.. date: 2022-06-15-20-09-23 .. gh-issue: 87389 .. nonce: QVaC3f .. release date: 2022-07-11 .. section: Security :mod:`http.server`: Fix an open redirection vulnerability in the HTTP server when an URI path starts with ``//``. Vulnerability discovered, and initial fix proposed, by Hamza Avvan. .. .. date: 2022-06-03-12-52-53 .. gh-issue: 79096 .. nonce: YVoxgC .. section: Security LWPCookieJar and MozillaCookieJar create files with file mode 600 instead of 644 (Microsoft Windows is not affected) .. .. date: 2022-05-19-08-53-07 .. gh-issue: 92888 .. nonce: TLtR9W .. section: Security Fix ``memoryview`` use after free when accessing the backing buffer in certain cases. .. .. date: 2022-04-27-18-25-30 .. gh-issue: 68966 .. nonce: gjS8zs .. section: Security The deprecated mailcap module now refuses to inject unsafe text (filenames, MIME types, parameters) into shell commands. Instead of using such text, it will warn and act as if a match was not found (or for test commands, as if the test failed). .. .. date: 2022-07-08-16-44-11 .. gh-issue: 94694 .. nonce: VkL2CM .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue that could cause code with multi-line method lookups to have misleading or incorrect column offset information. In some cases (when compiling a hand-built AST) this could have resulted in a hard crash of the interpreter. .. .. date: 2022-07-08-11-44-45 .. gh-issue: 93252 .. nonce: i2358c .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue that caused internal frames to outlive failed Python function calls, possibly resulting in memory leaks or hard interpreter crashes. .. .. date: 2022-07-07-21-13-25 .. gh-issue: 94215 .. nonce: _Sv9Ms .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue where exceptions raised by line-tracing events would cause frames to be left in an invalid state, possibly resulting in a hard crash of the interpreter. .. .. date: 2022-07-06-14-02-26 .. gh-issue: 92228 .. nonce: 44Cbly .. section: Core and Builtins Disable the compiler's inline-small-exit-blocks optimization for exit blocks that are associated with source code lines. This fixes a bug where the debugger cannot tell where an exception handler ends and the following code block begins. .. .. date: 2022-07-01-20-00-19 .. gh-issue: 94485 .. nonce: mo5st7 .. section: Core and Builtins Line number of a module's ``RESUME`` instruction is set to 0 as specified in :pep:`626`. .. .. date: 2022-06-30-15-07-26 .. gh-issue: 94438 .. nonce: btzHSk .. section: Core and Builtins Account for instructions that can push NULL to the stack when setting line number in a frame. Prevents some (unlikely) crashes. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-22-18-36 .. gh-issue: 91719 .. nonce: 3APYYI .. section: Core and Builtins Reload ``opcode`` when raising ``unknown opcode error`` in the interpreter main loop, for C compilers to generate dispatching code independently. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-15-45-04 .. gh-issue: 94329 .. nonce: olUQyk .. section: Core and Builtins Compile and run code with unpacking of extremely large sequences (1000s of elements). Such code failed to compile. It now compiles and runs correctly. .. .. date: 2022-06-28-14-20-36 .. gh-issue: 94360 .. nonce: DiEnen .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed a tokenizer crash when reading encoded files with syntax errors from ``stdin`` with non utf-8 encoded text. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-06-28-12-41-17 .. gh-issue: 88116 .. nonce: A7fEl_ .. section: Core and Builtins Fix an issue when reading line numbers from code objects if the encoded line numbers are close to ``INT_MIN``. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-06-28-10-08-06 .. gh-issue: 94262 .. nonce: m-HWUZ .. section: Core and Builtins Don't create frame objects for incomplete frames. Prevents the creation of generators and closures from being observable to Python and C extensions, restoring the behavior of 3.10 and earlier. .. .. date: 2022-06-26-14-37-03 .. gh-issue: 94192 .. nonce: ab7tn7 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix error for dictionary literals with invalid expression as value. .. .. date: 2022-06-24-14-06-20 .. gh-issue: 93883 .. nonce: 8jVQQ4 .. section: Core and Builtins Revise the display strategy of traceback enhanced error locations. The indicators are only shown when the location doesn't span the whole line. .. .. date: 2022-06-20-13-48-57 .. gh-issue: 94021 .. nonce: o78q3G .. section: Core and Builtins Fix unreachable code warning in ``Python/specialize.c``. .. .. date: 2022-06-13-13-55-34 .. gh-issue: 93516 .. nonce: HILrDl .. section: Core and Builtins Store offset of first traceable instruction in code object to avoid having to recompute it for each instruction when tracing. .. .. date: 2022-06-13-10-48-09 .. gh-issue: 93516 .. nonce: yJSait .. section: Core and Builtins Lazily create a table mapping bytecode offsets to line numbers to speed up calculation of line numbers when tracing. .. .. date: 2022-06-12-19-31-56 .. gh-issue: 89828 .. nonce: bq02M7 .. section: Core and Builtins :class:`types.GenericAlias` no longer relays the ``__class__`` attribute. For example, ``isinstance(list[int], type)`` no longer returns ``True``. .. .. date: 2022-06-10-12-03-17 .. gh-issue: 93671 .. nonce: idkQqG .. section: Core and Builtins Fix some exponential backtrace case happening with deeply nested sequence patterns in match statements. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-06-10-10-31-18 .. gh-issue: 93662 .. nonce: -7RSC1 .. section: Core and Builtins Make sure that the end column offsets are correct in multi-line method calls. Previously, the end column could precede the column offset. .. .. date: 2022-06-09-19-19-02 .. gh-issue: 93461 .. nonce: 5DqP1e .. section: Core and Builtins :func:`importlib.invalidate_caches` now drops entries from :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` with a relative path as name. This solves a caching issue when a process changes its current working directory. ``FileFinder`` no longer inserts a dot in the path, e.g. ``/egg/./spam`` is now ``/egg/spam``. .. .. date: 2022-06-01-17-47-40 .. gh-issue: 93418 .. nonce: 24dJuc .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed an assert where an f-string has an equal sign '=' following an expression, but there's no trailing brace. For example, f"{i=". .. .. date: 2022-05-31-16-36-30 .. gh-issue: 93382 .. nonce: Jf6gAj .. section: Core and Builtins Cache the result of :c:func:`PyCode_GetCode` function to restore the O(1) lookup of the :attr:`~types.CodeType.co_code` attribute. .. .. date: 2022-05-30-15-35-42 .. gh-issue: 93354 .. nonce: RZk8gs .. section: Core and Builtins Use exponential backoff for specialization counters in the interpreter. Can reduce the number of failed specializations significantly and avoid slowdown for those parts of a program that are not suitable for specialization. .. .. date: 2022-05-20-09-25-34 .. gh-issue: 93021 .. nonce: k3Aji2 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix the :attr:`__text_signature__` for :meth:`__get__` methods implemented in C. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. .. .. date: 2022-05-18-18-34-45 .. gh-issue: 92930 .. nonce: kpYPOb .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed a crash in ``_pickle.c`` from mutating collections during ``__reduce__`` or ``persistent_id``. .. .. date: 2022-05-18-08-32-33 .. gh-issue: 92914 .. nonce: tJUeTD .. section: Core and Builtins Always round the allocated size for lists up to the nearest even number. .. .. date: 2022-05-17-20-41-43 .. gh-issue: 92858 .. nonce: eIXJTn .. section: Core and Builtins Improve error message for some suites with syntax error before ':' .. .. bpo: 46142 .. date: 2022-01-02-14-53-59 .. nonce: WayjgT .. section: Core and Builtins Make ``--help`` output shorter by moving some info to the new ``--help-env`` and ``--help-xoptions`` command-line options. Also add ``--help-all`` option to print complete usage. .. .. date: 2022-07-11-10-41-48 .. gh-issue: 94736 .. nonce: EbsgeK .. section: Library Fix crash when deallocating an instance of a subclass of ``_multiprocessing.SemLock``. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-07-07-15-46-55 .. gh-issue: 94637 .. nonce: IYEiUM .. section: Library :meth:`SSLContext.set_default_verify_paths` now releases the GIL around ``SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths`` call. The function call performs I/O and CPU intensive work. .. .. date: 2022-07-06-16-01-08 .. gh-issue: 94607 .. nonce: Q6RYfz .. section: Library Fix subclassing complex generics with type variables in :mod:`typing`. Previously an error message saying ``Some type variables ... are not listed in Generic[...]`` was shown. :mod:`typing` no longer populates ``__parameters__`` with the ``__parameters__`` of a Python class. .. .. date: 2022-07-06-14-45-12 .. gh-issue: 93910 .. nonce: iZcp67 .. section: Library The ability to access the other values of an enum on an enum (e.g. ``Color.RED.BLUE``) has been restored in order to fix a performance regression. .. .. date: 2022-07-06-06-02-02 .. gh-issue: 93896 .. nonce: vIgWGr .. section: Library Fix :func:`asyncio.run` and :class:`unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` to always the set event loop as it was done in Python 3.10 and earlier. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-07-02-19-46-30 .. gh-issue: 94510 .. nonce: xOatDC .. section: Library Re-entrant calls to :func:`sys.setprofile` and :func:`sys.settrace` now raise :exc:`RuntimeError`. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-09-48-37 .. gh-issue: 92336 .. nonce: otA6c6 .. section: Library Fix bug where :meth:`linecache.getline` fails on bad files with :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` or :exc:`SyntaxError`. It now returns an empty string as per the documentation. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-04-42-56 .. gh-issue: 94398 .. nonce: YOq_bJ .. section: Library Once a :class:`asyncio.TaskGroup` has started shutting down (i.e., at least one task has failed and the task group has started cancelling the remaining tasks), it should not be possible to add new tasks to the task group. .. .. date: 2022-06-25-16-27-02 .. gh-issue: 94254 .. nonce: beP16v .. section: Library Fixed types of :mod:`struct` module to be immutable. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-06-24-19-23-59 .. gh-issue: 94207 .. nonce: VhS1eS .. section: Library Made :class:`_struct.Struct` GC-tracked in order to fix a reference leak in the :mod:`_struct` module. .. .. date: 2022-06-23-13-12-05 .. gh-issue: 91742 .. nonce: sNytVX .. section: Library Fix :mod:`pdb` crash after jump caused by a null pointer dereference. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-06-22-11-16-11 .. gh-issue: 94101 .. nonce: V9vDG8 .. section: Library Manual instantiation of :class:`ssl.SSLSession` objects is no longer allowed as it lead to misconfigured instances that crashed the interpreter when attributes where accessed on them. .. .. date: 2022-06-21-11-40-31 .. gh-issue: 84753 .. nonce: FW1pxO .. section: Library :func:`inspect.iscoroutinefunction`, :func:`inspect.isgeneratorfunction`, and :func:`inspect.isasyncgenfunction` now properly return ``True`` for duck-typed function-like objects like instances of :class:`unittest.mock.AsyncMock`. This makes :func:`inspect.iscoroutinefunction` consistent with the behavior of :func:`asyncio.iscoroutinefunction`. Patch by Mehdi ABAAKOUK. .. .. date: 2022-06-20-23-14-43 .. gh-issue: 94028 .. nonce: UofEcX .. section: Library Fix a regression in the :mod:`sqlite3` where statement objects were not properly cleared and reset after use in cursor iters. The regression was introduced by PR 27884 in Python 3.11a1. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2022-06-16-11-16-53 .. gh-issue: 93820 .. nonce: 00X0Y5 .. section: Library Pickle :class:`enum.Flag` by name. .. .. date: 2022-06-16-09-24-50 .. gh-issue: 93847 .. nonce: kuv8bN .. section: Library Fix repr of enum of generic aliases. .. .. date: 2022-06-15-21-35-11 .. gh-issue: 91404 .. nonce: 39TZzW .. section: Library Revert the :mod:`re` memory leak when a match is terminated by a signal or memory allocation failure as the implemented fix caused a major performance regression. .. .. date: 2022-06-15-21-28-16 .. gh-issue: 83499 .. nonce: u3DQJ- .. section: Library Fix double closing of file description in :mod:`tempfile`. .. .. date: 2022-06-15-21-20-02 .. gh-issue: 93820 .. nonce: FAMLY8 .. section: Library Fixed a regression when :func:`copy.copy`-ing :class:`enum.Flag` with multiple flag members. .. .. date: 2022-06-11-13-32-17 .. gh-issue: 79512 .. nonce: A1KTDr .. section: Library Fixed names and ``__module__`` value of :mod:`weakref` classes :class:`~weakref.ReferenceType`, :class:`~weakref.ProxyType`, :class:`~weakref.CallableProxyType`. It makes them pickleable. .. .. date: 2022-06-09-17-15-26 .. gh-issue: 91389 .. nonce: OE4vS5 .. section: Library Fix an issue where :mod:`dis` utilities could report missing or incorrect position information in the presence of ``CACHE`` entries. .. .. date: 2022-06-09-14-44-21 .. gh-issue: 93626 .. nonce: sfghs46 .. section: Library Set ``__future__.annotations`` to have a ``None`` mandatoryRelease to indicate that it is currently 'TBD'. .. .. date: 2022-06-09-10-12-55 .. gh-issue: 90473 .. nonce: 683m_C .. section: Library Emscripten and WASI have no home directory and cannot provide :pep:`370` user site directory. .. .. date: 2022-06-08-20-11-02 .. gh-issue: 90494 .. nonce: LIZT85 .. section: Library :func:`copy.copy` and :func:`copy.deepcopy` now always raise a TypeError if ``__reduce__()`` returns a tuple with length 6 instead of silently ignore the 6th item or produce incorrect result. .. .. date: 2022-06-07-14-53-46 .. gh-issue: 90549 .. nonce: T4FMKY .. section: Library Fix a multiprocessing bug where a global named resource (such as a semaphore) could leak when a child process is spawned (as opposed to forked). .. .. date: 2022-06-06-13-19-43 .. gh-issue: 93521 .. nonce: _vE8m9 .. section: Library Fixed a case where dataclasses would try to add ``__weakref__`` into the ``__slots__`` for a dataclass that specified ``weakref_slot=True`` when it was already defined in one of its bases. This resulted in a ``TypeError`` upon the new class being created. .. .. date: 2022-06-06-12-58-27 .. gh-issue: 79579 .. nonce: e8rB-M .. section: Library :mod:`sqlite3` now correctly detects DML queries with leading comments. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2022-06-05-22-22-42 .. gh-issue: 93421 .. nonce: 43UO_8 .. section: Library Update :data:`sqlite3.Cursor.rowcount` when a DML statement has run to completion. This fixes the row count for SQL queries like ``UPDATE ... RETURNING``. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2022-06-01-11-24-13 .. gh-issue: 91162 .. nonce: NxvU_u .. section: Library Support splitting of unpacked arbitrary-length tuple over ``TypeVar`` and ``TypeVarTuple`` parameters. For example: * ``A[T, *Ts][*tuple[int, ...]]`` -> ``A[int, *tuple[int, ...]]`` * ``A[*Ts, T][*tuple[int, ...]]`` -> ``A[*tuple[int, ...], int]`` .. .. date: 2022-05-31-14-58-40 .. gh-issue: 93353 .. nonce: 9Hvm6o .. section: Library Fix the :func:`importlib.resources.as_file` context manager to remove the temporary file if destroyed late during Python finalization: keep a local reference to the :func:`os.remove` function. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2022-05-30-21-42-50 .. gh-issue: 83658 .. nonce: 01Ntx0 .. section: Library Make :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` raise an exception if ``maxtasksperchild`` is not ``None`` or a positive int. .. .. date: 2022-05-26-23-10-55 .. gh-issue: 93156 .. nonce: 4XfDVN .. section: Library Accessing the :attr:`pathlib.PurePath.parents` sequence of an absolute path using negative index values produced incorrect results. .. .. date: 2022-05-24-11-19-04 .. gh-issue: 74696 .. nonce: -cnf-A .. section: Library :func:`shutil.make_archive` no longer temporarily changes the current working directory during creation of standard ``.zip`` or tar archives. .. .. date: 2022-05-22-16-08-01 .. gh-issue: 89973 .. nonce: jc-Q4g .. section: Library Fix :exc:`re.error` raised in :mod:`fnmatch` if the pattern contains a character range with upper bound lower than lower bound (e.g. ``[c-a]``). Now such ranges are interpreted as empty ranges. .. .. date: 2022-05-19-17-49-58 .. gh-issue: 92932 .. nonce: o2peTh .. section: Library Now :func:`~dis.dis` and :func:`~dis.get_instructions` handle operand values for instructions prefixed by ``EXTENDED_ARG_QUICK``. Patch by Sam Gross and Dong-hee Na. .. .. date: 2022-04-15-17-38-55 .. gh-issue: 91577 .. nonce: Ah7cLL .. section: Library Move imports in :class:`~multiprocessing.SharedMemory` methods to module level so that they can be executed late in python finalization. .. .. date: 2022-04-11-16-55-41 .. gh-issue: 91456 .. nonce: DK3KKl .. section: Library Deprecate current default auto() behavior: In 3.13 the default will be for for auto() to always return the largest member value incremented by 1, and to raise if incompatible value types are used. .. .. bpo: 47231 .. date: 2022-04-08-22-12-11 .. nonce: lvyglt .. section: Library Fixed an issue with inconsistent trailing slashes in tarfile longname directories. .. .. bpo: 46755 .. date: 2022-02-15-12-40-48 .. nonce: zePJfx .. section: Library In :class:`QueueHandler`, clear ``stack_info`` from :class:`LogRecord` to prevent stack trace from being written twice. .. .. bpo: 46197 .. date: 2022-01-03-15-07-06 .. nonce: Z0djv6 .. section: Library Fix :mod:`ensurepip` environment isolation for subprocess running ``pip``. .. .. bpo: 45924 .. date: 2021-12-27-15-32-15 .. nonce: 0ZpHX2 .. section: Library Fix :mod:`asyncio` incorrect traceback when future's exception is raised multiple times. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. bpo: 34828 .. date: 2018-09-28-22-18-03 .. nonce: 5Zyi_S .. section: Library :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.iterdump` now handles databases that use ``AUTOINCREMENT`` in one or more tables. .. .. date: 2022-07-07-08-42-05 .. gh-issue: 94321 .. nonce: pmCIPb .. section: Documentation Document the :pep:`246` style protocol type :class:`sqlite3.PrepareProtocol`. .. .. date: 2022-06-16-10-10-59 .. gh-issue: 61162 .. nonce: 1ypkG8 .. section: Documentation Clarify :mod:`sqlite3` behavior when :ref:`sqlite3-connection-context-manager`. .. .. date: 2022-06-15-12-12-49 .. gh-issue: 87260 .. nonce: epyI7D .. section: Documentation Align :mod:`sqlite3` argument specs with the actual implementation. .. .. date: 2022-05-29-21-22-54 .. gh-issue: 86986 .. nonce: lFXw8j .. section: Documentation The minimum Sphinx version required to build the documentation is now 3.2. .. .. date: 2022-05-26-14-51-25 .. gh-issue: 88831 .. nonce: 5Cccr5 .. section: Documentation Augmented documentation of asyncio.create_task(). Clarified the need to keep strong references to tasks and added a code snippet detailing how to to this. .. .. bpo: 47161 .. date: 2022-03-30-17-56-01 .. nonce: gesHfS .. section: Documentation Document that :class:`pathlib.PurePath` does not collapse initial double slashes because they denote UNC paths. .. .. date: 2022-07-05-17-53-13 .. gh-issue: 91330 .. nonce: Qys5IL .. section: Tests Added more tests for :mod:`dataclasses` to cover behavior with data descriptor-based fields. .. .. date: 2022-06-27-21-27-20 .. gh-issue: 94208 .. nonce: VR6HX- .. section: Tests ``test_ssl`` is now checking for supported TLS version and protocols in more tests. .. .. date: 2022-06-27-08-53-40 .. gh-issue: 94315 .. nonce: MoZT9t .. section: Tests Tests now check for DAC override capability instead of relying on :func:`os.geteuid`. .. .. date: 2022-06-17-15-20-09 .. gh-issue: 93951 .. nonce: CW1Vv4 .. section: Tests In test_bdb.StateTestCase.test_skip, avoid including auxiliary importers. .. .. date: 2022-06-17-13-55-11 .. gh-issue: 93957 .. nonce: X4ovYV .. section: Tests Provide nicer error reporting from subprocesses in test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip. .. .. date: 2022-06-10-21-18-14 .. gh-issue: 84461 .. nonce: 9TAb26 .. section: Tests ``run_tests.py`` now handles cross compiling env vars correctly and pass ``HOSTRUNNER`` to regression tests. .. .. date: 2022-06-08-22-32-56 .. gh-issue: 93616 .. nonce: e5Kkx2 .. section: Tests ``test_modulefinder`` now creates a temporary directory in ``ModuleFinderTest.setUp()`` instead of module scope. .. .. date: 2022-06-08-14-17-59 .. gh-issue: 93575 .. nonce: Xb2LNB .. section: Tests Fix issue with test_unicode test_raiseMemError. The test case now use ``test.support.calcobjsize`` to calculate size of PyUnicode structs. :func:`sys.getsizeof` may return different size when string has UTF-8 memory. .. .. date: 2022-06-05-10-16-45 .. gh-issue: 90473 .. nonce: QMu7A8 .. section: Tests WASI does not have a ``chmod(2)`` syscall. :func:`os.chmod` is now a dummy function on WASI. Skip all tests that depend on working :func:`os.chmod`. .. .. date: 2022-06-04-12-05-31 .. gh-issue: 90473 .. nonce: RSpjF7 .. section: Tests Skip tests on WASI that require symlinks with absolute paths. .. .. date: 2022-06-03-16-26-04 .. gh-issue: 57539 .. nonce: HxWgYO .. section: Tests Increase calendar test coverage for :meth:`calendar.LocaleTextCalendar.formatweekday`. .. .. date: 2022-06-03-14-18-37 .. gh-issue: 90473 .. nonce: 7iXVRK .. section: Tests Skip symlink tests on WASI. wasmtime uses ``openat2(2)`` with ``RESOLVE_BENEATH`` flag, which prevents symlinks with absolute paths. .. .. date: 2022-06-03-12-22-44 .. gh-issue: 89858 .. nonce: ftBvjE .. section: Tests Fix ``test_embed`` for out-of-tree builds. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-05-25-23-07-15 .. gh-issue: 92886 .. nonce: Aki63_ .. section: Tests Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (``-O``) in ``test_imaplib.py``. .. .. date: 2022-05-25-23-00-35 .. gh-issue: 92886 .. nonce: Y-vrWj .. section: Tests Fixing tests that fail when running with optimizations (``-O``) in ``test_zipimport.py`` .. .. bpo: 47016 .. date: 2022-03-14-23-28-17 .. nonce: K-t2QX .. section: Tests Create a GitHub Actions workflow for verifying bundled pip and setuptools. Patch by Illia Volochii and Adam Turner. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-08-58-31 .. gh-issue: 94404 .. nonce: 3MadM6 .. section: Build ``makesetup`` now works around an issue with sed on macOS and uses correct CFLAGS for object files that end up in a shared extension. Module CFLAGS are used before PY_STDMODULE_CFLAGS to avoid clashes with system headers. .. .. date: 2022-06-08-14-28-03 .. gh-issue: 93584 .. nonce: 0xfHOK .. section: Build Address race condition in ``Makefile`` when installing a PGO build. All ``test`` and ``install`` targets now depend on ``all`` target. .. .. date: 2022-06-04-12-53-53 .. gh-issue: 93491 .. nonce: ehM211 .. section: Build ``configure`` now detects and reports :pep:`11` support tiers. .. .. date: 2022-06-15-01-03-52 .. gh-issue: 93824 .. nonce: mR4mxu .. section: Windows Drag and drop of files onto Python files in Windows Explorer has been enabled for Windows ARM64. .. .. bpo: 42658 .. date: 2022-03-20-15-47-35 .. nonce: 16eXtb .. section: Windows Support native Windows case-insensitive path comparisons by using ``LCMapStringEx`` instead of :func:`str.lower` in :func:`ntpath.normcase`. Add ``LCMapStringEx`` to the :mod:`_winapi` module. .. .. date: 2022-07-04-01-37-42 .. gh-issue: 94538 .. nonce: 1rgy1Y .. section: Tools/Demos Fix Argument Clinic output to custom file destinations. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. .. .. date: 2022-06-29-22-47-11 .. gh-issue: 94430 .. nonce: hdov8L .. section: Tools/Demos Allow parameters named ``module`` and ``self`` with custom C names in Argument Clinic. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland .. .. date: 2022-06-17-13-41-38 .. gh-issue: 93937 .. nonce: uKVTEh .. section: C API The following frame functions and type are now directly available with ``#include ``, it's no longer needed to add ``#include ``: * :c:func:`PyFrame_Check` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetBack` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetBuiltins` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetGenerator` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetGlobals` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetLasti` * :c:func:`PyFrame_GetLocals` * :c:type:`PyFrame_Type` Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2022-06-13-21-37-31 .. gh-issue: 91321 .. nonce: DgJFvS .. section: C API Fix the compatibility of the Python C API with C++ older than C++11. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2022-06-10-23-41-48 .. gh-issue: 91731 .. nonce: fhYUQG .. section: C API Avoid defining the ``static_assert`` when compiling with C++ 11, where this is a keyword and redefining it can lead to undefined behavior. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-06-04-13-15-41 .. gh-issue: 93442 .. nonce: 4M4NDb .. section: C API Add C++ overloads for _Py_CAST_impl() to handle 0/NULL. This will allow C++ extensions that pass 0 or NULL to macros using _Py_CAST() to continue to compile.