import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): __all__ = ['u'] class U(object): def __add__(self, other): return eval('u'+repr(other).replace(r'\\u', r'\u') .replace(r'\\U', r'\U')) u = U() long = long # for further "from import long" assert u+'a\x00b' == eval(r"u'a\x00b'") assert u+'a\u1234b' == eval(r"u'a\u1234b'") assert u+'a\U00012345b' == eval(r"u'a\U00012345b'") else: __all__ = ['u', 'unicode', 'long'] u = "" unicode = str long = int class StdErrCapture(object): """Capture writes to sys.stderr (not to the underlying file descriptor).""" def __enter__(self): try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO self.old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = f = StringIO() return f def __exit__(self, *args): sys.stderr = self.old_stderr class FdWriteCapture(object): """xxx limited to capture at most 512 bytes of output, according to the Posix manual.""" def __init__(self, capture_fd=2): # stderr by default if sys.platform == 'win32': import py py.test.skip("seems not to work, too bad") self.capture_fd = capture_fd def __enter__(self): import os self.read_fd, self.write_fd = os.pipe() self.copy_fd = os.dup(self.capture_fd) os.dup2(self.write_fd, self.capture_fd) return self def __exit__(self, *args): import os os.dup2(self.copy_fd, self.capture_fd) os.close(self.copy_fd) os.close(self.write_fd) self._value =, 512) os.close(self.read_fd) def getvalue(self): return self._value def _verify(ffi, module_name, preamble, *args, **kwds): import imp from cffi.recompiler import recompile from .udir import udir assert module_name not in sys.modules, "module name conflict: %r" % ( module_name,) kwds.setdefault('tmpdir', str(udir)) outputfilename = recompile(ffi, module_name, preamble, *args, **kwds) module = imp.load_dynamic(module_name, outputfilename) # # hack hack hack: copy all *bound methods* from module.ffi back to the # ffi instance. Then calls like will invoke for name in dir(module.ffi): if not name.startswith('_'): attr = getattr(module.ffi, name) if attr is not getattr(ffi, name, object()): setattr(ffi, name, attr) def typeof_disabled(*args, **kwds): raise NotImplementedError ffi._typeof = typeof_disabled for name in dir(ffi): if not name.startswith('_') and not hasattr(module.ffi, name): setattr(ffi, name, NotImplemented) return module.lib