path: root/google/oauth2/id_token.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'google/oauth2/id_token.py')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/oauth2/id_token.py b/google/oauth2/id_token.py
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+++ b/google/oauth2/id_token.py
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+# Copyright 2016 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Google ID Token helpers.
+Provides support for verifying `OpenID Connect ID Tokens`_, especially ones
+generated by Google infrastructure.
+To parse and verify an ID Token issued by Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization
+server use :func:`verify_oauth2_token`. To verify an ID Token issued by
+Firebase, use :func:`verify_firebase_token`.
+A general purpose ID Token verifier is available as :func:`verify_token`.
+ from google.oauth2 import id_token
+ from google.auth.transport import requests
+ request = requests.Request()
+ id_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(
+ token, request, 'my-client-id.example.com')
+ userid = id_info['sub']
+By default, this will re-fetch certificates for each verification. Because
+Google's public keys are only changed infrequently (on the order of once per
+day), you may wish to take advantage of caching to reduce latency and the
+potential for network errors. This can be accomplished using an external
+library like `CacheControl`_ to create a cache-aware
+ import cachecontrol
+ import google.auth.transport.requests
+ import requests
+ session = requests.session()
+ cached_session = cachecontrol.CacheControl(session)
+ request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request(session=cached_session)
+.. _OpenID Connect ID Tokens:
+ http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken
+.. _CacheControl: https://cachecontrol.readthedocs.io
+import json
+import os
+import six
+from six.moves import http_client
+from google.auth import environment_vars
+from google.auth import exceptions
+from google.auth import jwt
+import google.auth.transport.requests
+# The URL that provides public certificates for verifying ID tokens issued
+# by Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
+_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CERTS_URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs"
+# The URL that provides public certificates for verifying ID tokens issued
+# by Firebase and the Google APIs infrastructure
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509"
+ "/securetoken@system.gserviceaccount.com"
+_GOOGLE_ISSUERS = ["accounts.google.com", "https://accounts.google.com"]
+def _fetch_certs(request, certs_url):
+ """Fetches certificates.
+ Google-style cerificate endpoints return JSON in the format of
+ ``{'key id': 'x509 certificate'}``.
+ Args:
+ request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
+ HTTP requests.
+ certs_url (str): The certificate endpoint URL.
+ Returns:
+ Mapping[str, str]: A mapping of public key ID to x.509 certificate
+ data.
+ """
+ response = request(certs_url, method="GET")
+ if response.status != http_client.OK:
+ raise exceptions.TransportError(
+ "Could not fetch certificates at {}".format(certs_url)
+ )
+ return json.loads(response.data.decode("utf-8"))
+def verify_token(
+ id_token,
+ request,
+ audience=None,
+ clock_skew_in_seconds=0,
+ """Verifies an ID token and returns the decoded token.
+ Args:
+ id_token (Union[str, bytes]): The encoded token.
+ request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
+ HTTP requests.
+ audience (str or list): The audience or audiences that this token is
+ intended for. If None then the audience is not verified.
+ certs_url (str): The URL that specifies the certificates to use to
+ verify the token. This URL should return JSON in the format of
+ ``{'key id': 'x509 certificate'}``.
+ clock_skew_in_seconds (int): The clock skew used for `iat` and `exp`
+ validation.
+ Returns:
+ Mapping[str, Any]: The decoded token.
+ """
+ certs = _fetch_certs(request, certs_url)
+ return jwt.decode(
+ id_token,
+ certs=certs,
+ audience=audience,
+ clock_skew_in_seconds=clock_skew_in_seconds,
+ )
+def verify_oauth2_token(id_token, request, audience=None, clock_skew_in_seconds=0):
+ """Verifies an ID Token issued by Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
+ Args:
+ id_token (Union[str, bytes]): The encoded token.
+ request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
+ HTTP requests.
+ audience (str): The audience that this token is intended for. This is
+ typically your application's OAuth 2.0 client ID. If None then the
+ audience is not verified.
+ clock_skew_in_seconds (int): The clock skew used for `iat` and `exp`
+ validation.
+ Returns:
+ Mapping[str, Any]: The decoded token.
+ Raises:
+ exceptions.GoogleAuthError: If the issuer is invalid.
+ """
+ idinfo = verify_token(
+ id_token,
+ request,
+ audience=audience,
+ clock_skew_in_seconds=clock_skew_in_seconds,
+ )
+ if idinfo["iss"] not in _GOOGLE_ISSUERS:
+ raise exceptions.GoogleAuthError(
+ "Wrong issuer. 'iss' should be one of the following: {}".format(
+ )
+ )
+ return idinfo
+def verify_firebase_token(id_token, request, audience=None, clock_skew_in_seconds=0):
+ """Verifies an ID Token issued by Firebase Authentication.
+ Args:
+ id_token (Union[str, bytes]): The encoded token.
+ request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
+ HTTP requests.
+ audience (str): The audience that this token is intended for. This is
+ typically your Firebase application ID. If None then the audience
+ is not verified.
+ clock_skew_in_seconds (int): The clock skew used for `iat` and `exp`
+ validation.
+ Returns:
+ Mapping[str, Any]: The decoded token.
+ """
+ return verify_token(
+ id_token,
+ request,
+ audience=audience,
+ clock_skew_in_seconds=clock_skew_in_seconds,
+ )
+def fetch_id_token_credentials(audience, request=None):
+ """Create the ID Token credentials from the current environment.
+ This function acquires ID token from the environment in the following order.
+ See https://google.aip.dev/auth/4110.
+ 1. If the environment variable ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` is set
+ to the path of a valid service account JSON file, then ID token is
+ acquired using this service account credentials.
+ 2. If the application is running in Compute Engine, App Engine or Cloud Run,
+ then the ID token are obtained from the metadata server.
+ 3. If metadata server doesn't exist and no valid service account credentials
+ are found, :class:`~google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError` will
+ be raised.
+ Example::
+ import google.oauth2.id_token
+ import google.auth.transport.requests
+ request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
+ target_audience = "https://pubsub.googleapis.com"
+ # Create ID token credentials.
+ credentials = google.oauth2.id_token.fetch_id_token_credentials(target_audience, request=request)
+ # Refresh the credential to obtain an ID token.
+ credentials.refresh(request)
+ id_token = credentials.token
+ id_token_expiry = credentials.expiry
+ Args:
+ audience (str): The audience that this ID token is intended for.
+ request (Optional[google.auth.transport.Request]): A callable used to make
+ HTTP requests. A request object will be created if not provided.
+ Returns:
+ google.auth.credentials.Credentials: The ID token credentials.
+ Raises:
+ ~google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError:
+ If metadata server doesn't exist and no valid service account
+ credentials are found.
+ """
+ # 1. Try to get credentials from the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment
+ # variable.
+ credentials_filename = os.environ.get(environment_vars.CREDENTIALS)
+ if credentials_filename:
+ if not (
+ os.path.exists(credentials_filename)
+ and os.path.isfile(credentials_filename)
+ ):
+ raise exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError(
+ "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path is either not found or invalid."
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(credentials_filename, "r") as f:
+ from google.oauth2 import service_account
+ info = json.load(f)
+ if info.get("type") == "service_account":
+ return service_account.IDTokenCredentials.from_service_account_info(
+ info, target_audience=audience
+ )
+ except ValueError as caught_exc:
+ new_exc = exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError(
+ "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is not valid service account credentials.",
+ caught_exc,
+ )
+ six.raise_from(new_exc, caught_exc)
+ # 2. Try to fetch ID token from metada server if it exists. The code
+ # works for GAE and Cloud Run metadata server as well.
+ try:
+ from google.auth import compute_engine
+ from google.auth.compute_engine import _metadata
+ # Create a request object if not provided.
+ if not request:
+ request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
+ if _metadata.ping(request):
+ return compute_engine.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request, audience, use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ except (ImportError, exceptions.TransportError):
+ pass
+ raise exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError(
+ "Neither metadata server or valid service account credentials are found."
+ )
+def fetch_id_token(request, audience):
+ """Fetch the ID Token from the current environment.
+ This function acquires ID token from the environment in the following order.
+ See https://google.aip.dev/auth/4110.
+ 1. If the environment variable ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` is set
+ to the path of a valid service account JSON file, then ID token is
+ acquired using this service account credentials.
+ 2. If the application is running in Compute Engine, App Engine or Cloud Run,
+ then the ID token are obtained from the metadata server.
+ 3. If metadata server doesn't exist and no valid service account credentials
+ are found, :class:`~google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError` will
+ be raised.
+ Example::
+ import google.oauth2.id_token
+ import google.auth.transport.requests
+ request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
+ target_audience = "https://pubsub.googleapis.com"
+ id_token = google.oauth2.id_token.fetch_id_token(request, target_audience)
+ Args:
+ request (google.auth.transport.Request): A callable used to make
+ HTTP requests.
+ audience (str): The audience that this ID token is intended for.
+ Returns:
+ str: The ID token.
+ Raises:
+ ~google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError:
+ If metadata server doesn't exist and no valid service account
+ credentials are found.
+ """
+ id_token_credentials = fetch_id_token_credentials(audience, request=request)
+ id_token_credentials.refresh(request)
+ return id_token_credentials.token