# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import contextlib import copy import functools import inspect import logging import os import sys from mobly import controller_manager from mobly import expects from mobly import records from mobly import runtime_test_info from mobly import signals from mobly import utils # Macro strings for test result reporting. TEST_CASE_TOKEN = '[Test]' RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE = TEST_CASE_TOKEN + ' %s %s' TEST_STAGE_BEGIN_LOG_TEMPLATE = '[{parent_token}]#{child_token} >>> BEGIN >>>' TEST_STAGE_END_LOG_TEMPLATE = '[{parent_token}]#{child_token} <<< END <<<' # Names of execution stages, in the order they happen during test runs. STAGE_NAME_SETUP_GENERATED_TESTS = 'setup_generated_tests' STAGE_NAME_SETUP_CLASS = 'setup_class' STAGE_NAME_SETUP_TEST = 'setup_test' STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_TEST = 'teardown_test' STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_CLASS = 'teardown_class' STAGE_NAME_CLEAN_UP = 'clean_up' class Error(Exception): """Raised for exceptions that occurred in BaseTestClass.""" class BaseTestClass: """Base class for all test classes to inherit from. This class gets all the controller objects from test_runner and executes the tests requested within itself. Most attributes of this class are set at runtime based on the configuration provided. The default logger in logging module is set up for each test run. If you want to log info to the test run output file, use `logging` directly, like `logging.info`. Attributes: tests: A list of strings, each representing a test method name. TAG: A string used to refer to a test class. Default is the test class name. results: A records.TestResult object for aggregating test results from the execution of tests. controller_configs: dict, controller configs provided by the user via test bed config. current_test_info: RuntimeTestInfo, runtime information on the test currently being executed. root_output_path: string, storage path for output files associated with the entire test run. A test run can have multiple test class executions. This includes the test summary and Mobly log files. log_path: string, storage path for files specific to a single test class execution. test_bed_name: [Deprecated, use 'testbed_name' instead] string, the name of the test bed used by a test run. testbed_name: string, the name of the test bed used by a test run. user_params: dict, custom parameters from user, to be consumed by the test logic. """ TAG = None def __init__(self, configs): """Constructor of BaseTestClass. The constructor takes a config_parser.TestRunConfig object and which has all the information needed to execute this test class, like log_path and controller configurations. For details, see the definition of class config_parser.TestRunConfig. Args: configs: A config_parser.TestRunConfig object. """ self.tests = [] class_identifier = self.__class__.__name__ if configs.test_class_name_suffix: class_identifier = '%s_%s' % (class_identifier, configs.test_class_name_suffix) if self.TAG is None: self.TAG = class_identifier # Set params. self.root_output_path = configs.log_path self.log_path = os.path.join(self.root_output_path, class_identifier) utils.create_dir(self.log_path) # Deprecated, use 'testbed_name' self.test_bed_name = configs.test_bed_name self.testbed_name = configs.testbed_name self.user_params = configs.user_params self.results = records.TestResult() self.summary_writer = configs.summary_writer self._generated_test_table = collections.OrderedDict() self._controller_manager = controller_manager.ControllerManager( class_name=self.TAG, controller_configs=configs.controller_configs) self.controller_configs = self._controller_manager.controller_configs def unpack_userparams(self, req_param_names=None, opt_param_names=None, **kwargs): """An optional function that unpacks user defined parameters into individual variables. After unpacking, the params can be directly accessed with self.xxx. If a required param is not provided, an exception is raised. If an optional param is not provided, a warning line will be logged. To provide a param, add it in the config file or pass it in as a kwarg. If a param appears in both the config file and kwarg, the value in the config file is used. User params from the config file can also be directly accessed in self.user_params. Args: req_param_names: A list of names of the required user params. opt_param_names: A list of names of the optional user params. **kwargs: Arguments that provide default values. e.g. unpack_userparams(required_list, opt_list, arg_a='hello') self.arg_a will be 'hello' unless it is specified again in required_list or opt_list. Raises: Error: A required user params is not provided. """ req_param_names = req_param_names or [] opt_param_names = opt_param_names or [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in self.user_params: v = self.user_params[k] setattr(self, k, v) for name in req_param_names: if hasattr(self, name): continue if name not in self.user_params: raise Error('Missing required user param "%s" in test ' 'configuration.' % name) setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name]) for name in opt_param_names: if hasattr(self, name): continue if name in self.user_params: setattr(self, name, self.user_params[name]) else: logging.warning( 'Missing optional user param "%s" in ' 'configuration, continue.', name) def register_controller(self, module, required=True, min_number=1): """Loads a controller module and returns its loaded devices. A Mobly controller module is a Python lib that can be used to control a device, service, or equipment. To be Mobly compatible, a controller module needs to have the following members: .. code-block:: python def create(configs): [Required] Creates controller objects from configurations. Args: configs: A list of serialized data like string/dict. Each element of the list is a configuration for a controller object. Returns: A list of objects. def destroy(objects): [Required] Destroys controller objects created by the create function. Each controller object shall be properly cleaned up and all the resources held should be released, e.g. memory allocation, sockets, file handlers etc. Args: A list of controller objects created by the create function. def get_info(objects): [Optional] Gets info from the controller objects used in a test run. The info will be included in test_summary.yaml under the key 'ControllerInfo'. Such information could include unique ID, version, or anything that could be useful for describing the test bed and debugging. Args: objects: A list of controller objects created by the create function. Returns: A list of json serializable objects: each represents the info of a controller object. The order of the info object should follow that of the input objects. Registering a controller module declares a test class's dependency the controller. If the module config exists and the module matches the controller interface, controller objects will be instantiated with corresponding configs. The module should be imported first. Args: module: A module that follows the controller module interface. required: A bool. If True, failing to register the specified controller module raises exceptions. If False, the objects failed to instantiate will be skipped. min_number: An integer that is the minimum number of controller objects to be created. Default is one, since you should not register a controller module without expecting at least one object. Returns: A list of controller objects instantiated from controller_module, or None if no config existed for this controller and it was not a required controller. Raises: ControllerError: * The controller module has already been registered. * The actual number of objects instantiated is less than the * `min_number`. * `required` is True and no corresponding config can be found. * Any other error occurred in the registration process. """ return self._controller_manager.register_controller(module, required, min_number) def _record_controller_info(self): # Collect controller information and write to test result. for record in self._controller_manager.get_controller_info_records(): self.results.add_controller_info_record(record) self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.CONTROLLER_INFO) def _setup_generated_tests(self): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_generated_tests is called. Returns: True if setup is successful, False otherwise. """ stage_name = STAGE_NAME_SETUP_GENERATED_TESTS record = records.TestResultRecord(stage_name, self.TAG) record.test_begin() self.current_test_info = runtime_test_info.RuntimeTestInfo( stage_name, self.log_path, record) try: with self._log_test_stage(stage_name): self.setup_generated_tests() return True except Exception as e: logging.exception('%s failed for %s.', stage_name, self.TAG) record.test_error(e) self.results.add_class_error(record) self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) return False def setup_generated_tests(self): """Preprocesses that need to be done before setup_class. This phase is used to do pre-test processes like generating tests. This is the only place `self.generate_tests` should be called. If this function throws an error, the test class will be marked failure and the "Requested" field will be 0 because the number of tests requested is unknown at this point. """ def _setup_class(self): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_class is called. Returns: If `self.results` is returned instead of None, this means something has gone wrong, and the rest of the test class should not execute. """ # Setup for the class. class_record = records.TestResultRecord(STAGE_NAME_SETUP_CLASS, self.TAG) class_record.test_begin() self.current_test_info = runtime_test_info.RuntimeTestInfo( STAGE_NAME_SETUP_CLASS, self.log_path, class_record) expects.recorder.reset_internal_states(class_record) try: with self._log_test_stage(STAGE_NAME_SETUP_CLASS): self.setup_class() except signals.TestAbortSignal: # Throw abort signals to outer try block for handling. raise except Exception as e: # Setup class failed for unknown reasons. # Fail the class and skip all tests. logging.exception('Error in %s#setup_class.', self.TAG) class_record.test_error(e) self.results.add_class_error(class_record) self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, class_record) class_record.update_record() self.summary_writer.dump(class_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) self._skip_remaining_tests(e) return self.results if expects.recorder.has_error: self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, class_record) class_record.test_error() class_record.update_record() self.summary_writer.dump(class_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) self.results.add_class_error(class_record) self._skip_remaining_tests(class_record.termination_signal.exception) return self.results def setup_class(self): """Setup function that will be called before executing any test in the class. To signal setup failure, use asserts or raise your own exception. Errors raised from `setup_class` will trigger `on_fail`. Implementation is optional. """ def _teardown_class(self): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_class is called. """ stage_name = STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_CLASS record = records.TestResultRecord(stage_name, self.TAG) record.test_begin() self.current_test_info = runtime_test_info.RuntimeTestInfo( stage_name, self.log_path, record) expects.recorder.reset_internal_states(record) try: with self._log_test_stage(stage_name): self.teardown_class() except signals.TestAbortAll as e: setattr(e, 'results', self.results) raise except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error encountered in %s.', stage_name) record.test_error(e) record.update_record() self.results.add_class_error(record) self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) else: if expects.recorder.has_error: record.update_record() self.results.add_class_error(record) self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) finally: self._clean_up() def teardown_class(self): """Teardown function that will be called after all the selected tests in the test class have been executed. Errors raised from `teardown_class` do not trigger `on_fail`. Implementation is optional. """ @contextlib.contextmanager def _log_test_stage(self, stage_name): """Logs the begin and end of a test stage. This context adds two log lines meant for clarifying the boundary of each execution stage in Mobly log. Args: stage_name: string, name of the stage to log. """ parent_token = self.current_test_info.name # If the name of the stage is the same as the test name, in which case # the stage is class-level instead of test-level, use the class's # reference tag as the parent token instead. if parent_token == stage_name: parent_token = self.TAG logging.debug( TEST_STAGE_BEGIN_LOG_TEMPLATE.format(parent_token=parent_token, child_token=stage_name)) try: yield finally: logging.debug( TEST_STAGE_END_LOG_TEMPLATE.format(parent_token=parent_token, child_token=stage_name)) def _setup_test(self, test_name): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of setup_test is called. """ with self._log_test_stage(STAGE_NAME_SETUP_TEST): self.setup_test() def setup_test(self): """Setup function that will be called every time before executing each test method in the test class. To signal setup failure, use asserts or raise your own exception. Implementation is optional. """ def _teardown_test(self, test_name): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of teardown_test is called. """ with self._log_test_stage(STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_TEST): self.teardown_test() def teardown_test(self): """Teardown function that will be called every time a test method has been executed. Implementation is optional. """ def _on_fail(self, record): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_fail is called. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ self.on_fail(record) def on_fail(self, record): """A function that is executed upon a test failure. User implementation is optional. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ def _on_pass(self, record): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_pass is called. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ msg = record.details if msg: logging.info(msg) self.on_pass(record) def on_pass(self, record): """A function that is executed upon a test passing. Implementation is optional. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ def _on_skip(self, record): """Proxy function to guarantee the base implementation of on_skip is called. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ logging.info('Reason to skip: %s', record.details) logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, record.test_name, record.result) self.on_skip(record) def on_skip(self, record): """A function that is executed upon a test being skipped. Implementation is optional. Args: record: records.TestResultRecord, a copy of the test record for this test, containing all information of the test execution including exception objects. """ def _exec_procedure_func(self, func, tr_record): """Executes a procedure function like on_pass, on_fail etc. This function will alter the 'Result' of the test's record if exceptions happened when executing the procedure function, but prevents procedure functions from altering test records themselves by only passing in a copy. This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all procedure functions. Args: func: The procedure function to be executed. tr_record: The TestResultRecord object associated with the test executed. """ func_name = func.__name__ procedure_name = func_name[1:] if func_name[0] == '_' else func_name with self._log_test_stage(procedure_name): try: # Pass a copy of the record instead of the actual object so that it # will not be modified. func(copy.deepcopy(tr_record)) except signals.TestAbortSignal: raise except Exception as e: logging.exception('Exception happened when executing %s for %s.', procedure_name, self.current_test_info.name) tr_record.add_error(procedure_name, e) def record_data(self, content): """Record an entry in test summary file. Sometimes additional data need to be recorded in summary file for debugging or post-test analysis. Each call adds a new entry to the summary file, with no guarantee of its position among the summary file entries. The content should be a dict. If absent, timestamp field is added for ease of parsing later. Args: content: dict, the data to add to summary file. """ if 'timestamp' not in content: content['timestamp'] = utils.get_current_epoch_time() self.summary_writer.dump(content, records.TestSummaryEntryType.USER_DATA) def exec_one_test(self, test_name, test_method): """Executes one test and update test results. Executes setup_test, the test method, and teardown_test; then creates a records.TestResultRecord object with the execution information and adds the record to the test class's test results. Args: test_name: string, Name of the test. test_method: function, The test method to execute. """ tr_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG) tr_record.uid = getattr(test_method, 'uid', None) tr_record.test_begin() self.current_test_info = runtime_test_info.RuntimeTestInfo( test_name, self.log_path, tr_record) expects.recorder.reset_internal_states(tr_record) logging.info('%s %s', TEST_CASE_TOKEN, test_name) # Did teardown_test throw an error. teardown_test_failed = False try: try: try: self._setup_test(test_name) except signals.TestFailure as e: _, _, traceback = sys.exc_info() raise signals.TestError(e.details, e.extras).with_traceback(traceback) test_method() except (signals.TestPass, signals.TestAbortSignal): raise except Exception: logging.exception('Exception occurred in %s.', self.current_test_info.name) raise finally: before_count = expects.recorder.error_count try: self._teardown_test(test_name) except signals.TestAbortSignal: raise except Exception as e: logging.exception('Exception occurred in %s of %s.', STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_TEST, self.current_test_info.name) tr_record.test_error() tr_record.add_error(STAGE_NAME_TEARDOWN_TEST, e) teardown_test_failed = True else: # Check if anything failed by `expects`. if before_count < expects.recorder.error_count: teardown_test_failed = True except (signals.TestFailure, AssertionError) as e: tr_record.test_fail(e) except signals.TestSkip as e: # Test skipped. tr_record.test_skip(e) except signals.TestAbortSignal as e: # Abort signals, pass along. tr_record.test_fail(e) raise except signals.TestPass as e: # Explicit test pass. tr_record.test_pass(e) except Exception as e: # Exception happened during test. tr_record.test_error(e) else: # No exception is thrown from test and teardown, if `expects` has # error, the test should fail with the first error in `expects`. if expects.recorder.has_error and not teardown_test_failed: tr_record.test_fail() # Otherwise the test passed. elif not teardown_test_failed: tr_record.test_pass() finally: tr_record.update_record() try: if tr_record.result in (records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_ERROR, records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_FAIL): self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_fail, tr_record) elif tr_record.result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_PASS: self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_pass, tr_record) elif tr_record.result == records.TestResultEnums.TEST_RESULT_SKIP: self._exec_procedure_func(self._on_skip, tr_record) finally: logging.info(RESULT_LINE_TEMPLATE, tr_record.test_name, tr_record.result) self.results.add_record(tr_record) self.summary_writer.dump(tr_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) self.current_test_info = None def _assert_function_name_in_stack(self, expected_func_name): """Asserts that the current stack contains the given function name.""" current_frame = inspect.currentframe() caller_frames = inspect.getouterframes(current_frame, 2) for caller_frame in caller_frames[2:]: if caller_frame[3] == expected_func_name: return raise Error('"%s" cannot be called outside of %s' % (caller_frames[1][3], expected_func_name)) def generate_tests(self, test_logic, name_func, arg_sets, uid_func=None): """Generates tests in the test class. This function has to be called inside a test class's `self.setup_generated_tests` function. Generated tests are not written down as methods, but as a list of parameter sets. This way we reduce code repetition and improve test scalability. Users can provide an optional function to specify the UID of each test. Not all generated tests are required to have UID. Args: test_logic: function, the common logic shared by all the generated tests. name_func: function, generate a test name according to a set of test arguments. This function should take the same arguments as the test logic function. arg_sets: a list of tuples, each tuple is a set of arguments to be passed to the test logic function and name function. uid_func: function, an optional function that takes the same arguments as the test logic function and returns a string that is the corresponding UID. """ self._assert_function_name_in_stack(STAGE_NAME_SETUP_GENERATED_TESTS) root_msg = 'During test generation of "%s":' % test_logic.__name__ for args in arg_sets: test_name = name_func(*args) if test_name in self.get_existing_test_names(): raise Error('%s Test name "%s" already exists, cannot be duplicated!' % (root_msg, test_name)) test_func = functools.partial(test_logic, *args) if uid_func is not None: uid = uid_func(*args) if uid is None: logging.warning('%s UID for arg set %s is None.', root_msg, args) else: setattr(test_func, 'uid', uid) self._generated_test_table[test_name] = test_func def _safe_exec_func(self, func, *args): """Executes a function with exception safeguard. This will let signals.TestAbortAll through so abort_all works in all procedure functions. Args: func: Function to be executed. args: Arguments to be passed to the function. Returns: Whatever the function returns. """ try: return func(*args) except signals.TestAbortAll: raise except: logging.exception('Exception happened when executing %s in %s.', func.__name__, self.TAG) def get_existing_test_names(self): """Gets the names of existing tests in the class. A method in the class is considered a test if its name starts with 'test_*'. Note this only gets the names of tests that already exist. If `setup_generated_test` has not happened when this was called, the generated tests won't be listed. Returns: A list of strings, each is a test method name. """ test_names = [] for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(self, callable): if name.startswith('test_'): test_names.append(name) return test_names + list(self._generated_test_table.keys()) def _get_test_methods(self, test_names): """Resolves test method names to bound test methods. Args: test_names: A list of strings, each string is a test method name. Returns: A list of tuples of (string, function). String is the test method name, function is the actual python method implementing its logic. Raises: Error: The test name does not follow naming convention 'test_*'. This can only be caused by user input. """ test_methods = [] for test_name in test_names: if not test_name.startswith('test_'): raise Error('Test method name %s does not follow naming ' 'convention test_*, abort.' % test_name) if hasattr(self, test_name): test_method = getattr(self, test_name) elif test_name in self._generated_test_table: test_method = self._generated_test_table[test_name] else: raise Error('%s does not have test method %s.' % (self.TAG, test_name)) test_methods.append((test_name, test_method)) return test_methods def _skip_remaining_tests(self, exception): """Marks any requested test that has not been executed in a class as skipped. This is useful for handling abort class signal. Args: exception: The exception object that was thrown to trigger the skip. """ for test_name in self.results.requested: if not self.results.is_test_executed(test_name): test_record = records.TestResultRecord(test_name, self.TAG) test_record.test_skip(exception) self.results.add_record(test_record) self.summary_writer.dump(test_record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD) def run(self, test_names=None): """Runs tests within a test class. One of these test method lists will be executed, shown here in priority order: 1. The test_names list, which is passed from cmd line. Invalid names are guarded by cmd line arg parsing. 2. The self.tests list defined in test class. Invalid names are ignored. 3. All function that matches test method naming convention in the test class. Args: test_names: A list of string that are test method names requested in cmd line. Returns: The test results object of this class. """ logging.log_path = self.log_path # Executes pre-setup procedures, like generating test methods. if not self._setup_generated_tests(): return self.results logging.info('==========> %s <==========', self.TAG) # Devise the actual test methods to run in the test class. if not test_names: if self.tests: # Specified by run list in class. test_names = list(self.tests) else: # No test method specified by user, execute all in test class. test_names = self.get_existing_test_names() self.results.requested = test_names self.summary_writer.dump(self.results.requested_test_names_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.TEST_NAME_LIST) tests = self._get_test_methods(test_names) try: setup_class_result = self._setup_class() if setup_class_result: return setup_class_result # Run tests in order. for test_name, test_method in tests: self.exec_one_test(test_name, test_method) return self.results except signals.TestAbortClass as e: e.details = 'Test class aborted due to: %s' % e.details self._skip_remaining_tests(e) return self.results except signals.TestAbortAll as e: e.details = 'All remaining tests aborted due to: %s' % e.details self._skip_remaining_tests(e) # Piggy-back test results on this exception object so we don't lose # results from this test class. setattr(e, 'results', self.results) raise e finally: self._teardown_class() logging.info('Summary for test class %s: %s', self.TAG, self.results.summary_str()) def _clean_up(self): """The final stage of a test class execution.""" stage_name = STAGE_NAME_CLEAN_UP record = records.TestResultRecord(stage_name, self.TAG) record.test_begin() self.current_test_info = runtime_test_info.RuntimeTestInfo( stage_name, self.log_path, record) expects.recorder.reset_internal_states(record) with self._log_test_stage(stage_name): # Write controller info and summary to summary file. self._record_controller_info() self._controller_manager.unregister_controllers() if expects.recorder.has_error: record.test_error() record.update_record() self.results.add_class_error(record) self.summary_writer.dump(record.to_dict(), records.TestSummaryEntryType.RECORD)