path: root/docs/dyn/compute_v1.regionBackendServices.html
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diff --git a/docs/dyn/compute_v1.regionBackendServices.html b/docs/dyn/compute_v1.regionBackendServices.html
index 369c78981..342260ccc 100644
--- a/docs/dyn/compute_v1.regionBackendServices.html
+++ b/docs/dyn/compute_v1.regionBackendServices.html
@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ Returns:
"cacheKeyPolicy": { # Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN. # The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.
"includeHost": True or False, # If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.
+ "includeHttpHeaders": [ # Allows HTTP request headers (by name) to be used in the cache key.
+ "A String",
+ ],
+ "includeNamedCookies": [ # Allows HTTP cookies (by name) to be used in the cache key. The name=value pair will be used in the cache key Cloud CDN generates.
+ "A String",
+ ],
"includeProtocol": True or False, # If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.
"includeQueryString": True or False, # If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.
"queryStringBlacklist": [ # Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.
@@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ Returns:
"cacheMode": "A String", # Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
- "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 86400s (1 day).
+ "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year).
"defaultTtl": 42, # Specifies the default TTL for cached content served by this origin for responses that do not have an existing valid TTL (max-age or s-max-age). Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The value of defaultTTL cannot be set to a value greater than that of maxTTL, but can be equal. When the cacheMode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the defaultTTL will overwrite the TTL set in all responses. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"maxTtl": 42, # Specifies the maximum allowed TTL for cached content served by this origin. Cache directives that attempt to set a max-age or s-maxage higher than this, or an Expires header more than maxTTL seconds in the future will be capped at the value of maxTTL, as if it were the value of an s-maxage Cache-Control directive. Headers sent to the client will not be modified. Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"negativeCaching": True or False, # Negative caching allows per-status code TTLs to be set, in order to apply fine-grained caching for common errors or redirects. This can reduce the load on your origin and improve end-user experience by reducing response latency. When the cache mode is set to CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS, negative caching applies to responses with the specified response code that lack any Cache-Control, Expires, or Pragma: no-cache directives. When the cache mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, negative caching applies to all responses with the specified response code, and override any caching headers. By default, Cloud CDN will apply the following default TTLs to these status codes: HTTP 300 (Multiple Choice), 301, 308 (Permanent Redirects): 10m HTTP 404 (Not Found), 410 (Gone), 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): 120s HTTP 405 (Method Not Found), 421 (Misdirected Request), 501 (Not Implemented): 60s. These defaults can be overridden in negative_caching_policy.
@@ -250,8 +256,13 @@ Returns:
"connectionDraining": { # Message containing connection draining configuration.
"drainingTimeoutSec": 42, # Configures a duration timeout for existing requests on a removed backend instance. For supported load balancers and protocols, as described in Enabling connection draining.
- "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
- "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE.
+ "connectionTrackingPolicy": { # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. Connection tracking policy settings are only available for Network Load Balancing and Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
+ "connectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends": "A String", # Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#connection-persistence) and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#connection-persistence).
+ "idleTimeoutSec": 42, # Specifies how long to keep a Connection Tracking entry while there is no matching traffic (in seconds). For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing: - The minimum (default) is 10 minutes and the maximum is 16 hours. - It can be set only if Connection Tracking is less than 5-tuple (i.e. Session Affinity is CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and Tracking Mode is PER_SESSION). For Network Load Balancer the default is 60 seconds. This option is not available publicly.
+ "trackingMode": "A String", # Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#tracking-mode) and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#tracking-mode).
+ },
+ "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
+ "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"name": "A String", # Name of the cookie.
"path": "A String", # Path to set for the cookie.
"ttl": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Lifetime of the cookie.
@@ -270,11 +281,12 @@ Returns:
"A String",
"description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
+ "edgeSecurityPolicy": "A String", # [Output Only] The resource URL for the edge security policy associated with this backend service.
"enableCDN": True or False, # If true, enables Cloud CDN for the backend service of an external HTTP(S) load balancer.
- "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"disableConnectionDrainOnFailover": True or False, # This can be set to true only if the protocol is TCP. The default is false.
- "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
- "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
+ "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the BackendService, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a BackendService.
"healthChecks": [ # The list of URLs to the healthChecks, httpHealthChecks (legacy), or httpsHealthChecks (legacy) resource for health checking this backend service. Not all backend services support legacy health checks. See Load balancer guide. Currently, at most one health check can be specified for each backend service. Backend services with instance group or zonal NEG backends must have a health check. Backend services with internet or serverless NEG backends must not have a health check.
@@ -289,7 +301,7 @@ Returns:
"id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
"kind": "compute#backendService", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.
"loadBalancingScheme": "A String", # Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
- "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only the default ROUND_ROBIN policy is supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"logConfig": { # The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. # This field denotes the logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
"enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
"sampleRate": 3.14, # This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend service. The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. This configures the sampling rate of requests to the load balancer where 1.0 means all logged requests are reported and 0.0 means no logged requests are reported. The default value is 1.0.
@@ -331,7 +343,7 @@ Returns:
"selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
- "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. For a detailed description of session affinity options, see: [Session affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity). Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity).
"subsetting": { # Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
"policy": "A String",
@@ -421,6 +433,12 @@ Args:
"cacheKeyPolicy": { # Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN. # The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.
"includeHost": True or False, # If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.
+ "includeHttpHeaders": [ # Allows HTTP request headers (by name) to be used in the cache key.
+ "A String",
+ ],
+ "includeNamedCookies": [ # Allows HTTP cookies (by name) to be used in the cache key. The name=value pair will be used in the cache key Cloud CDN generates.
+ "A String",
+ ],
"includeProtocol": True or False, # If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.
"includeQueryString": True or False, # If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.
"queryStringBlacklist": [ # Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.
@@ -431,7 +449,7 @@ Args:
"cacheMode": "A String", # Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
- "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 86400s (1 day).
+ "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year).
"defaultTtl": 42, # Specifies the default TTL for cached content served by this origin for responses that do not have an existing valid TTL (max-age or s-max-age). Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The value of defaultTTL cannot be set to a value greater than that of maxTTL, but can be equal. When the cacheMode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the defaultTTL will overwrite the TTL set in all responses. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"maxTtl": 42, # Specifies the maximum allowed TTL for cached content served by this origin. Cache directives that attempt to set a max-age or s-maxage higher than this, or an Expires header more than maxTTL seconds in the future will be capped at the value of maxTTL, as if it were the value of an s-maxage Cache-Control directive. Headers sent to the client will not be modified. Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"negativeCaching": True or False, # Negative caching allows per-status code TTLs to be set, in order to apply fine-grained caching for common errors or redirects. This can reduce the load on your origin and improve end-user experience by reducing response latency. When the cache mode is set to CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS, negative caching applies to responses with the specified response code that lack any Cache-Control, Expires, or Pragma: no-cache directives. When the cache mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, negative caching applies to all responses with the specified response code, and override any caching headers. By default, Cloud CDN will apply the following default TTLs to these status codes: HTTP 300 (Multiple Choice), 301, 308 (Permanent Redirects): 10m HTTP 404 (Not Found), 410 (Gone), 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): 120s HTTP 405 (Method Not Found), 421 (Misdirected Request), 501 (Not Implemented): 60s. These defaults can be overridden in negative_caching_policy.
@@ -458,8 +476,13 @@ Args:
"connectionDraining": { # Message containing connection draining configuration.
"drainingTimeoutSec": 42, # Configures a duration timeout for existing requests on a removed backend instance. For supported load balancers and protocols, as described in Enabling connection draining.
- "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
- "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE.
+ "connectionTrackingPolicy": { # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. Connection tracking policy settings are only available for Network Load Balancing and Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
+ "connectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends": "A String", # Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#connection-persistence) and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#connection-persistence).
+ "idleTimeoutSec": 42, # Specifies how long to keep a Connection Tracking entry while there is no matching traffic (in seconds). For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing: - The minimum (default) is 10 minutes and the maximum is 16 hours. - It can be set only if Connection Tracking is less than 5-tuple (i.e. Session Affinity is CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and Tracking Mode is PER_SESSION). For Network Load Balancer the default is 60 seconds. This option is not available publicly.
+ "trackingMode": "A String", # Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#tracking-mode) and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#tracking-mode).
+ },
+ "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
+ "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"name": "A String", # Name of the cookie.
"path": "A String", # Path to set for the cookie.
"ttl": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Lifetime of the cookie.
@@ -478,11 +501,12 @@ Args:
"A String",
"description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
+ "edgeSecurityPolicy": "A String", # [Output Only] The resource URL for the edge security policy associated with this backend service.
"enableCDN": True or False, # If true, enables Cloud CDN for the backend service of an external HTTP(S) load balancer.
- "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"disableConnectionDrainOnFailover": True or False, # This can be set to true only if the protocol is TCP. The default is false.
- "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
- "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
+ "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the BackendService, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a BackendService.
"healthChecks": [ # The list of URLs to the healthChecks, httpHealthChecks (legacy), or httpsHealthChecks (legacy) resource for health checking this backend service. Not all backend services support legacy health checks. See Load balancer guide. Currently, at most one health check can be specified for each backend service. Backend services with instance group or zonal NEG backends must have a health check. Backend services with internet or serverless NEG backends must not have a health check.
@@ -497,7 +521,7 @@ Args:
"id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
"kind": "compute#backendService", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.
"loadBalancingScheme": "A String", # Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
- "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only the default ROUND_ROBIN policy is supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"logConfig": { # The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. # This field denotes the logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
"enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
"sampleRate": 3.14, # This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend service. The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. This configures the sampling rate of requests to the load balancer where 1.0 means all logged requests are reported and 0.0 means no logged requests are reported. The default value is 1.0.
@@ -539,7 +563,7 @@ Args:
"selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
- "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. For a detailed description of session affinity options, see: [Session affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity). Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity).
"subsetting": { # Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
"policy": "A String",
@@ -609,7 +633,7 @@ Returns:
project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
region: string, Name of the region scoping this request. (required)
- filter: string, A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, or `<`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
+ filter: string, A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify the field name, an operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=` or `:`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. The `:` operator can be used with string fields to match substrings. For non-string fields it is equivalent to the `=` operator. The `:*` comparison can be used to test whether a key has been defined. For example, to find all objects with `owner` label use: ``` labels.owner:* ``` You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ```
maxResults: integer, The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
orderBy: string, Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
pageToken: string, Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
@@ -651,6 +675,12 @@ Returns:
"cacheKeyPolicy": { # Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN. # The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.
"includeHost": True or False, # If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.
+ "includeHttpHeaders": [ # Allows HTTP request headers (by name) to be used in the cache key.
+ "A String",
+ ],
+ "includeNamedCookies": [ # Allows HTTP cookies (by name) to be used in the cache key. The name=value pair will be used in the cache key Cloud CDN generates.
+ "A String",
+ ],
"includeProtocol": True or False, # If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.
"includeQueryString": True or False, # If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.
"queryStringBlacklist": [ # Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.
@@ -661,7 +691,7 @@ Returns:
"cacheMode": "A String", # Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
- "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 86400s (1 day).
+ "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year).
"defaultTtl": 42, # Specifies the default TTL for cached content served by this origin for responses that do not have an existing valid TTL (max-age or s-max-age). Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The value of defaultTTL cannot be set to a value greater than that of maxTTL, but can be equal. When the cacheMode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the defaultTTL will overwrite the TTL set in all responses. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"maxTtl": 42, # Specifies the maximum allowed TTL for cached content served by this origin. Cache directives that attempt to set a max-age or s-maxage higher than this, or an Expires header more than maxTTL seconds in the future will be capped at the value of maxTTL, as if it were the value of an s-maxage Cache-Control directive. Headers sent to the client will not be modified. Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"negativeCaching": True or False, # Negative caching allows per-status code TTLs to be set, in order to apply fine-grained caching for common errors or redirects. This can reduce the load on your origin and improve end-user experience by reducing response latency. When the cache mode is set to CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS, negative caching applies to responses with the specified response code that lack any Cache-Control, Expires, or Pragma: no-cache directives. When the cache mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, negative caching applies to all responses with the specified response code, and override any caching headers. By default, Cloud CDN will apply the following default TTLs to these status codes: HTTP 300 (Multiple Choice), 301, 308 (Permanent Redirects): 10m HTTP 404 (Not Found), 410 (Gone), 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): 120s HTTP 405 (Method Not Found), 421 (Misdirected Request), 501 (Not Implemented): 60s. These defaults can be overridden in negative_caching_policy.
@@ -688,8 +718,13 @@ Returns:
"connectionDraining": { # Message containing connection draining configuration.
"drainingTimeoutSec": 42, # Configures a duration timeout for existing requests on a removed backend instance. For supported load balancers and protocols, as described in Enabling connection draining.
- "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
- "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE.
+ "connectionTrackingPolicy": { # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. Connection tracking policy settings are only available for Network Load Balancing and Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
+ "connectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends": "A String", # Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#connection-persistence) and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#connection-persistence).
+ "idleTimeoutSec": 42, # Specifies how long to keep a Connection Tracking entry while there is no matching traffic (in seconds). For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing: - The minimum (default) is 10 minutes and the maximum is 16 hours. - It can be set only if Connection Tracking is less than 5-tuple (i.e. Session Affinity is CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and Tracking Mode is PER_SESSION). For Network Load Balancer the default is 60 seconds. This option is not available publicly.
+ "trackingMode": "A String", # Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#tracking-mode) and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#tracking-mode).
+ },
+ "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
+ "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"name": "A String", # Name of the cookie.
"path": "A String", # Path to set for the cookie.
"ttl": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Lifetime of the cookie.
@@ -708,11 +743,12 @@ Returns:
"A String",
"description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
+ "edgeSecurityPolicy": "A String", # [Output Only] The resource URL for the edge security policy associated with this backend service.
"enableCDN": True or False, # If true, enables Cloud CDN for the backend service of an external HTTP(S) load balancer.
- "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"disableConnectionDrainOnFailover": True or False, # This can be set to true only if the protocol is TCP. The default is false.
- "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
- "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
+ "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the BackendService, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a BackendService.
"healthChecks": [ # The list of URLs to the healthChecks, httpHealthChecks (legacy), or httpsHealthChecks (legacy) resource for health checking this backend service. Not all backend services support legacy health checks. See Load balancer guide. Currently, at most one health check can be specified for each backend service. Backend services with instance group or zonal NEG backends must have a health check. Backend services with internet or serverless NEG backends must not have a health check.
@@ -727,7 +763,7 @@ Returns:
"id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
"kind": "compute#backendService", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.
"loadBalancingScheme": "A String", # Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
- "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only the default ROUND_ROBIN policy is supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"logConfig": { # The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. # This field denotes the logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
"enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
"sampleRate": 3.14, # This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend service. The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. This configures the sampling rate of requests to the load balancer where 1.0 means all logged requests are reported and 0.0 means no logged requests are reported. The default value is 1.0.
@@ -769,7 +805,7 @@ Returns:
"selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
- "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. For a detailed description of session affinity options, see: [Session affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity). Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity).
"subsetting": { # Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
"policy": "A String",
@@ -843,6 +879,12 @@ Args:
"cacheKeyPolicy": { # Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN. # The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.
"includeHost": True or False, # If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.
+ "includeHttpHeaders": [ # Allows HTTP request headers (by name) to be used in the cache key.
+ "A String",
+ ],
+ "includeNamedCookies": [ # Allows HTTP cookies (by name) to be used in the cache key. The name=value pair will be used in the cache key Cloud CDN generates.
+ "A String",
+ ],
"includeProtocol": True or False, # If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.
"includeQueryString": True or False, # If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.
"queryStringBlacklist": [ # Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.
@@ -853,7 +895,7 @@ Args:
"cacheMode": "A String", # Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
- "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 86400s (1 day).
+ "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year).
"defaultTtl": 42, # Specifies the default TTL for cached content served by this origin for responses that do not have an existing valid TTL (max-age or s-max-age). Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The value of defaultTTL cannot be set to a value greater than that of maxTTL, but can be equal. When the cacheMode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the defaultTTL will overwrite the TTL set in all responses. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"maxTtl": 42, # Specifies the maximum allowed TTL for cached content served by this origin. Cache directives that attempt to set a max-age or s-maxage higher than this, or an Expires header more than maxTTL seconds in the future will be capped at the value of maxTTL, as if it were the value of an s-maxage Cache-Control directive. Headers sent to the client will not be modified. Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"negativeCaching": True or False, # Negative caching allows per-status code TTLs to be set, in order to apply fine-grained caching for common errors or redirects. This can reduce the load on your origin and improve end-user experience by reducing response latency. When the cache mode is set to CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS, negative caching applies to responses with the specified response code that lack any Cache-Control, Expires, or Pragma: no-cache directives. When the cache mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, negative caching applies to all responses with the specified response code, and override any caching headers. By default, Cloud CDN will apply the following default TTLs to these status codes: HTTP 300 (Multiple Choice), 301, 308 (Permanent Redirects): 10m HTTP 404 (Not Found), 410 (Gone), 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): 120s HTTP 405 (Method Not Found), 421 (Misdirected Request), 501 (Not Implemented): 60s. These defaults can be overridden in negative_caching_policy.
@@ -880,8 +922,13 @@ Args:
"connectionDraining": { # Message containing connection draining configuration.
"drainingTimeoutSec": 42, # Configures a duration timeout for existing requests on a removed backend instance. For supported load balancers and protocols, as described in Enabling connection draining.
- "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
- "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE.
+ "connectionTrackingPolicy": { # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. Connection tracking policy settings are only available for Network Load Balancing and Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
+ "connectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends": "A String", # Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#connection-persistence) and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#connection-persistence).
+ "idleTimeoutSec": 42, # Specifies how long to keep a Connection Tracking entry while there is no matching traffic (in seconds). For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing: - The minimum (default) is 10 minutes and the maximum is 16 hours. - It can be set only if Connection Tracking is less than 5-tuple (i.e. Session Affinity is CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and Tracking Mode is PER_SESSION). For Network Load Balancer the default is 60 seconds. This option is not available publicly.
+ "trackingMode": "A String", # Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#tracking-mode) and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#tracking-mode).
+ },
+ "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
+ "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"name": "A String", # Name of the cookie.
"path": "A String", # Path to set for the cookie.
"ttl": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Lifetime of the cookie.
@@ -900,11 +947,12 @@ Args:
"A String",
"description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
+ "edgeSecurityPolicy": "A String", # [Output Only] The resource URL for the edge security policy associated with this backend service.
"enableCDN": True or False, # If true, enables Cloud CDN for the backend service of an external HTTP(S) load balancer.
- "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"disableConnectionDrainOnFailover": True or False, # This can be set to true only if the protocol is TCP. The default is false.
- "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
- "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
+ "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the BackendService, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a BackendService.
"healthChecks": [ # The list of URLs to the healthChecks, httpHealthChecks (legacy), or httpsHealthChecks (legacy) resource for health checking this backend service. Not all backend services support legacy health checks. See Load balancer guide. Currently, at most one health check can be specified for each backend service. Backend services with instance group or zonal NEG backends must have a health check. Backend services with internet or serverless NEG backends must not have a health check.
@@ -919,7 +967,7 @@ Args:
"id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
"kind": "compute#backendService", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.
"loadBalancingScheme": "A String", # Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
- "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only the default ROUND_ROBIN policy is supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"logConfig": { # The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. # This field denotes the logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
"enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
"sampleRate": 3.14, # This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend service. The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. This configures the sampling rate of requests to the load balancer where 1.0 means all logged requests are reported and 0.0 means no logged requests are reported. The default value is 1.0.
@@ -961,7 +1009,7 @@ Args:
"selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
- "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. For a detailed description of session affinity options, see: [Session affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity). Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity).
"subsetting": { # Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
"policy": "A String",
@@ -1061,6 +1109,12 @@ Args:
"cacheKeyPolicy": { # Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN. # The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.
"includeHost": True or False, # If true, requests to different hosts will be cached separately.
+ "includeHttpHeaders": [ # Allows HTTP request headers (by name) to be used in the cache key.
+ "A String",
+ ],
+ "includeNamedCookies": [ # Allows HTTP cookies (by name) to be used in the cache key. The name=value pair will be used in the cache key Cloud CDN generates.
+ "A String",
+ ],
"includeProtocol": True or False, # If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.
"includeQueryString": True or False, # If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.
"queryStringBlacklist": [ # Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.
@@ -1071,7 +1125,7 @@ Args:
"cacheMode": "A String", # Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
- "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 86400s (1 day).
+ "clientTtl": 42, # Specifies a separate client (e.g. browser client) maximum TTL. This is used to clamp the max-age (or Expires) value sent to the client. With FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the lesser of client_ttl and default_ttl is used for the response max-age directive, along with a "public" directive. For cacheable content in CACHE_ALL_STATIC mode, client_ttl clamps the max-age from the origin (if specified), or else sets the response max-age directive to the lesser of the client_ttl and default_ttl, and also ensures a "public" cache-control directive is present. If a client TTL is not specified, a default value (1 hour) will be used. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year).
"defaultTtl": 42, # Specifies the default TTL for cached content served by this origin for responses that do not have an existing valid TTL (max-age or s-max-age). Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The value of defaultTTL cannot be set to a value greater than that of maxTTL, but can be equal. When the cacheMode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, the defaultTTL will overwrite the TTL set in all responses. The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"maxTtl": 42, # Specifies the maximum allowed TTL for cached content served by this origin. Cache directives that attempt to set a max-age or s-maxage higher than this, or an Expires header more than maxTTL seconds in the future will be capped at the value of maxTTL, as if it were the value of an s-maxage Cache-Control directive. Headers sent to the client will not be modified. Setting a TTL of "0" means "always revalidate". The maximum allowed value is 31,622,400s (1 year), noting that infrequently accessed objects may be evicted from the cache before the defined TTL.
"negativeCaching": True or False, # Negative caching allows per-status code TTLs to be set, in order to apply fine-grained caching for common errors or redirects. This can reduce the load on your origin and improve end-user experience by reducing response latency. When the cache mode is set to CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS, negative caching applies to responses with the specified response code that lack any Cache-Control, Expires, or Pragma: no-cache directives. When the cache mode is set to FORCE_CACHE_ALL, negative caching applies to all responses with the specified response code, and override any caching headers. By default, Cloud CDN will apply the following default TTLs to these status codes: HTTP 300 (Multiple Choice), 301, 308 (Permanent Redirects): 10m HTTP 404 (Not Found), 410 (Gone), 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): 120s HTTP 405 (Method Not Found), 421 (Misdirected Request), 501 (Not Implemented): 60s. These defaults can be overridden in negative_caching_policy.
@@ -1098,8 +1152,13 @@ Args:
"connectionDraining": { # Message containing connection draining configuration.
"drainingTimeoutSec": 42, # Configures a duration timeout for existing requests on a removed backend instance. For supported load balancers and protocols, as described in Enabling connection draining.
- "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
- "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE.
+ "connectionTrackingPolicy": { # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. # Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService. Connection tracking policy settings are only available for Network Load Balancing and Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing.
+ "connectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends": "A String", # Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#connection-persistence) and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#connection-persistence).
+ "idleTimeoutSec": 42, # Specifies how long to keep a Connection Tracking entry while there is no matching traffic (in seconds). For Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing: - The minimum (default) is 10 minutes and the maximum is 16 hours. - It can be set only if Connection Tracking is less than 5-tuple (i.e. Session Affinity is CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION, CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and Tracking Mode is PER_SESSION). For Network Load Balancer the default is 60 seconds. This option is not available publicly.
+ "trackingMode": "A String", # Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-backend-service#tracking-mode) and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal#tracking-mode).
+ },
+ "consistentHash": { # This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer. # Consistent Hash-based load balancing can be used to provide soft session affinity based on HTTP headers, cookies or other properties. This load balancing policy is applicable only for HTTP connections. The affinity to a particular destination host will be lost when one or more hosts are added/removed from the destination service. This field specifies parameters that control consistent hashing. This field is only applicable when localityLbPolicy is set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH. This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
+ "httpCookie": { # The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash. # Hash is based on HTTP Cookie. This field describes a HTTP cookie that will be used as the hash key for the consistent hash load balancer. If the cookie is not present, it will be generated. This field is applicable if the sessionAffinity is set to HTTP_COOKIE. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"name": "A String", # Name of the cookie.
"path": "A String", # Path to set for the cookie.
"ttl": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Lifetime of the cookie.
@@ -1118,11 +1177,12 @@ Args:
"A String",
"description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
+ "edgeSecurityPolicy": "A String", # [Output Only] The resource URL for the edge security policy associated with this backend service.
"enableCDN": True or False, # If true, enables Cloud CDN for the backend service of an external HTTP(S) load balancer.
- "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "failoverPolicy": { # For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes). # Requires at least one backend instance group to be defined as a backup (failover) backend. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"disableConnectionDrainOnFailover": True or False, # This can be set to true only if the protocol is TCP. The default is false.
- "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
- "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](/network/networklb-failover-overview).
+ "dropTrafficIfUnhealthy": True or False, # If set to true, connections to the load balancer are dropped when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy.If set to false, connections are distributed among all primary VMs when all primary and all backup backend VMs are unhealthy. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview). The default is false.
+ "failoverRatio": 3.14, # The value of the field must be in the range [0, 1]. If the value is 0, the load balancer performs a failover when the number of healthy primary VMs equals zero. For all other values, the load balancer performs a failover when the total number of healthy primary VMs is less than this ratio. For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/internal/failover-overview) and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/network/networklb-failover-overview).
"fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of this resource. A hash of the contents stored in this object. This field is used in optimistic locking. This field will be ignored when inserting a BackendService. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the BackendService, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a BackendService.
"healthChecks": [ # The list of URLs to the healthChecks, httpHealthChecks (legacy), or httpsHealthChecks (legacy) resource for health checking this backend service. Not all backend services support legacy health checks. See Load balancer guide. Currently, at most one health check can be specified for each backend service. Backend services with instance group or zonal NEG backends must have a health check. Backend services with internet or serverless NEG backends must not have a health check.
@@ -1137,7 +1197,7 @@ Args:
"id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
"kind": "compute#backendService", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#backendService for backend services.
"loadBalancingScheme": "A String", # Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
- "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only the default ROUND_ROBIN policy is supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "localityLbPolicy": "A String", # The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub44824 This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
"logConfig": { # The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. # This field denotes the logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
"enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
"sampleRate": 3.14, # This field can only be specified if logging is enabled for this backend service. The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. This configures the sampling rate of requests to the load balancer where 1.0 means all logged requests are reported and 0.0 means no logged requests are reported. The default value is 1.0.
@@ -1179,7 +1239,7 @@ Args:
"selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
- "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. For a detailed description of session affinity options, see: [Session affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity). Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
+ "sessionAffinity": "A String", # Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#session_affinity).
"subsetting": { # Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
"policy": "A String",