# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ jinja2.testsuite.debug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tests the debug system. :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import pytest import re import sys from traceback import format_exception from jinja2 import Environment, TemplateSyntaxError from traceback import format_exception @pytest.fixture def fs_env(filesystem_loader): '''returns a new environment. ''' return Environment(loader=filesystem_loader) @pytest.mark.debug class TestDebug(object): def assert_traceback_matches(self, callback, expected_tb): try: callback() except Exception as e: tb = format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) if re.search(expected_tb.strip(), ''.join(tb)) is None: assert False, ('Traceback did not match:\n\n%s\nexpected:\n%s' % (''.join(tb), expected_tb)) else: assert False, 'Expected exception' def test_runtime_error(self, fs_env): def test(): tmpl.render(fail=lambda: 1 / 0) tmpl = fs_env.get_template('broken.html') self.assert_traceback_matches(test, r''' File ".*?broken.html", line 2, in (top-level template code|) \{\{ fail\(\) \}\} File ".*debug?.pyc?", line \d+, in tmpl\.render\(fail=lambda: 1 / 0\) ZeroDivisionError: (int(eger)? )?division (or modulo )?by zero ''') def test_syntax_error(self, fs_env): # XXX: the .*? is necessary for python3 which does not hide # some of the stack frames we don't want to show. Not sure # what's up with that, but that is not that critical. Should # be fixed though. self.assert_traceback_matches(lambda: fs_env.get_template('syntaxerror.html'), r'''(?sm) File ".*?syntaxerror.html", line 4, in (template|) \{% endif %\}.*? (jinja2\.exceptions\.)?TemplateSyntaxError: Encountered unknown tag 'endif'. Jinja was looking for the following tags: 'endfor' or 'else'. The innermost block that needs to be closed is 'for'. ''') def test_regular_syntax_error(self, fs_env): def test(): raise TemplateSyntaxError('wtf', 42) self.assert_traceback_matches(test, r''' File ".*debug.pyc?", line \d+, in test raise TemplateSyntaxError\('wtf', 42\) (jinja2\.exceptions\.)?TemplateSyntaxError: wtf line 42''') def test_local_extraction(self): from jinja2.debug import get_jinja_locals from jinja2.runtime import missing locals = get_jinja_locals({ 'l_0_foo': 42, 'l_1_foo': 23, 'l_2_foo': 13, 'l_0_bar': 99, 'l_1_bar': missing, 'l_0_baz': missing, }) assert locals == {'foo': 13, 'bar': 99}