diff options
authorSergey Shepelev <temotor@gmail.com>2018-03-28 15:28:11 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-03-28 15:28:11 +0300
commit013682ef34f85d711b999eee57b6723bde09a291 (patch)
parentf20cd36c44b75d9206f050304937d5f4d63f5b7a (diff)
automate release process
Release process now: run script/release that's all to remember. In interactive (default) mode it will guide through bumping version number, editing CHANGELOG, creating release commit and tag, answer `n` to "Upload to PyPI" question. - script/release will push new tag to Github - Github will invoke Travis build hook - Travis will build and upload PyPI package, granted all tests pass script/release considers these sources of actual version information: - python3/httplib2/__init__.py:__version__ = 'foobar' - git tag in -auto mode (on Travis) - what user entered in interactive mode Every commit in every branch gets uploaded to Test PyPI, e.g. https://test.pypi.org/project/httplib2/0.11.1.post1803270210/ Every tagged commit in master gets uploaded to Public PyPI. https://github.com/httplib2/httplib2/pull/99
3 files changed, 322 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 66c662e..982dad3 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
sudo: false
language: python
- fast_finish: true
- include:
- - {env: test_group=package, python: 2.7}
- - {env: test_group=package, python: 3.6}
- - {env: test_group=pep8, python: 2.7}
- - {env: test_group=pep8, python: 3.6}
- - {python: 2.7}
- - {python: 3.3}
- - {python: 3.4}
- - {python: 3.5}
- - {python: 3.6}
- - {python: pypy}
apt: true
ccache: true
@@ -22,7 +8,80 @@ cache:
- $HOME/.cache
- - pip install 'pip>=9.0' 'setuptools>=36.2' 'codecov>=2.0.15' -r requirements-test.txt
- - script/test -sv
+ global:
+ - pip_install_common='pip>=9.0 setuptools>=36.2 wheel>=0.30'
+ - 2.7
+ - 3.3
+ - 3.4
+ - 3.5
+ - 3.6
+ - pypy
+ fast_finish: true
+install: pip install $pip_install_common 'codecov>=2.0.15' -r requirements-test.txt
+script: script/test -sv && codecov
+ - test
+ - release
+ include:
+ - stage: test
+ env: _=py2-pep8
+ python: 2.7
+ install: pip install -r requirements-test.txt
+ script: test_group=pep8 script/test
+ - stage: test
+ env: _=py3-pep8
+ python: 3.6
+ install: pip install -r requirements-test.txt
+ script: test_group=pep8 script/test
+ - stage: test
+ env: _=py2-package
+ python: 2.7
+ install: pip install $pip_install_common
+ script: test_group=package script/test
+ - stage: test
+ env: _=py3-package
+ python: 3.6
+ install: pip install $pip_install_common
+ script: test_group=package script/test
+ - stage: release
+ env: _=pypi-upload-test
+ python: 3.6
+ install: pip install $pip_install_common
+ script: script/release -auto
+ deploy:
+ provider: pypi
+ server: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
+ user: httplib2.release.test
+ password:
+ secure: "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"
+ # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
+ # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
+ distributions: "sdist"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ on:
+ repo: httplib2/httplib2
+ all_branches: true
+ - stage: release
+ if: (branch = master) AND (tag IS present)
+ env: _=pypi-upload-public
+ python: 3.6
+ install: pip install $pip_install_common
+ script: script/release -auto
+ deploy:
+ provider: pypi
+ user: httplib2.release
+ password:
+ secure: "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"
+ # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
+ # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
+ distributions: "sdist"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ on:
+ repo: httplib2/httplib2
+ branch: master
+ tags: true
diff --git a/script/release b/script/release
index 76d3dc5..556fc84 100755
--- a/script/release
+++ b/script/release
@@ -6,25 +6,79 @@ version=
main() {
+ local opt_auto=0
+ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
+ case $1 in
+ -auto)
+ opt_auto=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 [-auto]" >&2
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [[ "$opt_auto" -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ auto_prepare_release
+ else
+ interactive
+ fi
+auto_prepare_release() {
+ echo 'script/release: auto mode for CI, will check or modify version based on tag' >&2
+ assert_tree_clean
+ local is_tag=0
+ local version_tag=
+ if version_tag=$(git describe --candidates=0 --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null) ; then
+ is_tag=1
+ version_tag=${version_tag##v}
+ version_check "$version_tag"
+ fi
+ local last_tag=
+ local version_replace=
+ if [[ "$is_tag" -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ last_tag=$(git tag --sort=-version:refname |head -n1)
+ last_tag=${last_tag##v}
+ version_replace="${last_tag}.post$(date -u +%y%m%d%H%M)"
+ update_version "setup.py" "s/VERSION =.+/VERSION = '$version_replace'/"
+ update_version "python2/httplib2/__init__.py" "s/__version__ =.+/__version__ = '$version_replace'/"
+ update_version "python3/httplib2/__init__.py" "s/__version__ =.+/__version__ = '$version_replace'/"
+ version_check "$version_replace"
+ fi
+interactive() {
+ echo 'script/release: interactive mode for creating new tagged releases with human assistance' >&2
local branch="${1-$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)}"
- version="$(PYTHONPATH=$PWD/python2 python2 -c 'import httplib2; print(httplib2.__version__)')"
+ version="$(PYTHONPATH=$PWD/python3 python3 -c 'import httplib2; print(httplib2.__version__)')"
printf "\nbranch: %s httplib2.__version__: '%s'\n" $branch $version >&2
- if [[ "$branch" != "master" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$branch" != "master" ]] ; then
echo "Must be on master" >&2
exit 1
- if [[ -n "$(git status --short -uall)" ]]; then
- echo "Tree must be clean. git status:" >&2
- echo "" >&2
- git status --short -uall
- echo "" >&2
- exit 1
+ assert_tree_clean
+ last_commit_message=$(git show --format="%s" --no-patch HEAD)
+ expect_commit_message="v$version release"
+ if [[ "$last_commit_message" != "$expect_commit_message" ]] ; then
+ printf "Last commit message: '%s' expected: '%s'\n" "$last_commit_message" "$expect_commit_message" >&2
+ if confirm "Create release commit? [yN] " ; then
+ create_commit
+ elif ! confirm "Continue without proper release commit? [yN] " ; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
confirm "Continue? [yN] " || exit 1
echo "Creating tag v$version" >&2
- if ! git tag "v$version"; then
+ if ! git tag "v$version" ; then
echo "git tag failed " >&2
confirm "Continue still? [yN] " || exit 1
@@ -42,13 +96,137 @@ main() {
$venv/bin/python setup.py sdist
- if confirm "Upload to PyPi? [Yn] "; then
+ if confirm "Upload to PyPI? Use in special situation, normally CI (Travis) will upload to PyPI. [yN] " ; then
$venv/bin/twine upload dist/* || exit 1
git push --tags
+create_commit() {
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo "Plan:" >&2
+ echo "1. bump version" >&2
+ echo "2. update CHANGELOG" >&2
+ echo "3. commit" >&2
+ echo "4. run bin/release again" >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ bump_version
+ edit_news
+ git diff
+ confirm "Ready to commit? [Yn] " || exit 1
+ git commit -a -m "v$version_next release"
+ echo "Re-exec $0 to continue" >&2
+ exec $0
+bump_version() {
+ local current=$version
+ echo "Current version: '$current'" >&2
+ echo -n "Enter next version (empty to abort): " >&2
+ read version_next
+ if [[ -z "$version_next" ]] ; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Next version: '$version_next'" >&2
+ update_version "python3/httplib2/__init__.py" "s/__version__ =.+/__version__ = '$version_next'/"
+ update_version "python2/httplib2/__init__.py" "s/__version__ =.+/__version__ = '$version_next'/"
+ update_version "setup.py" "s/VERSION =.+/VERSION = '$version_next'/"
+ confirm "Confirm changes? [yN] " || exit 1
+update_version() {
+ local path="$1"
+ local sed_expr="$2"
+ # sed -E --in-place='' -e "s/VERSION =.+/VERSION = '$version_replace'/" setup.py
+ # sed -E --in-place='' -e "s/__version__ =.+/__version__ = '$version_replace'/" python2/httplib2/__init__.py python3/httplib2/__init__.py
+ echo "Updating file '$path'" >&2
+ if ! sed -E --in-place='' -e "$sed_expr" "$path" ; then
+ echo "sed error $?" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ assert_modified "$path"
+ echo "" >&2
+edit_news() {
+ echo "Changes since last release:" >&2
+ git log --format='%h %an %s' "v$version"^.. -- || exit 1
+ echo "" >&2
+ patch -p1 <<EOT
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++ EDIT HERE. Describe important changes and link to more information.
+ local editor=$(which edit 2>/dev/null)
+ [[ -z "$editor" ]] && editor="$EDITOR"
+ if [[ -n "$editor" ]] ; then
+ if confirm "Open default editor for CHANGELOG? [Yn] " ; then
+ $editor CHANGELOG
+ else
+ confirm "Edit CHANGELOG manually and press any key"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Unable to determine default text editor." >&2
+ confirm "Edit CHANGELOG manually and press any key"
+ fi
+ echo "" >&2
+ assert_modified CHANGELOG
+ echo "" >&2
+ confirm "Confirm changes? [yN] " || exit 1
+assert_modified() {
+ local path="$1"
+ if git diff --exit-code "$path" ; then
+ echo "File '$path' is not modified" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+assert_tree_clean() {
+ if [[ -n "$(git status --short -uall)" ]] ; then
+ echo "Tree must be clean. git status:" >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ git status --short -uall
+ echo "" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+version_check() {
+ local need=$1
+ local version_setup=$(fgrep 'VERSION =' setup.py |tr -d " '" |cut -d\= -f2)
+ local version_py2=$(cd python2 ; python2 -Es -c 'import httplib2;print(httplib2.__version__)')
+ local version_py3=$(cd python3 ; python3 -Es -c 'import httplib2;print(httplib2.__version__)')
+ if [[ "$version_setup" != "$need" ]] ; then
+ echo "error: setup.py VERSION=$version_setup expected=$need" >&1
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$version_py2" != "$need" ]] ; then
+ echo "error: python2/httplib2/__init__.py:__version__=$version_py2 expected=$need" >&1
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$version_py3" != "$need" ]] ; then
+ echo "error: python3/httplib2/__init__.py:__version__=$version_py3 expected=$need" >&1
+ exit 1
+ fi
confirm() {
local reply
local prompt="$1"
@@ -56,7 +234,7 @@ confirm() {
echo "" >&2
local default_y=" \[Yn\] $"
- if [[ -z "$reply" ]] && [[ "$prompt" =~ $default_y ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "$reply" ]] && [[ "$prompt" =~ $default_y ]] ; then
[[ "$reply" != "y" ]] && rc=1
diff --git a/script/test b/script/test
index 4517afc..a3dca92 100755
--- a/script/test
+++ b/script/test
@@ -12,49 +12,65 @@ test_flags=(
-cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.."
-if [[ -n "${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION-}" ]] ; then
- case "${test_group-}" in
- pep8)
- if [[ "${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}" = "2.7" ]] ; then
- flake8 python2/
- else
- flake8 python3/ tests/
+main() {
+ cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.."
+ if [[ -n "${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION-}" ]] ; then
+ case "${test_group-}" in
+ pep8)
+ if [[ "${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}" = "2.7" ]] ; then
+ flake8 python2/
+ else
+ flake8 python3/ tests/
+ fi
+ ;;
+ package)
+ # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
+ # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
+ python setup.py sdist
+ install_check_version "pip"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ pip install -e .
+ httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_303 $@ tests/ || true
+ httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_head_301 $@ tests/ || true
+ pytest --fulltrace ${test_flags[@]}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ if [[ ! -d ./venv-27 ]] ; then
+ virtualenv --python=python2.7 ./venv-27
- ;;
- package)
- # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
- # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
- python setup.py sdist
- pip install dist/httplib2*
- ;;
- *)
- pip install -e .
- httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_303 $@ tests/ || true
- httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_head_301 $@ tests/ || true
- pytest --fulltrace ${test_flags[@]}
- codecov --flags=$(echo $python |tr -d -- '-.')
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ ! -d ./venv-27 ]] ; then
- virtualenv --python=python2.7 ./venv-27
+ if [[ ! -d ./venv-36 ]] ; then
+ virtualenv --python=python3.6 ./venv-36
+ fi
./venv-27/bin/pip install -e . -r requirements-test.txt
- fi
- if [[ ! -d ./venv-36 ]] ; then
- virtualenv --python=python3.6 ./venv-36
+ ./venv-27/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
./venv-36/bin/pip install -e . -r requirements-test.txt
- fi
+ ./venv-36/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
- ./venv-27/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
- ./venv-36/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
+ # FIXME: too many errors
+ # ./venv-27/bin/flake8 python2/
+ # ./venv-36/bin/flake8 python3/ tests/
- # FIXME: too many errors
- # ./venv-27/bin/flake8 python2/
- # ./venv-36/bin/flake8 python3/ tests/
+ # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
+ # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
+ ./venv-36/bin/python setup.py sdist
+ install_check_version "./venv-27/bin/pip"
+ install_check_version "./venv-36/bin/pip"
+ fi
+ rm -rf ./_httplib2_test_cache
- # TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
- # but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
- ./venv-36/bin/python setup.py sdist
-rm -rf ./_httplib2_test_cache
+install_check_version() {
+ local pip="$1"
+ $pip install dist/httplib2*
+ version_source=$(cd python3 ; python3 -Es -c 'import httplib2;print(httplib2.__version__)')
+ version_installed=$($pip show httplib2 |fgrep Version |cut -d' ' -f2)
+ if [[ "$version_source" != "$version_installed" ]] ; then
+ echo "error: installed package version=$version_installed does not match source=$version_source" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+main "$@"