestUpdate(); } saveSettings(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.settingsDialog.close(this.settingsHciUrlInput.value); } async connectBluetooth() { this.connected = await this.connector(this.getHciUrl()); this.requestUpdate(); } async stop() { await this.stopper(); this.connected = false; this.requestUpdate(); } onBumbleLoaded() { this.bumbleLoaded = true; this.requestUpdate(); } } customElements.define('bumble-controls', BumbleControls);