.. date: 2022-07-31-13-23-12 .. gh-issue: 95150 .. nonce: 67FXVo .. release date: 2022-08-05 .. section: Core and Builtins Update code object hashing and equality to consider all debugging and exception handling tables. This fixes an issue where certain non-identical code objects could be "deduplicated" during compilation. .. .. date: 2022-07-28-08-33-31 .. gh-issue: 95355 .. nonce: yN4XVk .. section: Core and Builtins ``_PyPegen_Parser_New`` now properly detects token memory allocation errors. Patch by Honglin Zhu. .. .. date: 2022-07-27-14-21-57 .. gh-issue: 90081 .. nonce: HVAS5x .. section: Core and Builtins Run Python code in tracer/profiler function at full speed. Fixes slowdown in earlier versions of 3.11. .. .. date: 2022-07-27-14-05-07 .. gh-issue: 95324 .. nonce: 28Q5u7 .. section: Core and Builtins Emit a warning in debug mode if an object does not call :c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack` before deallocation. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. date: 2022-07-24-00-27-47 .. gh-issue: 95185 .. nonce: ghYTZx .. section: Core and Builtins Prevented crashes in the AST constructor when compiling some absurdly long expressions like ``"+0"*1000000``. :exc:`RecursionError` is now raised instead. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-07-23-19-16-25 .. gh-issue: 93351 .. nonce: 0Jyvu- .. section: Core and Builtins :class:`ast.AST` node positions are now validated when provided to :func:`compile` and other related functions. If invalid positions are detected, a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. .. .. date: 2022-07-19-09-41-55 .. gh-issue: 94938 .. nonce: xYBlM7 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix error detection in some builtin functions when keyword argument name is an instance of a str subclass with overloaded ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__``. Previously it could cause SystemError or other undesired behavior. .. .. date: 2022-08-03-21-01-17 .. gh-issue: 95609 .. nonce: xxyjyX .. section: Library Update bundled pip to 22.2.2. .. .. date: 2022-08-03-16-52-32 .. gh-issue: 95289 .. nonce: FMnHlV .. section: Library Fix :class:`asyncio.TaskGroup` to propagate exception when :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError` was replaced with another exception by a context manger. Patch by Kumar Aditya and Guido van Rossum. .. .. date: 2022-07-27-19-43-07 .. gh-issue: 95339 .. nonce: NuVQ68 .. section: Library Update bundled pip to 22.2.1. .. .. date: 2022-07-27-11-35-45 .. gh-issue: 95045 .. nonce: iysT-Q .. section: Library Fix GC crash when deallocating ``_lsprof.Profiler`` by untracking it before calling any callbacks. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-07-24-18-00-42 .. gh-issue: 95097 .. nonce: lu5qNf .. section: Library Fix :func:`asyncio.run` for :class:`asyncio.Task` implementations without :meth:`~asyncio.Task.uncancel` method. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-07-23-10-50-05 .. gh-issue: 93899 .. nonce: VT34A5 .. section: Library Fix check for existence of :data:`os.EFD_CLOEXEC`, :data:`os.EFD_NONBLOCK` and :data:`os.EFD_SEMAPHORE` flags on older kernel versions where these flags are not present. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-07-23-10-42-05 .. gh-issue: 95166 .. nonce: xw6p3C .. section: Library Fix :meth:`concurrent.futures.Executor.map` to cancel the currently waiting on future on an error - e.g. TimeoutError or KeyboardInterrupt. .. .. date: 2022-07-21-22-59-22 .. gh-issue: 95109 .. nonce: usxA9r .. section: Library Ensure that timeouts scheduled with :class:`asyncio.Timeout` that have already expired are delivered promptly. .. .. date: 2022-06-02-08-40-58 .. gh-issue: 91810 .. nonce: Gtk44w .. section: Library Suppress writing an XML declaration in open files in ``ElementTree.write()`` with ``encoding='unicode'`` and ``xml_declaration=None``. .. .. date: 2022-04-12-18-05-40 .. gh-issue: 91447 .. nonce: N_Fs4H .. section: Library Fix findtext in the xml module to only give an empty string when the text attribute is set to None. .. .. date: 2022-08-03-13-35-08 .. gh-issue: 91207 .. nonce: eJ4pPf .. section: Documentation Fix stylesheet not working in Windows CHM htmlhelp docs and add warning that they are deprecated. Contributed by C.A.M. Gerlach. .. .. date: 2022-07-29-23-02-19 .. gh-issue: 95451 .. nonce: -tgB93 .. section: Documentation Update library documentation with :ref:`availability information ` on WebAssembly platforms ``wasm32-emscripten`` and ``wasm32-wasi``. .. .. date: 2022-07-29-09-04-02 .. gh-issue: 95415 .. nonce: LKTyw6 .. section: Documentation Use consistent syntax for platform availability. The directive now supports a content body and emits a warning when it encounters an unknown platform. .. .. date: 2022-06-19-18-18-22 .. gh-issue: 86128 .. nonce: 39DDTD .. section: Documentation Document a limitation in ThreadPoolExecutor where its exit handler is executed before any handlers in atexit. .. .. date: 2022-08-05-09-57-43 .. gh-issue: 95573 .. nonce: edMdQB .. section: Tests :source:`Lib/test/test_asyncio/test_ssl.py` exposed a bug in the macOS kernel where intense concurrent load on non-blocking sockets occasionally causes :const:`errno.ENOBUFS` ("No buffer space available") to be emitted. FB11063974 filed with Apple, in the mean time as a workaround buffer size used in tests on macOS is decreased to avoid intermittent failures. Patch by Fantix King. .. .. date: 2022-07-26-15-22-19 .. gh-issue: 95280 .. nonce: h8HvbP .. section: Tests Fix problem with ``test_ssl`` ``test_get_ciphers`` on systems that require perfect forward secrecy (PFS) ciphers. .. .. date: 2022-07-08-12-22-00 .. gh-issue: 94675 .. nonce: IiTs5f .. section: Tests Add a regression test for :mod:`re` exponentional slowdown when using rjsmin. .. .. date: 2022-07-26-18-13-34 .. gh-issue: 94801 .. nonce: 9fREfy .. section: Build Fix a regression in ``configure`` script that caused some header checks to ignore custom ``CPPFLAGS``. The regression was introduced in :gh:`94802`. .. .. date: 2022-07-25-09-48-43 .. gh-issue: 95145 .. nonce: ZNS3dj .. section: Build wasm32-wasi builds no longer depend on WASIX's pthread stubs. Python now has its own stubbed pthread API. .. .. date: 2022-07-25-08-59-35 .. gh-issue: 95174 .. nonce: g8woUW .. section: Build Python now detects missing ``dup`` function in WASI and works around some missing :mod:`errno`, :mod:`select`, and :mod:`socket` constants. .. .. date: 2022-07-23-21-39-09 .. gh-issue: 95174 .. nonce: 7cYMZR .. section: Build Python now skips missing :mod:`socket` functions and methods on WASI. WASI can only create sockets from existing fd / accept and has no netdb. .. .. date: 2022-07-21-09-17-01 .. gh-issue: 95085 .. nonce: E9x2S_ .. section: Build Platforms ``wasm32-unknown-emscripten`` and ``wasm32-unknown-wasi`` have been promoted to :pep:`11` tier 3 platform support. .. .. date: 2022-08-04-18-47-54 .. gh-issue: 95656 .. nonce: VJ1d13 .. section: Windows Enable the :meth:`~sqlite3.Connection.enable_load_extension` :mod:`sqlite3` API. .. .. date: 2022-08-04-01-12-27 .. gh-issue: 95587 .. nonce: Fvdv5q .. section: Windows Fixes some issues where the Windows installer would incorrectly detect certain features of an existing install when upgrading. .. .. date: 2022-08-03-00-49-46 .. gh-issue: 94399 .. nonce: KvxHc0 .. section: Windows Restores the behaviour of :ref:`launcher` for ``/usr/bin/env`` shebang lines, which will now search :envvar:`PATH` for an executable matching the given command. If none is found, the usual search process is used. .. .. date: 2022-07-30-14-18-33 .. gh-issue: 95445 .. nonce: mjrTaq .. section: Windows Fixes the unsuccessful removal of the HTML document directory when uninstalling with Windows msi. .. .. date: 2022-07-28-20-21-38 .. gh-issue: 95359 .. nonce: ywMrgu .. section: Windows Fix :ref:`launcher` handling of :file:`py.ini` commands (it was incorrectly expecting a ``py_`` prefix on keys) and crashes when reading per-user configuration file. .. .. date: 2022-07-26-20-33-12 .. gh-issue: 95285 .. nonce: w6fa22 .. section: Windows Fix :ref:`launcher` handling of command lines where it is only passed a short executable name. .. .. date: 2022-08-04-20-07-51 .. gh-issue: 65802 .. nonce: xnThWe .. section: IDLE Document handling of extensions in Save As dialogs. .. .. date: 2022-08-01-23-31-48 .. gh-issue: 95191 .. nonce: U7vryB .. section: IDLE Include prompts when saving Shell (interactive input and output). .. .. date: 2022-07-31-22-15-14 .. gh-issue: 95511 .. nonce: WX6PmB .. section: IDLE Fix the Shell context menu copy-with-prompts bug of copying an extra line when one selects whole lines. .. .. date: 2022-07-30-15-10-39 .. gh-issue: 95471 .. nonce: z3scVG .. section: IDLE In the Edit menu, move ``Select All`` and add a new separator. .. .. date: 2022-07-29-11-08-52 .. gh-issue: 95411 .. nonce: dazlqH .. section: IDLE Enable using IDLE's module browser with .pyw files. .. .. date: 2022-07-28-18-56-57 .. gh-issue: 89610 .. nonce: hcosiM .. section: IDLE Add .pyi as a recognized extension for IDLE on macOS. This allows opening stub files by double clicking on them in the Finder. .. .. date: 2022-08-03-14-39-08 .. gh-issue: 92678 .. nonce: ozFTEx .. section: C API Restore the 3.10 behavior for multiple inheritance of C extension classes that store their dictionary at the end of the struct. .. .. date: 2022-07-19-22-37-40 .. gh-issue: 94936 .. nonce: LGlmKv .. section: C API Added :c:func:`PyCode_GetVarnames`, :c:func:`PyCode_GetCellvars` and :c:func:`PyCode_GetFreevars` for accessing ``co_varnames``, ``co_cellvars`` and ``co_freevars`` respectively via the C API.