path: root/CONTRIBUTING.rst
diff options
authorIRIS YANG <irisykyang@google.com>2020-08-18 13:17:02 +0000
committerIRIS YANG <irisykyang@google.com>2020-08-18 13:31:16 +0000
commit3121357a0d62a6fe8c9fdcbfe5fd91f12b8f380d (patch)
tree2046b95d53a74b793dd54b7ea6e1b86724b93435 /CONTRIBUTING.rst
parent81aec74062b5c629b3408f7f3d18343ec0bbcab8 (diff)
Revert "Revert "Import external/python/jinja into master""
This reverts commit 81aec74062b5c629b3408f7f3d18343ec0bbcab8. Reason for revert: It seems Jinja folder is empty. Revert the revert to add files back. Third-party review: ag/11821018 Change-Id: I4429a3b3448cdf2eb62ec388392a2a29fa3dbc21
Diffstat (limited to 'CONTRIBUTING.rst')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eda0f39
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+How to contribute to Jinja
+Thank you for considering contributing to Jinja!
+Support questions
+Please, don't use the issue tracker for this. The issue tracker is a
+tool to address bugs and feature requests in Jinja itself. Use one of
+the following resources for questions about using Jinja or issues with
+your own code:
+- The ``#get-help`` channel on our Discord chat:
+ https://discord.gg/t6rrQZH
+- The mailing list flask@python.org for long term discussion or larger
+ issues.
+- Ask on `Stack Overflow`_. Search with Google first using:
+ ``site:stackoverflow.com jinja {search term, exception message, etc.}``
+.. _Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jinja?sort=linked
+Reporting issues
+Include the following information in your post:
+- Describe what you expected to happen.
+- If possible, include a `minimal reproducible example`_ to help us
+ identify the issue. This also helps check that the issue is not with
+ your own code.
+- Describe what actually happened. Include the full traceback if there
+ was an exception.
+- List your Python and Jinja versions. If possible, check if this
+ issue is already fixed in the latest releases or the latest code in
+ the repository.
+.. _minimal reproducible example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example
+Submitting patches
+If there is not an open issue for what you want to submit, prefer
+opening one for discussion before working on a PR. You can work on any
+issue that doesn't have an open PR linked to it or a maintainer assigned
+to it. These show up in the sidebar. No need to ask if you can work on
+an issue that interests you.
+Include the following in your patch:
+- Use `Black`_ to format your code. This and other tools will run
+ automatically if you install `pre-commit`_ using the instructions
+ below.
+- Include tests if your patch adds or changes code. Make sure the test
+ fails without your patch.
+- Update any relevant docs pages and docstrings. Docs pages and
+ docstrings should be wrapped at 72 characters.
+- Add an entry in ``CHANGES.rst``. Use the same style as other
+ entries. Also include ``.. versionchanged::`` inline changelogs in
+ relevant docstrings.
+.. _Black: https://black.readthedocs.io
+.. _pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com
+First time setup
+- Download and install the `latest version of git`_.
+- Configure git with your `username`_ and `email`_.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ git config --global user.name 'your name'
+ $ git config --global user.email 'your email'
+- Make sure you have a `GitHub account`_.
+- Fork Jinja to your GitHub account by clicking the `Fork`_ button.
+- `Clone`_ the main repository locally.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ git clone https://github.com/pallets/jinja
+ $ cd jinja
+- Add your fork as a remote to push your work to. Replace
+ ``{username}`` with your username. This names the remote "fork", the
+ default Pallets remote is "origin".
+ .. code-block:: text
+ git remote add fork https://github.com/{username}/jinja
+- Create a virtualenv.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ python3 -m venv env
+ $ . env/bin/activate
+ On Windows, activating is different.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ > env\Scripts\activate
+- Install Jinja in editable mode with development dependencies.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ pip install -e . -r requirements/dev.txt
+- Install the pre-commit hooks.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ pre-commit install
+.. _latest version of git: https://git-scm.com/downloads
+.. _username: https://help.github.com/en/articles/setting-your-username-in-git
+.. _email: https://help.github.com/en/articles/setting-your-commit-email-address-in-git
+.. _GitHub account: https://github.com/join
+.. _Fork: https://github.com/pallets/jinja/fork
+.. _Clone: https://help.github.com/en/articles/fork-a-repo#step-2-create-a-local-clone-of-your-fork
+Start coding
+- Create a branch to identify the issue you would like to work on. If
+ you're submitting a bug or documentation fix, branch off of the
+ latest ".x" branch.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ git fetch origin
+ $ git checkout -b your-branch-name origin/1.1.x
+ If you're submitting a feature addition or change, branch off of the
+ "master" branch.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ git fetch origin
+ $ git checkout -b your-branch-name origin/master
+- Using your favorite editor, make your changes,
+ `committing as you go`_.
+- Include tests that cover any code changes you make. Make sure the
+ test fails without your patch. Run the tests as described below.
+- Push your commits to your fork on GitHub and
+ `create a pull request`_. Link to the issue being addressed with
+ ``fixes #123`` in the pull request.
+ .. code-block:: text
+ $ git push --set-upstream fork your-branch-name
+.. _committing as you go: https://dont-be-afraid-to-commit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git/commandlinegit.html#commit-your-changes
+.. _create a pull request: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request
+Running the tests
+Run the basic test suite with pytest.
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ pytest
+This runs the tests for the current environment, which is usually
+sufficient. CI will run the full suite when you submit your pull
+request. You can run the full test suite with tox if you don't want to
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ tox
+Running test coverage
+Generating a report of lines that do not have test coverage can indicate
+where to start contributing. Run ``pytest`` using ``coverage`` and
+generate a report.
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ pip install coverage
+ $ coverage run -m pytest
+ $ coverage html
+Open ``htmlcov/index.html`` in your browser to explore the report.
+Read more about `coverage <https://coverage.readthedocs.io>`__.
+Building the docs
+Build the docs in the ``docs`` directory using Sphinx.
+.. code-block:: text
+ $ cd docs
+ $ make html
+Open ``_build/html/index.html`` in your browser to view the docs.
+Read more about `Sphinx <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/>`__.