path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-08-28Code/interface cleanup and documentation.Thomas Kemmer
2015-08-26Fix #43: Save hash value for decorator keys.Thomas Kemmer
2015-08-24Fix #34: Add generic @cache decorator.Thomas Kemmer
2015-06-24Fix #42: Clear cache statistics in clear_cache().Thomas Kemmer
2015-06-18Fix #40: Allow simple cache instances to be pickled.Thomas Kemmer
2015-06-06Fix #33: Code cleanup for improved PEP 8 conformance.Thomas Kemmer
2015-05-23Fix #32: Add docs/tests for using @cachedmethod with generic mutable mappings.Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-19Fix #3: Improve documentation.Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-19Fix #30: Provide RRCache.choice property.Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-15Use NestedTimer for TTLCache.Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-07Prepare v0.8.1Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-03Prepare v0.8.0Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-03Fix #27: Ignore ValueError in decorators.Thomas Kemmer
2014-12-03Add Cache.__missing__()Thomas Kemmer
2014-11-12Fix #24: Skip expired items when iterating over TTLCache.Thomas Kemmer
2014-11-11Fix #20: Deprecate TTLCache.ExpiredErrorThomas Kemmer
2014-11-11Fix #21: Add choice argument to RRCache constructor.Thomas Kemmer
2014-11-10Fix #20: Move TTLCache.ExpiredError to module.Thomas Kemmer
2014-11-10Fix #14: LRU/TTLCache refactoring.Thomas Kemmer
2014-10-23Fix #17: Raise TTLCache.ExpiredError for expired TTLCache items.Thomas Kemmer
2014-10-23Fix #16: Support unsynchronized function decorators.Thomas Kemmer
2014-10-23Fix #15: Allow @cachedmethod.cache() to return NoneThomas Kemmer
2014-09-25Fix #12: No formatting of KeyError arguments.Thomas Kemmer
2014-09-23Fix #7: getsizeof() usageThomas Kemmer
2014-09-23Resolve #9: Add @ttl_cache function decorator.Thomas Kemmer
2014-09-23Fix #6: Non-mutating TTLCache.__getitem__()Thomas Kemmer
2014-06-16Prepare v0.4.0Thomas Kemmer
2014-06-16Add TTLCache, refactor base classThomas Kemmer
2014-05-06Add cachedmethod decorator.Thomas Kemmer
2014-05-06Add size, getsizeof cache members.Thomas Kemmer
2014-04-02Prepare v0.2.0Thomas Kemmer
2014-03-27Prepare v0.1.0Thomas Kemmer
2014-03-22Add initial implementation, unit testsThomas Kemmer
2014-03-22Initial commit.Thomas Kemmer