path: root/CHANGES
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-19rename 'put' to 'set'Mike Bayer
2012-01-16- [feature] Added module_writer argument to Template,Mike Bayer
2012-01-16- [bug] Added "white-space:pre" style to html_error_template()Mike Bayer
2012-01-16- [bug] The exception message in the html_error_templateMike Bayer
2012-01-16- [feature/bug] Can now refer to context variablesMike Bayer
2011-12-28- Added "--var name=value" option to the mako-renderMike Bayer
2011-10-01- Template caching has been converted into a pluginMike Bayer
2011-09-27- A Template is explicitly disallowedupstream/rel_0_5_0Mike Bayer
2011-08-05- Fixed bug regarding <%call>/def calls w/ contentupstream/rel_0_4_2Mike Bayer
2011-07-08- Fixed the babel plugin to accommodate <%block>Mike Bayer
2011-04-06- New tag: <%block>. A variant on <%def> thatMike Bayer
2011-03-22- a slight adjustment to the "highlight" logicMike Bayer
2011-02-21- the "ascii encoding by default" approach doesn't work in Py3K,Mike Bayer
2011-02-20- the keys() in the Context, as well asMike Bayer
2011-02-20- use inlined getargspecMike Bayer
2011-01-19- now that trailing whitespace comes up in red, need to get rid of itMike Bayer
2010-11-13updateMike Bayer
2010-11-12- Patch to lexer to not generate an emptyMike Bayer
2010-11-12- The Beaker import (or attempt thereof)Mike Bayer
2010-11-12- Beaker is now part of "extras" inMike Bayer
2010-11-12- Fixed missing **extra collection inMike Bayer
2010-11-10- The range of Python identifiers thatMike Bayer
2010-11-09- New flag on Template, TemplateLookup -Mike Bayer
2010-10-20- Added a try/except around "import markupsafe".upstream/rel_0_3_5Mike Bayer
2010-08-11- ${} expressions embedded in tags,Mike Bayer
2010-06-30- The <%namespace> tag allows expressionsMike Bayer
2010-06-22- Now using MarkupSafe for HTML escaping,Mike Bayer
2010-06-22- Fixed call to "unicode.strip" inMike Bayer
2010-05-31- Added conditional to RichTracebackMike Bayer
2010-04-28- When a .py is being created, the tempfileMike Bayer
2010-04-17- Fixed error formatting when a stacktraceMike Bayer
2010-04-13- Fixed broken @property decorator onMike Bayer
2010-03-24- Fixed sometimes incorrect usage ofMike Bayer
2010-03-11- Calling a def from the top, viaupstream/rel_0_3_2Mike Bayer
2010-03-07- Fixed incorrect dir name in setup.pyMike Bayer
2010-03-05- TemplateLookup raises TopLevelLookupException forMike Bayer
2010-03-05- Windows paths are handled correctly if a TemplateMike Bayer
2010-03-05- defs declared within a <%namespace> section, anMike Bayer
2010-03-05- The <%page args> tag can now be used in a baseMike Bayer
2010-03-05- Template accepts empty control structure, i.e.Mike Bayer
2010-03-05- A percent sign can be emitted as the firstMike Bayer
2010-03-05- RichTraceback(), html_error_template().render(),Mike Bayer
2010-03-04- merged -r481:499 of py3k branch.Mike Bayer
2010-03-02- ensure lru threading test doesn't runMike Bayer
2010-02-05- Unit tests now run with nose. [ticket:127]Mike Bayer
2010-02-05- update copyright for 2010Mike Bayer
2010-01-22Further fixes to unicode handling of .py files with thePhilip Jenvey
2009-11-01fix mako function decorators to preserve the original function's name in allPhilip Jenvey
2009-09-22support the <%namespacename:defname> syntax in the babel extractorPhilip Jenvey
2009-06-28- added "mako.__version__" attribute toMike Bayer