path: root/oauth2client/_helpers.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'oauth2client/_helpers.py')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oauth2client/_helpers.py b/oauth2client/_helpers.py
index cb959c5..e912397 100644
--- a/oauth2client/_helpers.py
+++ b/oauth2client/_helpers.py
@@ -11,12 +11,248 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helper functions for commonly used utilities."""
import base64
+import functools
+import inspect
import json
+import logging
+import os
+import warnings
import six
+from six.moves import urllib
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+positional_parameters_enforcement = POSITIONAL_WARNING
+_SYM_LINK_MESSAGE = 'File: {0}: Is a symbolic link.'
+_IS_DIR_MESSAGE = '{0}: Is a directory'
+_MISSING_FILE_MESSAGE = 'Cannot access {0}: No such file or directory'
+def positional(max_positional_args):
+ """A decorator to declare that only the first N arguments my be positional.
+ This decorator makes it easy to support Python 3 style keyword-only
+ parameters. For example, in Python 3 it is possible to write::
+ def fn(pos1, *, kwonly1=None, kwonly1=None):
+ ...
+ All named parameters after ``*`` must be a keyword::
+ fn(10, 'kw1', 'kw2') # Raises exception.
+ fn(10, kwonly1='kw1') # Ok.
+ Example
+ ^^^^^^^
+ To define a function like above, do::
+ @positional(1)
+ def fn(pos1, kwonly1=None, kwonly2=None):
+ ...
+ If no default value is provided to a keyword argument, it becomes a
+ required keyword argument::
+ @positional(0)
+ def fn(required_kw):
+ ...
+ This must be called with the keyword parameter::
+ fn() # Raises exception.
+ fn(10) # Raises exception.
+ fn(required_kw=10) # Ok.
+ When defining instance or class methods always remember to account for
+ ``self`` and ``cls``::
+ class MyClass(object):
+ @positional(2)
+ def my_method(self, pos1, kwonly1=None):
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @positional(2)
+ def my_method(cls, pos1, kwonly1=None):
+ ...
+ The positional decorator behavior is controlled by
+ ``_helpers.positional_parameters_enforcement``, which may be set to
+ ``POSITIONAL_IGNORE`` to raise an exception, log a warning, or do
+ nothing, respectively, if a declaration is violated.
+ Args:
+ max_positional_arguments: Maximum number of positional arguments. All
+ parameters after the this index must be
+ keyword only.
+ Returns:
+ A decorator that prevents using arguments after max_positional_args
+ from being used as positional parameters.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if a key-word only argument is provided as a positional
+ parameter, but only if
+ _helpers.positional_parameters_enforcement is set to
+ """
+ def positional_decorator(wrapped):
+ @functools.wraps(wrapped)
+ def positional_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if len(args) > max_positional_args:
+ plural_s = ''
+ if max_positional_args != 1:
+ plural_s = 's'
+ message = ('{function}() takes at most {args_max} positional '
+ 'argument{plural} ({args_given} given)'.format(
+ function=wrapped.__name__,
+ args_max=max_positional_args,
+ args_given=len(args),
+ plural=plural_s))
+ if positional_parameters_enforcement == POSITIONAL_EXCEPTION:
+ raise TypeError(message)
+ elif positional_parameters_enforcement == POSITIONAL_WARNING:
+ logger.warning(message)
+ return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
+ return positional_wrapper
+ if isinstance(max_positional_args, six.integer_types):
+ return positional_decorator
+ else:
+ args, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(max_positional_args)
+ return positional(len(args) - len(defaults))(max_positional_args)
+def scopes_to_string(scopes):
+ """Converts scope value to a string.
+ If scopes is a string then it is simply passed through. If scopes is an
+ iterable then a string is returned that is all the individual scopes
+ concatenated with spaces.
+ Args:
+ scopes: string or iterable of strings, the scopes.
+ Returns:
+ The scopes formatted as a single string.
+ """
+ if isinstance(scopes, six.string_types):
+ return scopes
+ else:
+ return ' '.join(scopes)
+def string_to_scopes(scopes):
+ """Converts stringifed scope value to a list.
+ If scopes is a list then it is simply passed through. If scopes is an
+ string then a list of each individual scope is returned.
+ Args:
+ scopes: a string or iterable of strings, the scopes.
+ Returns:
+ The scopes in a list.
+ """
+ if not scopes:
+ return []
+ elif isinstance(scopes, six.string_types):
+ return scopes.split(' ')
+ else:
+ return scopes
+def parse_unique_urlencoded(content):
+ """Parses unique key-value parameters from urlencoded content.
+ Args:
+ content: string, URL-encoded key-value pairs.
+ Returns:
+ dict, The key-value pairs from ``content``.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if one of the keys is repeated.
+ """
+ urlencoded_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(content)
+ params = {}
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(urlencoded_params):
+ if len(value) != 1:
+ msg = ('URL-encoded content contains a repeated value:'
+ '%s -> %s' % (key, ', '.join(value)))
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ params[key] = value[0]
+ return params
+def update_query_params(uri, params):
+ """Updates a URI with new query parameters.
+ If a given key from ``params`` is repeated in the ``uri``, then
+ the URI will be considered invalid and an error will occur.
+ If the URI is valid, then each value from ``params`` will
+ replace the corresponding value in the query parameters (if
+ it exists).
+ Args:
+ uri: string, A valid URI, with potential existing query parameters.
+ params: dict, A dictionary of query parameters.
+ Returns:
+ The same URI but with the new query parameters added.
+ """
+ parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
+ query_params = parse_unique_urlencoded(parts.query)
+ query_params.update(params)
+ new_query = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params)
+ new_parts = parts._replace(query=new_query)
+ return urllib.parse.urlunparse(new_parts)
+def _add_query_parameter(url, name, value):
+ """Adds a query parameter to a url.
+ Replaces the current value if it already exists in the URL.
+ Args:
+ url: string, url to add the query parameter to.
+ name: string, query parameter name.
+ value: string, query parameter value.
+ Returns:
+ Updated query parameter. Does not update the url if value is None.
+ """
+ if value is None:
+ return url
+ else:
+ return update_query_params(url, {name: value})
+def validate_file(filename):
+ if os.path.islink(filename):
+ raise IOError(_SYM_LINK_MESSAGE.format(filename))
+ elif os.path.isdir(filename):
+ raise IOError(_IS_DIR_MESSAGE.format(filename))
+ elif not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ warnings.warn(_MISSING_FILE_MESSAGE.format(filename))
def _parse_pem_key(raw_key_input):