path: root/tests/test_lexnparse.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_lexnparse.py')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_lexnparse.py b/tests/test_lexnparse.py
index c0257cf1..96e134d1 100644
--- a/tests/test_lexnparse.py
+++ b/tests/test_lexnparse.py
@@ -903,3 +903,121 @@ ${item} ## the rest of the stuff
<!--- endfor -->"""
assert tmpl.render(seq=range(5)) == "01234"
+class TestTrimBlocks:
+ def test_trim(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=False)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% if True %}\n {% endif %}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " "
+ def test_no_trim(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=False)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% if True +%}\n {% endif %}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ def test_no_trim_outer(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=False)
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{% if True %}X{% endif +%}\nmore things")
+ assert tmpl.render() == "X\nmore things"
+ def test_lstrip_no_trim(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% if True +%}\n {% endif %}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n"
+ def test_trim_blocks_false_with_no_trim(self, env):
+ # Test that + is a NOP (but does not cause an error) if trim_blocks=False
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=False, lstrip_blocks=False)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% if True %}\n {% endif %}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% if True +%}\n {% endif %}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {# comment #}\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {# comment +#}\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% raw %}{% endraw %}\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" {% raw %}{% endraw +%}\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n "
+ def test_trim_nested(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(
+ " {% if True %}\na {% if True %}\nb {% endif %}\nc {% endif %}"
+ )
+ assert tmpl.render() == "a b c "
+ def test_no_trim_nested(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(
+ " {% if True +%}\na {% if True +%}\nb {% endif +%}\nc {% endif %}"
+ )
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\na \nb \nc "
+ def test_comment_trim(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(""" {# comment #}\n\n """)
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n "
+ def test_comment_no_trim(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(""" {# comment +#}\n\n """)
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n\n "
+ def test_multiple_comment_trim_lstrip(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(
+ " {# comment #}\n\n{# comment2 #}\n \n{# comment3 #}\n\n "
+ )
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n \n\n "
+ def test_multiple_comment_no_trim_lstrip(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string(
+ " {# comment +#}\n\n{# comment2 +#}\n \n{# comment3 +#}\n\n "
+ )
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n\n\n \n\n\n "
+ def test_raw_trim_lstrip(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{x}}{% raw %}\n\n {% endraw %}\n\n{{ y }}")
+ assert tmpl.render(x=1, y=2) == "1\n\n\n2"
+ def test_raw_no_trim_lstrip(self, env):
+ env = Environment(trim_blocks=False, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{x}}{% raw %}\n\n {% endraw +%}\n\n{{ y }}")
+ assert tmpl.render(x=1, y=2) == "1\n\n\n\n2"
+ # raw blocks do not process inner text, so start tag cannot ignore trim
+ with pytest.raises(TemplateSyntaxError):
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{x}}{% raw +%}\n\n {% endraw +%}\n\n{{ y }}")
+ def test_no_trim_angle_bracket(self, env):
+ env = Environment(
+ "<%", "%>", "${", "}", "<%#", "%>", lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True,
+ )
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" <% if True +%>\n\n <% endif %>")
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n\n"
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" <%# comment +%>\n\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == "\n\n "
+ def test_no_trim_php_syntax(self, env):
+ env = Environment(
+ "<?",
+ "?>",
+ "<?=",
+ "?>",
+ "<!--",
+ "-->",
+ lstrip_blocks=False,
+ trim_blocks=True,
+ )
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" <? if True +?>\n\n <? endif ?>")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n\n "
+ tmpl = env.from_string(" <!-- comment +-->\n\n ")
+ assert tmpl.render() == " \n\n "