# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum from mobly import base_test from mobly import records from mobly import signals from mobly import utils class _InstrumentationStructurePrefixes: """Class containing prefixes that structure insturmentation output. Android instrumentation generally follows the following format: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: ... ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: ... ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: ... ... INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: ... ... INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: ... ... INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: ... This means that these prefixes can be used to guide parsing the output of the instrumentation command into the different instrumetnation test methods. Refer to the following Android Framework package for more details: .. code-block:: none com.android.commands.am.AM """ STATUS = 'INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS:' STATUS_CODE = 'INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE:' RESULT = 'INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT:' CODE = 'INSTRUMENTATION_CODE:' FAILED = 'INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED:' class _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys: """Commonly used keys used in instrumentation output for listing instrumentation test method result properties. An instrumenation status line usually contains a key-value pair such as the following: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: = Some of these key-value pairs are very common and represent test case properties. This mapping is used to handle each of the corresponding key-value pairs different than less important key-value pairs. Refer to the following Android Framework packages for more details: .. code-block:: none android.app.Instrumentation android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter TODO: Convert android.support.* to androidx.*, (https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2018/05/hello-world-androidx.html). """ CLASS = 'class' ERROR = 'Error' STACK = 'stack' TEST = 'test' STREAM = 'stream' class _InstrumentationStatusCodes: """A mapping of instrumentation status codes to test method results. When instrumentation runs, at various points output is created in a series of blocks that terminate as follows: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 1 These blocks typically have several status keys in them, and they indicate the progression of a particular instrumentation test method. When the corresponding instrumentation test method finishes, there is generally a line which includes a status code that gives thes the test result. The UNKNOWN status code is not an actual status code and is only used to represent that a status code has not yet been read for an instrumentation block. Refer to the following Android Framework package for more details: .. code-block:: none android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter TODO: Convert android.support.* to androidx.*, (https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2018/05/hello-world-androidx.html). """ UNKNOWN = None OK = '0' START = '1' IN_PROGRESS = '2' ERROR = '-1' FAILURE = '-2' IGNORED = '-3' ASSUMPTION_FAILURE = '-4' class _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories: """A mapping of instrumentation test method results to categories. Aside from the TIMING category, these categories roughly map to Mobly signals and are used for determining how a particular instrumentation test method gets recorded. """ TIMING = [ _InstrumentationStatusCodes.START, _InstrumentationStatusCodes.IN_PROGRESS, ] PASS = [ _InstrumentationStatusCodes.OK, ] FAIL = [ _InstrumentationStatusCodes.ERROR, _InstrumentationStatusCodes.FAILURE, ] SKIPPED = [ _InstrumentationStatusCodes.IGNORED, _InstrumentationStatusCodes.ASSUMPTION_FAILURE, ] class _InstrumentationKnownResultKeys: """Commonly used keys for outputting instrumentation errors. When instrumentation finishes running all of the instrumentation test methods, a result line will appear as follows: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: If something wrong happened during the instrumentation run such as an application under test crash, the line will appear similarly as thus: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: shortMsg=Process crashed. Since these keys indicate that something wrong has happened to the instrumentation run, they should be checked for explicitly. Refer to the following documentation page for more information: .. code-block:: none https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.html """ LONGMSG = 'longMsg' SHORTMSG = 'shortMsg' class _InstrumentationResultSignals: """Instrumenttion result block strings for signalling run completion. The final section of the instrumentation output generally follows this format: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: stream= ... INSTRUMENTATION_CODE -1 Inside of the ellipsed section, one of these signaling strings should be present. If they are not present, this usually means that the instrumentation run has failed in someway such as a crash. Because the final instrumentation block simply summarizes information, simply roughly checking for a particilar string should be sufficient to check to a proper run completion as the contents of the instrumentation result block don't really matter. Refer to the following JUnit package for more details: .. code-block:: none junit.textui.ResultPrinter """ FAIL = 'FAILURES!!!' PASS = 'OK (' class _InstrumentationBlockStates(Enum): """States used for determing what the parser is currently parsing. The parse always starts and ends a block in the UNKNOWN state, which is used to indicate that either a method or a result block (matching the METHOD and RESULT states respectively) are valid follow ups, which means that parser should be checking for a structure prefix that indicates which of those two states it should transition to. If the parser is in the METHOD state, then the parser will be parsing input into test methods. Otherwise, the parse can simply concatenate all the input to check for some final run completion signals. """ UNKNOWN = 0 METHOD = 1 RESULT = 2 class _InstrumentationBlock: """Container class for parsed instrumentation output for instrumentation test methods. Instrumentation test methods typically follow the follwoing format: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: = ... INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: = INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: The main issue with parsing this however is that the key-value pairs can span multiple lines such as this: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: stream= Error in ... ... Or, such as this: .. code-block:: none INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: stack=... ... Because these keys are poentially very long, constant string contatention is potentially inefficent. Instead, this class builds up a buffer to store the raw output until it is processed into an actual test result by the _InstrumentationBlockFormatter class. Additionally, this class also serves to store the parser state, which means that the BaseInstrumentationTestClass does not need to keep any potentially volatile instrumentation related state, so multiple instrumentation runs should have completely separate parsing states. This class is also used for storing result blocks although very little needs to be done for those. Attributes: begin_time: string, optional timestamp for when the test corresponding to the instrumentation block began. current_key: string, the current key that is being parsed, default to _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STREAM. error_message: string, an error message indicating that something unexpected happened during a instrumentatoin test method. known_keys: dict, well known keys that are handled uniquely. prefix: string, a prefix to add to the class name of the instrumentation test methods. previous_instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the last parsed instrumentation block. state: _InstrumentationBlockStates, the current state of the parser. status_code: string, the state code for an instrumentation method block. unknown_keys: dict, arbitrary keys that are handled generically. """ def __init__(self, state=_InstrumentationBlockStates.UNKNOWN, prefix=None, previous_instrumentation_block=None): self.state = state self.prefix = prefix self.previous_instrumentation_block = previous_instrumentation_block if previous_instrumentation_block: # The parser never needs lookback for two previous blocks, # so unset to allow previous blocks to get garbage collected. previous_instrumentation_block.previous_instrumentation_block = None self._empty = True self.error_message = '' self.status_code = _InstrumentationStatusCodes.UNKNOWN self.current_key = _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STREAM self.known_keys = { _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STREAM: [], _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.CLASS: [], _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.ERROR: [], _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK: [], _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.TEST: [], _InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.LONGMSG: [], _InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.SHORTMSG: [], } self.unknown_keys = defaultdict(list) self.begin_time = None @property def is_empty(self): """Deteremines whether or not anything has been parsed with this instrumentation block. Returns: A boolean indicating whether or not the this instrumentation block has parsed and contains any output. """ return self._empty def set_error_message(self, error_message): """Sets an error message on an instrumentation block. This method is used exclusively to indicate that a test method failed to complete, which is usually cause by a crash of some sort such that the test method is marked as error instead of ignored. Args: error_message: string, an error message to be added to the TestResultRecord to explain that something wrong happened. """ self._empty = False self.error_message = error_message def _remove_structure_prefix(self, prefix, line): """Helper function for removing the structure prefix for parsing. Args: prefix: string, a _InstrumentationStructurePrefixes to remove from the raw output. line: string, the raw line from the instrumentation output. Returns: A string containing a key value pair descripting some property of the current instrumentation test method. """ return line[len(prefix):].strip() def set_status_code(self, status_code_line): """Sets the status code for the instrumentation test method, used in determining the test result. Args: status_code_line: string, the raw instrumentation output line that contains the status code of the instrumentation block. """ self._empty = False self.status_code = self._remove_structure_prefix( _InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.STATUS_CODE, status_code_line, ) if self.status_code == _InstrumentationStatusCodes.START: self.begin_time = utils.get_current_epoch_time() def set_key(self, structure_prefix, key_line): """Sets the current key for the instrumentation block. For unknown keys, the key is added to the value list in order to better contextualize the value in the output. Args: structure_prefix: string, the structure prefix that was matched and that needs to be removed. key_line: string, the raw instrumentation output line that contains the key-value pair. """ self._empty = False key_value = self._remove_structure_prefix( structure_prefix, key_line, ) if '=' in key_value: (key, value) = key_value.split('=', 1) self.current_key = key if key in self.known_keys: self.known_keys[key].append(value) else: self.unknown_keys[key].append(key_value) def add_value(self, line): """Adds unstructured or multi-line value output to the current parsed instrumentation block for outputting later. Usually, this will add extra lines to the value list for the current key-value pair. However, sometimes, such as when instrumentation failed to start, output does not follow the structured prefix format. In this case, adding all of the output is still useful so that a user can debug the issue. Args: line: string, the raw instrumentation line to append to the value list. """ # Don't count whitespace only lines. if line.strip(): self._empty = False if self.current_key in self.known_keys: self.known_keys[self.current_key].append(line) else: self.unknown_keys[self.current_key].append(line) def transition_state(self, new_state): """Transitions or sets the current instrumentation block to the new parser state. Args: new_state: _InstrumentationBlockStates, the state that the parser should transition to. Returns: A new instrumentation block set to the new state, representing the start of parsing a new instrumentation test method. Alternatively, if the current instrumentation block represents the start of parsing a new instrumentation block (state UNKNOWN), then this returns the current instrumentation block set to the now known parsing state. """ if self.state == _InstrumentationBlockStates.UNKNOWN: self.state = new_state return self else: next_block = _InstrumentationBlock( state=new_state, prefix=self.prefix, previous_instrumentation_block=self, ) if self.status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.TIMING: next_block.begin_time = self.begin_time return next_block class _InstrumentationBlockFormatter: """Takes an instrumentation block and converts it into a Mobly test result. """ DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_NAME = 'instrumentation_method' def __init__(self, instrumentation_block): self._prefix = instrumentation_block.prefix self._status_code = instrumentation_block.status_code self._error_message = instrumentation_block.error_message self._known_keys = {} self._unknown_keys = {} for key, value in instrumentation_block.known_keys.items(): self._known_keys[key] = '\n'.join( instrumentation_block.known_keys[key]).rstrip() for key, value in instrumentation_block.unknown_keys.items(): self._unknown_keys[key] = '\n'.join( instrumentation_block.unknown_keys[key]).rstrip() self._begin_time = instrumentation_block.begin_time def _get_name(self): """Gets the method name of the test method for the instrumentation method block. Returns: A string containing the name of the instrumentation test method's test or a default name if no name was parsed. """ if self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.TEST]: return self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.TEST] else: return self.DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_NAME def _get_class(self): """Gets the class name of the test method for the instrumentation method block. Returns: A string containing the class name of the instrumentation test method's test or empty string if no name was parsed. If a prefix was specified, then the prefix will be prepended to the class name. """ class_parts = [ self._prefix, self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.CLASS] ] return '.'.join(filter(None, class_parts)) def _get_full_name(self): """Gets the qualified name of the test method corresponding to the instrumentation block. Returns: A string containing the fully qualified name of the instrumentation test method. If parts are missing, then degrades steadily. """ full_name_parts = [self._get_class(), self._get_name()] return '#'.join(filter(None, full_name_parts)) def _get_details(self): """Gets the output for the detail section of the TestResultRecord. Returns: A string to set for a TestResultRecord's details. """ detail_parts = [self._get_full_name(), self._error_message] return '\n'.join(filter(None, detail_parts)) def _get_extras(self): """Gets the output for the extras section of the TestResultRecord. Returns: A string to set for a TestResultRecord's extras. """ # Add empty line to start key-value pairs on a new line. extra_parts = [''] for value in self._unknown_keys.values(): extra_parts.append(value) extra_parts.append(self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STREAM]) extra_parts.append( self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.SHORTMSG]) extra_parts.append( self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.LONGMSG]) extra_parts.append(self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.ERROR]) if self._known_keys[ _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK] not in self._known_keys[ _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STREAM]: extra_parts.append( self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK]) return '\n'.join(filter(None, extra_parts)) def _is_failed(self): """Determines if the test corresponding to the instrumentation block failed. This method can not be used to tell if a test method passed and should not be used for such a purpose. Returns: A boolean indicating if the test method failed. """ if self._status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.FAIL: return True elif (self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK] and self._status_code != _InstrumentationStatusCodes.ASSUMPTION_FAILURE): return True elif self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.ERROR]: return True elif self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.SHORTMSG]: return True elif self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownResultKeys.LONGMSG]: return True else: return False def create_test_record(self, mobly_test_class): """Creates a TestResultRecord for the instrumentation block. Args: mobly_test_class: string, the name of the Mobly test case executing the instrumentation run. Returns: A TestResultRecord with an appropriate signals exception representing the instrumentation test method's result status. """ details = self._get_details() extras = self._get_extras() tr_record = records.TestResultRecord( t_name=self._get_full_name(), t_class=mobly_test_class, ) if self._begin_time: tr_record.begin_time = self._begin_time if self._is_failed(): tr_record.test_fail(e=signals.TestFailure(details=details, extras=extras)) elif self._status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.SKIPPED: tr_record.test_skip(e=signals.TestSkip(details=details, extras=extras)) elif self._status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.PASS: tr_record.test_pass(e=signals.TestPass(details=details, extras=extras)) elif self._status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.TIMING: if self._error_message: tr_record.test_error( e=signals.TestError(details=details, extras=extras)) else: tr_record = None else: tr_record.test_error(e=signals.TestError(details=details, extras=extras)) if self._known_keys[_InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK]: tr_record.termination_signal.stacktrace = self._known_keys[ _InstrumentationKnownStatusKeys.STACK] return tr_record def has_completed_result_block_format(self, error_message): """Checks the instrumentation result block for a signal indicating normal completion. Args: error_message: string, the error message to give if the instrumentation run did not complete successfully.- Returns: A boolean indicating whether or not the instrumentation run passed or failed overall. Raises: signals.TestError: Error raised if the instrumentation run did not complete because of a crash or some other issue. """ extras = self._get_extras() if _InstrumentationResultSignals.PASS in extras: return True elif _InstrumentationResultSignals.FAIL in extras: return False else: raise signals.TestError(details=error_message, extras=extras) class InstrumentationTestMixin: """A mixin for Mobly test classes to inherit from for instrumentation tests. This class should be used in a subclass of both BaseTestClass and this class in order to provide instrumentation test capabilities. This mixin is explicitly for the case where the underlying BaseTestClass cannot be replaced with BaseInstrumentationTestClass. In general, prefer using BaseInstrumentationTestClass instead. Attributes: DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX: string, the default prefix for instrumentation params contained within user params. DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_ERROR_MESSAGE: string, the default error message to set if something has prevented something in the instrumentation test run from completing properly. """ DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX = 'instrumentation_option_' DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = ('instrumentation run exited ' 'unexpectedly') def _previous_block_never_completed(self, current_block, previous_block, new_state): """Checks if the previous instrumentation method block completed. Args: current_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the current instrumentation block to check for being a different instrumentation test method. previous_block: _InstrumentationBlock, rhe previous instrumentation block to check for an incomplete status. new_state: _InstrumentationBlockStates, the next state for the parser, used to check for the instrumentation run ending with an incomplete test. Returns: A boolean indicating whether the previous instrumentation block completed executing. """ if previous_block: previously_timing_block = (previous_block.status_code in _InstrumentationStatusCodeCategories.TIMING) currently_new_block = (current_block.status_code == _InstrumentationStatusCodes.START or new_state == _InstrumentationBlockStates.RESULT) return all([previously_timing_block, currently_new_block]) else: return False def _create_formatters(self, instrumentation_block, new_state): """Creates the _InstrumentationBlockFormatters for outputting the instrumentation method block that have finished parsing. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the current instrumentation method block to create formatters based upon. new_state: _InstrumentationBlockState, the next state that the parser will transition to. Returns: A list of the formatters tha need to create and add TestResultRecords to the test results. """ formatters = [] if self._previous_block_never_completed( current_block=instrumentation_block, previous_block=instrumentation_block.previous_instrumentation_block, new_state=new_state): instrumentation_block.previous_instrumentation_block.set_error_message( self.DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_ERROR_MESSAGE) formatters.append( _InstrumentationBlockFormatter( instrumentation_block.previous_instrumentation_block)) if not instrumentation_block.is_empty: formatters.append(_InstrumentationBlockFormatter(instrumentation_block)) return formatters def _transition_instrumentation_block( self, instrumentation_block, new_state=_InstrumentationBlockStates.UNKNOWN): """Transitions and finishes the current instrumentation block. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the current instrumentation block to finish. new_state: _InstrumentationBlockState, the next state for the parser to transition to. Returns: The new instrumentation block to use for storing parsed instrumentation output. """ formatters = self._create_formatters(instrumentation_block, new_state) for formatter in formatters: test_record = formatter.create_test_record(self.TAG) if test_record: self.results.add_record(test_record) self.summary_writer.dump(test_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) return instrumentation_block.transition_state(new_state=new_state) def _parse_method_block_line(self, instrumentation_block, line): """Parses the instrumnetation method block's line. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the current instrumentation method block. line: string, the raw instrumentation output line to parse. Returns: The next instrumentation block, which should be used to continue parsing instrumentation output. """ if line.startswith(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.STATUS): instrumentation_block.set_key(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.STATUS, line) return instrumentation_block elif line.startswith(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.STATUS_CODE): instrumentation_block.set_status_code(line) return self._transition_instrumentation_block(instrumentation_block) elif line.startswith(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.RESULT): # Unexpected transition from method block -> result block instrumentation_block.set_key(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.RESULT, line) return self._parse_result_line( self._transition_instrumentation_block( instrumentation_block, new_state=_InstrumentationBlockStates.RESULT, ), line, ) else: instrumentation_block.add_value(line) return instrumentation_block def _parse_result_block_line(self, instrumentation_block, line): """Parses the instrumentation result block's line. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the instrumentation result block for the instrumentation run. line: string, the raw instrumentation output to add to the instrumenation result block's _InstrumentationResultBlocki object. Returns: The instrumentation result block for the instrumentation run. """ instrumentation_block.add_value(line) return instrumentation_block def _parse_unknown_block_line(self, instrumentation_block, line): """Parses a line from the instrumentation output from the UNKNOWN parser state. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the current instrumenation block, where the correct categorization it noti yet known. line: string, the raw instrumenation output line to be used to deteremine the correct categorization. Returns: The next instrumentation block to continue parsing with. Usually, this is the same instrumentation block but with the state transitioned appropriately. """ if line.startswith(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.STATUS): return self._parse_method_block_line( self._transition_instrumentation_block( instrumentation_block, new_state=_InstrumentationBlockStates.METHOD, ), line, ) elif (line.startswith(_InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.RESULT) or _InstrumentationStructurePrefixes.FAILED in line): return self._parse_result_block_line( self._transition_instrumentation_block( instrumentation_block, new_state=_InstrumentationBlockStates.RESULT, ), line, ) else: # This would only really execute if instrumentation failed to start. instrumentation_block.add_value(line) return instrumentation_block def _parse_line(self, instrumentation_block, line): """Parses an arbitrary line from the instrumentation output based upon the current parser state. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, an instrumentation block with any of the possible parser states. line: string, the raw instrumentation output line to parse appropriately. Returns: The next instrumenation block to continue parsing with. """ if instrumentation_block.state == _InstrumentationBlockStates.METHOD: return self._parse_method_block_line(instrumentation_block, line) elif instrumentation_block.state == _InstrumentationBlockStates.RESULT: return self._parse_result_block_line(instrumentation_block, line) else: return self._parse_unknown_block_line(instrumentation_block, line) def _finish_parsing(self, instrumentation_block): """Finishes parsing the instrumentation result block for the final instrumentation run status. Args: instrumentation_block: _InstrumentationBlock, the instrumentation result block for the instrumenation run. Potentially, thisi could actually be method block if the instrumentation outputi is malformed. Returns: A boolean indicating whether the instrumentation run completed with all the tests passing. Raises: signals.TestError: Error raised if the instrumentation failed to complete with either a pass or fail status. """ formatter = _InstrumentationBlockFormatter(instrumentation_block) return formatter.has_completed_result_block_format( self.DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_ERROR_MESSAGE) def parse_instrumentation_options(self, parameters=None): """Returns the options for the instrumentation test from user_params. By default, this method assume that the correct instrumentation options all start with DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX. Args: parameters: dict, the key value pairs representing an assortment of parameters including instrumentation options. Usually, this argument will be from self.user_params. Returns: A dictionary of options/parameters for the instrumentation tst. """ if parameters is None: return {} filtered_parameters = {} for parameter_key, parameter_value in parameters.items(): if parameter_key.startswith(self.DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX): option_key = parameter_key[len(self. DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX):] filtered_parameters[option_key] = parameter_value return filtered_parameters def run_instrumentation_test(self, device, package, options=None, prefix=None, runner=None): """Runs instrumentation tests on a device and creates test records. Args: device: AndroidDevice, the device to run instrumentation tests on. package: string, the package name of the instrumentation tests. options: dict, Instrumentation options for the instrumentation tests. prefix: string, an optional prefix for parser output for distinguishing between instrumentation test runs. runner: string, the runner to use for the instrumentation package, default to DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_RUNNER. Returns: A boolean indicating whether or not all the instrumentation test methods passed. Raises: TestError if the instrumentation run crashed or if parsing the output failed. """ # Dictionary hack to allow overwriting the instrumentation_block in the # parse_instrumentation closure instrumentation_block = [_InstrumentationBlock(prefix=prefix)] def parse_instrumentation(raw_line): line = raw_line.rstrip().decode('utf-8') logging.info(line) instrumentation_block[0] = self._parse_line(instrumentation_block[0], line) device.adb.instrument(package=package, options=options, runner=runner, handler=parse_instrumentation) return self._finish_parsing(instrumentation_block[0]) class BaseInstrumentationTestClass(InstrumentationTestMixin, base_test.BaseTestClass): """Base class for all instrumentation test classes to inherit from. This class extends the BaseTestClass to add functionality to run and parse the output of instrumentation runs. Attributes: DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_OPTION_PREFIX: string, the default prefix for instrumentation params contained within user params. DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_ERROR_MESSAGE: string, the default error message to set if something has prevented something in the instrumentation test run from completing properly. """