How to Contribute ================= We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are a few guidelines described in our `Contribution Guide `__ that you need to follow. To summarize here: when contributing, please: * Sign Contributor License Agreement * Before making changes, file an issue * Fork this repository and use github pull requests for all submissions * Follow `Contributor Code of Conduct `__ and `Community Guidelines `__ * Follow `Google Python Style Guide `__ and `this commit authoring style `__ * Don't forget to write tests and update documentation! Setup Notes ----------- Please follow these steps after forking and cloning the repository to make sure you can modify code and run tests with confidence:: # From the root dir of the cloned repository: # Create Virtual Environment called env (you may choose your own name) python3 -m venv env # Activate virtual environment source env/bin/activate # Install this library as editable install # (see python3 -m pip install -e . # Install nox python3 -m pip install nox We use `nox `__ to instrument our tests. To test your changes, run unit tests with ``nox``:: # Run tests for all supported versions of Python and oauth2client: nox # Run tests for Python 3.7: nox -s unit-3.7 # Run lint nox -s lint .. note:: The unit tests and system tests are described in the ```` file in this directory. Nox will automatically handle constriction of new virtual environments and installation of the required test dependencies. For more information about Nox, including command-line usage, consult `nox documentation `__.