path: root/tests/test_client.py
diff options
authorDanny Hermes <daniel.j.hermes@gmail.com>2015-08-26 06:53:20 -0700
committerDanny Hermes <daniel.j.hermes@gmail.com>2015-08-26 06:53:20 -0700
commit0d0e270c9f9acfe4210c1ae2e9bed6d5a455cb11 (patch)
tree670345a1115f36e568f3ea8e23ebfe5e4b490118 /tests/test_client.py
parent14a122982465e785a5e0c8caa2acea86036e8da1 (diff)
Renaming test_oauth2client.py as test_client.py.
The original name was an artifact from when oauth2client was part of the google-api-python-client library.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_client.py')
1 files changed, 1415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_client.py b/tests/test_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d59a552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1415 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Oauth2client tests
+Unit tests for oauth2client.
+import base64
+import contextlib
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import unittest
+import mock
+import six
+from six.moves import urllib
+from .http_mock import HttpMock
+from .http_mock import HttpMockSequence
+from oauth2client import GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI
+from oauth2client import GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI
+from oauth2client import GOOGLE_TOKEN_INFO_URI
+from oauth2client import client
+from oauth2client import util as oauth2client_util
+from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenCredentials
+from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenCredentialsError
+from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenRefreshError
+from oauth2client.client import ADC_HELP_MSG
+from oauth2client.client import AssertionCredentials
+from oauth2client.client import AUTHORIZED_USER
+from oauth2client.client import Credentials
+from oauth2client.client import DEFAULT_ENV_NAME
+from oauth2client.client import Error
+from oauth2client.client import ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError
+from oauth2client.client import FlowExchangeError
+from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
+from oauth2client.client import GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
+from oauth2client.client import MemoryCache
+from oauth2client.client import NonAsciiHeaderError
+from oauth2client.client import OAuth2Credentials
+from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow
+from oauth2client.client import OOB_CALLBACK_URN
+from oauth2client.client import REFRESH_STATUS_CODES
+from oauth2client.client import SERVICE_ACCOUNT
+from oauth2client.client import Storage
+from oauth2client.client import TokenRevokeError
+from oauth2client.client import VerifyJwtTokenError
+from oauth2client.client import _extract_id_token
+from oauth2client.client import _get_application_default_credential_from_file
+from oauth2client.client import _get_environment_variable_file
+from oauth2client.client import _get_well_known_file
+from oauth2client.client import _in_gae_environment
+from oauth2client.client import _in_gce_environment
+from oauth2client.client import _raise_exception_for_missing_fields
+from oauth2client.client import _raise_exception_for_reading_json
+from oauth2client.client import _update_query_params
+from oauth2client.client import credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code
+from oauth2client.client import credentials_from_code
+from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
+from oauth2client.client import save_to_well_known_file
+from oauth2client.clientsecrets import _loadfile
+from oauth2client.service_account import _ServiceAccountCredentials
+__author__ = 'jcgregorio@google.com (Joe Gregorio)'
+DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
+# TODO(craigcitro): This is duplicated from
+# googleapiclient.test_discovery; consolidate these definitions.
+def assertUrisEqual(testcase, expected, actual):
+ """Test that URIs are the same, up to reordering of query parameters."""
+ expected = urllib.parse.urlparse(expected)
+ actual = urllib.parse.urlparse(actual)
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected.scheme, actual.scheme)
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected.netloc, actual.netloc)
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected.path, actual.path)
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected.params, actual.params)
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected.fragment, actual.fragment)
+ expected_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(expected.query)
+ actual_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(actual.query)
+ for name in expected_query.keys():
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected_query[name], actual_query[name])
+ for name in actual_query.keys():
+ testcase.assertEqual(expected_query[name], actual_query[name])
+def datafile(filename):
+ return os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename)
+def load_and_cache(existing_file, fakename, cache_mock):
+ client_type, client_info = _loadfile(datafile(existing_file))
+ cache_mock.cache[fakename] = {client_type: client_info}
+class CacheMock(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cache = {}
+ def get(self, key, namespace=''):
+ # ignoring namespace for easier testing
+ return self.cache.get(key, None)
+ def set(self, key, value, namespace=''):
+ # ignoring namespace for easier testing
+ self.cache[key] = value
+class CredentialsTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_to_from_json(self):
+ credentials = Credentials()
+ json = credentials.to_json()
+ restored = Credentials.new_from_json(json)
+class MockResponse(object):
+ """Mock the response of urllib2.urlopen() call."""
+ def __init__(self, headers):
+ self._headers = headers
+ def info(self):
+ class Info:
+ def __init__(self, headers):
+ self.headers = headers
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ return self.headers.get(key, default)
+ return Info(self._headers)
+def mock_module_import(module):
+ """Place a dummy objects in sys.modules to mock an import test."""
+ parts = module.split('.')
+ entries = ['.'.join(parts[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(parts))]
+ for entry in entries:
+ sys.modules[entry] = object()
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ for entry in entries:
+ del sys.modules[entry]
+class GoogleCredentialsTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.env_server_software = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', None)
+ self.env_google_application_credentials = (
+ self.env_appdata = os.environ.get('APPDATA', None)
+ self.os_name = os.name
+ from oauth2client import client
+ client.SETTINGS.env_name = None
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.reset_env('SERVER_SOFTWARE', self.env_server_software)
+ self.env_google_application_credentials)
+ self.reset_env('APPDATA', self.env_appdata)
+ os.name = self.os_name
+ def reset_env(self, env, value):
+ """Set the environment variable 'env' to 'value'."""
+ if value is not None:
+ os.environ[env] = value
+ else:
+ os.environ.pop(env, '')
+ def validate_service_account_credentials(self, credentials):
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(credentials, _ServiceAccountCredentials))
+ self.assertEqual('123', credentials._service_account_id)
+ self.assertEqual('dummy@google.com',
+ credentials._service_account_email)
+ self.assertEqual('ABCDEF', credentials._private_key_id)
+ self.assertEqual('', credentials._scopes)
+ def validate_google_credentials(self, credentials):
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(credentials, GoogleCredentials))
+ self.assertEqual(None, credentials.access_token)
+ self.assertEqual('123', credentials.client_id)
+ self.assertEqual('secret', credentials.client_secret)
+ self.assertEqual('alabalaportocala', credentials.refresh_token)
+ self.assertEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ self.assertEqual(GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI, credentials.token_uri)
+ self.assertEqual('Python client library', credentials.user_agent)
+ def get_a_google_credentials_object(self):
+ return GoogleCredentials(None, None, None, None,
+ None, None, None, None)
+ def test_create_scoped_required(self):
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.get_a_google_credentials_object().create_scoped_required())
+ def test_create_scoped(self):
+ credentials = self.get_a_google_credentials_object()
+ self.assertEqual(credentials, credentials.create_scoped(None))
+ self.assertEqual(credentials,
+ credentials.create_scoped(['dummy_scope']))
+ def test_environment_check_gae_production(self):
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Google App Engine/XYZ'
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ def test_environment_check_gae_local(self):
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development/XYZ'
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ def test_environment_check_fastpath(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development/XYZ'
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=MockResponse({}),
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ # We already know are in GAE, so we shouldn't actually do
+ # the urlopen.
+ self.assertFalse(urlopen.called)
+ def test_environment_caching(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development/XYZ'
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gae_environment())
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ # Even though we no longer pass the environment check, it
+ # is cached.
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gae_environment())
+ def test_environment_check_gae_module_on_gce(self):
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ response = MockResponse({'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'})
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=response,
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gce_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ def test_environment_check_gae_module_unknown(self):
+ with mock_module_import('google.appengine'):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=MockResponse({}),
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ def test_environment_check_gce_production(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ response = MockResponse({'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'})
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=response,
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gae_environment())
+ self.assertTrue(_in_gce_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ def test_environment_check_gce_timeout(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ response = MockResponse({'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'})
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=response,
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ urlopen.side_effect = socket.timeout()
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=response,
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ urlopen.side_effect = urllib.error.URLError(socket.timeout())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ def test_environment_check_unknown(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, 'urlopen',
+ return_value=MockResponse({}),
+ autospec=True) as urlopen:
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gce_environment())
+ self.assertFalse(_in_gae_environment())
+ urlopen.assert_called_once_with(
+ '', timeout=1)
+ def test_get_environment_variable_file(self):
+ environment_variable_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ os.environ[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] = environment_variable_file
+ self.assertEqual(environment_variable_file,
+ _get_environment_variable_file())
+ def test_get_environment_variable_file_error(self):
+ nonexistent_file = datafile('nonexistent')
+ os.environ[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] = nonexistent_file
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ _get_environment_variable_file()
+ self.fail(nonexistent_file + ' should not exist.')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual('File ' + nonexistent_file +
+ ' environment variable) does not exist!',
+ str(error))
+ def test_get_well_known_file_on_windows(self):
+ ORIGINAL_ISDIR = os.path.isdir
+ try:
+ os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
+ well_known_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join(client._CLOUDSDK_CONFIG_DIRECTORY,
+ 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ os.name = 'nt'
+ os.environ['APPDATA'] = DATA_DIR
+ self.assertEqual(well_known_file, _get_well_known_file())
+ finally:
+ os.path.isdir = ORIGINAL_ISDIR
+ def test_get_well_known_file_with_custom_config_dir(self):
+ ORIGINAL_ENVIRON = os.environ
+ ORIGINAL_ISDIR = os.path.isdir
+ EXPECTED_FILE = os.path.join(CUSTOM_DIR,
+ 'application_default_credentials.json')
+ try:
+ os.environ = {client._CLOUDSDK_CONFIG_ENV_VAR: CUSTOM_DIR}
+ os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
+ well_known_file = _get_well_known_file()
+ self.assertEqual(well_known_file, EXPECTED_FILE)
+ finally:
+ os.environ = ORIGINAL_ENVIRON
+ os.path.isdir = ORIGINAL_ISDIR
+ def test_get_adc_from_file_service_account(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ credentials = _get_application_default_credential_from_file(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.validate_service_account_credentials(credentials)
+ def test_save_to_well_known_file_service_account(self):
+ credential_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ credentials = _get_application_default_credential_from_file(
+ credential_file)
+ temp_credential_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'temp_well_known_file_service_account.json'))
+ save_to_well_known_file(credentials, temp_credential_file)
+ with open(temp_credential_file) as f:
+ d = json.load(f)
+ self.assertEqual('service_account', d['type'])
+ self.assertEqual('123', d['client_id'])
+ self.assertEqual('dummy@google.com', d['client_email'])
+ self.assertEqual('ABCDEF', d['private_key_id'])
+ os.remove(temp_credential_file)
+ def test_save_well_known_file_with_non_existent_config_dir(self):
+ credential_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ credentials = _get_application_default_credential_from_file(
+ credential_file)
+ ORIGINAL_ISDIR = os.path.isdir
+ try:
+ os.path.isdir = lambda path: False
+ self.assertRaises(OSError, save_to_well_known_file, credentials)
+ finally:
+ os.path.isdir = ORIGINAL_ISDIR
+ def test_get_adc_from_file_authorized_user(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(os.path.join(
+ 'gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_authorized_user.json'))
+ credentials = _get_application_default_credential_from_file(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.validate_google_credentials(credentials)
+ def test_save_to_well_known_file_authorized_user(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(os.path.join(
+ 'gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_authorized_user.json'))
+ credentials = _get_application_default_credential_from_file(
+ credentials_file)
+ temp_credential_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'temp_well_known_file_authorized_user.json'))
+ save_to_well_known_file(credentials, temp_credential_file)
+ with open(temp_credential_file) as f:
+ d = json.load(f)
+ self.assertEqual('authorized_user', d['type'])
+ self.assertEqual('123', d['client_id'])
+ self.assertEqual('secret', d['client_secret'])
+ self.assertEqual('alabalaportocala', d['refresh_token'])
+ os.remove(temp_credential_file)
+ def test_get_application_default_credential_from_malformed_file_1(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_1.json'))
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ _get_application_default_credential_from_file(credentials_file)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual("'type' field should be defined "
+ "(and have one of the '" + AUTHORIZED_USER +
+ "' or '" + SERVICE_ACCOUNT + "' values)",
+ str(error))
+ def test_get_application_default_credential_from_malformed_file_2(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_2.json'))
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ _get_application_default_credential_from_file(credentials_file)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'The following field(s) must be defined: private_key_id',
+ str(error))
+ def test_get_application_default_credential_from_malformed_file_3(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_3.json'))
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+ _get_application_default_credential_from_file,
+ credentials_file)
+ def test_raise_exception_for_missing_fields(self):
+ missing_fields = ['first', 'second', 'third']
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ _raise_exception_for_missing_fields(missing_fields)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual('The following field(s) must be defined: ' +
+ ', '.join(missing_fields),
+ str(error))
+ def test_raise_exception_for_reading_json(self):
+ credential_file = 'any_file'
+ extra_help = ' be good'
+ error = ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError('stuff happens')
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ _raise_exception_for_reading_json(credential_file,
+ extra_help, error)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as ex:
+ self.assertEqual('An error was encountered while reading '
+ 'json file: ' + credential_file +
+ extra_help + ': ' + str(error),
+ str(ex))
+ def test_get_adc_from_environment_variable_service_account(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ environment_variable_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ os.environ[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] = environment_variable_file
+ self.validate_service_account_credentials(
+ GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())
+ def test_env_name(self):
+ from oauth2client import client
+ self.assertEqual(None, client.SETTINGS.env_name)
+ self.test_get_adc_from_environment_variable_service_account()
+ self.assertEqual(DEFAULT_ENV_NAME, client.SETTINGS.env_name)
+ def test_get_adc_from_environment_variable_authorized_user(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ environment_variable_file = datafile(os.path.join(
+ 'gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_authorized_user.json'))
+ os.environ[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] = environment_variable_file
+ self.validate_google_credentials(
+ GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())
+ def test_get_adc_from_environment_variable_malformed_file(self):
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ environment_variable_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_3.json'))
+ os.environ[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] = environment_variable_file
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertTrue(str(error).startswith(
+ 'An error was encountered while reading json file: ' +
+ environment_variable_file + ' (pointed to by ' +
+ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS + ' environment variable):'))
+ def test_get_application_default_environment_not_set_up(self):
+ # It is normal for this test to fail if run inside
+ # a Google Compute Engine VM or after 'gcloud auth login' command
+ # has been executed on a non Windows machine.
+ os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = ''
+ os.environ['APPDATA'] = ''
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ ORIGINAL_ISDIR = os.path.isdir
+ try:
+ os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
+ GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual(ADC_HELP_MSG, str(error))
+ finally:
+ os.path.isdir = ORIGINAL_ISDIR
+ def test_from_stream_service_account(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud', 'application_default_credentials.json'))
+ credentials = self.get_a_google_credentials_object().from_stream(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.validate_service_account_credentials(credentials)
+ def test_from_stream_authorized_user(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(os.path.join(
+ 'gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_authorized_user.json'))
+ credentials = self.get_a_google_credentials_object().from_stream(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.validate_google_credentials(credentials)
+ def test_from_stream_malformed_file_1(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_1.json'))
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ self.get_a_google_credentials_object().from_stream(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "An error was encountered while reading json file: " +
+ credentials_file +
+ " (provided as parameter to the from_stream() method): "
+ "'type' field should be defined (and have one of the '" +
+ "' values)",
+ str(error))
+ def test_from_stream_malformed_file_2(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_2.json'))
+ # we can't use self.assertRaisesRegexp() because it is only in
+ # Python 2.7+
+ try:
+ self.get_a_google_credentials_object().from_stream(
+ credentials_file)
+ self.fail('An exception was expected!')
+ except ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError as error:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'An error was encountered while reading json file: ' +
+ credentials_file +
+ ' (provided as parameter to the from_stream() method): '
+ 'The following field(s) must be defined: '
+ 'private_key_id',
+ str(error))
+ def test_from_stream_malformed_file_3(self):
+ credentials_file = datafile(
+ os.path.join('gcloud',
+ 'application_default_credentials_malformed_3.json'))
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError,
+ self.get_a_google_credentials_object().from_stream,
+ credentials_file)
+class DummyDeleteStorage(Storage):
+ delete_called = False
+ def locked_delete(self):
+ self.delete_called = True
+def _token_revoke_test_helper(testcase, status, revoke_raise,
+ valid_bool_value, token_attr):
+ current_store = getattr(testcase.credentials, 'store', None)
+ dummy_store = DummyDeleteStorage()
+ testcase.credentials.set_store(dummy_store)
+ actual_do_revoke = testcase.credentials._do_revoke
+ testcase.token_from_revoke = None
+ def do_revoke_stub(http_request, token):
+ testcase.token_from_revoke = token
+ return actual_do_revoke(http_request, token)
+ testcase.credentials._do_revoke = do_revoke_stub
+ http = HttpMock(headers={'status': status})
+ if revoke_raise:
+ testcase.assertRaises(TokenRevokeError,
+ testcase.credentials.revoke, http)
+ else:
+ testcase.credentials.revoke(http)
+ testcase.assertEqual(getattr(testcase.credentials, token_attr),
+ testcase.token_from_revoke)
+ testcase.assertEqual(valid_bool_value, testcase.credentials.invalid)
+ testcase.assertEqual(valid_bool_value, dummy_store.delete_called)
+ testcase.credentials.set_store(current_store)
+class BasicCredentialsTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ access_token = 'foo'
+ client_id = 'some_client_id'
+ client_secret = 'cOuDdkfjxxnv+'
+ refresh_token = '1/0/a.df219fjls0'
+ token_expiry = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ user_agent = 'refresh_checker/1.0'
+ self.credentials = OAuth2Credentials(
+ access_token, client_id, client_secret,
+ refresh_token, token_expiry, GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
+ user_agent, revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI, scopes='foo',
+ token_info_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_INFO_URI)
+ # Provoke a failure if @util.positional is not respected.
+ self.old_positional_enforcement = (
+ oauth2client_util.positional_parameters_enforcement)
+ oauth2client_util.positional_parameters_enforcement = (
+ oauth2client_util.POSITIONAL_EXCEPTION)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ oauth2client_util.positional_parameters_enforcement = (
+ self.old_positional_enforcement)
+ def test_token_refresh_success(self):
+ for status_code in REFRESH_STATUS_CODES:
+ token_response = {'access_token': '1/3w', 'expires_in': 3600}
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': status_code}, b''),
+ ({'status': '200'}, json.dumps(token_response).encode(
+ 'utf-8')),
+ ({'status': '200'}, 'echo_request_headers'),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(b'Bearer 1/3w', content[b'Authorization'])
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ self.assertEqual(token_response, self.credentials.token_response)
+ def test_recursive_authorize(self):
+ """Tests that OAuth2Credentials doesn't intro. new method constraints.
+ Formerly, OAuth2Credentials.authorize monkeypatched the request method
+ of its httplib2.Http argument with a wrapper annotated with
+ @util.positional(1). Since the original method has no such annotation,
+ that meant that the wrapper was violating the contract of the original
+ method by adding a new requirement to it. And in fact the wrapper
+ itself doesn't even respect that requirement. So before the removal of
+ the annotation, this test would fail.
+ """
+ token_response = {'access_token': '1/3w', 'expires_in': 3600}
+ encoded_response = json.dumps(token_response).encode('utf-8')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, encoded_response),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ http.request('http://example.com')
+ def test_token_refresh_failure(self):
+ for status_code in REFRESH_STATUS_CODES:
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': status_code}, b''),
+ ({'status': '400'}, b'{"error":"access_denied"}'),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ try:
+ http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.fail('should raise AccessTokenRefreshError exception')
+ except AccessTokenRefreshError:
+ pass
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ self.assertEqual(None, self.credentials.token_response)
+ def test_token_revoke_success(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '200', revoke_raise=False,
+ valid_bool_value=True, token_attr='refresh_token')
+ def test_token_revoke_failure(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '400', revoke_raise=True,
+ valid_bool_value=False, token_attr='refresh_token')
+ def test_token_revoke_fallback(self):
+ original_credentials = self.credentials.to_json()
+ self.credentials.refresh_token = None
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '200', revoke_raise=False,
+ valid_bool_value=True, token_attr='access_token')
+ self.credentials = self.credentials.from_json(original_credentials)
+ def test_non_401_error_response(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b''),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(400, resp.status)
+ self.assertEqual(None, self.credentials.token_response)
+ def test_to_from_json(self):
+ json = self.credentials.to_json()
+ instance = OAuth2Credentials.from_json(json)
+ self.assertEqual(OAuth2Credentials, type(instance))
+ instance.token_expiry = None
+ self.credentials.token_expiry = None
+ self.assertEqual(instance.__dict__, self.credentials.__dict__)
+ def test_from_json_token_expiry(self):
+ data = json.loads(self.credentials.to_json())
+ data['token_expiry'] = None
+ instance = OAuth2Credentials.from_json(json.dumps(data))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(instance, OAuth2Credentials))
+ def test_unicode_header_checks(self):
+ access_token = u'foo'
+ client_id = u'some_client_id'
+ client_secret = u'cOuDdkfjxxnv+'
+ refresh_token = u'1/0/a.df219fjls0'
+ token_expiry = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
+ token_uri = str(GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI)
+ revoke_uri = str(GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI)
+ user_agent = u'refresh_checker/1.0'
+ credentials = OAuth2Credentials(access_token, client_id, client_secret,
+ refresh_token, token_expiry, token_uri,
+ user_agent, revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
+ # First, test that we correctly encode basic objects, making sure
+ # to include a bytes object. Note that oauth2client will normalize
+ # everything to bytes, no matter what python version we're in.
+ http = credentials.authorize(HttpMock(headers={'status': '200'}))
+ headers = {u'foo': 3, b'bar': True, 'baz': b'abc'}
+ cleaned_headers = {b'foo': b'3', b'bar': b'True', b'baz': b'abc'}
+ http.request(u'http://example.com', method=u'GET', headers=headers)
+ for k, v in cleaned_headers.items():
+ self.assertTrue(k in http.headers)
+ self.assertEqual(v, http.headers[k])
+ # Next, test that we do fail on unicode.
+ unicode_str = six.unichr(40960) + 'abcd'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ NonAsciiHeaderError,
+ http.request,
+ u'http://example.com', method=u'GET',
+ headers={u'foo': unicode_str})
+ def test_no_unicode_in_request_params(self):
+ access_token = u'foo'
+ client_id = u'some_client_id'
+ client_secret = u'cOuDdkfjxxnv+'
+ refresh_token = u'1/0/a.df219fjls0'
+ token_expiry = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
+ token_uri = str(GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI)
+ revoke_uri = str(GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI)
+ user_agent = u'refresh_checker/1.0'
+ credentials = OAuth2Credentials(access_token, client_id, client_secret,
+ refresh_token, token_expiry, token_uri,
+ user_agent, revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
+ http = HttpMock(headers={'status': '200'})
+ http = credentials.authorize(http)
+ http.request(u'http://example.com', method=u'GET',
+ headers={u'foo': u'bar'})
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(http.headers):
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(k, six.binary_type))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, six.binary_type))
+ # Test again with unicode strings that can't simply be converted
+ # to ASCII.
+ try:
+ http.request(
+ u'http://example.com', method=u'GET',
+ headers={u'foo': u'\N{COMET}'})
+ self.fail('Expected exception to be raised.')
+ except NonAsciiHeaderError:
+ pass
+ self.credentials.token_response = 'foobar'
+ instance = OAuth2Credentials.from_json(self.credentials.to_json())
+ self.assertEqual('foobar', instance.token_response)
+ def test_get_access_token(self):
+ S = 2 # number of seconds in which the token expires
+ token_response_first = {'access_token': 'first_token', 'expires_in': S}
+ token_response_second = {'access_token': 'second_token',
+ 'expires_in': S}
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, json.dumps(token_response_first).encode(
+ 'utf-8')),
+ ({'status': '200'}, json.dumps(token_response_second).encode(
+ 'utf-8')),
+ ])
+ token = self.credentials.get_access_token(http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('first_token', token.access_token)
+ self.assertEqual(S - 1, token.expires_in)
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ self.assertEqual(token_response_first, self.credentials.token_response)
+ token = self.credentials.get_access_token(http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('first_token', token.access_token)
+ self.assertEqual(S - 1, token.expires_in)
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ self.assertEqual(token_response_first, self.credentials.token_response)
+ time.sleep(S + 0.5) # some margin to avoid flakiness
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ token = self.credentials.get_access_token(http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('second_token', token.access_token)
+ self.assertEqual(S - 1, token.expires_in)
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.access_token_expired)
+ self.assertEqual(token_response_second,
+ self.credentials.token_response)
+ def test_has_scopes(self):
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.has_scopes('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.has_scopes(['foo']))
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.has_scopes('bar'))
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.has_scopes(['bar']))
+ self.credentials.scopes = set(['foo', 'bar'])
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.has_scopes('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.has_scopes('bar'))
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.has_scopes('baz'))
+ self.assertTrue(self.credentials.has_scopes(['foo', 'bar']))
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.has_scopes(['foo', 'baz']))
+ self.credentials.scopes = set([])
+ self.assertFalse(self.credentials.has_scopes('foo'))
+ def test_retrieve_scopes(self):
+ info_response_first = {'scope': 'foo bar'}
+ info_response_second = {'error_description': 'abcdef'}
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, json.dumps(info_response_first).encode(
+ 'utf-8')),
+ ({'status': '400'}, json.dumps(info_response_second).encode(
+ 'utf-8')),
+ ({'status': '500'}, b''),
+ ])
+ self.credentials.retrieve_scopes(http)
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo', 'bar']), self.credentials.scopes)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ Error,
+ self.credentials.retrieve_scopes,
+ http)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ Error,
+ self.credentials.retrieve_scopes,
+ http)
+class AccessTokenCredentialsTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ access_token = 'foo'
+ user_agent = 'refresh_checker/1.0'
+ self.credentials = AccessTokenCredentials(access_token, user_agent,
+ revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI)
+ def test_token_refresh_success(self):
+ for status_code in REFRESH_STATUS_CODES:
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': status_code}, b''),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ try:
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.fail('should throw exception if token expires')
+ except AccessTokenCredentialsError:
+ pass
+ except Exception:
+ self.fail('should only throw AccessTokenCredentialsError')
+ def test_token_revoke_success(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '200', revoke_raise=False,
+ valid_bool_value=True, token_attr='access_token')
+ def test_token_revoke_failure(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '400', revoke_raise=True,
+ valid_bool_value=False, token_attr='access_token')
+ def test_non_401_error_response(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b''),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(400, resp.status)
+ def test_auth_header_sent(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, 'echo_request_headers'),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(b'Bearer foo', content[b'Authorization'])
+class TestAssertionCredentials(unittest.TestCase):
+ assertion_text = 'This is the assertion'
+ assertion_type = 'http://www.google.com/assertionType'
+ class AssertionCredentialsTestImpl(AssertionCredentials):
+ def _generate_assertion(self):
+ return TestAssertionCredentials.assertion_text
+ def setUp(self):
+ user_agent = 'fun/2.0'
+ self.credentials = self.AssertionCredentialsTestImpl(
+ self.assertion_type, user_agent=user_agent)
+ def test_assertion_body(self):
+ body = urllib.parse.parse_qs(
+ self.credentials._generate_refresh_request_body())
+ self.assertEqual(self.assertion_text, body['assertion'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
+ body['grant_type'][0])
+ def test_assertion_refresh(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'{"access_token":"1/3w"}'),
+ ({'status': '200'}, 'echo_request_headers'),
+ ])
+ http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
+ resp, content = http.request('http://example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(b'Bearer 1/3w', content[b'Authorization'])
+ def test_token_revoke_success(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '200', revoke_raise=False,
+ valid_bool_value=True, token_attr='access_token')
+ def test_token_revoke_failure(self):
+ _token_revoke_test_helper(
+ self, '400', revoke_raise=True,
+ valid_bool_value=False, token_attr='access_token')
+class UpdateQueryParamsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_update_query_params_no_params(self):
+ uri = 'http://www.google.com'
+ updated = _update_query_params(uri, {'a': 'b'})
+ self.assertEqual(updated, uri + '?a=b')
+ def test_update_query_params_existing_params(self):
+ uri = 'http://www.google.com?x=y'
+ updated = _update_query_params(uri, {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd&'})
+ hardcoded_update = uri + '&a=b&c=d%26'
+ assertUrisEqual(self, updated, hardcoded_update)
+class ExtractIdTokenTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests _extract_id_token()."""
+ def test_extract_success(self):
+ body = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ body_json = json.dumps(body).encode('ascii')
+ payload = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(body_json).strip(b'=')
+ jwt = b'stuff.' + payload + b'.signature'
+ extracted = _extract_id_token(jwt)
+ self.assertEqual(extracted, body)
+ def test_extract_failure(self):
+ body = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ body_json = json.dumps(body).encode('ascii')
+ payload = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(body_json).strip(b'=')
+ jwt = b'stuff.' + payload
+ self.assertRaises(VerifyJwtTokenError, _extract_id_token, jwt)
+class OAuth2WebServerFlowTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(
+ client_id='client_id+1',
+ client_secret='secret+1',
+ scope='foo',
+ redirect_uri=OOB_CALLBACK_URN,
+ user_agent='unittest-sample/1.0',
+ revoke_uri='dummy_revoke_uri',
+ )
+ def test_construct_authorize_url(self):
+ authorize_url = self.flow.step1_get_authorize_url(state='state+1')
+ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(authorize_url)
+ q = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed[4])
+ self.assertEqual('client_id+1', q['client_id'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('code', q['response_type'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('foo', q['scope'][0])
+ self.assertEqual(OOB_CALLBACK_URN, q['redirect_uri'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('offline', q['access_type'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('state+1', q['state'][0])
+ def test_override_flow_via_kwargs(self):
+ """Passing kwargs to override defaults."""
+ flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(
+ client_id='client_id+1',
+ client_secret='secret+1',
+ scope='foo',
+ redirect_uri=OOB_CALLBACK_URN,
+ user_agent='unittest-sample/1.0',
+ access_type='online',
+ response_type='token'
+ )
+ authorize_url = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
+ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(authorize_url)
+ q = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed[4])
+ self.assertEqual('client_id+1', q['client_id'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('token', q['response_type'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('foo', q['scope'][0])
+ self.assertEqual(OOB_CALLBACK_URN, q['redirect_uri'][0])
+ self.assertEqual('online', q['access_type'][0])
+ def test_scope_is_required(self):
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, OAuth2WebServerFlow, 'client_id+1')
+ def test_exchange_failure(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b'{"error":"invalid_request"}'),
+ ])
+ try:
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code',
+ http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if exchange doesn\'t get 200')
+ except FlowExchangeError:
+ pass
+ def test_urlencoded_exchange_failure(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b'error=invalid_request'),
+ ])
+ try:
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code',
+ http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if exchange doesn\'t get 200')
+ except FlowExchangeError as e:
+ self.assertEqual('invalid_request', str(e))
+ def test_exchange_failure_with_json_error(self):
+ # Some providers have 'error' attribute as a JSON object
+ # in place of regular string.
+ # This test makes sure no strange object-to-string coversion
+ # exceptions are being raised instead of FlowExchangeError.
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "error": {'
+ b' "message": "Error validating verification code.",'
+ b' "type": "OAuthException"'
+ b' }'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '400'}, payload)])
+ try:
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code',
+ http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if exchange doesn\'t get 200')
+ except FlowExchangeError as e:
+ pass
+ def test_exchange_success(self):
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "expires_in":3600,'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('SlAV32hkKG', credentials.access_token)
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ self.assertEqual('8xLOxBtZp8', credentials.refresh_token)
+ self.assertEqual('dummy_revoke_uri', credentials.revoke_uri)
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), credentials.scopes)
+ def test_exchange_dictlike(self):
+ class FakeDict(object):
+ def __init__(self, d):
+ self.d = d
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return self.d[name]
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ return name in self.d
+ code = 'some random code'
+ not_a_dict = FakeDict({'code': code})
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "expires_in":3600,'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange(not_a_dict, http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('SlAV32hkKG', credentials.access_token)
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ self.assertEqual('8xLOxBtZp8', credentials.refresh_token)
+ self.assertEqual('dummy_revoke_uri', credentials.revoke_uri)
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), credentials.scopes)
+ request_code = urllib.parse.parse_qs(
+ http.requests[0]['body'])['code'][0]
+ self.assertEqual(code, request_code)
+ def test_exchange_using_authorization_header(self):
+ auth_header = 'Basic Y2xpZW50X2lkKzE6c2VjcmV0KzE=',
+ flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(
+ client_id='client_id+1',
+ authorization_header=auth_header,
+ scope='foo',
+ redirect_uri=OOB_CALLBACK_URN,
+ user_agent='unittest-sample/1.0',
+ revoke_uri='dummy_revoke_uri',
+ )
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'access_token=SlAV32hkKG'),
+ ])
+ credentials = flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('SlAV32hkKG', credentials.access_token)
+ test_request = http.requests[0]
+ # Did we pass the Authorization header?
+ self.assertEqual(test_request['headers']['Authorization'], auth_header)
+ # Did we omit client_secret from POST body?
+ self.assertTrue('client_secret' not in test_request['body'])
+ def test_urlencoded_exchange_success(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'access_token=SlAV32hkKG&expires_in=3600'),
+ ])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual('SlAV32hkKG', credentials.access_token)
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ def test_urlencoded_expires_param(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ # Note the 'expires=3600' where you'd normally
+ # have if named 'expires_in'
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'access_token=SlAV32hkKG&expires=3600'),
+ ])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ def test_exchange_no_expires_in(self):
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ def test_urlencoded_exchange_no_expires_in(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ # This might be redundant but just to make sure
+ # urlencoded access_token gets parsed correctly
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'access_token=SlAV32hkKG'),
+ ])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ def test_exchange_fails_if_no_code(self):
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ code = {'error': 'thou shall not pass'}
+ try:
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange(code, http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if no code in dictionary.')
+ except FlowExchangeError as e:
+ self.assertTrue('shall not pass' in str(e))
+ def test_exchange_id_token_fail(self):
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8",'
+ b' "id_token": "stuff.payload"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ self.assertRaises(VerifyJwtTokenError, self.flow.step2_exchange,
+ 'some random code', http=http)
+ def test_exchange_id_token(self):
+ body = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ body_json = json.dumps(body).encode('ascii')
+ payload = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(body_json).strip(b'=')
+ jwt = (base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b'stuff') + b'.' + payload + b'.' +
+ base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b'signature'))
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",'
+ b' "refresh_token":"8xLOxBtZp8",'
+ b' "id_token": "' + jwt + b'"'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ credentials = self.flow.step2_exchange('some random code', http=http)
+ self.assertEqual(credentials.id_token, body)
+class FlowFromCachedClientsecrets(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_flow_from_clientsecrets_cached(self):
+ cache_mock = CacheMock()
+ load_and_cache('client_secrets.json', 'some_secrets', cache_mock)
+ flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(
+ 'some_secrets', '', redirect_uri='oob', cache=cache_mock)
+ self.assertEqual('foo_client_secret', flow.client_secret)
+class CredentialsFromCodeTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.client_id = 'client_id_abc'
+ self.client_secret = 'secret_use_code'
+ self.scope = 'foo'
+ self.code = '12345abcde'
+ self.redirect_uri = 'postmessage'
+ def test_exchange_code_for_token(self):
+ token = 'asdfghjkl'
+ payload = json.dumps({'access_token': token, 'expires_in': 3600})
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, payload.encode('utf-8')),
+ ])
+ credentials = credentials_from_code(self.client_id, self.client_secret,
+ self.scope, self.code,
+ redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri,
+ http=http)
+ self.assertEqual(credentials.access_token, token)
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), credentials.scopes)
+ def test_exchange_code_for_token_fail(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b'{"error":"invalid_request"}'),
+ ])
+ try:
+ credentials = credentials_from_code(self.client_id,
+ self.client_secret,
+ self.scope, self.code,
+ redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri,
+ http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if exchange doesn\'t get 200')
+ except FlowExchangeError:
+ pass
+ def test_exchange_code_and_file_for_token(self):
+ payload = (b'{'
+ b' "access_token":"asdfghjkl",'
+ b' "expires_in":3600'
+ b'}')
+ http = HttpMockSequence([({'status': '200'}, payload)])
+ credentials = credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code(
+ datafile('client_secrets.json'), self.scope,
+ self.code, http=http)
+ self.assertEqual(credentials.access_token, 'asdfghjkl')
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, credentials.token_expiry)
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), credentials.scopes)
+ def test_exchange_code_and_cached_file_for_token(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '200'}, b'{ "access_token":"asdfghjkl"}'),
+ ])
+ cache_mock = CacheMock()
+ load_and_cache('client_secrets.json', 'some_secrets', cache_mock)
+ credentials = credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code(
+ 'some_secrets', self.scope,
+ self.code, http=http, cache=cache_mock)
+ self.assertEqual(credentials.access_token, 'asdfghjkl')
+ self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), credentials.scopes)
+ def test_exchange_code_and_file_for_token_fail(self):
+ http = HttpMockSequence([
+ ({'status': '400'}, b'{"error":"invalid_request"}'),
+ ])
+ try:
+ credentials = credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code(
+ datafile('client_secrets.json'), self.scope,
+ self.code, http=http)
+ self.fail('should raise exception if exchange doesn\'t get 200')
+ except FlowExchangeError:
+ pass
+class MemoryCacheTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_get_set_delete(self):
+ m = MemoryCache()
+ self.assertEqual(None, m.get('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(None, m.delete('foo'))
+ m.set('foo', 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual('bar', m.get('foo'))
+ m.delete('foo')
+ self.assertEqual(None, m.get('foo'))
+class Test__save_private_file(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _save_helper(self, filename):
+ contents = []
+ contents_str = '[]'
+ client._save_private_file(filename, contents)
+ with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+ stored_contents = f.read()
+ self.assertEqual(stored_contents, contents_str)
+ stat_mode = os.stat(filename).st_mode
+ # Octal 777, only last 3 positions matter for permissions mask.
+ stat_mode &= 0o777
+ self.assertEqual(stat_mode, 0o600)
+ def test_new(self):
+ import tempfile
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp()
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(filename))
+ self._save_helper(filename)
+ def test_existing(self):
+ import tempfile
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp()
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('a bunch of nonsense longer than []')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename))
+ self._save_helper(filename)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()