funcsigs ======== ``funcsigs`` is a backport of the `PEP 362`_ function signature features from Python 3.3's `inspect`_ module. The backport is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7 as well as 3.2 and up. Documentation ------------- The reference documentation is standard library documentation for the `inspect`_ module in Python3. This documentation has been included in the ``funcsigs`` package documentation hosted on `Read The Docs`_. Example ------- To obtain a signature object, pass the target function to the ``funcsigs.signature`` function. :: >>> from funcsigs import signature >>> def foo(a, b=None, *args, **kwargs): ... pass >>> sig = signature(foo) For the details of the signature object, refer to the either the package of standard library documentation. Compatability ------------- The ``funcsigs`` backport has been tested against: * CPython 2.6 * CPython 2.7 * CPython 3.2 Continuous integration testing is provided by `Travis CI`_. There is one known compatability issue with Python 2.x when a function is assigned to the ``__wrapped__`` property of a class after it has been constructed. Otherwise the functionality is believed to be uniform between both Python2 and Python3. Issues ------ Source code for ``funcsigs`` is hosted on `GitHub`_. Any bug reports or feature requests can be made using GitHub's `issues system`_. |build_status| Copyright --------- This is a derived work of CPython under the terms of the `PSF License Agreement`_. The original CPython inspect module, its unit tests and documentation are the copyright of the Python Software Foundation. The derived work is distributed under the `Apache License Version 2.0`_. .. _Apache License Version 2.0: .. _GitHub: .. _PSF License Agreement: .. _Travis CI: .. _Read The Docs: .. _PEP 362: .. _inspect: .. _issues system: .. |build_status| image:: :target:!/aliles/funcsigs