path: root/doc/source/using.rst
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authorKevin Cheng <>2019-04-18 11:31:16 -0700
committerKevin Cheng <>2019-05-02 13:59:40 -0700
commit757c264bc10ebc71074ee3f5fb66d670667a09bc (patch)
tree26c7f7b74c752db99d9b0ac1f94fc592aca1e53a /doc/source/using.rst
parent99013222844839c42437f16eace25f4e6a8a8b20 (diff)
Add in cffi 1.12.2 (e0c7666)
Since this is a mercurial repo, d/led zip of src: Also add in misc METADATA/NOTICE/Android.bp/etc files. Bug: 122778810 Test: None Change-Id: I36c58ed07a2cdd4d9d11831908175a5c988f33c1
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/source/using.rst')
1 files changed, 1027 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..ff8e5f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/using.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1027 @@
+Using the ffi/lib objects
+.. contents::
+Keep this page under your pillow.
+.. _working:
+Working with pointers, structures and arrays
+The C code's integers and floating-point values are mapped to Python's
+regular ``int``, ``long`` and ``float``. Moreover, the C type ``char``
+corresponds to single-character strings in Python. (If you want it to
+map to small integers, use either ``signed char`` or ``unsigned char``.)
+Similarly, the C type ``wchar_t`` corresponds to single-character
+unicode strings. Note that in some situations (a narrow Python build
+with an underlying 4-bytes wchar_t type), a single wchar_t character
+may correspond to a pair of surrogates, which is represented as a
+unicode string of length 2. If you need to convert such a 2-chars
+unicode string to an integer, ``ord(x)`` does not work; use instead
+``int(ffi.cast('wchar_t', x))``.
+*New in version 1.11:* in addition to ``wchar_t``, the C types
+``char16_t`` and ``char32_t`` work the same but with a known fixed size.
+In previous versions, this could be achieved using ``uint16_t`` and
+``int32_t`` but without automatic conversion to Python unicodes.
+Pointers, structures and arrays are more complex: they don't have an
+obvious Python equivalent. Thus, they correspond to objects of type
+``cdata``, which are printed for example as
+``<cdata 'struct foo_s *' 0xa3290d8>``.
+``, [initializer])``: this function builds and returns a
+new cdata object of the given ``ctype``. The ctype is usually some
+constant string describing the C type. It must be a pointer or array
+type. If it is a pointer, e.g. ``"int *"`` or ``struct foo *``, then
+it allocates the memory for one ``int`` or ``struct foo``. If it is
+an array, e.g. ``int[10]``, then it allocates the memory for ten
+``int``. In both cases the returned cdata is of type ``ctype``.
+The memory is initially filled with zeros. An initializer can be given
+too, as described later.
+ >>>"int *")
+ <cdata 'int *' owning 4 bytes>
+ >>>"int[10]")
+ <cdata 'int[10]' owning 40 bytes>
+ >>>"char *") # allocates only one char---not a C string!
+ <cdata 'char *' owning 1 bytes>
+ >>>"char[]", "foobar") # this allocates a C string, ending in \0
+ <cdata 'char[]' owning 7 bytes>
+Unlike C, the returned pointer object has *ownership* on the allocated
+memory: when this exact object is garbage-collected, then the memory is
+freed. If, at the level of C, you store a pointer to the memory
+somewhere else, then make sure you also keep the object alive for as
+long as needed. (This also applies if you immediately cast the returned
+pointer to a pointer of a different type: only the original object has
+ownership, so you must keep it alive. As soon as you forget it, then
+the casted pointer will point to garbage! In other words, the ownership
+rules are attached to the *wrapper* cdata objects: they are not, and
+cannot, be attached to the underlying raw memory.) Example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ global_weakkeydict = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+ def make_foo():
+ s1 ="struct foo *")
+ fld1 ="struct bar *")
+ fld2 ="struct bar *")
+ s1.thefield1 = fld1
+ s1.thefield2 = fld2
+ # here the 'fld1' and 'fld2' object must not go away,
+ # otherwise 's1.thefield1/2' will point to garbage!
+ global_weakkeydict[s1] = (fld1, fld2)
+ # now 's1' keeps alive 'fld1' and 'fld2'. When 's1' goes
+ # away, then the weak dictionary entry will be removed.
+ return s1
+Usually you don't need a weak dict: for example, to call a function with
+a ``char * *`` argument that contains a pointer to a ``char *`` pointer,
+it is enough to do this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ p ="char[]", "hello, world") # p is a 'char *'
+ q ="char **", p) # q is a 'char **'
+ lib.myfunction(q)
+ # p is alive at least until here, so that's fine
+However, this is always wrong (usage of freed memory):
+.. code-block:: python
+ p ="char **","char[]", "hello, world"))
+ # WRONG! as soon as p is built, the inner gets freed!
+This is wrong too, for the same reason:
+.. code-block:: python
+ p ="struct my_stuff")
+ ="char[]", "hello, world")
+ # WRONG! as soon as is set, the gets freed!
+The cdata objects support mostly the same operations as in C: you can
+read or write from pointers, arrays and structures. Dereferencing a
+pointer is done usually in C with the syntax ``*p``, which is not valid
+Python, so instead you have to use the alternative syntax ``p[0]``
+(which is also valid C). Additionally, the ``p.x`` and ``p->x``
+syntaxes in C both become ``p.x`` in Python.
+We have ``ffi.NULL`` to use in the same places as the C ``NULL``.
+Like the latter, it is actually defined to be ``ffi.cast("void *",
+0)``. For example, reading a NULL pointer returns a ``<cdata 'type *'
+NULL>``, which you can check for e.g. by comparing it with
+There is no general equivalent to the ``&`` operator in C (because it
+would not fit nicely in the model, and it does not seem to be needed
+here). There is `ffi.addressof()`__, but only for some cases. You
+cannot take the "address" of a number in Python, for example; similarly,
+you cannot take the address of a CFFI pointer. If you have this kind
+of C code::
+ int x, y;
+ fetch_size(&x, &y);
+ opaque_t *handle; // some opaque pointer
+ init_stuff(&handle); // initializes the variable 'handle'
+ more_stuff(handle); // pass the handle around to more functions
+then you need to rewrite it like this, replacing the variables in C
+with what is logically pointers to the variables:
+.. code-block:: python
+ px ="int *")
+ py ="int *") arr ="int[2]")
+ lib.fetch_size(px, py) -OR- lib.fetch_size(arr, arr + 1)
+ x = px[0] x = arr[0]
+ y = py[0] y = arr[1]
+ p_handle ="opaque_t **")
+ lib.init_stuff(p_handle) # pass the pointer to the 'handle' pointer
+ handle = p_handle[0] # now we can read 'handle' out of 'p_handle'
+ lib.more_stuff(handle)
+.. __: ref.html#ffi-addressof
+Any operation that would in C return a pointer or array or struct type
+gives you a fresh cdata object. Unlike the "original" one, these fresh
+cdata objects don't have ownership: they are merely references to
+existing memory.
+As an exception to the above rule, dereferencing a pointer that owns a
+*struct* or *union* object returns a cdata struct or union object
+that "co-owns" the same memory. Thus in this case there are two
+objects that can keep the same memory alive. This is done for cases where
+you really want to have a struct object but don't have any convenient
+place to keep alive the original pointer object (returned by
+.. code-block:: python
+ # void somefunction(int *);
+ x ="int *") # allocate one int, and return a pointer to it
+ x[0] = 42 # fill it
+ lib.somefunction(x) # call the C function
+ print x[0] # read the possibly-changed value
+The equivalent of C casts are provided with ``ffi.cast("type", value)``.
+They should work in the same cases as they do in C. Additionally, this
+is the only way to get cdata objects of integer or floating-point type::
+ >>> x = ffi.cast("int", 42)
+ >>> x
+ <cdata 'int' 42>
+ >>> int(x)
+ 42
+To cast a pointer to an int, cast it to ``intptr_t`` or ``uintptr_t``,
+which are defined by C to be large enough integer types (example on 32
+ >>> int(ffi.cast("intptr_t", pointer_cdata)) # signed
+ -1340782304
+ >>> int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", pointer_cdata)) # unsigned
+ 2954184992L
+The initializer given as the optional second argument to ````
+can be mostly anything that you would use as an initializer for C code,
+with lists or tuples instead of using the C syntax ``{ .., .., .. }``.
+ typedef struct { int x, y; } foo_t;
+ foo_t v = { 1, 2 }; // C syntax
+ v ="foo_t *", [1, 2]) # CFFI equivalent
+ foo_t v = { .y=1, .x=2 }; // C99 syntax
+ v ="foo_t *", {'y': 1, 'x': 2}) # CFFI equivalent
+Like C, arrays of chars can also be initialized from a string, in
+which case a terminating null character is appended implicitly::
+ >>> x ="char[]", "hello")
+ >>> x
+ <cdata 'char[]' owning 6 bytes>
+ >>> len(x) # the actual size of the array
+ 6
+ >>> x[5] # the last item in the array
+ '\x00'
+ >>> x[0] = 'H' # change the first item
+ >>> ffi.string(x) # interpret 'x' as a regular null-terminated string
+ 'Hello'
+Similarly, arrays of wchar_t or char16_t or char32_t can be initialized
+from a unicode string,
+and calling ``ffi.string()`` on the cdata object returns the current unicode
+string stored in the source array (adding surrogates if necessary).
+See the `Unicode character types`__ section for more details.
+.. __: ref.html#unichar
+Note that unlike Python lists or tuples, but like C, you *cannot* index in
+a C array from the end using negative numbers.
+More generally, the C array types can have their length unspecified in C
+types, as long as their length can be derived from the initializer, like
+in C::
+ int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; // C syntax
+ array ="int[]", [1, 2, 3, 4]) # CFFI equivalent
+As an extension, the initializer can also be just a number, giving
+the length (in case you just want zero-initialization)::
+ int array[1000]; // C syntax
+ array ="int[1000]") # CFFI 1st equivalent
+ array ="int[]", 1000) # CFFI 2nd equivalent
+This is useful if the length is not actually a constant, to avoid things
+like ``"int[%d]" % x)``. Indeed, this is not recommended:
+``ffi`` normally caches the string ``"int[]"`` to not need to re-parse
+it all the time.
+The C99 variable-sized structures are supported too, as long as the
+initializer says how long the array should be:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # typedef struct { int x; int y[]; } foo_t;
+ p ="foo_t *", [5, [6, 7, 8]]) # length 3
+ p ="foo_t *", [5, 3]) # length 3 with 0 in the array
+ p ="foo_t *", {'y': 3}) # length 3 with 0 everywhere
+Finally, note that any Python object used as initializer can also be
+used directly without ```` in assignments to array items or
+struct fields. In fact, ``p ="T*", initializer)`` is
+equivalent to ``p ="T*"); p[0] = initializer``. Examples:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # if 'p' is a <cdata 'int[5][5]'>
+ p[2] = [10, 20] # writes to p[2][0] and p[2][1]
+ # if 'p' is a <cdata 'foo_t *'>, and foo_t has fields x, y and z
+ p[0] = {'x': 10, 'z': 20} # writes to p.x and p.z; p.y unmodified
+ # if, on the other hand, foo_t has a field 'char a[5]':
+ p.a = "abc" # writes 'a', 'b', 'c' and '\0'; p.a[4] unmodified
+In function calls, when passing arguments, these rules can be used too;
+see `Function calls`_.
+Python 3 support
+Python 3 is supported, but the main point to note is that the ``char`` C
+type corresponds to the ``bytes`` Python type, and not ``str``. It is
+your responsibility to encode/decode all Python strings to bytes when
+passing them to or receiving them from CFFI.
+This only concerns the ``char`` type and derivative types; other parts
+of the API that accept strings in Python 2 continue to accept strings in
+Python 3.
+An example of calling a main-like thing
+Imagine we have something like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from cffi import FFI
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ int main_like(int argv, char *argv[]);
+ """)
+ lib = ffi.dlopen("")
+Now, everything is simple, except, how do we create the ``char**`` argument
+The first idea:
+.. code-block:: python
+ lib.main_like(2, ["arg0", "arg1"])
+does not work, because the initializer receives two Python ``str`` objects
+where it was expecting ``<cdata 'char *'>`` objects. You need to use
+```` explicitly to make these objects:
+.. code-block:: python
+ lib.main_like(2, ["char[]", "arg0"),
+"char[]", "arg1")])
+Note that the two ``<cdata 'char[]'>`` objects are kept alive for the
+duration of the call: they are only freed when the list itself is freed,
+and the list is only freed when the call returns.
+If you want instead to build an "argv" variable that you want to reuse,
+then more care is needed:
+.. code-block:: python
+ argv ="char *[]", ["char[]", "arg0"),
+"char[]", "arg1")])
+In the above example, the inner "arg0" string is deallocated as soon
+as "argv" is built. You have to make sure that you keep a reference
+to the inner "char[]" objects, either directly or by keeping the list
+alive like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ argv_keepalive = ["char[]", "arg0"),
+"char[]", "arg1")]
+ argv ="char *[]", argv_keepalive)
+Function calls
+When calling C functions, passing arguments follows mostly the same
+rules as assigning to structure fields, and the return value follows the
+same rules as reading a structure field. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # int foo(short a, int b);
+ n =, 3) # returns a normal integer
+, 3) # raises OverflowError
+You can pass to ``char *`` arguments a normal Python string (but don't
+pass a normal Python string to functions that take a ``char *``
+argument and may mutate it!):
+.. code-block:: python
+ # size_t strlen(const char *);
+ assert lib.strlen("hello") == 5
+You can also pass unicode strings as ``wchar_t *`` or ``char16_t *`` or
+``char32_t *`` arguments. Note that
+the C language makes no difference between argument declarations that
+use ``type *`` or ``type[]``. For example, ``int *`` is fully
+equivalent to ``int[]`` (or even ``int[5]``; the 5 is ignored). For CFFI,
+this means that you can always pass arguments that can be converted to
+either ``int *`` or ``int[]``. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # void do_something_with_array(int *array);
+ lib.do_something_with_array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # works for int[]
+See `Reference: conversions`__ for a similar way to pass ``struct foo_s
+*`` arguments---but in general, it is clearer in this case to pass
+``'struct foo_s *', initializer)``.
+__ ref.html#conversions
+CFFI supports passing and returning structs and unions to functions and
+callbacks. Example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # struct foo_s { int a, b; };
+ # struct foo_s function_returning_a_struct(void);
+ myfoo = lib.function_returning_a_struct()
+ # `myfoo`: <cdata 'struct foo_s' owning 8 bytes>
+For performance, non-variadic API-level functions that you get by
+writing ``lib.some_function`` are not ``<cdata>``
+objects, but an object of a different type (on CPython, ``<built-in
+function>``). This means you cannot pass them directly to some other C
+function expecting a function pointer argument. Only ``ffi.typeof()``
+works on them. To get a cdata containing a regular function pointer,
+use ``ffi.addressof(lib, "name")``.
+There are a few (obscure) limitations to the supported argument and
+return types. These limitations come from libffi and apply only to
+calling ``<cdata>`` function pointers; in other words, they don't
+apply to non-variadic ``cdef()``-declared functions if you are using
+the API mode. The limitations are that you cannot pass directly as
+argument or return type:
+* a union (but a *pointer* to a union is fine);
+* a struct which uses bitfields (but a *pointer* to such a struct is
+ fine);
+* a struct that was declared with "``...``" in the ``cdef()``.
+In API mode, you can work around these limitations: for example, if you
+need to call such a function pointer from Python, you can instead write
+a custom C function that accepts the function pointer and the real
+arguments and that does the call from C. Then declare that custom C
+function in the ``cdef()`` and use it from Python.
+Variadic function calls
+Variadic functions in C (which end with "``...``" as their last
+argument) can be declared and called normally, with the exception that
+all the arguments passed in the variable part *must* be cdata objects.
+This is because it would not be possible to guess, if you wrote this::
+ lib.printf("hello, %d\n", 42) # doesn't work!
+that you really meant the 42 to be passed as a C ``int``, and not a
+``long`` or ``long long``. The same issue occurs with ``float`` versus
+``double``. So you have to force cdata objects of the C type you want,
+if necessary with ``ffi.cast()``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ lib.printf("hello, %d\n", ffi.cast("int", 42))
+ lib.printf("hello, %ld\n", ffi.cast("long", 42))
+ lib.printf("hello, %f\n", ffi.cast("double", 42))
+But of course:
+.. code-block:: python
+ lib.printf("hello, %s\n","char[]", "world"))
+Note that if you are using ``dlopen()``, the function declaration in the
+``cdef()`` must match the original one in C exactly, as usual --- in
+particular, if this function is variadic in C, then its ``cdef()``
+declaration must also be variadic. You cannot declare it in the
+``cdef()`` with fixed arguments instead, even if you plan to only call
+it with these argument types. The reason is that some architectures
+have a different calling convention depending on whether the function
+signature is fixed or not. (On x86-64, the difference can sometimes be
+seen in PyPy's JIT-generated code if some arguments are ``double``.)
+Note that the function signature ``int foo();`` is interpreted by CFFI
+as equivalent to ``int foo(void);``. This differs from the C standard,
+in which ``int foo();`` is really like ``int foo(...);`` and can be
+called with any arguments. (This feature of C is a pre-C89 relic: the
+arguments cannot be accessed at all in the body of ``foo()`` without
+relying on compiler-specific extensions. Nowadays virtually all code
+with ``int foo();`` really means ``int foo(void);``.)
+Memory pressure (PyPy)
+This paragraph applies only to PyPy, because its garbage collector (GC)
+is different from CPython's. It is very common in C code to have pairs
+of functions, one which performs memory allocations or acquires other
+resources, and the other which frees them again. Depending on how you
+structure your Python code, the freeing function is only called when the
+GC decides a particular (Python) object can be freed. This occurs
+notably in these cases:
+* If you use a ``__del__()`` method to call the freeing function.
+* If you use ``ffi.gc()`` without also using ``ffi.release()``.
+* This does not occur if you call the freeing function at a
+ deterministic time, like in a regular ``try: finally:`` block. It
+ does however occur *inside a generator---* if the generator is not
+ explicitly exhausted but forgotten at a ``yield`` point, then the code
+ in the enclosing ``finally`` block is only invoked at the next GC.
+In these cases, you may have to use the built-in function
+``__pypy__.add_memory_pressure(n)``. Its argument ``n`` is an estimate
+of how much memory pressure to add. For example, if the pair of C
+functions that we are talking about is ``malloc(n)`` and ``free()`` or
+similar, you would call ``__pypy__.add_memory_pressure(n)`` after
+``malloc(n)``. Doing so is not always a complete answer to the problem,
+but it makes the next GC occur earlier, which is often enough.
+The same applies if the memory allocations are indirect, e.g. the C
+function allocates some internal data structures. In that case, call
+``__pypy__.add_memory_pressure(n)`` with an argument ``n`` that is an
+rough estimation. Knowing the exact size is not important, and memory
+pressure doesn't have to be manually brought down again after calling
+the freeing function. If you are writing wrappers for the allocating /
+freeing pair of functions, you should probably call
+``__pypy__.add_memory_pressure()`` in the former even if the user may
+invoke the latter at a known point with a ``finally:`` block.
+In case this solution is not sufficient, or if the acquired resource is
+not memory but something else more limited (like file descriptors), then
+there is no better way than restructuring your code to make sure the
+freeing function is called at a known point and not indirectly by the
+Note that in PyPy <= 5.6 the discussion above also applies to
+````. In more recent versions of PyPy, both ```` and
+``ffi.new_allocator()()`` automatically account for the memory pressure
+they create. (In case you need to support both older and newer PyPy's,
+try calling ``__pypy__.add_memory_pressure()`` anyway; it is better to
+overestimate than not account for the memory pressure.)
+.. _extern-python:
+.. _`extern "Python"`:
+Extern "Python" (new-style callbacks)
+When the C code needs a pointer to a function which invokes back a
+Python function of your choice, here is how you do it in the
+out-of-line API mode. The next section about Callbacks_ describes the
+ABI-mode solution.
+This is *new in version 1.4.* Use old-style Callbacks_ if backward
+compatibility is an issue. (The original callbacks are slower to
+invoke and have the same issue as libffi's callbacks; notably, see the
+warning__. The new style described in the present section does not
+use libffi's callbacks at all.)
+.. __: Callbacks_
+In the builder script, declare in the cdef a function prefixed with
+``extern "Python"``::
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" int my_callback(int, int);
+ void library_function(int(*callback)(int, int));
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_my_example", r"""
+ #include <some_library.h>
+ """)
+The function ``my_callback()`` is then implemented in Python inside
+your application's code::
+ from _my_example import ffi, lib
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def my_callback(x, y):
+ return 42
+You obtain a ``<cdata>`` pointer-to-function object by getting
+``lib.my_callback``. This ``<cdata>`` can be passed to C code and
+then works like a callback: when the C code calls this function
+pointer, the Python function ``my_callback`` is called. (You need
+to pass ``lib.my_callback`` to C code, and not ``my_callback``: the
+latter is just the Python function above, which cannot be passed to C.)
+CFFI implements this by defining ``my_callback`` as a static C
+function, written after the ``set_source()`` code. The ``<cdata>``
+then points to this function. What this function does is invoke the
+Python function object that is, at runtime, attached with
+The ``@ffi.def_extern()`` decorator should be applied to **global
+functions,** one for each ``extern "Python"`` function of the same
+To support some corner cases, it is possible to redefine the attached
+Python function by calling ``@ffi.def_extern()`` again for the same
+name---but this is not recommended! Better attach a single global
+Python function for this name, and write it more flexibly in the first
+place. This is because each ``extern "Python"`` function turns into
+only one C function. Calling ``@ffi.def_extern()`` again changes this
+function's C logic to call the new Python function; the old Python
+function is not callable any more. The C function pointer you get
+from ``lib.my_function`` is always this C function's address, i.e. it
+remains the same.
+Extern "Python" and ``void *`` arguments
+As described just before, you cannot use ``extern "Python"`` to make a
+variable number of C function pointers. However, achieving that
+result is not possible in pure C code either. For this reason, it is
+usual for C to define callbacks with a ``void *data`` argument. You
+can use ``ffi.new_handle()`` and ``ffi.from_handle()`` to pass a
+Python object through this ``void *`` argument. For example, if the C
+type of the callbacks is::
+ typedef void (*event_cb_t)(event_t *evt, void *userdata);
+and you register events by calling this function::
+ void event_cb_register(event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
+Then you would write this in the build script::
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ typedef ... event_t;
+ typedef void (*event_cb_t)(event_t *evt, void *userdata);
+ void event_cb_register(event_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
+ extern "Python" void my_event_callback(event_t *, void *);
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_demo_cffi", r"""
+ #include <the_event_library.h>
+ """)
+and in your main application you register events like this::
+ from _demo_cffi import ffi, lib
+ class Widget(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ userdata = ffi.new_handle(self)
+ self._userdata = userdata # must keep this alive!
+ lib.event_cb_register(lib.my_event_callback, userdata)
+ def process_event(self, evt):
+ print "got event!"
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def my_event_callback(evt, userdata):
+ widget = ffi.from_handle(userdata)
+ widget.process_event(evt)
+Some other libraries don't have an explicit ``void *`` argument, but
+let you attach the ``void *`` to an existing structure. For example,
+the library might say that ``widget->userdata`` is a generic field
+reserved for the application. If the event's signature is now this::
+ typedef void (*event_cb_t)(widget_t *w, event_t *evt);
+Then you can use the ``void *`` field in the low-level
+``widget_t *`` like this::
+ from _demo_cffi import ffi, lib
+ class Widget(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ll_widget = lib.new_widget(500, 500)
+ self.ll_widget = ll_widget # <cdata 'struct widget *'>
+ userdata = ffi.new_handle(self)
+ self._userdata = userdata # must still keep this alive!
+ ll_widget.userdata = userdata # this makes a copy of the "void *"
+ lib.event_cb_register(ll_widget, lib.my_event_callback)
+ def process_event(self, evt):
+ print "got event!"
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def my_event_callback(ll_widget, evt):
+ widget = ffi.from_handle(ll_widget.userdata)
+ widget.process_event(evt)
+Extern "Python" accessed from C directly
+In case you want to access some ``extern "Python"`` function directly
+from the C code written in ``set_source()``, you need to write a
+forward declaration. (By default it needs to be static, but see
+`next paragraph`__.) The real implementation of this function
+is added by CFFI *after* the C code---this is needed because the
+declaration might use types defined by ``set_source()``
+(e.g. ``event_t`` above, from the ``#include``), so it cannot be
+generated before.
+.. __: `extern-python-c`_
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_demo_cffi", r"""
+ #include <the_event_library.h>
+ static void my_event_callback(widget_t *, event_t *);
+ /* here you can write C code which uses '&my_event_callback' */
+ """)
+This can also be used to write custom C code which calls Python
+directly. Here is an example (inefficient in this case, but might be
+useful if the logic in ``my_algo()`` is much more complex)::
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" int f(int);
+ int my_algo(int);
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_example_cffi", r"""
+ static int f(int); /* the forward declaration */
+ static int my_algo(int n) {
+ int i, sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ sum += f(i); /* call f() here */
+ return sum;
+ }
+ """)
+.. _extern-python-c:
+Extern "Python+C"
+Functions declared with ``extern "Python"`` are generated as
+``static`` functions in the C source. However, in some cases it is
+convenient to make them non-static, typically when you want to make
+them directly callable from other C source files. To do that, you can
+say ``extern "Python+C"`` instead of just ``extern "Python"``. *New
+in version 1.6.*
+| if the cdef contains | then CFFI generates |
+| ``extern "Python" int f(int);`` | ``static int f(int) { /* code */ }`` |
+| ``extern "Python+C" int f(int);`` | ``int f(int) { /* code */ }`` |
+The name ``extern "Python+C"`` comes from the fact that we want an
+extern function in both senses: as an ``extern "Python"``, and as a
+C function that is not static.
+You cannot make CFFI generate additional macros or other
+compiler-specific stuff like the GCC ``__attribute__``. You can only
+control whether the function should be ``static`` or not. But often,
+these attributes must be written alongside the function *header*, and
+it is fine if the function *implementation* does not repeat them::
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ extern "Python+C" int f(int); /* not static */
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_example_cffi", r"""
+ /* the forward declaration, setting a gcc attribute
+ (this line could also be in some .h file, to be included
+ both here and in the other C files of the project) */
+ int f(int) __attribute__((visibility("hidden")));
+ """)
+Extern "Python": reference
+``extern "Python"`` must appear in the cdef(). Like the C++ ``extern
+"C"`` syntax, it can also be used with braces around a group of
+ extern "Python" {
+ int foo(int);
+ int bar(int);
+ }
+The ``extern "Python"`` functions cannot be variadic for now. This
+may be implemented in the future. (`This demo`__ shows how to do it
+anyway, but it is a bit lengthy.)
+.. __:
+Each corresponding Python callback function is defined with the
+``@ffi.def_extern()`` decorator. Be careful when writing this
+function: if it raises an exception, or tries to return an object of
+the wrong type, then the exception cannot be propagated. Instead, the
+exception is printed to stderr and the C-level callback is made to
+return a default value. This can be controlled with ``error`` and
+``onerror``, described below.
+.. _def-extern:
+The ``@ffi.def_extern()`` decorator takes these optional arguments:
+* ``name``: the name of the function as written in the cdef. By default
+ it is taken from the name of the Python function you decorate.
+.. _error_onerror:
+* ``error``: the returned value in case the Python function raises an
+ exception. It is 0 or null by default. The exception is still
+ printed to stderr, so this should be used only as a last-resort
+ solution.
+* ``onerror``: if you want to be sure to catch all exceptions, use
+ ``@ffi.def_extern(onerror=my_handler)``. If an exception occurs and
+ ``onerror`` is specified, then ``onerror(exception, exc_value,
+ traceback)`` is called. This is useful in some situations where you
+ cannot simply write ``try: except:`` in the main callback function,
+ because it might not catch exceptions raised by signal handlers: if
+ a signal occurs while in C, the Python signal handler is called as
+ soon as possible, which is after entering the callback function but
+ *before* executing even the ``try:``. If the signal handler raises,
+ we are not in the ``try: except:`` yet.
+ If ``onerror`` is called and returns normally, then it is assumed
+ that it handled the exception on its own and nothing is printed to
+ stderr. If ``onerror`` raises, then both tracebacks are printed.
+ Finally, ``onerror`` can itself provide the result value of the
+ callback in C, but doesn't have to: if it simply returns None---or
+ if ``onerror`` itself fails---then the value of ``error`` will be
+ used, if any.
+ Note the following hack: in ``onerror``, you can access the original
+ callback arguments as follows. First check if ``traceback`` is not
+ None (it is None e.g. if the whole function ran successfully but
+ there was an error converting the value returned: this occurs after
+ the call). If ``traceback`` is not None, then
+ ``traceback.tb_frame`` is the frame of the outermost function,
+ i.e. directly the frame of the function decorated with
+ ``@ffi.def_extern()``. So you can get the value of ``argname`` in
+ that frame by reading ``traceback.tb_frame.f_locals['argname']``.
+.. _Callbacks:
+Callbacks (old style)
+Here is how to make a new ``<cdata>`` object that contains a pointer
+to a function, where that function invokes back a Python function of
+your choice::
+ >>> @ffi.callback("int(int, int)")
+ >>> def myfunc(x, y):
+ ... return x + y
+ ...
+ >>> myfunc
+ <cdata 'int(*)(int, int)' calling <function myfunc at 0xf757bbc4>>
+Note that ``"int(*)(int, int)"`` is a C *function pointer* type, whereas
+``"int(int, int)"`` is a C *function* type. Either can be specified to
+ffi.callback() and the result is the same.
+.. warning::
+ Callbacks are provided for the ABI mode or for backward
+ compatibility. If you are using the out-of-line API mode, it is
+ recommended to use the `extern "Python"`_ mechanism instead of
+ callbacks: it gives faster and cleaner code. It also avoids several
+ issues with old-style callbacks:
+ - On less common architecture, libffi is more likely to crash on
+ callbacks (`e.g. on NetBSD`__);
+ - On hardened systems like PAX and SELinux, the extra memory
+ protections can interfere (for example, on SELinux you need to
+ run with ``deny_execmem`` set to ``off``).
+ Note also that a cffi fix for the latter issue was attempted---see
+ the ``ffi_closure_alloc`` branch---but was not merged because it
+ creates potential `memory corruption`__ with ``fork()``.
+.. __:
+.. __:
+Warning: like, ffi.callback() returns a cdata that has
+ownership of its C data. (In this case, the necessary C data contains
+the libffi data structures to do a callback.) This means that the
+callback can only be invoked as long as this cdata object is alive.
+If you store the function pointer into C code, then make sure you also
+keep this object alive for as long as the callback may be invoked.
+The easiest way to do that is to always use ``@ffi.callback()`` at
+module-level only, and to pass "context" information around with
+`ffi.new_handle()`__, if possible. Example:
+.. __: ref.html#new-handle
+.. code-block:: python
+ # a good way to use this decorator is once at global level
+ @ffi.callback("int(int, void *)")
+ def my_global_callback(x, handle):
+ return ffi.from_handle(handle).some_method(x)
+ class Foo(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ handle = ffi.new_handle(self)
+ self._handle = handle # must be kept alive
+ lib.register_stuff_with_callback_and_voidp_arg(my_global_callback, handle)
+ def some_method(self, x):
+ print "method called!"
+(See also the section about `extern "Python"`_ above, where the same
+general style is used.)
+Note that callbacks of a variadic function type are not supported. A
+workaround is to add custom C code. In the following example, a
+callback gets a first argument that counts how many extra ``int``
+arguments are passed:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # file ""
+ import cffi
+ ffibuilder = cffi.FFI()
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ int (*python_callback)(int how_many, int *values);
+ void *const c_callback; /* pass this const ptr to C routines */
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.set_source("_example", r"""
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <alloca.h>
+ static int (*python_callback)(int how_many, int *values);
+ static int c_callback(int how_many, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ /* collect the "..." arguments into the values[] array */
+ int i, *values = alloca(how_many * sizeof(int));
+ va_start(ap, how_many);
+ for (i=0; i<how_many; i++)
+ values[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return python_callback(how_many, values);
+ }
+ """)
+ ffibuilder.compile(verbose=True)
+.. code-block:: python
+ # file ""
+ from _example import ffi, lib
+ @ffi.callback("int(int, int *)")
+ def python_callback(how_many, values):
+ print ffi.unpack(values, how_many)
+ return 0
+ lib.python_callback = python_callback
+Deprecated: you can also use ``ffi.callback()`` not as a decorator but
+directly as ``ffi.callback("int(int, int)", myfunc)``. This is
+discouraged: using this a style, we are more likely to forget the
+callback object too early, when it is still in use.
+The ``ffi.callback()`` decorator also accepts the optional argument
+``error``, and from CFFI version 1.2 the optional argument ``onerror``.
+These two work in the same way as `described above for extern "Python".`__
+.. __: error_onerror_
+Windows: calling conventions
+On Win32, functions can have two main calling conventions: either
+"cdecl" (the default), or "stdcall" (also known as "WINAPI"). There
+are also other rare calling conventions, but these are not supported.
+*New in version 1.3.*
+When you issue calls from Python to C, the implementation is such that
+it works with any of these two main calling conventions; you don't
+have to specify it. However, if you manipulate variables of type
+"function pointer" or declare callbacks, then the calling convention
+must be correct. This is done by writing ``__cdecl`` or ``__stdcall``
+in the type, like in C::
+ @ffi.callback("int __stdcall(int, int)")
+ def AddNumbers(x, y):
+ return x + y
+ ffibuilder.cdef("""
+ struct foo_s {
+ int (__stdcall *MyFuncPtr)(int, int);
+ };
+ """)
+``__cdecl`` is supported but is always the default so it can be left
+out. In the ``cdef()``, you can also use ``WINAPI`` as equivalent to
+``__stdcall``. As mentioned above, it is mostly not needed (but doesn't
+hurt) to say ``WINAPI`` or ``__stdcall`` when declaring a plain
+function in the ``cdef()``. (The difference can still be seen if you
+take explicitly a pointer to this function with ``ffi.addressof()``,
+or if the function is ``extern "Python"``.)
+These calling convention specifiers are accepted but ignored on any
+platform other than 32-bit Windows.
+In CFFI versions before 1.3, the calling convention specifiers are not
+recognized. In API mode, you could work around it by using an
+indirection, like in the example in the section about Callbacks_
+(``""``). There was no way to use stdcall callbacks
+in ABI mode.
+FFI Interface
+(The reference for the FFI interface has been moved to the `next page`__.)
+.. __: ref.html