.. date: 2022-08-07-16-53-38 .. gh-issue: 95778 .. nonce: ch010gps .. release date: 2022-09-11 .. section: Security Converting between :class:`int` and :class:`str` in bases other than 2 (binary), 4, 8 (octal), 16 (hexadecimal), or 32 such as base 10 (decimal) now raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the number of digits in string form is above a limit to avoid potential denial of service attacks due to the algorithmic complexity. This is a mitigation for `CVE-2020-10735 `_. This new limit can be configured or disabled by environment variable, command line flag, or :mod:`sys` APIs. See the :ref:`integer string conversion length limitation ` documentation. The default limit is 4300 digits in string form. Patch by Gregory P. Smith [Google] and Christian Heimes [Red Hat] with feedback from Victor Stinner, Thomas Wouters, Steve Dower, Ned Deily, and Mark Dickinson. .. .. date: 2022-09-09-13-13-27 .. gh-issue: 96678 .. nonce: vMxi9F .. section: Core and Builtins Fix case of undefined behavior in ceval.c .. .. date: 2022-09-07-13-38-37 .. gh-issue: 96641 .. nonce: wky0Fc .. section: Core and Builtins Do not expose ``KeyWrapper`` in :mod:`_functools`. .. .. date: 2022-09-07-12-02-11 .. gh-issue: 96636 .. nonce: YvN-K6 .. section: Core and Builtins Ensure that tracing, ``sys.setrace()``, is turned on immediately. In pre-release versions of 3.11, some tracing events might have been lost when turning on tracing in a ``__del__`` method or interrupt. .. .. date: 2022-09-06-16-54-49 .. gh-issue: 96572 .. nonce: 8DRsaW .. section: Core and Builtins Fix use after free in trace refs build mode. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-09-06-16-22-13 .. gh-issue: 96611 .. nonce: 14wIX8 .. section: Core and Builtins When loading a file with invalid UTF-8 inside a multi-line string, a correct SyntaxError is emitted. .. .. date: 2022-09-06-14-26-36 .. gh-issue: 96612 .. nonce: P4ZbeY .. section: Core and Builtins Make sure that incomplete frames do not show up in tracemalloc traces. .. .. date: 2022-09-05-16-43-44 .. gh-issue: 96569 .. nonce: 9lmTCC .. section: Core and Builtins Remove two cases of undefined behavior, by adding NULL checks. .. .. date: 2022-09-05-15-07-25 .. gh-issue: 96582 .. nonce: HEsL5s .. section: Core and Builtins Fix possible ``NULL`` pointer dereference in ``_PyThread_CurrentFrames``. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-08-28-10-51-19 .. gh-issue: 96352 .. nonce: jTLD2d .. section: Core and Builtins Fix :exc:`AttributeError` missing ``name`` and ``obj`` attributes in :meth:`object.__getattribute__`. Patch by Philip Georgi. .. .. date: 2022-08-25-10-19-34 .. gh-issue: 96268 .. nonce: AbYrLB .. section: Core and Builtins Loading a file with invalid UTF-8 will now report the broken character at the correct location. .. .. date: 2022-08-22-21-33-28 .. gh-issue: 96187 .. nonce: W_6SRG .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed a bug that caused ``_PyCode_GetExtra`` to return garbage for negative indexes. Patch by Pablo Galindo .. .. date: 2022-08-19-06-51-17 .. gh-issue: 96071 .. nonce: mVgPAo .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a deadlock in :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` when allocating new thread state. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-08-18-13-47-59 .. gh-issue: 96046 .. nonce: 5Hqbka .. section: Core and Builtins :c:func:`PyType_Ready` now initializes ``ht_cached_keys`` and performs additional checks to ensure that type objects are properly configured. This avoids crashes in 3rd party packages that don't use regular API to create new types. .. .. date: 2022-08-11-11-01-56 .. gh-issue: 95818 .. nonce: iClLdl .. section: Core and Builtins Skip over incomplete frames in :c:func:`PyThreadState_GetFrame`. .. .. date: 2022-08-11-09-19-55 .. gh-issue: 95876 .. nonce: YpQfoV .. section: Core and Builtins Fix format string in ``_PyPegen_raise_error_known_location`` that can lead to memory corruption on some 64bit systems. The function was building a tuple with ``i`` (int) instead of ``n`` (Py_ssize_t) for Py_ssize_t arguments. .. .. date: 2022-08-04-18-46-54 .. gh-issue: 95605 .. nonce: FbpCoG .. section: Core and Builtins Fix misleading contents of error message when converting an all-whitespace string to :class:`float`. .. .. date: 2022-07-19-04-34-56 .. gh-issue: 94996 .. nonce: dV564A .. section: Core and Builtins :func:`ast.parse` will no longer parse function definitions with positional-only params when passed ``feature_version`` less than ``(3, 8)``. Patch by Shantanu Jain. .. .. date: 2022-09-08-23-23-24 .. gh-issue: 96700 .. nonce: J0MQGK .. section: Library Fix incorrect error message in the :mod:`io` module. .. .. date: 2022-09-07-22-49-37 .. gh-issue: 96652 .. nonce: YqOKxI .. section: Library Fix the faulthandler implementation of ``faulthandler.register(signal, chain=True)`` if the ``sigaction()`` function is not available: don't call the previous signal handler if it's NULL. Patch by Victor Stinner. .. .. date: 2022-09-04-12-32-52 .. gh-issue: 68163 .. nonce: h6TJCc .. section: Library Correct conversion of :class:`numbers.Rational`'s to :class:`float`. .. .. date: 2022-08-29-15-28-39 .. gh-issue: 96385 .. nonce: uLRTsf .. section: Library Fix ``TypeVarTuple.__typing_prepare_subst__``. ``TypeError`` was not raised when using more than one ``TypeVarTuple``, like ``[*T, *V]`` in type alias substitutions. .. .. date: 2022-08-27-14-38-49 .. gh-issue: 90467 .. nonce: VOOB0p .. section: Library Fix :class:`asyncio.streams.StreamReaderProtocol` to keep a strong reference to the created task, so that it's not garbage collected .. .. date: 2022-08-22-18-42-17 .. gh-issue: 96159 .. nonce: 3bFU39 .. section: Library Fix a performance regression in logging TimedRotatingFileHandler. Only check for special files when the rollover time has passed. .. .. date: 2022-08-22-13-54-20 .. gh-issue: 96175 .. nonce: bH7zGU .. section: Library Fix unused ``localName`` parameter in the ``Attr`` class in :mod:`xml.dom.minidom`. .. .. date: 2022-08-19-18-21-01 .. gh-issue: 96125 .. nonce: ODcF1Y .. section: Library Fix incorrect condition that causes ``sys.thread_info.name`` to be wrong on pthread platforms. .. .. date: 2022-08-18-14-53-53 .. gh-issue: 95463 .. nonce: GpP05c .. section: Library Remove an incompatible change from :issue:`28080` that caused a regression that ignored the utf8 in ``ZipInfo.flag_bits``. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. date: 2022-08-11-18-52-17 .. gh-issue: 95899 .. nonce: _Bi4uG .. section: Library Fix :class:`asyncio.Runner` to call :func:`asyncio.set_event_loop` only once to avoid calling :meth:`~asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher.attach_loop` multiple times on child watchers. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-08-11-18-22-29 .. gh-issue: 95736 .. nonce: LzRZXe .. section: Library Fix :class:`unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` to set event loop before calling setup functions. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-08-08-01-42-11 .. gh-issue: 95704 .. nonce: MOPFfX .. section: Library When a task catches :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError` and raises some other error, the other error should generally not silently be suppressed. .. .. date: 2022-07-25-15-45-06 .. gh-issue: 95231 .. nonce: i807-g .. section: Library Fail gracefully if :data:`~errno.EPERM` or :data:`~errno.ENOSYS` is raised when loading :mod:`crypt` methods. This may happen when trying to load ``MD5`` on a Linux kernel with :abbr:`FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard)` enabled. .. .. date: 2022-07-09-08-55-04 .. gh-issue: 74116 .. nonce: 0XwYC1 .. section: Library Allow :meth:`asyncio.StreamWriter.drain` to be awaited concurrently by multiple tasks. Patch by Kumar Aditya. .. .. date: 2022-05-19-22-34-42 .. gh-issue: 92986 .. nonce: e6uKxj .. section: Library Fix :func:`ast.unparse` when ``ImportFrom.level`` is None .. .. date: 2022-08-19-17-07-45 .. gh-issue: 96098 .. nonce: nDp43u .. section: Documentation Improve discoverability of the higher level concurrent.futures module by providing clearer links from the lower level threading and multiprocessing modules. .. .. date: 2022-08-13-20-34-51 .. gh-issue: 95957 .. nonce: W9ZZAx .. section: Documentation What's New 3.11 now has instructions for how to provide compiler and linker flags for Tcl/Tk and OpenSSL on RHEL 7 and CentOS 7. .. .. date: 2022-08-22-14-59-42 .. gh-issue: 95243 .. nonce: DeD66V .. section: Tests Mitigate the inherent race condition from using find_unused_port() in testSockName() by trying to find an unused port a few times before failing. Patch by Ross Burton. .. .. date: 2022-07-08-10-28-23 .. gh-issue: 94682 .. nonce: ZtGt_0 .. section: Build Build and test with OpenSSL 1.1.1q .. .. date: 2022-09-07-00-11-33 .. gh-issue: 96577 .. nonce: kV4K_1 .. section: Windows Fixes a potential buffer overrun in :mod:`msilib`. .. .. date: 2022-09-05-18-32-47 .. gh-issue: 96559 .. nonce: 561sUd .. section: Windows Fixes the Windows launcher not using the compatible interpretation of default tags found in configuration files when no tag was passed to the command.