path: root/testing/cffi1/
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authorKevin Cheng <>2019-04-18 11:31:16 -0700
committerKevin Cheng <>2019-05-02 13:59:40 -0700
commit757c264bc10ebc71074ee3f5fb66d670667a09bc (patch)
tree26c7f7b74c752db99d9b0ac1f94fc592aca1e53a /testing/cffi1/
parent99013222844839c42437f16eace25f4e6a8a8b20 (diff)
Add in cffi 1.12.2 (e0c7666)
Since this is a mercurial repo, d/led zip of src: Also add in misc METADATA/NOTICE/Android.bp/etc files. Bug: 122778810 Test: None Change-Id: I36c58ed07a2cdd4d9d11831908175a5c988f33c1
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/cffi1/')
1 files changed, 2316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/cffi1/ b/testing/cffi1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a31110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/cffi1/
@@ -0,0 +1,2316 @@
+import sys, os, py
+from cffi import FFI, VerificationError, FFIError, CDefError
+from cffi import recompiler
+from testing.udir import udir
+from import u, long
+from import FdWriteCapture, StdErrCapture, _verify
+ import importlib
+except ImportError:
+ importlib = None
+def check_type_table(input, expected_output, included=None):
+ ffi = FFI()
+ if included:
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef(included)
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef(input)
+ recomp = recompiler.Recompiler(ffi, 'testmod')
+ recomp.collect_type_table()
+ assert ''.join(map(str, recomp.cffi_types)) == expected_output
+def verify(ffi, module_name, source, *args, **kwds):
+ no_cpp = kwds.pop('no_cpp', False)
+ kwds.setdefault('undef_macros', ['NDEBUG'])
+ module_name = '_CFFI_' + module_name
+ ffi.set_source(module_name, source)
+ if not os.environ.get('NO_CPP') and not no_cpp: # test the .cpp mode too
+ kwds.setdefault('source_extension', '.cpp')
+ source = 'extern "C" {\n%s\n}' % (source,)
+ elif sys.platform != 'win32':
+ # add '-Werror' to the existing 'extra_compile_args' flags
+ kwds['extra_compile_args'] = (kwds.get('extra_compile_args', []) +
+ ['-Werror'])
+ return _verify(ffi, module_name, source, *args, **kwds)
+def test_set_source_no_slashes():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.set_source, "abc/def", None)
+ py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.set_source, "abc/def", "C code")
+def test_type_table_func():
+ check_type_table("double sin(double);",
+ check_type_table("float sin(double);",
+ check_type_table("float sin(void);",
+ check_type_table("double sin(float); double cos(float);",
+ check_type_table("double sin(float); double cos(double);",
+ check_type_table("float sin(double); float cos(float);",
+def test_type_table_use_noop_for_repeated_args():
+ check_type_table("double sin(double *, double *);",
+ "(PRIMITIVE 14)")
+ check_type_table("double sin(double *, double *, double);",
+def test_type_table_dont_use_noop_for_primitives():
+ check_type_table("double sin(double, double);",
+def test_type_table_funcptr_as_argument():
+ check_type_table("int sin(double(float));",
+def test_type_table_variadic_function():
+ check_type_table("int sin(int, ...);",
+def test_type_table_array():
+ check_type_table("int a[100];",
+ "(PRIMITIVE 7)(ARRAY 0)(None 100)")
+def test_type_table_typedef():
+ check_type_table("typedef int foo_t;",
+ "(PRIMITIVE 7)")
+def test_type_table_prebuilt_type():
+ check_type_table("int32_t f(void);",
+def test_type_table_struct_opaque():
+ check_type_table("struct foo_s;",
+def test_type_table_struct():
+ check_type_table("struct foo_s { int a; long b; };",
+def test_type_table_union():
+ check_type_table("union foo_u { int a; long b; };",
+def test_type_table_struct_used():
+ check_type_table("struct foo_s { int a; long b; }; int f(struct foo_s*);",
+def test_type_table_anonymous_struct_with_typedef():
+ check_type_table("typedef struct { int a; long b; } foo_t;",
+def test_type_table_enum():
+ check_type_table("enum foo_e { AA, BB, ... };",
+ "(ENUM 0)")
+def test_type_table_include_1():
+ check_type_table("foo_t sin(foo_t);",
+ included="typedef double foo_t;")
+def test_type_table_include_2():
+ check_type_table("struct foo_s *sin(struct foo_s *);",
+ included="struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+def test_math_sin():
+ import math
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float sin(double); double cos(double);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin', '#include <math.h>')
+ assert lib.cos(1.43) == math.cos(1.43)
+def test_repr_lib():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_repr_lib', '')
+ assert repr(lib) == "<Lib object for '_CFFI_test_repr_lib'>"
+def test_funcarg_ptr():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int foo(int *);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcarg_ptr', 'int foo(int *p) { return *p; }')
+ assert[-12345]) == -12345
+def test_funcres_ptr():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int *foo(void);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcres_ptr',
+ 'int *foo(void) { static int x=-12345; return &x; }')
+ assert[0] == -12345
+def test_global_var_array():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int a[100];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array', 'int a[100] = { 9999 };')
+ lib.a[42] = 123456
+ assert lib.a[42] == 123456
+ assert lib.a[0] == 9999
+def test_verify_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef int **foo_t;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+ assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("void *")
+def test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef ... foo_t;")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+def test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef ... *foo_t;")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+def test_global_var_int():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int a, b, c;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_int', 'int a = 999, b, c;')
+ assert lib.a == 999
+ lib.a -= 1001
+ assert lib.a == -2
+ lib.a = -2147483648
+ assert lib.a == -2147483648
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = 2147483648")
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = -2147483649")
+ lib.b = 525 # try with the first access being in setattr, too
+ assert lib.b == 525
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.a")
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.c")
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.foobarbaz")
+def test_macro():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("#define FOOBAR ...")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
+ assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+def test_macro_check_value():
+ # the value '-0x80000000' in C sources does not have a clear meaning
+ # to me; it appears to have a different effect than '-2147483648'...
+ # Moreover, on 32-bits, -2147483648 is actually equal to
+ # -2147483648U, which in turn is equal to 2147483648U and so positive.
+ vals = ['42', '-42', '0x80000000', '-2147483648',
+ '0', '9223372036854775809ULL',
+ '-9223372036854775807LL']
+ if sys.maxsize <= 2**32 or sys.platform == 'win32':
+ vals.remove('-2147483648')
+ ffi = FFI()
+ cdef_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[i])
+ for i in range(len(vals))
+ for j in range(len(vals))]
+ ffi.cdef('\n'.join(cdef_lines))
+ verify_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[j]) # [j], not [i]
+ for i in range(len(vals))
+ for j in range(len(vals))]
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro_check_value_ok',
+ '\n'.join(verify_lines))
+ #
+ for j in range(len(vals)):
+ c_got = int(vals[j].replace('U', '').replace('L', ''), 0)
+ c_compiler_msg = str(c_got)
+ if c_got > 0:
+ c_compiler_msg += ' (0x%x)' % (c_got,)
+ #
+ for i in range(len(vals)):
+ attrname = 'FOO_%d_%d' % (i, j)
+ if i == j:
+ x = getattr(lib, attrname)
+ assert x == c_got
+ else:
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, attrname)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to "
+ "%s, but the cdef disagrees" % (attrname, c_compiler_msg))
+def test_constant():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("static const int FOOBAR;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
+ assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+def test_check_value_of_static_const():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("static const int FOOBAR = 042;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_check_value_of_static_const',
+ "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'FOOBAR')
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "the C compiler says 'FOOBAR' is equal to -6912, but the cdef disagrees")
+def test_constant_nonint():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("static const double FOOBAR;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_nonint', "#define FOOBAR (-6912.5)")
+ assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912.5
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+def test_constant_ptr():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("static double *const FOOBAR;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_ptr', "#define FOOBAR NULL")
+ assert lib.FOOBAR == ffi.NULL
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.FOOBAR) == ffi.typeof("double *")
+def test_dir():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int ff(int); int aa; static const int my_constant;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dir', """
+ #define my_constant (-45)
+ int aa;
+ int ff(int x) { return x+aa; }
+ """)
+ lib.aa = 5
+ assert dir(lib) == ['aa', 'ff', 'my_constant']
+ #
+ aaobj = lib.__dict__['aa']
+ assert not isinstance(aaobj, int) # some internal object instead
+ assert lib.__dict__ == {
+ 'ff': lib.ff,
+ 'aa': aaobj,
+ 'my_constant': -45}
+ lib.__dict__['ff'] = "??"
+ assert lib.ff(10) == 15
+def test_verify_opaque_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_struct', "struct foo_s;")
+ assert ffi.typeof("struct foo_s").cname == "struct foo_s"
+def test_verify_opaque_union():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("union foo_s;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_union', "union foo_s;")
+ assert ffi.typeof("union foo_s").cname == "union foo_s"
+def test_verify_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; ...; };
+ struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_struct',
+ """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };
+ struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
+ ffi.typeof("struct bar_s *")
+ p ="struct foo_s *", {'a': -32768, 'b': -2147483648})
+ assert p.a == -32768
+ assert p.b == -2147483648
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a -= 1")
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.b -= 1")
+ q ="struct bar_s *", {'f': p})
+ assert q.f == p
+ #
+ assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "a") == 0
+ assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "b") == 4
+ assert ffi.offsetof(u+"struct foo_s", u+"b") == 4
+ #
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
+ assert ffi.addressof(p[0]) == p
+ assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p[0])) is ffi.typeof("struct foo_s *")
+ assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, "b")) is ffi.typeof("int *")
+ assert ffi.addressof(p, "b")[0] == p.b
+def test_verify_exact_field_offset():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_exact_field_offset',
+ """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };""")
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error,, "struct foo_s *", []) # lazily
+ assert str(e.value) == ("struct foo_s: wrong offset for field 'b' (cdef "
+ 'says 0, but C compiler says 4). fix it or use "...;" '
+ "in the cdef for struct foo_s to make it flexible")
+def test_type_caching():
+ ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s;")
+ ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef("struct foo_s;") # different one!
+ lib1 = verify(ffi1, 'test_type_caching_1', 'struct foo_s;')
+ lib2 = verify(ffi2, 'test_type_caching_2', 'struct foo_s;')
+ # shared types
+ assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("long")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("long**") is ffi2.typeof("long * *")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("long(*)(int, ...)") is ffi2.typeof("long(*)(int, ...)")
+ # non-shared types
+ assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s *")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()") is not (
+ ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()"))
+ assert ffi1.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)") is not (
+ ffi2.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)"))
+def test_verify_enum():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""enum e1 { B1, A1, ... }; enum e2 { B2, A2, ... };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_enum',
+ "enum e1 { A1, B1, C1=%d };" % sys.maxsize +
+ "enum e2 { A2, B2, C2 };")
+ ffi.typeof("enum e1")
+ ffi.typeof("enum e2")
+ assert lib.A1 == 0
+ assert lib.B1 == 1
+ assert lib.A2 == 0
+ assert lib.B2 == 1
+ assert ffi.sizeof("enum e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("enum e2") == ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert repr(ffi.cast("enum e1", 0)) == "<cdata 'enum e1' 0: A1>"
+def test_duplicate_enum():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("enum e1 { A1, ... }; enum e2 { A1, ... };")
+ py.test.raises(VerificationError, verify, ffi, 'test_duplicate_enum',
+ "enum e1 { A1 }; enum e2 { B1 };")
+def test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[...]; int b[...]; };")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field',
+ "struct foo_s { int a[42]; int b[11]; };")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == (42 + 11) * 4
+ p ="struct foo_s *")
+ assert p.a[41] == p.b[10] == 0
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.a[42]")
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.b[11]")
+def test_dotdotdot_global_array():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int aa[...]; int bb[...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_global_array',
+ "int aa[41]; int bb[12];")
+ assert ffi.sizeof(lib.aa) == 41 * 4
+ assert ffi.sizeof( == 12 * 4
+ assert lib.aa[40] ==[11] == 0
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, "lib.aa[41]")
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, "[12]")
+def test_misdeclared_field_1():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[5]; };")
+ try:
+ verify(ffi, 'test_misdeclared_field_1',
+ "struct foo_s { int a[6]; };")
+ except VerificationError:
+ pass # ok, fail during compilation already (e.g. C++)
+ else:
+ assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 24 # found by the actual C code
+ try:
+ # lazily build the fields and boom:
+ p ="struct foo_s *")
+ p.a
+ assert False, "should have raised"
+ except ffi.error as e:
+ assert str(e).startswith("struct foo_s: wrong size for field 'a' "
+ "(cdef says 20, but C compiler says 24)")
+def test_open_array_in_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_open_array_in_struct',
+ "struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 4
+ p ="struct foo_s *", [5, [10, 20, 30, 40]])
+ assert p.a[2] == 30
+ assert ffi.sizeof(p) == ffi.sizeof("void *")
+ assert ffi.sizeof(p[0]) == 5 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+def test_math_sin_type():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("double sin(double); void *xxtestfunc();")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin_type', """
+ #include <math.h>
+ void *xxtestfunc(void) { return 0; }
+ """)
+ # 'lib.sin' is typed as a <built-in method> object on lib
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.sin).cname == "double(*)(double)"
+ # 'x' is another <built-in method> object on lib, made very indirectly
+ x = type(lib).__dir__.__get__(lib)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.typeof, x)
+ #
+ # present on built-in functions on CPython; must be emulated on PyPy:
+ assert lib.sin.__name__ == 'sin'
+ assert lib.sin.__module__ == '_CFFI_test_math_sin_type'
+ assert lib.sin.__doc__ == (
+ "double sin(double);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "CFFI C function from _CFFI_test_math_sin_type.lib")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.xxtestfunc).cname == "void *(*)()"
+ assert lib.xxtestfunc.__doc__ == (
+ "void *xxtestfunc();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "CFFI C function from _CFFI_test_math_sin_type.lib")
+def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; ...; } foo_t;")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef',
+ "typedef struct { long b; int hidden, a; } foo_t;")
+ p ="foo_t *", {'b': 42})
+ assert p.b == 42
+ assert repr(p).startswith("<cdata 'foo_t *' ")
+def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
+ verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef',
+ "typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
+ p ="foo_t", {'b': 42})
+ assert p.b == 42
+def test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, ... } e1;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef1',
+ "typedef enum { BB, CC, AA } e1;")
+ assert lib.AA == 2
+ assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert repr(ffi.cast("e1", 2)) == "<cdata 'e1' 2: AA>"
+ #
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef2',
+ "typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
+ assert lib.AA == int(ffi.cast("long", sys.maxsize))
+ assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
+def test_unique_types():
+ CDEF = "struct foo_s; union foo_u; enum foo_e { AA };"
+ ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi1, "test_unique_types_1", CDEF)
+ ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi2, "test_unique_types_2", CDEF)
+ #
+ assert ffi1.typeof("char") is ffi2.typeof("char ")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("signed long int")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("double *") is ffi2.typeof("double*")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("int ***") is ffi2.typeof(" int * * *")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("int[]") is ffi2.typeof("signed int[]")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("signed int*[17]") is ffi2.typeof("int *[17]")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("void") is ffi2.typeof("void")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("int(*)(int,int)") is ffi2.typeof("int(*)(int,int)")
+ #
+ # these depend on user-defined data, so should not be shared
+ for name in ["struct foo_s",
+ "union foo_u *",
+ "enum foo_e",
+ "struct foo_s *(*)()",
+ "void(*)(struct foo_s *)",
+ "struct foo_s *(*[5])[8]",
+ ]:
+ assert ffi1.typeof(name) is not ffi2.typeof(name)
+ # sanity check: twice 'ffi1'
+ assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*") is ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *")
+def test_module_name_in_package():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
+ recompiler.recompile(ffi, "test_module_name_in_package.mymod",
+ "int foo(int x) { return x + 32; }",
+ tmpdir=str(udir))
+ old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
+ try:
+ package_dir = udir.join('test_module_name_in_package')
+ for name in os.listdir(str(udir)):
+ assert not name.startswith('test_module_name_in_package.')
+ assert os.path.isdir(str(package_dir))
+ assert len(os.listdir(str(package_dir))) > 0
+ assert os.path.exists(str(package_dir.join('mymod.c')))
+ package_dir.join('').write('')
+ #
+ getattr(importlib, 'invalidate_caches', object)()
+ #
+ sys.path.insert(0, str(udir))
+ import test_module_name_in_package.mymod
+ assert == 42
+ assert test_module_name_in_package.mymod.__name__ == (
+ 'test_module_name_in_package.mymod')
+ finally:
+ sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
+def test_bad_size_of_global_1():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("short glob;")
+ py.test.raises(VerificationError, verify, ffi,
+ "test_bad_size_of_global_1", "long glob;")
+def test_bad_size_of_global_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int glob[10];")
+ py.test.raises(VerificationError, verify, ffi,
+ "test_bad_size_of_global_2", "int glob[9];")
+def test_unspecified_size_of_global_1():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int glob[];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global_1", "int glob[10];")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.glob) == ffi.typeof("int *")
+def test_unspecified_size_of_global_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int glob[][5];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global_2", "int glob[10][5];")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.glob) == ffi.typeof("int(*)[5]")
+def test_unspecified_size_of_global_3():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int glob[][...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global_3", "int glob[10][5];")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.glob) == ffi.typeof("int(*)[5]")
+def test_unspecified_size_of_global_4():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int glob[...][...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global_4", "int glob[10][5];")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.glob) == ffi.typeof("int[10][5]")
+def test_include_1():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef double foo_t;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_1_parent", "typedef double foo_t;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("foo_t ff1(foo_t);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1", "double ff1(double x) { return 42.5; }")
+ assert lib.ff1(0) == 42.5
+ assert ffi1.typeof("foo_t") is ffi.typeof("foo_t") is ffi.typeof("double")
+def test_include_1b():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("int foo1(int);")
+ lib1 = verify(ffi1, "test_include_1b_parent",
+ "int foo1(int x) { return x + 10; }")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("int foo2(int);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1b", "int foo2(int x) { return x - 5; }")
+ assert lib.foo2(42) == 37
+ assert lib.foo1(42) == 52
+ assert lib.foo1 is lib1.foo1
+def test_include_2():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_2_parent", "struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_2",
+ "struct foo_s { int x, y; }; //usually from a #include\n"
+ "struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *p) { p->y++; return p; }")
+ p ="struct foo_s *")
+ p.y = 41
+ q = lib.ff2(p)
+ assert q == p
+ assert p.y == 42
+ assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s") is ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+def test_include_3():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef short sshort_t;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_3_parent", "typedef short sshort_t;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("sshort_t ff3(sshort_t);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_3",
+ "typedef short sshort_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+ "sshort_t ff3(sshort_t x) { return x + 42; }")
+ assert lib.ff3(10) == 52
+ assert ffi.typeof(ffi.cast("sshort_t", 42)) is ffi.typeof("short")
+ assert ffi1.typeof("sshort_t") is ffi.typeof("sshort_t")
+def test_include_4():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_4_parent",
+ "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_4",
+ "typedef struct {int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+ "mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *p) { p->x += 42; return p; }")
+ p ="mystruct_t *", [10])
+ q = lib.ff4(p)
+ assert q == p
+ assert p.x == 52
+ assert ffi1.typeof("mystruct_t") is ffi.typeof("mystruct_t")
+def test_include_5():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x[2]; int y; } *mystruct_p;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_5_parent",
+ "typedef struct { int x[2]; int y; } *mystruct_p;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_5",
+ "typedef struct {int x[2]; int y; } *mystruct_p; //usually #include\n"
+ "mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p p) { p->x[1] += 42; return p; }")
+ assert ffi.alignof(ffi.typeof("mystruct_p").item) == 4
+ assert ffi1.typeof("mystruct_p") is ffi.typeof("mystruct_p")
+ p ="mystruct_p", [[5, 10], -17])
+ q = lib.ff5(p)
+ assert q == p
+ assert p.x[0] == 5
+ assert p.x[1] == 52
+ assert p.y == -17
+ assert ffi.alignof(ffi.typeof(p[0])) == 4
+def test_include_6():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_6_parent",
+ "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff6(void); int ff6b(mystruct_t *);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_6",
+ "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+ "struct _mystruct_s { int x; };\n"
+ "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };\n"
+ "mystruct_t *ff6(void) { return &result_struct; }\n"
+ "int ff6b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
+ p = lib.ff6()
+ assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+ assert lib.ff6b(p) == 42
+def test_include_7():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;\n"
+ "int ff7b(mystruct_t *);")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_7_parent",
+ "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;\n"
+ "int ff7b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff7(void);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_7",
+ "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+ "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };"
+ "mystruct_t *ff7(void) { return &result_struct; }")
+ p = lib.ff7()
+ assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+ assert lib.ff7b(p) == 42
+def test_include_8():
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s;")
+ verify(ffi1, "test_include_8_parent", "struct foo_s;")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.include(ffi1)
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+ verify(ffi, "test_include_8", "struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError,, "struct foo_s *")
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "'struct foo_s' is opaque in the ffi.include(), but no longer in "
+ "the ffi doing the include (workaround: don't use ffi.include() but"
+ " duplicate the declarations of everything using struct foo_s)")
+def test_unicode_libraries():
+ try:
+ unicode
+ except NameError:
+ py.test.skip("for python 2.x")
+ #
+ import math
+ lib_m = "m"
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ #there is a small chance this fails on Mingw via environ $CC
+ import distutils.ccompiler
+ if distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler() == 'msvc':
+ lib_m = 'msvcrt'
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef(unicode("float sin(double); double cos(double);"))
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin_unicode', unicode('#include <math.h>'),
+ libraries=[unicode(lib_m)])
+ assert lib.cos(1.43) == math.cos(1.43)
+def test_incomplete_struct_as_arg():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; ...; }; int f(int, struct foo_s);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_incomplete_struct_as_arg",
+ "struct foo_s { int a, x, z; };\n"
+ "int f(int b, struct foo_s s) { return s.x * b; }")
+ s ="struct foo_s *", [21])
+ assert s.x == 21
+ assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 12
+ assert ffi.offsetof(ffi.typeof(s), 'x') == 4
+ assert lib.f(2, s[0]) == 42
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.f) == ffi.typeof("int(*)(int, struct foo_s)")
+def test_incomplete_struct_as_result():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; ...; }; struct foo_s f(int);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_incomplete_struct_as_result",
+ "struct foo_s { int a, x, z; };\n"
+ "struct foo_s f(int x) { struct foo_s r; r.x = x * 2; return r; }")
+ s = lib.f(21)
+ assert s.x == 42
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.f) == ffi.typeof("struct foo_s(*)(int)")
+def test_incomplete_struct_as_both():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; ...; }; struct bar_s { int y; ...; };\n"
+ "struct foo_s f(int, struct bar_s);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_incomplete_struct_as_both",
+ "struct foo_s { int a, x, z; };\n"
+ "struct bar_s { int b, c, y, d; };\n"
+ "struct foo_s f(int x, struct bar_s b) {\n"
+ " struct foo_s r; r.x = x * b.y; return r;\n"
+ "}")
+ b ="struct bar_s *", [7])
+ s = lib.f(6, b[0])
+ assert s.x == 42
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.f) == ffi.typeof(
+ "struct foo_s(*)(int, struct bar_s)")
+ s = lib.f(14, {'y': -3})
+ assert s.x == -42
+def test_name_of_unnamed_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } foo_t;\n"
+ "typedef struct { int y; } *bar_p;\n"
+ "typedef struct { int y; } **baz_pp;\n")
+ verify(ffi, "test_name_of_unnamed_struct",
+ "typedef struct { int x; } foo_t;\n"
+ "typedef struct { int y; } *bar_p;\n"
+ "typedef struct { int y; } **baz_pp;\n")
+ assert repr(ffi.typeof("foo_t")) == "<ctype 'foo_t'>"
+ assert repr(ffi.typeof("bar_p")) == "<ctype 'struct $1 *'>"
+ assert repr(ffi.typeof("baz_pp")) == "<ctype 'struct $2 * *'>"
+def test_address_of_global_var():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ long bottom, bottoms[2];
+ long FetchRectBottom(void);
+ long FetchRectBottoms1(void);
+ #define FOOBAR 42
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_address_of_global_var", """
+ long bottom, bottoms[2];
+ long FetchRectBottom(void) { return bottom; }
+ long FetchRectBottoms1(void) { return bottoms[1]; }
+ #define FOOBAR 42
+ """)
+ lib.bottom = 300
+ assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 300
+ lib.bottom += 1
+ assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 301
+ lib.bottoms[1] = 500
+ assert lib.FetchRectBottoms1() == 500
+ lib.bottoms[1] += 2
+ assert lib.FetchRectBottoms1() == 502
+ #
+ p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'bottom')
+ assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof("long *")
+ assert p[0] == 301
+ p[0] += 1
+ assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 302
+ p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'bottoms')
+ assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof("long(*)[2]")
+ assert p[0] == lib.bottoms
+ #
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, 'unknown_var')
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, "FOOBAR")
+def test_defines__CFFI_():
+ # Check that we define the macro _CFFI_ automatically.
+ # It should be done before including Python.h, so that PyPy's Python.h
+ # can check for it.
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ #define CORRECT 1
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_defines__CFFI_", """
+ #ifdef _CFFI_
+ # define CORRECT 1
+ #endif
+ """)
+ assert lib.CORRECT == 1
+def test_unpack_args():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("void foo0(void); void foo1(int); void foo2(int, int);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_unpack_args", """
+ void foo0(void) { }
+ void foo1(int x) { }
+ void foo2(int x, int y) { }
+ """)
+ assert 'foo0' in repr(lib.foo0)
+ assert 'foo1' in repr(lib.foo1)
+ assert 'foo2' in repr(lib.foo2)
+ lib.foo0()
+ lib.foo1(42)
+ lib.foo2(43, 44)
+ e1 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo0, 42)
+ e2 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo0, 43, 44)
+ e3 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo1)
+ e4 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo1, 43, 44)
+ e5 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2)
+ e6 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2, 42)
+ e7 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2, 45, 46, 47)
+ assert str(e1.value) == "foo0() takes no arguments (1 given)"
+ assert str(e2.value) == "foo0() takes no arguments (2 given)"
+ assert str(e3.value) == "foo1() takes exactly one argument (0 given)"
+ assert str(e4.value) == "foo1() takes exactly one argument (2 given)"
+ assert str(e5.value) in ["foo2 expected 2 arguments, got 0",
+ "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given)"]
+ assert str(e6.value) in ["foo2 expected 2 arguments, got 1",
+ "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)"]
+ assert str(e7.value) in ["foo2 expected 2 arguments, got 3",
+ "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)"]
+def test_address_of_function():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("long myfunc(long x);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_addressof_function", """
+ char myfunc(char x) { return (char)(x + 42); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.myfunc(5) == 47
+ assert lib.myfunc(0xABC05) == 47
+ assert not isinstance(lib.myfunc, ffi.CData)
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.myfunc) == ffi.typeof("long(*)(long)")
+ addr = ffi.addressof(lib, 'myfunc')
+ assert addr(5) == 47
+ assert addr(0xABC05) == 47
+ assert isinstance(addr, ffi.CData)
+ assert ffi.typeof(addr) == ffi.typeof("long(*)(long)")
+def test_address_of_function_with_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; }; long myfunc(struct foo_s);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_addressof_function_with_struct", """
+ struct foo_s { int x; };
+ char myfunc(struct foo_s input) { return (char)(input.x + 42); }
+ """)
+ s ="struct foo_s *", [5])[0]
+ assert lib.myfunc(s) == 47
+ assert not isinstance(lib.myfunc, ffi.CData)
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.myfunc) == ffi.typeof("long(*)(struct foo_s)")
+ addr = ffi.addressof(lib, 'myfunc')
+ assert addr(s) == 47
+ assert isinstance(addr, ffi.CData)
+ assert ffi.typeof(addr) == ffi.typeof("long(*)(struct foo_s)")
+def test_issue198():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef struct{...;} opaque_t;
+ const opaque_t CONSTANT;
+ int toint(opaque_t);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_issue198', """
+ typedef int opaque_t;
+ #define CONSTANT ((opaque_t)42)
+ static int toint(opaque_t o) { return o; }
+ """)
+ def random_stuff():
+ pass
+ assert lib.toint(lib.CONSTANT) == 42
+ random_stuff()
+ assert lib.toint(lib.CONSTANT) == 42
+def test_constant_is_not_a_compiler_constant():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("static const float almost_forty_two;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_is_not_a_compiler_constant', """
+ static float f(void) { return 42.25; }
+ #define almost_forty_two (f())
+ """)
+ assert lib.almost_forty_two == 42.25
+def test_constant_of_unknown_size():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef ... opaque_t;
+ const opaque_t CONSTANT;
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_of_unknown_size',
+ "typedef int opaque_t;"
+ "const int CONSTANT = 42;")
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'CONSTANT')
+ assert str(e.value) == ("constant 'CONSTANT' is of "
+ "type 'opaque_t', whose size is not known")
+def test_variable_of_unknown_size():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef ... opaque_t;
+ opaque_t globvar;
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_variable_of_unknown_size', """
+ typedef char opaque_t[6];
+ opaque_t globvar = "hello";
+ """)
+ # can't read or write it at all
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, getattr, lib, 'globvar')
+ assert str(e.value) in ["cdata 'opaque_t' is opaque",
+ "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"] #pypy
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, setattr, lib, 'globvar', [])
+ assert str(e.value) in ["'opaque_t' is opaque",
+ "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"] #pypy
+ # but we can get its address
+ p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'globvar')
+ assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof('opaque_t *')
+ assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("char *", p), 8) == b"hello"
+def test_constant_of_value_unknown_to_the_compiler():
+ extra_c_source = udir.join(
+ 'extra_test_constant_of_value_unknown_to_the_compiler.c')
+ extra_c_source.write('const int external_foo = 42;\n')
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("const int external_foo;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_of_value_unknown_to_the_compiler', """
+ extern const int external_foo;
+ """, sources=[str(extra_c_source)])
+ assert lib.external_foo == 42
+def test_dotdot_in_source_file_names():
+ extra_c_source = udir.join(
+ 'extra_test_dotdot_in_source_file_names.c')
+ extra_c_source.write('const int external_foo = 42;\n')
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("const int external_foo;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dotdot_in_source_file_names', """
+ extern const int external_foo;
+ """, sources=[os.path.join(os.path.dirname(str(extra_c_source)),
+ 'foobar', '..',
+ os.path.basename(str(extra_c_source)))])
+ assert lib.external_foo == 42
+def test_call_with_incomplete_structs():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef struct {...;} foo_t; "
+ "foo_t myglob; "
+ "foo_t increment(foo_t s); "
+ "double getx(foo_t s);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_call_with_incomplete_structs', """
+ typedef double foo_t;
+ double myglob = 42.5;
+ double getx(double x) { return x; }
+ double increment(double x) { return x + 1; }
+ """)
+ assert lib.getx(lib.myglob) == 42.5
+ assert lib.getx(lib.increment(lib.myglob)) == 43.5
+def test_struct_array_guess_length_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[...][...]; };")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_struct_array_guess_length_2',
+ "struct foo_s { int x; int a[5][8]; int y; };")
+ assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 42 * ffi.sizeof('int')
+ s ="struct foo_s *")
+ assert ffi.typeof(s.a) == ffi.typeof("int[5][8]")
+ assert ffi.sizeof(s.a) == 40 * ffi.sizeof('int')
+ assert s.a[4][7] == 0
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 's.a[4][8]')
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 's.a[5][0]')
+ assert ffi.typeof(s.a) == ffi.typeof("int[5][8]")
+ assert ffi.typeof(s.a[0]) == ffi.typeof("int[8]")
+def test_struct_array_guess_length_3():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[][...]; };")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_struct_array_guess_length_3',
+ "struct foo_s { int x; int a[5][7]; int y; };")
+ assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 37 * ffi.sizeof('int')
+ s ="struct foo_s *")
+ assert ffi.typeof(s.a) == ffi.typeof("int[][7]")
+ assert s.a[4][6] == 0
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 's.a[4][7]')
+ assert ffi.typeof(s.a[0]) == ffi.typeof("int[7]")
+def test_global_var_array_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int a[...][...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array_2', 'int a[10][8];')
+ lib.a[9][7] = 123456
+ assert lib.a[9][7] == 123456
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 'lib.a[0][8]')
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 'lib.a[10][0]')
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a) == ffi.typeof("int[10][8]")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a[0]) == ffi.typeof("int[8]")
+def test_global_var_array_3():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int a[][...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array_3', 'int a[10][8];')
+ lib.a[9][7] = 123456
+ assert lib.a[9][7] == 123456
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 'lib.a[0][8]')
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a) == ffi.typeof("int(*)[8]")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a[0]) == ffi.typeof("int[8]")
+def test_global_var_array_4():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int a[10][...];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array_4', 'int a[10][8];')
+ lib.a[9][7] = 123456
+ assert lib.a[9][7] == 123456
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 'lib.a[0][8]')
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, 'lib.a[10][8]')
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a) == ffi.typeof("int[10][8]")
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.a[0]) == ffi.typeof("int[8]")
+def test_some_integer_type():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef int... foo_t;
+ typedef unsigned long... bar_t;
+ typedef struct { foo_t a, b; } mystruct_t;
+ foo_t foobar(bar_t, mystruct_t);
+ static const bar_t mu = -20;
+ static const foo_t nu = 20;
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_some_integer_type', """
+ typedef unsigned long long foo_t;
+ typedef short bar_t;
+ typedef struct { foo_t a, b; } mystruct_t;
+ static foo_t foobar(bar_t x, mystruct_t s) {
+ return (foo_t)x + s.a + s.b;
+ }
+ static const bar_t mu = -20;
+ static const foo_t nu = 20;
+ """)
+ assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("unsigned long long")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("bar_t") == ffi.sizeof("short")
+ maxulonglong = 2 ** 64 - 1
+ assert int(ffi.cast("foo_t", -1)) == maxulonglong
+ assert int(ffi.cast("bar_t", -1)) == -1
+ assert lib.foobar(-1, [0, 0]) == maxulonglong
+ assert lib.foobar(2 ** 15 - 1, [0, 0]) == 2 ** 15 - 1
+ assert lib.foobar(10, [20, 31]) == 61
+ assert lib.foobar(0, [0, maxulonglong]) == maxulonglong
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, lib.foobar, 2 ** 15, [0, 0])
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError, lib.foobar, -(2 ** 15) - 1, [0, 0])
+ py.test.raises(OverflowError,, "mystruct_t *", [0, -1])
+ assert == -20
+ assert == 20
+def test_some_float_type():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef double... foo_t;
+ typedef float... bar_t;
+ foo_t sum(foo_t[]);
+ bar_t neg(bar_t);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_some_float_type', """
+ typedef float foo_t;
+ static foo_t sum(foo_t x[]) { return x[0] + x[1]; }
+ typedef double bar_t;
+ static double neg(double x) { return -x; }
+ """)
+ assert lib.sum([40.0, 2.25]) == 42.25
+ assert lib.sum([12.3, 45.6]) != 12.3 + 45.6 # precision loss
+ assert lib.neg(12.3) == -12.3 # no precision loss
+ assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("float")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("bar_t") == ffi.sizeof("double")
+def test_some_float_invalid_1():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ py.test.raises((FFIError, # with pycparser <= 2.17
+ CDefError), # with pycparser >= 2.18
+ ffi.cdef, "typedef long double... foo_t;")
+def test_some_float_invalid_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef double... foo_t; foo_t neg(foo_t);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_some_float_invalid_2', """
+ typedef unsigned long foo_t;
+ foo_t neg(foo_t x) { return -x; }
+ """)
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'neg')
+ assert str(e.value) == ("primitive floating-point type with an unexpected "
+ "size (or not a float type at all)")
+def test_some_float_invalid_3():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef double... foo_t; foo_t neg(foo_t);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_some_float_invalid_3', """
+ typedef long double foo_t;
+ foo_t neg(foo_t x) { return -x; }
+ """)
+ if ffi.sizeof("long double") == ffi.sizeof("double"):
+ assert lib.neg(12.3) == -12.3
+ else:
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'neg')
+ assert str(e.value) == ("primitive floating-point type is "
+ "'long double', not supported for now with "
+ "the syntax 'typedef double... xxx;'")
+def test_issue200():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef void (function_t)(void*);
+ void function(void *);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_issue200', """
+ static void function(void *p) { (void)p; }
+ """)
+ ffi.typeof('function_t*')
+ lib.function(ffi.NULL)
+ # assert did not crash
+def test_alignment_of_longlong():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ x1 = ffi.alignof('unsigned long long')
+ assert x1 in [4, 8]
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { unsigned long long x; };")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_alignment_of_longlong',
+ "struct foo_s { unsigned long long x; };")
+ assert ffi.alignof('unsigned long long') == x1
+ assert ffi.alignof('struct foo_s') == x1
+def test_import_from_lib():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int mybar(int); int myvar;\n#define MYFOO ...")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_import_from_lib',
+ "#define MYFOO 42\n"
+ "static int mybar(int x) { return x + 1; }\n"
+ "static int myvar = -5;")
+ assert sys.modules['_CFFI_test_import_from_lib'].lib is lib
+ assert sys.modules['_CFFI_test_import_from_lib.lib'] is lib
+ from _CFFI_test_import_from_lib.lib import MYFOO
+ assert MYFOO == 42
+ assert hasattr(lib, '__dict__')
+ assert lib.__all__ == ['MYFOO', 'mybar'] # but not 'myvar'
+ assert lib.__name__ == '_CFFI_test_import_from_lib.lib'
+ assert lib.__class__ is type(sys) # !! hack for help()
+def test_macro_var_callback():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int my_value; int *(*get_my_value)(void);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro_var_callback',
+ "int *(*get_my_value)(void);\n"
+ "#define my_value (*get_my_value())")
+ #
+ values ="int[50]")
+ def it():
+ for i in range(50):
+ yield i
+ it = it()
+ #
+ @ffi.callback("int *(*)(void)")
+ def get_my_value():
+ for nextvalue in it:
+ return values + nextvalue
+ lib.get_my_value = get_my_value
+ #
+ values[0] = 41
+ assert lib.my_value == 41 # [0]
+ p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'my_value') # [1]
+ assert p == values + 1
+ assert p[-1] == 41
+ assert p[+1] == 0
+ lib.my_value = 42 # [2]
+ assert values[2] == 42
+ assert p[-1] == 41
+ assert p[+1] == 42
+ #
+ # if get_my_value raises or returns nonsense, the exception is printed
+ # to stderr like with any callback, but then the C expression 'my_value'
+ # expand to '*NULL'. We assume here that '&my_value' will return NULL
+ # without segfaulting, and check for NULL when accessing the variable.
+ @ffi.callback("int *(*)(void)")
+ def get_my_value():
+ raise LookupError
+ lib.get_my_value = get_my_value
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'my_value')
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, setattr, lib, 'my_value', 50)
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.addressof, lib, 'my_value')
+ @ffi.callback("int *(*)(void)")
+ def get_my_value():
+ return "hello"
+ lib.get_my_value = get_my_value
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'my_value')
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, setattr, lib, 'my_value', 50)
+ assert str(e.value) == "global variable 'my_value' is at address NULL"
+def test_const_fields():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { const int a; void *const b; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_fields', """
+ struct foo_s { const int a; void *const b; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'a'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("int")
+ assert foo_s.fields[1][0] == 'b'
+ assert foo_s.fields[1][1].type is ffi.typeof("void *")
+def test_restrict_fields():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { void * restrict b; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_restrict_fields', """
+ struct foo_s { void * __restrict b; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'b'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("void *")
+def test_volatile_fields():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { void * volatile b; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_volatile_fields', """
+ struct foo_s { void * volatile b; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'b'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("void *")
+def test_const_array_fields():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { const int a[4]; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_array_fields', """
+ struct foo_s { const int a[4]; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'a'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("int[4]")
+def test_const_array_fields_varlength():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { const int a[]; ...; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_array_fields_varlength', """
+ struct foo_s { const int a[4]; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'a'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("int[]")
+def test_const_array_fields_unknownlength():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { const int a[...]; ...; };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_array_fields_unknownlength', """
+ struct foo_s { const int a[4]; };""")
+ foo_s = ffi.typeof("struct foo_s")
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][0] == 'a'
+ assert foo_s.fields[0][1].type is ffi.typeof("int[4]")
+def test_const_function_args():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""int foobar(const int a, const int *b, const int c[]);""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_function_args', """
+ int foobar(const int a, const int *b, const int c[]) {
+ return a + *b + *c;
+ }
+ """)
+ assert lib.foobar(100,"int *", 40),"int *", 2)) == 142
+def test_const_function_type_args():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""int (*foobar)(const int a, const int *b, const int c[]);""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_function_type_args', """
+ int (*foobar)(const int a, const int *b, const int c[]);
+ """)
+ t = ffi.typeof(lib.foobar)
+ assert t.args[0] is ffi.typeof("int")
+ assert t.args[1] is ffi.typeof("int *")
+ assert t.args[2] is ffi.typeof("int *")
+def test_const_constant():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int x,y; }; const struct foo_s myfoo;""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_constant', """
+ struct foo_s { int x,y; }; const struct foo_s myfoo = { 40, 2 };
+ """)
+ assert lib.myfoo.x == 40
+ assert lib.myfoo.y == 2
+def test_const_via_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""typedef const int const_t; const_t aaa;""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_const_via_typedef', """
+ typedef const int const_t;
+ #define aaa 42
+ """)
+ assert == 42
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, " = 43")
+def test_win32_calling_convention_0():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ int call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(int));
+ int (*const call2)(int(__stdcall *cb)(int));
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_win32_calling_convention_0', r"""
+ #ifndef _MSC_VER
+ # define __stdcall /* nothing */
+ #endif
+ int call1(int(*cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ //printf("call1: cb = %p\n", cb);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(i);
+ //printf("result = %d\n", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ int call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ //printf("call2: cb = %p\n", cb);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(-i);
+ //printf("result = %d\n", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ """)
+ @ffi.callback("int(int)")
+ def cb1(x):
+ return x * 2
+ @ffi.callback("int __stdcall(int)")
+ def cb2(x):
+ return x * 3
+ res = lib.call1(cb1)
+ assert res == 500*999*2
+ assert res == ffi.addressof(lib, 'call1')(cb1)
+ res = lib.call2(cb2)
+ assert res == -500*999*3
+ assert res == ffi.addressof(lib, 'call2')(cb2)
+ if sys.platform == 'win32' and not sys.maxsize > 2**32:
+ assert '__stdcall' in str(ffi.typeof(cb2))
+ assert '__stdcall' not in str(ffi.typeof(cb1))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call1, cb2)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call2, cb1)
+ else:
+ assert '__stdcall' not in str(ffi.typeof(cb2))
+ assert ffi.typeof(cb2) is ffi.typeof(cb1)
+def test_win32_calling_convention_1():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ int __cdecl call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(int));
+ int __stdcall call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(int));
+ int (__cdecl *const cb1)(int);
+ int (__stdcall *const cb2)(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_win32_calling_convention_1', r"""
+ #ifndef _MSC_VER
+ # define __cdecl
+ # define __stdcall
+ #endif
+ int __cdecl cb1(int x) { return x * 2; }
+ int __stdcall cb2(int x) { return x * 3; }
+ int __cdecl call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ //printf("here1\n");
+ //printf("cb = %p, cb1 = %p\n", cb, (void *)cb1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(i);
+ //printf("result = %d\n", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ int __stdcall call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ //printf("here1\n");
+ //printf("cb = %p, cb2 = %p\n", cb, (void *)cb2);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(-i);
+ //printf("result = %d\n", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ """)
+ #print '<<< cb1 =', ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1')
+ ptr_call1 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call1')
+ assert lib.call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1')) == 500*999*2
+ assert ptr_call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1')) == 500*999*2
+ #print '<<< cb2 =', ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2')
+ ptr_call2 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call2')
+ assert lib.call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2')) == -500*999*3
+ assert ptr_call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2')) == -500*999*3
+ #print '<<< done'
+def test_win32_calling_convention_2():
+ # any mistake in the declaration of plain function (including the
+ # precise argument types and, here, the calling convention) are
+ # automatically corrected. But this does not apply to the 'cb'
+ # function pointer argument.
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ int __stdcall call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(int));
+ int __cdecl call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(int));
+ int (__cdecl *const cb1)(int);
+ int (__stdcall *const cb2)(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_win32_calling_convention_2', """
+ #ifndef _MSC_VER
+ # define __cdecl
+ # define __stdcall
+ #endif
+ int __cdecl call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(i);
+ return result;
+ }
+ int __stdcall call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(int)) {
+ int i, result = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ result += cb(-i);
+ return result;
+ }
+ int __cdecl cb1(int x) { return x * 2; }
+ int __stdcall cb2(int x) { return x * 3; }
+ """)
+ ptr_call1 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call1')
+ ptr_call2 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call2')
+ if sys.platform == 'win32' and not sys.maxsize > 2**32:
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call1, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ptr_call1, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call2, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ptr_call2, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ assert lib.call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1')) == 500*999*2
+ assert ptr_call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1')) == 500*999*2
+ assert lib.call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2')) == -500*999*3
+ assert ptr_call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2')) == -500*999*3
+def test_win32_calling_convention_3():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct point { int x, y; };
+ int (*const cb1)(struct point);
+ int (__stdcall *const cb2)(struct point);
+ struct point __stdcall call1(int(*cb)(struct point));
+ struct point call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(struct point));
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_win32_calling_convention_3', r"""
+ #ifndef _MSC_VER
+ # define __cdecl
+ # define __stdcall
+ #endif
+ struct point { int x, y; };
+ int cb1(struct point pt) { return pt.x + 10 * pt.y; }
+ int __stdcall cb2(struct point pt) { return pt.x + 100 * pt.y; }
+ struct point __stdcall call1(int(__cdecl *cb)(struct point)) {
+ int i;
+ struct point result = { 0, 0 };
+ //printf("here1\n");
+ //printf("cb = %p, cb1 = %p\n", cb, (void *)cb1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ struct point p = { i, -i };
+ int r = cb(p);
+ result.x += r;
+ result.y -= r;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ struct point __cdecl call2(int(__stdcall *cb)(struct point)) {
+ int i;
+ struct point result = { 0, 0 };
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ struct point p = { -i, i };
+ int r = cb(p);
+ result.x += r;
+ result.y -= r;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ """)
+ ptr_call1 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call1')
+ ptr_call2 = ffi.addressof(lib, 'call2')
+ if sys.platform == 'win32' and not sys.maxsize > 2**32:
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call1, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ptr_call1, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.call2, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ptr_call2, ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ pt = lib.call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ assert (pt.x, pt.y) == (-9*500*999, 9*500*999)
+ pt = ptr_call1(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb1'))
+ assert (pt.x, pt.y) == (-9*500*999, 9*500*999)
+ pt = lib.call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ assert (pt.x, pt.y) == (99*500*999, -99*500*999)
+ pt = ptr_call2(ffi.addressof(lib, 'cb2'))
+ assert (pt.x, pt.y) == (99*500*999, -99*500*999)
+def test_extern_python_1():
+ import warnings
+ ffi = FFI()
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log:
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" {
+ int bar(int, int);
+ void baz(int, int);
+ int bok(void);
+ void boz(void);
+ }
+ """)
+ assert len(log) == 0, "got a warning: %r" % (log,)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_1', """
+ static void baz(int, int); /* forward */
+ """)
+ assert ffi.typeof( == ffi.typeof("int(*)(int, int)")
+ with FdWriteCapture() as f:
+ res =, 5)
+ assert res == 0
+ assert f.getvalue() == (
+ b"extern \"Python\": function called, "
+ b"but no code was attached "
+ b"to it yet with @ffi.def_extern(). Returning 0.\n")
+ @ffi.def_extern("bar")
+ def my_bar(x, y):
+ seen.append(("Bar", x, y))
+ return x * y
+ assert my_bar !=
+ seen = []
+ res =, 7)
+ assert seen == [("Bar", 6, 7)]
+ assert res == 42
+ def baz(x, y):
+ seen.append(("Baz", x, y))
+ baz1 = ffi.def_extern()(baz)
+ assert baz1 is baz
+ seen = []
+ baz(long(40), long(4))
+ res = lib.baz(long(50), long(8))
+ assert res is None
+ assert seen == [("Baz", 40, 4), ("Baz", 50, 8)]
+ assert type(seen[0][1]) is type(seen[0][2]) is long
+ assert type(seen[1][1]) is type(seen[1][2]) is int
+ @ffi.def_extern(name="bok")
+ def bokk():
+ seen.append("Bok")
+ return 42
+ seen = []
+ assert lib.bok() == 42
+ assert seen == ["Bok"]
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def boz():
+ seen.append("Boz")
+ seen = []
+ assert lib.boz() is None
+ assert seen == ["Boz"]
+def test_extern_python_bogus_name():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("int abc;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_bogus_name', "int abc;")
+ def fn():
+ pass
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.def_extern("unknown_name"), fn)
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.def_extern("abc"), fn)
+ assert == 0
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.def_extern("abc"), fn)
+ assert str(e.value) == ("ffi.def_extern('abc'): no 'extern \"Python\"' "
+ "function with this name")
+ e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.def_extern(), fn)
+ assert str(e.value) == ("ffi.def_extern('fn'): no 'extern \"Python\"' "
+ "function with this name")
+ #
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.def_extern(42), fn)
+ py.test.raises((TypeError, AttributeError), ffi.def_extern(), "foo")
+ class X:
+ pass
+ x = X()
+ x.__name__ = x
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.def_extern(), x)
+def test_extern_python_bogus_result_type():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""extern "Python" void bar(int);""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_bogus_result_type', "")
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(n):
+ return n * 10
+ with StdErrCapture() as f:
+ res =
+ assert res is None
+ assert f.getvalue() == (
+ "From cffi callback %r:\n" % (bar,) +
+ "Trying to convert the result back to C:\n"
+ "TypeError: callback with the return type 'void' must return None\n")
+def test_extern_python_redefine():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""extern "Python" int bar(int);""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_redefine', "")
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(n):
+ return n * 10
+ assert == 420
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(n):
+ return -n
+ assert == -42
+def test_extern_python_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo_s { int a, b, c; };
+ extern "Python" int bar(int, struct foo_s, int);
+ extern "Python" { struct foo_s baz(int, int);
+ struct foo_s bok(void); }
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_struct',
+ "struct foo_s { int a, b, c; };")
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(x, s, z):
+ return x + s.a + s.b + s.c + z
+ res =, [1001, 1002, 1004], 1008)
+ assert res == 5015
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def baz(x, y):
+ return [x + y, x - y, x * y]
+ res = lib.baz(1000, 42)
+ assert res.a == 1042
+ assert res.b == 958
+ assert res.c == 42000
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bok():
+ return [10, 20, 30]
+ res = lib.bok()
+ assert [res.a, res.b, res.c] == [10, 20, 30]
+def test_extern_python_long_double():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" int bar(int, long double, int);
+ extern "Python" long double baz(int, int);
+ extern "Python" long double bok(void);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_long_double', "")
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(x, l, z):
+ seen.append((x, l, z))
+ return 6
+ seen = []
+, 3.5, 20)
+ expected = ffi.cast("long double", 3.5)
+ assert repr(seen) == repr([(10, expected, 20)])
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def baz(x, z):
+ assert x == 10 and z == 20
+ return expected
+ res = lib.baz(10, 20)
+ assert repr(res) == repr(expected)
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bok():
+ return expected
+ res = lib.bok()
+ assert repr(res) == repr(expected)
+def test_extern_python_signature():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_signature', "")
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.def_extern(425), None)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.def_extern, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
+def test_extern_python_errors():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" int bar(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_errors', "")
+ seen = []
+ def oops(*args):
+ seen.append(args)
+ @ffi.def_extern(onerror=oops)
+ def bar(x):
+ return x + ""
+ assert == 0
+ @ffi.def_extern(name="bar", onerror=oops, error=-66)
+ def bar2(x):
+ return x + ""
+ assert == -66
+ assert len(seen) == 2
+ exc, val, tb = seen[0]
+ assert exc is TypeError
+ assert isinstance(val, TypeError)
+ assert tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name == "bar"
+ exc, val, tb = seen[1]
+ assert exc is TypeError
+ assert isinstance(val, TypeError)
+ assert tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name == "bar2"
+ #
+ # a case where 'onerror' is not callable
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.def_extern(name='bar', onerror=42),
+ lambda x: x)
+def test_extern_python_stdcall():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ extern "Python" int __stdcall foo(int);
+ extern "Python" int WINAPI bar(int);
+ int (__stdcall * mycb1)(int);
+ int indirect_call(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_stdcall', """
+ #ifndef _MSC_VER
+ # define __stdcall
+ #endif
+ static int (__stdcall * mycb1)(int);
+ static int indirect_call(int x) {
+ return mycb1(x);
+ }
+ """)
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def foo(x):
+ return x + 42
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(x):
+ return x + 43
+ assert == 142
+ assert == 143
+ lib.mycb1 =
+ assert lib.mycb1(200) == 242
+ assert lib.indirect_call(300) == 342
+def test_extern_python_plus_c():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ extern "Python+C" int foo(int);
+ extern "C +\tPython" int bar(int);
+ int call_me(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_extern_python_plus_c', """
+ int foo(int);
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
+ #endif
+ int bar(int);
+ static int call_me(int x) {
+ return foo(x) - bar(x);
+ }
+ """)
+ #
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def foo(x):
+ return x * 42
+ @ffi.def_extern()
+ def bar(x):
+ return x * 63
+ assert == 4200
+ assert == 6300
+ assert lib.call_me(100) == -2100
+def test_introspect_function():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float f1(double);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_function', """
+ float f1(double x) { return x; }
+ """)
+ assert dir(lib) == ['f1']
+ FUNC = ffi.typeof(lib.f1)
+ assert FUNC.kind == 'function'
+ assert FUNC.args[0].cname == 'double'
+ assert FUNC.result.cname == 'float'
+ assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(lib, 'f1')) is FUNC
+def test_introspect_global_var():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float g1;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_global_var', """
+ float g1;
+ """)
+ assert dir(lib) == ['g1']
+ FLOATPTR = ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(lib, 'g1'))
+ assert FLOATPTR.kind == 'pointer'
+ assert FLOATPTR.item.cname == 'float'
+def test_introspect_global_var_array():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float g1[100];")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_global_var_array', """
+ float g1[100];
+ """)
+ assert dir(lib) == ['g1']
+ FLOATARRAYPTR = ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(lib, 'g1'))
+ assert FLOATARRAYPTR.kind == 'pointer'
+ assert FLOATARRAYPTR.item.kind == 'array'
+ assert FLOATARRAYPTR.item.length == 100
+ assert ffi.typeof(lib.g1) is FLOATARRAYPTR.item
+def test_introspect_integer_const():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("#define FOO 42")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_integer_const', """
+ #define FOO 42
+ """)
+ assert dir(lib) == ['FOO']
+ assert lib.FOO == ffi.integer_const('FOO') == 42
+def test_introspect_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef int foo_t;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_typedef', """
+ typedef int foo_t;
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == (['foo_t'], [], [])
+ assert ffi.typeof('foo_t').kind == 'primitive'
+ assert ffi.typeof('foo_t').cname == 'int'
+def test_introspect_typedef_multiple():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef signed char a_t, c_t, g_t, b_t;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_typedef_multiple', """
+ typedef signed char a_t, c_t, g_t, b_t;
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == (['a_t', 'b_t', 'c_t', 'g_t'], [], [])
+def test_introspect_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a; };")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_struct', """
+ struct foo_s { int a; };
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == ([], ['foo_s'], [])
+ assert ffi.typeof('struct foo_s').kind == 'struct'
+ assert ffi.typeof('struct foo_s').cname == 'struct foo_s'
+def test_introspect_union():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("union foo_s { int a; };")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_union', """
+ union foo_s { int a; };
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == ([], [], ['foo_s'])
+ assert ffi.typeof('union foo_s').kind == 'union'
+ assert ffi.typeof('union foo_s').cname == 'union foo_s'
+def test_introspect_struct_and_typedef():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; } foo_t;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, 'test_introspect_struct_and_typedef', """
+ typedef struct { int a; } foo_t;
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == (['foo_t'], [], [])
+ assert ffi.typeof('foo_t').kind == 'struct'
+ assert ffi.typeof('foo_t').cname == 'foo_t'
+def test_introspect_included_type():
+ SOURCE = """
+ typedef signed char schar_t;
+ struct sint_t { int x; };
+ """
+ ffi1 = FFI()
+ ffi1.cdef(SOURCE)
+ ffi2 = FFI()
+ ffi2.include(ffi1)
+ verify(ffi1, "test_introspect_included_type_parent", SOURCE)
+ verify(ffi2, "test_introspect_included_type", SOURCE)
+ assert ffi1.list_types() == ffi2.list_types() == (
+ ['schar_t'], ['sint_t'], [])
+def test_introspect_order():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("union CFFIaaa { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIccc { int a; } CFFIb;")
+ ffi.cdef("union CFFIg { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIcc { int a; } CFFIbbb;")
+ ffi.cdef("union CFFIaa { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIa { int a; } CFFIbb;")
+ verify(ffi, "test_introspect_order", """
+ union CFFIaaa { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIccc { int a; } CFFIb;
+ union CFFIg { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIcc { int a; } CFFIbbb;
+ union CFFIaa { int a; }; typedef struct CFFIa { int a; } CFFIbb;
+ """)
+ assert ffi.list_types() == (['CFFIb', 'CFFIbb', 'CFFIbbb'],
+ ['CFFIa', 'CFFIcc', 'CFFIccc'],
+ ['CFFIaa', 'CFFIaaa', 'CFFIg'])
+def test_bool_in_cpp():
+ # this works when compiled as C, but in cffi < 1.7 it fails as C++
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("bool f(void);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_bool_in_cpp", "char f(void) { return 2; }")
+ assert lib.f() is True
+def test_bool_in_cpp_2():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef('int add(int a, int b);')
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_bool_bug_cpp", '''
+ typedef bool _Bool; /* there is a Windows header with this line */
+ int add(int a, int b)
+ {
+ return a + b;
+ }''', source_extension='.cpp')
+ c = lib.add(2, 3)
+ assert c == 5
+def test_struct_field_opaque():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct a { struct b b; };")
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, verify,
+ ffi, "test_struct_field_opaque", "?")
+ assert str(e.value) == ("struct a: field 'a.b' is of an opaque"
+ " type (not declared in cdef())")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct a { struct b b[2]; };")
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, verify,
+ ffi, "test_struct_field_opaque", "?")
+ assert str(e.value) == ("struct a: field 'a.b' is of an opaque"
+ " type (not declared in cdef())")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct a { struct b b[]; };")
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, verify,
+ ffi, "test_struct_field_opaque", "?")
+ assert str(e.value) == ("struct a: field 'a.b' is of an opaque"
+ " type (not declared in cdef())")
+def test_function_arg_opaque():
+ py.test.skip("can currently declare a function with an opaque struct "
+ "as argument, but AFAICT it's impossible to call it later")
+def test_function_returns_opaque():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct a foo(int);")
+ e = py.test.raises(TypeError, verify,
+ ffi, "test_function_returns_opaque", "?")
+ assert str(e.value) == ("function foo: 'struct a' is used as result type,"
+ " but is opaque")
+def test_function_returns_union():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("union u1 { int a, b; }; union u1 f1(int);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_returns_union", """
+ union u1 { int a, b; };
+ static union u1 f1(int x) { union u1 u; u.b = x; return u; }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f1(51).a == 51
+def test_function_returns_partial_struct():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("struct aaa { int a; ...; }; struct aaa f1(int);")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_returns_partial_struct", """
+ struct aaa { int b, a, c; };
+ static struct aaa f1(int x) { struct aaa s = {0}; s.a = x; return s; }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f1(52).a == 52
+def test_function_returns_float_complex():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("MSVC may not support _Complex")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float _Complex f1(float a, float b);");
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_returns_float_complex", """
+ #include <complex.h>
+ static float _Complex f1(float a, float b) { return a + I*2.0*b; }
+ """, no_cpp=True) # <complex.h> fails on some systems with C++
+ result = lib.f1(1.25, 5.1)
+ assert type(result) == complex
+ assert result.real == 1.25 # exact
+ assert (result.imag != 2*5.1) and (abs(result.imag - 2*5.1) < 1e-5) # inexact
+def test_function_returns_double_complex():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("MSVC may not support _Complex")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("double _Complex f1(double a, double b);");
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_returns_double_complex", """
+ #include <complex.h>
+ static double _Complex f1(double a, double b) { return a + I*2.0*b; }
+ """, no_cpp=True) # <complex.h> fails on some systems with C++
+ result = lib.f1(1.25, 5.1)
+ assert type(result) == complex
+ assert result.real == 1.25 # exact
+ assert result.imag == 2*5.1 # exact
+def test_function_argument_float_complex():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("MSVC may not support _Complex")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("float f1(float _Complex x);");
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_argument_float_complex", """
+ #include <complex.h>
+ static float f1(float _Complex x) { return cabsf(x); }
+ """, no_cpp=True) # <complex.h> fails on some systems with C++
+ x = complex(12.34, 56.78)
+ result = lib.f1(x)
+ assert abs(result - abs(x)) < 1e-5
+def test_function_argument_double_complex():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("MSVC may not support _Complex")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("double f1(double _Complex);");
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_function_argument_double_complex", """
+ #include <complex.h>
+ static double f1(double _Complex x) { return cabs(x); }
+ """, no_cpp=True) # <complex.h> fails on some systems with C++
+ x = complex(12.34, 56.78)
+ result = lib.f1(x)
+ assert abs(result - abs(x)) < 1e-11
+def test_typedef_array_dotdotdot():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ typedef int foo_t[...], bar_t[...];
+ int gv[...];
+ typedef int mat_t[...][...];
+ typedef int vmat_t[][...];
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_typedef_array_dotdotdot", """
+ typedef int foo_t[50], bar_t[50];
+ int gv[23];
+ typedef int mat_t[6][7];
+ typedef int vmat_t[][8];
+ """)
+ assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == 50 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("bar_t") == 50 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert len("foo_t")) == 50
+ assert len("bar_t")) == 50
+ assert ffi.sizeof(lib.gv) == 23 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert ffi.sizeof("mat_t") == 6 * 7 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+ assert len("mat_t")) == 6
+ assert len("mat_t")[3]) == 7
+ py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.sizeof, "vmat_t")
+ p ="vmat_t", 4)
+ assert ffi.sizeof(p[3]) == 8 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+def test_call_with_custom_field_pos():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo { int x; ...; };
+ struct foo f(void);
+ struct foo g(int, ...);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_custom_field_pos", """
+ struct foo { int y, x; };
+ struct foo f(void) {
+ struct foo s = { 40, 200 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ struct foo g(int a, ...) { return f(); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f().x == 200
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ 'ctype \'struct foo\' not supported as return value. It is a '
+ 'struct declared with "...;", but the C calling convention may '
+ 'depend on the missing fields; or, it contains anonymous '
+ 'struct/unions. Such structs are only supported '
+ 'as return value if the function is \'API mode\' and non-variadic '
+ '(i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+ffibuilder.set_source() '
+ 'and not taking a final \'...\' argument)')
+def test_call_with_nested_anonymous_struct():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("needs a GCC extension")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo { int a; union { int b, c; }; };
+ struct foo f(void);
+ struct foo g(int, ...);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_nested_anonymous_struct", """
+ struct foo { int a; union { int b, c; }; };
+ struct foo f(void) {
+ struct foo s = { 40 };
+ s.b = 200;
+ return s;
+ }
+ struct foo g(int a, ...) { return f(); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f().b == 200
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ 'ctype \'struct foo\' not supported as return value. It is a '
+ 'struct declared with "...;", but the C calling convention may '
+ 'depend on the missing fields; or, it contains anonymous '
+ 'struct/unions. Such structs are only supported '
+ 'as return value if the function is \'API mode\' and non-variadic '
+ '(i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+ffibuilder.set_source() '
+ 'and not taking a final \'...\' argument)')
+def test_call_with_bitfield():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo { int x:5; };
+ struct foo f(void);
+ struct foo g(int, ...);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_bitfield", """
+ struct foo { int x:5; };
+ struct foo f(void) {
+ struct foo s = { 11 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ struct foo g(int a, ...) { return f(); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f().x == 11
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "ctype 'struct foo' not supported as return value. It is a struct "
+ "with bit fields, which libffi does not support. Such structs are "
+ "only supported as return value if the function is 'API mode' and "
+ "non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+ffibuilder."
+ "set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
+def test_call_with_zero_length_field():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("zero-length field not supported by MSVC")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo { int a; int x[0]; };
+ struct foo f(void);
+ struct foo g(int, ...);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_zero_length_field", """
+ struct foo { int a; int x[0]; };
+ struct foo f(void) {
+ struct foo s = { 42 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ struct foo g(int a, ...) { return f(); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f().a == 42
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "ctype 'struct foo' not supported as return value. It is a "
+ "struct with a zero-length array, which libffi does not support."
+ " Such structs are only supported as return value if the function is "
+ "'API mode' and non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()"
+ "+ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
+def test_call_with_union():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ union foo { int a; char b; };
+ union foo f(void);
+ union foo g(int, ...);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_union", """
+ union foo { int a; char b; };
+ union foo f(void) {
+ union foo s = { 42 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ union foo g(int a, ...) { return f(); }
+ """)
+ assert lib.f().a == 42
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "ctype 'union foo' not supported as return value by libffi. "
+ "Unions are only supported as return value if the function is "
+ "'API mode' and non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()"
+ "+ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
+def test_call_with_packed_struct():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("needs a GCC extension")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ struct foo { char y; int x; };
+ struct foo f(void);
+ struct foo g(int, ...);
+ """, packed=True)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_call_with_packed_struct", """
+ struct foo { char y; int x; } __attribute__((packed));
+ struct foo f(void) {
+ struct foo s = { 40, 200 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ struct foo g(int a, ...) {
+ struct foo s = { 41, 201 };
+ return s;
+ }
+ """)
+ assert ord(lib.f().y) == 40
+ assert lib.f().x == 200
+ e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, lib.g, 0)
+ assert str(e.value) == (
+ "ctype 'struct foo' not supported as return value. It is a "
+ "'packed' structure, with a different layout than expected by libffi."
+ " Such structs are only supported as return value if the function is "
+ "'API mode' and non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()"
+ "+ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
+def test_pack_not_supported():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""struct foo { char y; int x; };""", pack=2)
+ py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, verify,
+ ffi, "test_pack_not_supported", "")
+def test_gcc_visibility_hidden():
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ py.test.skip("test for gcc/clang")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ int f(int);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_gcc_visibility_hidden", """
+ int f(int a) { return a + 40; }
+ """, extra_compile_args=['-fvisibility=hidden'])
+ assert lib.f(2) == 42
+def test_override_default_definition():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("typedef long int16_t, char16_t;")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_override_default_definition", "")
+ assert ffi.typeof("int16_t") is ffi.typeof("char16_t") is ffi.typeof("long")
+def test_char16_char32_type(no_cpp=False):
+ if no_cpp is False and sys.platform == "win32":
+ py.test.skip("aaaaaaa why do modern MSVC compilers still define "
+ "a very old __cplusplus value")
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""
+ char16_t foo_2bytes(char16_t);
+ char32_t foo_4bytes(char32_t);
+ """)
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_char16_char32_type" + no_cpp * "_nocpp", """
+ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || (!defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && __cplusplus < 201103L)
+ typedef uint_least16_t char16_t;
+ typedef uint_least32_t char32_t;
+ #endif
+ char16_t foo_2bytes(char16_t a) { return (char16_t)(a + 42); }
+ char32_t foo_4bytes(char32_t a) { return (char32_t)(a + 42); }
+ """, no_cpp=no_cpp)
+ assert lib.foo_2bytes(u+'\u1234') == u+'\u125e'
+ assert lib.foo_4bytes(u+'\u1234') == u+'\u125e'
+ assert lib.foo_4bytes(u+'\U00012345') == u+'\U0001236f'
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo_2bytes, u+'\U00012345')
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo_2bytes, 1234)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo_4bytes, 1234)
+def test_char16_char32_plain_c():
+ test_char16_char32_type(no_cpp=True)
+def test_loader_spec():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_loader_spec", "")
+ if sys.version_info < (3,):
+ assert not hasattr(lib, '__loader__')
+ assert not hasattr(lib, '__spec__')
+ else:
+ assert lib.__loader__ is None
+ assert lib.__spec__ is None
+def test_realize_struct_error():
+ ffi = FFI()
+ ffi.cdef("""typedef ... foo_t; struct foo_s { void (*x)(foo_t); };""")
+ lib = verify(ffi, "test_realize_struct_error", """
+ typedef int foo_t; struct foo_s { void (*x)(foo_t); };
+ """)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError,, "struct foo_s *")