name: $(SourceTag)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr) variables: IntDir: '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)' OutDir: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' # MUST BE SET AT QUEUE TIME # SigningCertificate: 'Python Software Foundation' # SourcesRepo: '' # SourceTag: 'libffi-3.4.2' jobs: - job: Build_LibFFI displayName: LibFFI pool: vmImage: windows-latest workspace: clean: all steps: - checkout: none - template: ./find-tools.yml - powershell: | mkdir -Force "$(IntDir)\script" iwr "" ` -outfile "$(IntDir)\script\prepare_libffi.bat" displayName: 'Download build script' - powershell: | git clone $(SourcesRepo) -b $(SourceTag) --depth 1 -c core.autocrlf=false -c core.eol=lf . displayName: 'Check out LibFFI sources' - script: 'prepare_libffi.bat --install-cygwin' workingDirectory: '$(IntDir)\script' displayName: 'Install Cygwin and build' env: VCVARSALL: '$(vcvarsall)' LIBFFI_SOURCE: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' LIBFFI_OUT: '$(OutDir)' - powershell: | if ((gci *\*.dll).Count -lt 4) { Write-Error "Did not generate enough DLL files" } if ((gci *\Include\ffi.h).Count -lt 4) { Write-Error "Did not generate enough include files" } failOnStderr: true workingDirectory: '$(OutDir)' displayName: 'Verify files were created' - publish: '$(OutDir)' artifact: 'unsigned' displayName: 'Publish unsigned build' - job: Sign_LibFFI displayName: Sign LibFFI dependsOn: Build_LibFFI pool: name: 'Windows Release' workspace: clean: all steps: - checkout: none - download: current artifact: unsigned - template: ./find-tools.yml - powershell: | signtool sign /q /a ` /n "Python Software Foundation" ` /fd sha256 ` /tr /td sha256 ` /d "LibFFI for Python" ` (gci "$(Pipeline.Workspace)\unsigned\*.dll" -r) displayName: 'Sign files' - publish: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\unsigned' artifact: 'libffi' displayName: 'Publish libffi'