import re from argparse import ArgumentParser from os.path import dirname, abspath, join from subprocess import check_output, call def git(command, repo): return check_output('git '+command, cwd=repo, shell=True).decode() def repo_state_bad(mock_repo): status = git('status', mock_repo) if 'You are in the middle of an am session' in status: print(f'Mock repo at {mock_repo} needs cleanup:\n') call('git status', shell=True) return True def cleanup_old_patches(mock_repo): print('cleaning up old patches:') call('rm -vf /tmp/*.mock.patch', shell=True) call('find . -name "*.rej" -print -delete', shell=True, cwd=mock_repo) def find_initial_cpython_rev(): with open('lastsync.txt') as source: return def cpython_revs_affecting_mock(cpython_repo, start): revs = git(f'log --no-merges --format=%H {start}.. ' f'-- Lib/unittest/ Lib/unittest/test/testmock/', repo=cpython_repo).split() revs.reverse() print(f'{len(revs)} patches that may need backporting') return revs def has_been_backported(mock_repo, cpython_rev): backport_rev = git(f'log --format=%H --grep "Backports: {cpython_rev}"', repo=mock_repo).strip() if backport_rev: print(f'{cpython_rev} backported in {backport_rev}') return True print(f'{cpython_rev} has not been backported') def extract_patch_for(cpython_repo, rev): return git(f'format-patch -1 --no-stat --keep-subject --signoff --stdout {rev}', repo=cpython_repo) def munge(rev, patch): sign_off = 'Signed-off-by:' patch = patch.replace(sign_off, f'Backports: {rev}\n{sign_off}', 1) for pattern, sub in ( ('(a|b)/Lib/unittest/', r'\1/mock/'), (r'(a|b)/Lib/unittest/test/testmock/(\S+)', r'\1/mock/tests/\2'), ('(a|b)/Misc/NEWS', r'\1/NEWS'), ('(a|b)/NEWS.d/next/[^/]+/(.+\.rst)', r'\1/NEWS.d/\2'), ): patch = re.sub(pattern, sub, patch) return patch def apply_patch(mock_repo, rev, patch): patch_path = f'/tmp/{rev}.mock.patch' with open(patch_path, 'w') as target: target.write(patch) print(f'wrote {patch_path}') call(f'git am -k ' f'--include "mock/*" --include NEWS --include "NEWS.d/*" ' f'--reject {patch_path} ', cwd=mock_repo, shell=True) def update_last_sync(mock_repo, rev): with open(join(mock_repo, 'lastsync.txt'), 'w') as target: target.write(rev+'\n') print(f'update lastsync.txt to {rev}') def rev_from_mock_patch(text): match ='Backports: ([a-z0-9]+)', text) return def skip_current(mock_repo, reason): text = git('am --show-current-patch', repo=mock_repo) rev = rev_from_mock_patch(text) git('am --abort', repo=mock_repo) print(f'skipping {rev}') update_last_sync(mock_repo, rev) call(f'git commit -m "Backports: {rev}, skipped: {reason}" lastsync.txt', shell=True, cwd=mock_repo) cleanup_old_patches(mock_repo) def commit_last_sync(revs, mock_repo): print('Yay! All caught up!') if len(revs): git('commit -m "latest sync point" lastsync.txt', repo=mock_repo) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.skip_current: return skip_current(args.mock, args.skip_reason) if repo_state_bad(args.mock): return cleanup_old_patches(args.mock) initial_cpython_rev = find_initial_cpython_rev() revs = cpython_revs_affecting_mock(args.cpython, initial_cpython_rev) for rev in revs: if has_been_backported(args.mock, rev): update_last_sync(args.mock, rev) continue patch = extract_patch_for(args.cpython, rev) patch = munge(rev, patch) apply_patch(args.mock, rev, patch) break else: commit_last_sync(revs, args.mock) def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--cpython', default='../cpython') parser.add_argument('--mock', default=abspath(dirname(__file__))) parser.add_argument('--skip-current', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--skip-reason', default='it has no changes needed here.') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': main()