path: root/tests/compute_engine/test_credentials.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/compute_engine/test_credentials.py')
1 files changed, 798 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/compute_engine/test_credentials.py b/tests/compute_engine/test_credentials.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cc6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/compute_engine/test_credentials.py
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import base64
+import datetime
+import mock
+import pytest
+import responses
+from google.auth import _helpers
+from google.auth import exceptions
+from google.auth import jwt
+from google.auth import transport
+from google.auth.compute_engine import credentials
+from google.auth.transport import requests
+SAMPLE_ID_TOKEN_EXP = 1584393400
+# header: {"alg": "RS256", "typ": "JWT", "kid": "1"}
+# payload: {"iss": "issuer", "iat": 1584393348, "sub": "subject",
+# "exp": 1584393400,"aud": "audience"}
+ b"eyJhbGciOiAiUlMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJraWQiOiAiMSJ9."
+ b"eyJpc3MiOiAiaXNzdWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE1ODQzOTMzNDgsICJzdWIiO"
+ b"iAic3ViamVjdCIsICJleHAiOiAxNTg0MzkzNDAwLCAiYXVkIjogImF1ZG"
+ b"llbmNlIn0."
+ b"OquNjHKhTmlgCk361omRo18F_uY-7y0f_AmLbzW062Q1Zr61HAwHYP5FM"
+ b"316CK4_0cH8MUNGASsvZc3VqXAqub6PUTfhemH8pFEwBdAdG0LhrNkU0H"
+ b"WN1YpT55IiQ31esLdL5q-qDsOPpNZJUti1y1lAreM5nIn2srdWzGXGs4i"
+ b"TRQsn0XkNUCL4RErpciXmjfhMrPkcAjKA-mXQm2fa4jmTlEZFqFmUlym1"
+ b"ozJ0yf5grjN6AslN4OGvAv1pS-_Ko_pGBS6IQtSBC6vVKCUuBfaqNjykg"
+ b"bsxbLa6Fp0SYeYwO8ifEnkRvasVpc1WTQqfRB2JCj5pTBDzJpIpFCMmnQ"
+class TestCredentials(object):
+ credentials = None
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def credentials_fixture(self):
+ self.credentials = credentials.Credentials()
+ def test_default_state(self):
+ assert not self.credentials.valid
+ # Expiration hasn't been set yet
+ assert not self.credentials.expired
+ # Scopes are needed
+ assert self.credentials.requires_scopes
+ # Service account email hasn't been populated
+ assert self.credentials.service_account_email == "default"
+ # No quota project
+ assert not self.credentials._quota_project_id
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.min + _helpers.REFRESH_THRESHOLD,
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_refresh_success(self, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {
+ # First request is for sevice account info.
+ "email": "service-account@example.com",
+ "scopes": ["one", "two"],
+ },
+ {
+ # Second request is for the token.
+ "access_token": "token",
+ "expires_in": 500,
+ },
+ ]
+ # Refresh credentials
+ self.credentials.refresh(None)
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert self.credentials.token == "token"
+ assert self.credentials.expiry == (utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=500))
+ # Check the credential info
+ assert self.credentials.service_account_email == "service-account@example.com"
+ assert self.credentials._scopes == ["one", "two"]
+ # Check that the credentials are valid (have a token and are not
+ # expired)
+ assert self.credentials.valid
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.min + _helpers.REFRESH_THRESHOLD,
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_refresh_success_with_scopes(self, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {
+ # First request is for sevice account info.
+ "email": "service-account@example.com",
+ "scopes": ["one", "two"],
+ },
+ {
+ # Second request is for the token.
+ "access_token": "token",
+ "expires_in": 500,
+ },
+ ]
+ # Refresh credentials
+ scopes = ["three", "four"]
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_scopes(scopes)
+ self.credentials.refresh(None)
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert self.credentials.token == "token"
+ assert self.credentials.expiry == (utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=500))
+ # Check the credential info
+ assert self.credentials.service_account_email == "service-account@example.com"
+ assert self.credentials._scopes == scopes
+ # Check that the credentials are valid (have a token and are not
+ # expired)
+ assert self.credentials.valid
+ kwargs = get.call_args[1]
+ assert kwargs == {"params": {"scopes": "three,four"}}
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_refresh_error(self, get):
+ get.side_effect = exceptions.TransportError("http error")
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RefreshError) as excinfo:
+ self.credentials.refresh(None)
+ assert excinfo.match(r"http error")
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_before_request_refreshes(self, get):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {
+ # First request is for sevice account info.
+ "email": "service-account@example.com",
+ "scopes": "one two",
+ },
+ {
+ # Second request is for the token.
+ "access_token": "token",
+ "expires_in": 500,
+ },
+ ]
+ # Credentials should start as invalid
+ assert not self.credentials.valid
+ # before_request should cause a refresh
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials.before_request(request, "GET", "http://example.com?a=1#3", {})
+ # The refresh endpoint should've been called.
+ assert get.called
+ # Credentials should now be valid.
+ assert self.credentials.valid
+ def test_with_quota_project(self):
+ quota_project_creds = self.credentials.with_quota_project("project-foo")
+ assert quota_project_creds._quota_project_id == "project-foo"
+ def test_with_scopes(self):
+ assert self.credentials._scopes is None
+ scopes = ["one", "two"]
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_scopes(scopes)
+ assert self.credentials._scopes == scopes
+class TestIDTokenCredentials(object):
+ credentials = None
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_default_state(self, get):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scope": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://example.com"
+ )
+ assert not self.credentials.valid
+ # Expiration hasn't been set yet
+ assert not self.credentials.expired
+ # Service account email hasn't been populated
+ assert self.credentials.service_account_email == "service-account@example.com"
+ # Signer is initialized
+ assert self.credentials.signer
+ assert self.credentials.signer_email == "service-account@example.com"
+ # No quota project
+ assert not self.credentials._quota_project_id
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_make_authorization_grant_assertion(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ token = self.credentials._make_authorization_grant_assertion()
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert token.endswith(b".c2lnbmF0dXJl")
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert payload == {
+ "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ "exp": 3600,
+ "iat": 0,
+ "iss": "service-account@example.com",
+ "target_audience": "https://audience.com",
+ }
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_with_service_account(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request,
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ service_account_email="service-account@other.com",
+ )
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ token = self.credentials._make_authorization_grant_assertion()
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert token.endswith(b".c2lnbmF0dXJl")
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert payload == {
+ "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ "exp": 3600,
+ "iat": 0,
+ "iss": "service-account@other.com",
+ "target_audience": "https://audience.com",
+ }
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_additional_claims(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request,
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ additional_claims={"foo": "bar"},
+ )
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ token = self.credentials._make_authorization_grant_assertion()
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert token.endswith(b".c2lnbmF0dXJl")
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert payload == {
+ "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ "exp": 3600,
+ "iat": 0,
+ "iss": "service-account@example.com",
+ "target_audience": "https://audience.com",
+ "foo": "bar",
+ }
+ def test_token_uri(self):
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request,
+ signer=mock.Mock(),
+ service_account_email="foo@example.com",
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ )
+ assert self.credentials._token_uri == credentials._DEFAULT_TOKEN_URI
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request,
+ signer=mock.Mock(),
+ service_account_email="foo@example.com",
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ token_uri="https://example.com/token",
+ )
+ assert self.credentials._token_uri == "https://example.com/token"
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_with_target_audience(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_target_audience("https://actually.not")
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ token = self.credentials._make_authorization_grant_assertion()
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert token.endswith(b".c2lnbmF0dXJl")
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert payload == {
+ "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ "exp": 3600,
+ "iat": 0,
+ "iss": "service-account@example.com",
+ "target_audience": "https://actually.not",
+ }
+ # Check that the signer have been initialized with a Request object
+ assert isinstance(self.credentials._signer._request, transport.Request)
+ @responses.activate
+ def test_with_target_audience_integration(self):
+ """ Test that it is possible to refresh credentials
+ generated from `with_target_audience`.
+ Instead of mocking the methods, the HTTP responses
+ have been mocked.
+ """
+ # mock information about credentials
+ responses.add(
+ responses.GET,
+ "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/"
+ "service-accounts/default/?recursive=true",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={
+ "scopes": "email",
+ "email": "service-account@example.com",
+ "aliases": ["default"],
+ },
+ )
+ # mock token for credentials
+ responses.add(
+ responses.GET,
+ "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/"
+ "service-accounts/service-account@example.com/token",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={
+ "access_token": "some-token",
+ "expires_in": 3210,
+ "token_type": "Bearer",
+ },
+ )
+ # mock sign blob endpoint
+ signature = base64.b64encode(b"some-signature").decode("utf-8")
+ responses.add(
+ responses.POST,
+ "https://iamcredentials.googleapis.com/v1/projects/-/"
+ "serviceAccounts/service-account@example.com:signBlob?alt=json",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={"keyId": "some-key-id", "signedBlob": signature},
+ )
+ id_token = "{}.{}.{}".format(
+ base64.b64encode(b'{"some":"some"}').decode("utf-8"),
+ base64.b64encode(b'{"exp": 3210}').decode("utf-8"),
+ base64.b64encode(b"token").decode("utf-8"),
+ )
+ # mock id token endpoint
+ responses.add(
+ responses.POST,
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={"id_token": id_token, "expiry": 3210},
+ )
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=requests.Request(),
+ service_account_email="service-account@example.com",
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ )
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_target_audience("https://actually.not")
+ self.credentials.refresh(requests.Request())
+ assert self.credentials.token is not None
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_with_quota_project(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_quota_project("project-foo")
+ assert self.credentials._quota_project_id == "project-foo"
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ token = self.credentials._make_authorization_grant_assertion()
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert token.endswith(b".c2lnbmF0dXJl")
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert payload == {
+ "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ "exp": 3600,
+ "iat": 0,
+ "iss": "service-account@example.com",
+ "target_audience": "https://audience.com",
+ }
+ # Check that the signer have been initialized with a Request object
+ assert isinstance(self.credentials._signer._request, transport.Request)
+ @responses.activate
+ def test_with_quota_project_integration(self):
+ """ Test that it is possible to refresh credentials
+ generated from `with_quota_project`.
+ Instead of mocking the methods, the HTTP responses
+ have been mocked.
+ """
+ # mock information about credentials
+ responses.add(
+ responses.GET,
+ "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/"
+ "service-accounts/default/?recursive=true",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={
+ "scopes": "email",
+ "email": "service-account@example.com",
+ "aliases": ["default"],
+ },
+ )
+ # mock token for credentials
+ responses.add(
+ responses.GET,
+ "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/"
+ "service-accounts/service-account@example.com/token",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={
+ "access_token": "some-token",
+ "expires_in": 3210,
+ "token_type": "Bearer",
+ },
+ )
+ # mock sign blob endpoint
+ signature = base64.b64encode(b"some-signature").decode("utf-8")
+ responses.add(
+ responses.POST,
+ "https://iamcredentials.googleapis.com/v1/projects/-/"
+ "serviceAccounts/service-account@example.com:signBlob?alt=json",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={"keyId": "some-key-id", "signedBlob": signature},
+ )
+ id_token = "{}.{}.{}".format(
+ base64.b64encode(b'{"some":"some"}').decode("utf-8"),
+ base64.b64encode(b'{"exp": 3210}').decode("utf-8"),
+ base64.b64encode(b"token").decode("utf-8"),
+ )
+ # mock id token endpoint
+ responses.add(
+ responses.POST,
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
+ status=200,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ json={"id_token": id_token, "expiry": 3210},
+ )
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=requests.Request(),
+ service_account_email="service-account@example.com",
+ target_audience="https://audience.com",
+ )
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.with_quota_project("project-foo")
+ self.credentials.refresh(requests.Request())
+ assert self.credentials.token is not None
+ assert self.credentials._quota_project_id == "project-foo"
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.oauth2._client.id_token_jwt_grant", autospec=True)
+ def test_refresh_success(self, id_token_jwt_grant, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ id_token_jwt_grant.side_effect = [
+ ("idtoken", datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(3600), {})
+ ]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ # Refresh credentials
+ self.credentials.refresh(None)
+ # Check that the credentials have the token and proper expiration
+ assert self.credentials.token == "idtoken"
+ assert self.credentials.expiry == (datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(3600))
+ # Check the credential info
+ assert self.credentials.service_account_email == "service-account@example.com"
+ # Check that the credentials are valid (have a token and are not
+ # expired)
+ assert self.credentials.valid
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_refresh_error(self, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ response = mock.Mock()
+ response.data = b'{"error": "http error"}'
+ response.status = 500
+ request.side_effect = [response]
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RefreshError) as excinfo:
+ self.credentials.refresh(request)
+ assert excinfo.match(r"http error")
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth._helpers.utcnow",
+ return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.oauth2._client.id_token_jwt_grant", autospec=True)
+ def test_before_request_refreshes(self, id_token_jwt_grant, sign, get, utcnow):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": "one two"}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ id_token_jwt_grant.side_effect = [
+ ("idtoken", datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(3600), {})
+ ]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ # Credentials should start as invalid
+ assert not self.credentials.valid
+ # before_request should cause a refresh
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ self.credentials.before_request(request, "GET", "http://example.com?a=1#3", {})
+ # The refresh endpoint should've been called.
+ assert get.called
+ # Credentials should now be valid.
+ assert self.credentials.valid
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.iam.Signer.sign", autospec=True)
+ def test_sign_bytes(self, sign, get):
+ get.side_effect = [
+ {"email": "service-account@example.com", "scopes": ["one", "two"]}
+ ]
+ sign.side_effect = [b"signature"]
+ request = mock.create_autospec(transport.Request, instance=True)
+ response = mock.Mock()
+ response.data = b'{"signature": "c2lnbmF0dXJl"}'
+ response.status = 200
+ request.side_effect = [response]
+ self.credentials = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ request=request, target_audience="https://audience.com"
+ )
+ # Generate authorization grant:
+ signature = self.credentials.sign_bytes(b"some bytes")
+ # The JWT token signature is 'signature' encoded in base 64:
+ assert signature == b"signature"
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get_service_account_info", autospec=True
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_get_id_token_from_metadata(self, get, get_service_account_info):
+ get.return_value = SAMPLE_ID_TOKEN
+ get_service_account_info.return_value = {"email": "foo@example.com"}
+ cred = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(), "audience", use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ cred.refresh(request=mock.Mock())
+ assert cred.token == SAMPLE_ID_TOKEN
+ assert cred.expiry == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(SAMPLE_ID_TOKEN_EXP)
+ assert cred._use_metadata_identity_endpoint
+ assert cred._signer is None
+ assert cred._token_uri is None
+ assert cred._service_account_email == "foo@example.com"
+ assert cred._target_audience == "audience"
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ cred.sign_bytes(b"bytes")
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get_service_account_info", autospec=True
+ )
+ def test_with_target_audience_for_metadata(self, get_service_account_info):
+ get_service_account_info.return_value = {"email": "foo@example.com"}
+ cred = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(), "audience", use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ cred = cred.with_target_audience("new_audience")
+ assert cred._target_audience == "new_audience"
+ assert cred._use_metadata_identity_endpoint
+ assert cred._signer is None
+ assert cred._token_uri is None
+ assert cred._service_account_email == "foo@example.com"
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get_service_account_info", autospec=True
+ )
+ def test_id_token_with_quota_project(self, get_service_account_info):
+ get_service_account_info.return_value = {"email": "foo@example.com"}
+ cred = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(), "audience", use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ cred = cred.with_quota_project("project-foo")
+ assert cred._quota_project_id == "project-foo"
+ assert cred._use_metadata_identity_endpoint
+ assert cred._signer is None
+ assert cred._token_uri is None
+ assert cred._service_account_email == "foo@example.com"
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get_service_account_info", autospec=True
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_invalid_id_token_from_metadata(self, get, get_service_account_info):
+ get.return_value = "invalid_id_token"
+ get_service_account_info.return_value = {"email": "foo@example.com"}
+ cred = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(), "audience", use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ cred.refresh(request=mock.Mock())
+ @mock.patch(
+ "google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get_service_account_info", autospec=True
+ )
+ @mock.patch("google.auth.compute_engine._metadata.get", autospec=True)
+ def test_transport_error_from_metadata(self, get, get_service_account_info):
+ get.side_effect = exceptions.TransportError("transport error")
+ get_service_account_info.return_value = {"email": "foo@example.com"}
+ cred = credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(), "audience", use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RefreshError) as excinfo:
+ cred.refresh(request=mock.Mock())
+ assert excinfo.match(r"transport error")
+ def test_get_id_token_from_metadata_constructor(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(),
+ "audience",
+ use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True,
+ token_uri="token_uri",
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(),
+ "audience",
+ use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True,
+ signer=mock.Mock(),
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(),
+ "audience",
+ use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True,
+ additional_claims={"key", "value"},
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
+ mock.Mock(),
+ "audience",
+ use_metadata_identity_endpoint=True,
+ service_account_email="foo@example.com",
+ )