# # This file is part of pyasn1 software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pyasn1/license.html # import math import pickle import sys try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest from tests.base import BaseTestCase from pyasn1.type import univ from pyasn1.type import tag from pyasn1.type import constraint from pyasn1.type import namedtype from pyasn1.type import namedval from pyasn1.type import error from pyasn1.compat.octets import str2octs, ints2octs, octs2ints from pyasn1.error import PyAsn1Error class NoValueTestCase(BaseTestCase): def testSingleton(self): assert univ.NoValue() is univ.NoValue(), 'NoValue is not a singleton' def testRepr(self): try: repr(univ.noValue) except PyAsn1Error: assert False, 'repr() on NoValue object fails' def testIsInstance(self): try: assert isinstance(univ.noValue, univ.NoValue), 'isinstance() on NoValue() object fails' except PyAsn1Error: assert False, 'isinstance() on NoValue object fails' def testStr(self): try: str(univ.noValue) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'str() works for NoValue object' def testLen(self): try: len(univ.noValue) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'len() works for NoValue object' def testCmp(self): try: univ.noValue == 1 except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'comparison works for NoValue object' def testSubs(self): try: univ.noValue[0] except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, '__getitem__() works for NoValue object' def testKey(self): try: univ.noValue['key'] except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, '__getitem__() works for NoValue object' def testKeyAssignment(self): try: univ.noValue['key'] = 123 except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, '__setitem__() works for NoValue object' def testInt(self): try: int(univ.noValue) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'integer conversion works for NoValue object' def testAdd(self): try: univ.noValue + univ.noValue except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'addition works for NoValue object' def testBitShift(self): try: univ.noValue << 1 except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'bitshift works for NoValue object' def testBooleanEvaluation(self): try: if univ.noValue: pass except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert False, 'boolean evaluation works for NoValue object' def testSizeOf(self): try: if hasattr(sys, 'getsizeof'): sys.getsizeof(univ.noValue) else: raise unittest.SkipTest("no sys.getsizeof() method") except PyAsn1Error: assert False, 'sizeof failed for NoValue object' except TypeError: raise unittest.SkipTest("sys.getsizeof() raises TypeError") class IntegerTestCase(BaseTestCase): def testStr(self): assert str(univ.Integer(1)) in ('1', '1L'), 'str() fails' def testRepr(self): assert '123' in repr(univ.Integer(123)) def testAnd(self): assert univ.Integer(1) & 0 == 0, '__and__() fails' def testOr(self): assert univ.Integer(1) | 0 == 1, '__or__() fails' def testXor(self): assert univ.Integer(1) ^ 0 == 1, '__xor__() fails' def testRand(self): assert 0 & univ.Integer(1) == 0, '__rand__() fails' def testRor(self): assert 0 | univ.Integer(1) == 1, '__ror__() fails' def testRxor(self): assert 0 ^ univ.Integer(1) == 1, '__rxor__() fails' def testAdd(self): assert univ.Integer(-4) + 6 == 2, '__add__() fails' def testRadd(self): assert 4 + univ.Integer(5) == 9, '__radd__() fails' def testSub(self): assert univ.Integer(3) - 6 == -3, '__sub__() fails' def testRsub(self): assert 6 - univ.Integer(3) == 3, '__rsub__() fails' def testMul(self): assert univ.Integer(3) * -3 == -9, '__mul__() fails' def testRmul(self): assert 2 * univ.Integer(3) == 6, '__rmul__() fails' def testDivInt(self): assert univ.Integer(4) / 2 == 2, '__div__() fails' if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def testDivFloat(self): assert univ.Integer(3) / 2 == 1.5, '__div__() fails' def testRdivFloat(self): assert 3 / univ.Integer(2) == 1.5, '__rdiv__() fails' else: def testDivFloat(self): assert univ.Integer(3) / 2 == 1, '__div__() fails' def testRdivFloat(self): assert 3 / univ.Integer(2) == 1, '__rdiv__() fails' def testRdivInt(self): assert 6 / univ.Integer(3) == 2, '__rdiv__() fails' if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def testTrueDiv(self): assert univ.Integer(3) / univ.Integer(2) == 1.5, '__truediv__() fails' def testFloorDiv(self): assert univ.Integer(3) // univ.Integer(2) == 1, '__floordiv__() fails' def testMod(self): assert univ.Integer(3) % 2 == 1, '__mod__() fails' def testRmod(self): assert 4 % univ.Integer(3) == 1, '__rmod__() fails' def testPow(self): assert univ.Integer(3) ** 2 == 9, '__pow__() fails' def testRpow(self): assert 2 ** univ.Integer(2) == 4, '__rpow__() fails' def testLshift(self): assert univ.Integer(1) << 1 == 2, '<< fails' def testRshift(self): assert univ.Integer(2) >> 1 == 1, '>> fails' def testInt(self): assert int(univ.Integer(3)) == 3, '__int__() fails' def testLong(self): assert int(univ.Integer(8)) == 8, '__long__() fails' def testFloat(self): assert float(univ.Integer(4)) == 4.0, '__float__() fails' def testPos(self): assert +univ.Integer(1) == 1, '__pos__() fails' def testNeg(self): assert -univ.Integer(1) == -1, '__neg__() fails' def testInvert(self): assert ~univ.Integer(1) == -2, '__invert__() fails' def testRound(self): assert round(univ.Integer(1), 3) == 1.0, '__round__() fails' def testFloor(self): assert math.floor(univ.Integer(1)) == 1, '__floor__() fails' def testCeil(self): assert math.ceil(univ.Integer(1)) == 1, '__ceil__() fails' if sys.version_info[0:2] > (2, 5): def testTrunc(self): assert math.trunc(univ.Integer(1)) == 1, '__trunc__() fails' def testPrettyIn(self): assert univ.Integer('3') == 3, 'prettyIn() fails' def testTag(self): assert univ.Integer().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x02) ) def testNamedVals(self): class Integer(univ.Integer): namedValues = univ.Integer.namedValues.clone(('asn1', 1)) assert Integer('asn1') == 1, 'named val fails' assert int(Integer('asn1')) == 1, 'named val fails' assert str(Integer('asn1')) == 'asn1', 'named val __str__() fails' def testSubtype(self): assert univ.Integer().subtype( value=1, implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2), subtypeSpec=constraint.SingleValueConstraint(1, 3) ) == univ.Integer( value=1, tagSet=tag.TagSet(tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2)), subtypeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsIntersection(constraint.SingleValueConstraint(1, 3)) ) class IntegerPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Integer() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Integer assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Integer(-123) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == -123 class BooleanTestCase(BaseTestCase): def testTruth(self): assert univ.Boolean(True) and univ.Boolean(1), 'Truth initializer fails' def testFalse(self): assert not univ.Boolean(False) and not univ.Boolean(0), 'False initializer fails' def testStr(self): assert str(univ.Boolean(1)) == 'True', 'str() fails' def testInt(self): assert int(univ.Boolean(1)) == 1, 'int() fails' def testRepr(self): assert 'Boolean' in repr(univ.Boolean(1)) def testTag(self): assert univ.Boolean().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x01) ) def testConstraints(self): class Boolean(univ.Boolean): pass try: Boolean(2) except error.ValueConstraintError: pass else: assert 0, 'constraint fail' class BooleanPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Boolean() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Boolean assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Boolean(True) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == True class BitStringTestCase(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) self.b = univ.BitString( namedValues=namedval.NamedValues(('Active', 0), ('Urgent', 1)) ) def testBinDefault(self): class BinDefault(univ.BitString): defaultBinValue = '1010100110001010' assert BinDefault() == univ.BitString(binValue='1010100110001010') def testHexDefault(self): class HexDefault(univ.BitString): defaultHexValue = 'A98A' assert HexDefault() == univ.BitString(hexValue='A98A') def testSet(self): assert self.b.clone('Active') == (1,) assert self.b.clone('Urgent') == (0, 1) assert self.b.clone('Urgent, Active') == (1, 1) assert self.b.clone("'1010100110001010'B") == (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) assert self.b.clone("'A98A'H") == (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) assert self.b.clone(binValue='1010100110001010') == (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) assert self.b.clone(hexValue='A98A') == (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) assert self.b.clone('1010100110001010') == (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) assert self.b.clone((1, 0, 1)) == (1, 0, 1) def testStr(self): assert str(self.b.clone('Urgent')) == '01' def testRepr(self): assert 'BitString' in repr(self.b.clone('Urgent,Active')) def testTag(self): assert univ.BitString().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x03) ) def testLen(self): assert len(self.b.clone("'A98A'H")) == 16 def testGetItem(self): assert self.b.clone("'A98A'H")[0] == 1 assert self.b.clone("'A98A'H")[1] == 0 assert self.b.clone("'A98A'H")[2] == 1 if sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 4): def testReverse(self): assert list(reversed(univ.BitString([0, 0, 1]))) == list(univ.BitString([1, 0, 0])) def testAsOctets(self): assert self.b.clone(hexValue='A98A').asOctets() == ints2octs((0xa9, 0x8a)), 'testAsOctets() fails' def testAsInts(self): assert self.b.clone(hexValue='A98A').asNumbers() == (0xa9, 0x8a), 'testAsNumbers() fails' def testMultipleOfEightPadding(self): assert self.b.clone((1, 0, 1)).asNumbers() == (5,) def testAsInteger(self): assert self.b.clone('11000000011001').asInteger() == 12313 assert self.b.clone('1100110011011111').asInteger() == 52447 def testStaticDef(self): class BitString(univ.BitString): pass assert BitString('11000000011001').asInteger() == 12313 class BitStringPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.BitString() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.BitString assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.BitString((1, 0, 1, 0)) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == (1, 0, 1, 0) class OctetStringWithUnicodeMixIn(object): initializer = () encoding = 'us-ascii' def setUp(self): self.pythonString = ints2octs(self.initializer).decode(self.encoding) self.encodedPythonString = self.pythonString.encode(self.encoding) self.numbersString = tuple(octs2ints(self.encodedPythonString)) def testInit(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) == self.encodedPythonString, '__init__() fails' def testInitFromAsn1(self): assert univ.OctetString(univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString)) == self.encodedPythonString assert univ.OctetString(univ.Integer(123)) == univ.OctetString('123') def testSerialised(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: assert str(univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString, encoding=self.encoding)) == self.encodedPythonString, '__str__() fails' else: assert bytes(univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString, encoding=self.encoding)) == self.encodedPythonString, '__str__() fails' def testPrintable(self): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: assert str(univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString, encoding=self.encoding)) == self.encodedPythonString, '__str__() fails' assert unicode(univ.OctetString(self.pythonString, encoding=self.encoding)) == self.pythonString, 'unicode init fails' else: assert str(univ.OctetString(self.pythonString, encoding=self.encoding)) == self.pythonString, 'unicode init fails' def testSeq(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString)[0] == self.encodedPythonString[0], '__getitem__() fails' def testRepr(self): assert 'abc' in repr(univ.OctetString('abc')) def testAsOctets(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString).asOctets() == self.encodedPythonString, 'testAsOctets() fails' def testAsInts(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString).asNumbers() == self.numbersString, 'testAsNumbers() fails' def testAdd(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) + self.encodedPythonString == self.encodedPythonString + self.encodedPythonString, '__add__() fails' def testRadd(self): assert self.encodedPythonString + univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) == self.encodedPythonString + self.encodedPythonString, '__radd__() fails' def testMul(self): assert univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) * 2 == self.encodedPythonString * 2, '__mul__() fails' def testRmul(self): assert 2 * univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) == 2 * self.encodedPythonString, '__rmul__() fails' def testContains(self): s = univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString) assert self.encodedPythonString in s assert self.encodedPythonString * 2 not in s if sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 4): def testReverse(self): assert list(reversed(univ.OctetString(self.encodedPythonString))) == list(reversed(self.encodedPythonString)) class OctetStringWithAsciiTestCase(OctetStringWithUnicodeMixIn, BaseTestCase): initializer = (97, 102) encoding = 'us-ascii' class OctetStringWithUtf8TestCase(OctetStringWithUnicodeMixIn, BaseTestCase): initializer = (208, 176, 208, 177, 208, 178) encoding = 'utf-8' class OctetStringWithUtf16TestCase(OctetStringWithUnicodeMixIn, BaseTestCase): initializer = (4, 48, 4, 49, 4, 50) encoding = 'utf-16-be' if sys.version_info[0] > 2: # Somehow comparison of UTF-32 encoded strings does not work in Py2 class OctetStringWithUtf32TestCase(OctetStringWithUnicodeMixIn, BaseTestCase): initializer = (0, 0, 4, 48, 0, 0, 4, 49, 0, 0, 4, 50) encoding = 'utf-32-be' class OctetStringTestCase(BaseTestCase): def testBinDefault(self): class BinDefault(univ.OctetString): defaultBinValue = '1000010111101110101111000000111011' assert BinDefault() == univ.OctetString(binValue='1000010111101110101111000000111011') def testHexDefault(self): class HexDefault(univ.OctetString): defaultHexValue = 'FA9823C43E43510DE3422' assert HexDefault() == univ.OctetString(hexValue='FA9823C43E43510DE3422') def testBinStr(self): assert univ.OctetString(binValue="1000010111101110101111000000111011") == ints2octs((133, 238, 188, 14, 192)), 'bin init fails' def testHexStr(self): assert univ.OctetString(hexValue="FA9823C43E43510DE3422") == ints2octs((250, 152, 35, 196, 62, 67, 81, 13, 227, 66, 32)), 'hex init fails' def testTuple(self): assert univ.OctetString((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) == ints2octs((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), 'tuple init failed' def testRepr(self): assert 'abc' in repr(univ.OctetString('abc')) def testEmpty(self): try: str(univ.OctetString()) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'empty OctetString() not reported' def testTag(self): assert univ.OctetString().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x04) ) def testStaticDef(self): class OctetString(univ.OctetString): pass assert OctetString(hexValue="FA9823C43E43510DE3422") == ints2octs((250, 152, 35, 196, 62, 67, 81, 13, 227, 66, 32)) class OctetStringPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.BitString() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.BitString assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.BitString((1, 0, 1, 0)) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == (1, 0, 1, 0) class Null(BaseTestCase): def testInit(self): assert not univ.Null().isValue assert univ.Null(0) == str2octs('') assert univ.Null(False) == str2octs('') assert univ.Null('') == str2octs('') assert univ.Null(None) == str2octs('') try: assert univ.Null(True) except PyAsn1Error: pass try: assert univ.Null('xxx') except PyAsn1Error: pass def testStr(self): assert str(univ.Null('')) == '', 'str() fails' def testRepr(self): assert 'Null' in repr(univ.Null('')) def testTag(self): assert univ.Null().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x05) ) def testConstraints(self): try: univ.Null(2) except error.ValueConstraintError: pass else: assert 0, 'constraint fail' def testStaticDef(self): class Null(univ.Null): pass assert not Null('') class NullPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Null() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Null assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Null('') serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert not new_asn1 class RealTestCase(BaseTestCase): def testFloat4BinEnc(self): assert univ.Real((0.25, 2, 3)) == 2.0, 'float initializer for binary encoding fails' def testStr(self): assert str(univ.Real(1.0)) == '1.0', 'str() fails' def testRepr(self): assert 'Real' in repr(univ.Real(-4.1)) assert 'Real' in repr(univ.Real(-4.1)) assert 'inf' in repr(univ.Real('inf')) assert '-inf' in repr(univ.Real('-inf')) def testAdd(self): assert univ.Real(-4.1) + 1.4 == -2.7, '__add__() fails' def testRadd(self): assert 4 + univ.Real(0.5) == 4.5, '__radd__() fails' def testSub(self): assert univ.Real(3.9) - 1.7 == 2.2, '__sub__() fails' def testRsub(self): assert 6.1 - univ.Real(0.1) == 6, '__rsub__() fails' def testMul(self): assert univ.Real(3.0) * -3 == -9, '__mul__() fails' def testRmul(self): assert 2 * univ.Real(3.0) == 6, '__rmul__() fails' def testDiv(self): assert univ.Real(3.0) / 2 == 1.5, '__div__() fails' def testRdiv(self): assert 6 / univ.Real(3.0) == 2, '__rdiv__() fails' def testMod(self): assert univ.Real(3.0) % 2 == 1, '__mod__() fails' def testRmod(self): assert 4 % univ.Real(3.0) == 1, '__rmod__() fails' def testPow(self): assert univ.Real(3.0) ** 2 == 9, '__pow__() fails' def testRpow(self): assert 2 ** univ.Real(2.0) == 4, '__rpow__() fails' def testInt(self): assert int(univ.Real(3.0)) == 3, '__int__() fails' def testLong(self): assert int(univ.Real(8.0)) == 8, '__long__() fails' def testFloat(self): assert float(univ.Real(4.0)) == 4.0, '__float__() fails' def testPrettyIn(self): assert univ.Real((3, 10, 0)) == 3, 'prettyIn() fails' # infinite float values def testStrInf(self): assert str(univ.Real('inf')) == 'inf', 'str() fails' def testAddInf(self): assert univ.Real('inf') + 1 == float('inf'), '__add__() fails' def testRaddInf(self): assert 1 + univ.Real('inf') == float('inf'), '__radd__() fails' def testIntInf(self): try: assert int(univ.Real('inf')) except OverflowError: pass else: assert 0, '__int__() fails' def testLongInf(self): try: assert int(univ.Real('inf')) except OverflowError: pass else: assert 0, '__long__() fails' assert int(univ.Real(8.0)) == 8, '__long__() fails' def testFloatInf(self): assert float(univ.Real('-inf')) == float('-inf'), '__float__() fails' def testPrettyInInf(self): assert univ.Real(float('inf')) == float('inf'), 'prettyIn() fails' def testPlusInf(self): assert univ.Real('inf').isPlusInf, 'isPlusInfinity failed' def testMinusInf(self): assert univ.Real('-inf').isMinusInf, 'isMinusInfinity failed' def testPos(self): assert +univ.Real(1.0) == 1.0, '__pos__() fails' def testNeg(self): assert -univ.Real(1.0) == -1.0, '__neg__() fails' def testRound(self): assert round(univ.Real(1.123), 2) == 1.12, '__round__() fails' def testFloor(self): assert math.floor(univ.Real(1.6)) == 1.0, '__floor__() fails' def testCeil(self): assert math.ceil(univ.Real(1.2)) == 2.0, '__ceil__() fails' if sys.version_info[0:2] > (2, 5): def testTrunc(self): assert math.trunc(univ.Real(1.1)) == 1.0, '__trunc__() fails' def testTag(self): assert univ.Real().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x09) ) def testStaticDef(self): class Real(univ.Real): pass assert Real(1.0) == 1.0 class RealPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Real() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Real assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Real((1, 10, 3)) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == 1000 class ObjectIdentifier(BaseTestCase): def testStr(self): assert str(univ.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6))) == '1.3.6', 'str() fails' def testRepr(self): assert '1.3.6' in repr(univ.ObjectIdentifier('1.3.6')) def testEq(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6)) == (1, 3, 6), '__cmp__() fails' def testAdd(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3)) + (6,) == (1, 3, 6), '__add__() fails' def testRadd(self): assert (1,) + univ.ObjectIdentifier((3, 6)) == (1, 3, 6), '__radd__() fails' def testLen(self): assert len(univ.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3))) == 2, '__len__() fails' def testPrefix(self): o = univ.ObjectIdentifier('1.3.6') assert o.isPrefixOf((1, 3, 6)), 'isPrefixOf() fails' assert o.isPrefixOf((1, 3, 6, 1)), 'isPrefixOf() fails' assert not o.isPrefixOf((1, 3)), 'isPrefixOf() fails' def testInput1(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier('1.3.6') == (1, 3, 6), 'prettyIn() fails' def testInput2(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6)) == (1, 3, 6), 'prettyIn() fails' def testInput3(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier(univ.ObjectIdentifier('1.3') + (6,)) == (1, 3, 6), 'prettyIn() fails' def testUnicode(self): s = '1.3.6' if sys.version_info[0] < 3: s = s.decode() assert univ.ObjectIdentifier(s) == (1, 3, 6), 'unicode init fails' def testTag(self): assert univ.ObjectIdentifier().tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0x06) ) def testContains(self): s = univ.ObjectIdentifier('') assert 1234 in s assert 4321 not in s def testStaticDef(self): class ObjectIdentifier(univ.ObjectIdentifier): pass assert str(ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6))) == '1.3.6' class ObjectIdentifierPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.ObjectIdentifier() serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.ObjectIdentifier assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.ObjectIdentifier('') serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 == (2, 3, 1, 1, 2) class SequenceOf(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) self.s1 = univ.SequenceOf( componentType=univ.OctetString('') ) self.s2 = self.s1.clone() def testRepr(self): assert 'a' in repr(self.s1.clone().setComponents('a', 'b')) def testTag(self): assert self.s1.tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x10) ), 'wrong tagSet' def testSeq(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1[0] == str2octs('abc'), 'set by idx fails' self.s1[0] = 'cba' assert self.s1[0] == str2octs('cba'), 'set by idx fails' def testCmp(self): self.s1.clear() self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, 'abc') self.s2.clear() self.s2.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1 == self.s2, '__cmp__() fails' def testSubtypeSpec(self): s = self.s1.clone(subtypeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsUnion( constraint.SingleValueConstraint(str2octs('abc')) )) try: s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) except PyAsn1Error: assert 0, 'constraint fails' try: s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('Abc')) except PyAsn1Error: try: s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('Abc'), verifyConstraints=False) except PyAsn1Error: assert 0, 'constraint failes with verifyConstraints=True' else: assert 0, 'constraint fails' def testComponentTagsMatching(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.strictConstraints = True # This requires types equality o = univ.OctetString('abc').subtype(explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 12)) try: s.setComponentByPosition(0, o) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'inner supertype tag allowed' def testComponentConstraintsMatching(self): s = self.s1.clone() o = univ.OctetString().subtype( subtypeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsUnion(constraint.SingleValueConstraint(str2octs('cba')))) s.strictConstraints = True # This requires types equality try: s.setComponentByPosition(0, o.clone('cba')) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'inner supertype constraint allowed' s.strictConstraints = False # This requires subtype relationships try: s.setComponentByPosition(0, o.clone('cba')) except PyAsn1Error: assert 0, 'inner supertype constraint disallowed' else: pass def testSizeSpec(self): s = self.s1.clone(sizeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsUnion( constraint.ValueSizeConstraint(1, 1) )) s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) try: s.verifySizeSpec() except PyAsn1Error: assert 0, 'size spec fails' s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('abc')) try: s.verifySizeSpec() except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'size spec fails' def testGetComponentTagMap(self): assert self.s1.componentType.tagMap.presentTypes == { univ.OctetString.tagSet: univ.OctetString('') } def testSubtype(self): self.s1.clear() assert self.s1.subtype( implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2), subtypeSpec=constraint.SingleValueConstraint(1, 3), sizeSpec=constraint.ValueSizeConstraint(0, 1) ) == self.s1.clone( tagSet=tag.TagSet(tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2)), subtypeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsIntersection(constraint.SingleValueConstraint(1, 3)), sizeSpec=constraint.ValueSizeConstraint(0, 1) ) def testClone(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s = self.s1.clone() assert len(s) == 0 s = self.s1.clone(cloneValueFlag=1) assert len(s) == 1 assert s.getComponentByPosition(0) == self.s1.getComponentByPosition(0) def testSetComponents(self): assert self.s1.clone().setComponents('abc', 'def') == \ self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, 'abc').setComponentByPosition(1, 'def') def testGetItem(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.append('xxx') assert s[0] try: s[2] except IndexError: pass else: assert False, 'IndexError not raised' # this is a deviation from standart sequence protocol assert not s[1] def testSetItem(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.append('xxx') try: s[2] = 'xxx' except IndexError: pass else: assert False, 'IndexError not raised' def testAppend(self): self.s1.clear() self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert len(self.s1) == 1 self.s1.append('def') assert len(self.s1) == 2 assert list(self.s1) == [str2octs(x) for x in ['abc', 'def']] def testExtend(self): self.s1.clear() self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert len(self.s1) == 1 self.s1.extend(['def', 'ghi']) assert len(self.s1) == 3 assert list(self.s1) == [str2octs(x) for x in ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']] def testCount(self): self.s1.clear() for x in ['abc', 'def', 'abc']: self.s1.append(x) assert self.s1.count(str2octs('abc')) == 2 assert self.s1.count(str2octs('def')) == 1 assert self.s1.count(str2octs('ghi')) == 0 def testIndex(self): self.s1.clear() for x in ['abc', 'def', 'abc']: self.s1.append(x) assert self.s1.index(str2octs('abc')) == 0 assert self.s1.index(str2octs('def')) == 1 assert self.s1.index(str2octs('abc'), 1) == 2 def testSort(self): self.s1.clear() self.s1[0] = 'b' self.s1[1] = 'a' assert list(self.s1) == [str2octs('b'), str2octs('a')] self.s1.sort() assert list(self.s1) == [str2octs('a'), str2octs('b')] def testStaticDef(self): class SequenceOf(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = univ.OctetString('') s = SequenceOf() s[0] = 'abc' assert len(s) == 1 assert s == [str2octs('abc')] def testLegacyInitializer(self): n = univ.SequenceOf( componentType=univ.OctetString() ) o = univ.SequenceOf( univ.OctetString() # this is the old way ) assert n.isSameTypeWith(o) and o.isSameTypeWith(n) n[0] = 'fox' o[0] = 'fox' assert n == o def testGetComponentWithDefault(self): class SequenceOf(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = univ.OctetString() s = SequenceOf() assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None) is None s[0] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None) is not None assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None) is None def testGetComponentNoInstantiation(self): class SequenceOf(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = univ.OctetString() s = SequenceOf() assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue s[0] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, instantiate=False) is not univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, instantiate=False) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue class SequenceOfPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.SequenceOf(componentType=univ.OctetString()) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.SequenceOf assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.SequenceOf(componentType=univ.OctetString()) old_asn1[0] = 'test' serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 assert new_asn1 == [str2octs('test')] class Sequence(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) self.s1 = univ.Sequence( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.DefaultedNamedType('age', univ.Integer(34)) ) ) def testRepr(self): assert 'name' in repr(self.s1.clone().setComponents('a', 'b')) def testTag(self): assert self.s1.tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x10) ), 'wrong tagSet' def testById(self): self.s1.setComponentByName('name', univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1.getComponentByName('name') == str2octs('abc'), 'set by name fails' def testByKey(self): self.s1['name'] = 'abc' assert self.s1['name'] == str2octs('abc'), 'set by key fails' def testContains(self): assert 'name' in self.s1 assert '' not in self.s1 def testGetNearPosition(self): assert self.s1.componentType.getTagMapNearPosition(1).presentTypes == { univ.OctetString.tagSet: univ.OctetString(''), univ.Integer.tagSet: univ.Integer(34) } assert self.s1.componentType.getPositionNearType( univ.OctetString.tagSet, 1 ) == 1 def testSetDefaultComponents(self): self.s1.clear() self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('Ping')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('Pong')) assert self.s1.getComponentByPosition(2) == 34 def testClone(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('def')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(2, univ.Integer(123)) s = self.s1.clone() assert s.getComponentByPosition(0) != self.s1.getComponentByPosition(0) assert s.getComponentByPosition(1) != self.s1.getComponentByPosition(1) assert s.getComponentByPosition(2) != self.s1.getComponentByPosition(2) s = self.s1.clone(cloneValueFlag=1) assert s.getComponentByPosition(0) == self.s1.getComponentByPosition(0) assert s.getComponentByPosition(1) == self.s1.getComponentByPosition(1) assert s.getComponentByPosition(2) == self.s1.getComponentByPosition(2) def testComponentTagsMatching(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.strictConstraints = True # This requires types equality o = univ.OctetString('abc').subtype(explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassPrivate, tag.tagFormatSimple, 12)) try: s.setComponentByName('name', o) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'inner supertype tag allowed' def testComponentConstraintsMatching(self): s = self.s1.clone() o = univ.OctetString().subtype( subtypeSpec=constraint.ConstraintsUnion(constraint.SingleValueConstraint(str2octs('cba')))) s.strictConstraints = True # This requires types equality try: s.setComponentByName('name', o.clone('cba')) except PyAsn1Error: pass else: assert 0, 'inner supertype constraint allowed' s.strictConstraints = False # This requires subtype relationships try: s.setComponentByName('name', o.clone('cba')) except PyAsn1Error: assert 0, 'inner supertype constraint disallowed' else: pass def testSetComponents(self): assert self.s1.clone().setComponents(name='a', nick='b', age=1) == \ self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, 'a').setComponentByPosition(1, 'b').setComponentByPosition(2, 1) def testSetToDefault(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.noValue) s[2] = univ.noValue assert s[0] == univ.OctetString('') assert s[2] == univ.Integer(34) def testGetItem(self): s = self.s1.clone() s['name'] = 'xxx' assert s['name'] assert s[0] try: s['xxx'] except KeyError: pass else: assert False, 'KeyError not raised' try: s[100] except IndexError: pass else: assert False, 'IndexError not raised' def testSetItem(self): s = self.s1.clone() s['name'] = 'xxx' try: s['xxx'] = 'xxx' except KeyError: pass else: assert False, 'KeyError not raised' try: s[100] = 'xxx' except IndexError: pass else: assert False, 'IndexError not raised' def testIter(self): assert list(self.s1) == ['name', 'nick', 'age'] def testKeys(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('def')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(2, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(self.s1.keys()) == ['name', 'nick', 'age'] def testValues(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('def')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(2, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(self.s1.values()) == [str2octs('abc'), str2octs('def'), 123] def testItems(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.OctetString('def')) self.s1.setComponentByPosition(2, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(self.s1.items()) == [(x[0], str2octs(x[1])) for x in [('name', 'abc'), ('nick', 'def')]] + [('age', 123)] def testUpdate(self): self.s1.clear() assert list(self.s1.values()) == [str2octs(''), str2octs(''), 34] self.s1.update(**{'name': 'abc', 'nick': 'def', 'age': 123}) assert list(self.s1.items()) == [(x[0], str2octs(x[1])) for x in [('name', 'abc'), ('nick', 'def')]] + [('age', 123)] self.s1.update(('name', 'ABC')) assert list(self.s1.items()) == [(x[0], str2octs(x[1])) for x in [('name', 'ABC'), ('nick', 'def')]] + [('age', 123)] self.s1.update(name='CBA') assert list(self.s1.items()) == [(x[0], str2octs(x[1])) for x in [('name', 'CBA'), ('nick', 'def')]] + [('age', 123)] def testStaticDef(self): class Sequence(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.DefaultedNamedType('age', univ.Integer(34)) ) s = Sequence() s['name'] = 'abc' assert s['name'] == str2octs('abc') def testGetComponentWithDefault(self): class Sequence(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString()), ) s = Sequence() assert s[0] == str2octs('') assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByName('nick', default=None) is None s[1] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) is not None assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) is None def testGetComponentNoInstantiation(self): class Sequence(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString()), ) s = Sequence() assert s[0] == str2octs('') assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByName('nick', instantiate=False) is univ.noValue s[1] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is not univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue class SequenceWithoutSchema(BaseTestCase): def testGetItem(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s[0] = 'abc' assert s['field-0'] assert s[0] try: s['field-1'] except KeyError: pass else: assert False, 'KeyError not raised' def testSetItem(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s['field-0'] = 'xxx' try: s['field-1'] = 'xxx' except KeyError: pass else: assert False, 'KeyError not raised' def testIter(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(s) == ['field-0', 'field-1'] def testKeys(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(s.keys()) == ['field-0', 'field-1'] def testValues(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(s.values()) == [str2octs('abc'), 123] def testItems(self): s = univ.Sequence() s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.Integer(123)) assert list(s.items()) == [('field-0', str2octs('abc')), ('field-1', 123)] def testUpdate(self): s = univ.Sequence() assert not s s.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s.setComponentByPosition(1, univ.Integer(123)) assert s assert list(s.keys()) == ['field-0', 'field-1'] assert list(s.values()) == [str2octs('abc'), 123] assert list(s.items()) == [('field-0', str2octs('abc')), ('field-1', 123)] s['field-0'] = univ.OctetString('def') assert list(s.values()) == [str2octs('def'), 123] s['field-1'] = univ.OctetString('ghi') assert list(s.values()) == [str2octs('def'), str2octs('ghi')] try: s['field-2'] = univ.OctetString('xxx') except KeyError: pass else: assert False, 'unknown field at schema-less object tolerated' assert 'field-0' in s s.clear() assert 'field-0' not in s class SequencePicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Sequence( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()) ) ) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Sequence assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Sequence( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()) ) ) old_asn1['name'] = 'test' serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 assert new_asn1['name'] == str2octs('test') class SetOf(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) self.s1 = univ.SetOf(componentType=univ.OctetString('')) def testTag(self): assert self.s1.tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x11) ), 'wrong tagSet' def testSeq(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1[0] == str2octs('abc'), 'set by idx fails' self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, self.s1[0].clone('cba')) assert self.s1[0] == str2octs('cba'), 'set by idx fails' def testStaticDef(self): class SetOf(univ.SequenceOf): componentType = univ.OctetString('') s = SetOf() s[0] = 'abc' assert len(s) == 1 assert s == [str2octs('abc')] class SetOfPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.SetOf(componentType=univ.OctetString()) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.SetOf assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.SetOf(componentType=univ.OctetString()) old_asn1[0] = 'test' serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 assert new_asn1 == [str2octs('test')] class Set(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) self.s1 = univ.Set( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('null', univ.Null('')), namedtype.DefaultedNamedType('age', univ.Integer(34)) ) ) self.s2 = self.s1.clone() def testTag(self): assert self.s1.tagSet == tag.TagSet( (), tag.Tag(tag.tagClassUniversal, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x11) ), 'wrong tagSet' def testByTypeWithPythonValue(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.OctetString.tagSet ) == str2octs('abc'), 'set by name fails' def testByTypeWithInstance(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.OctetString.tagSet ) == str2octs('abc'), 'set by name fails' def testGetTagMap(self): assert self.s1.tagMap.presentTypes == { univ.Set.tagSet: univ.Set() } def testGetComponentTagMap(self): assert self.s1.componentType.tagMapUnique.presentTypes == { univ.OctetString.tagSet: univ.OctetString(''), univ.Null.tagSet: univ.Null(''), univ.Integer.tagSet: univ.Integer(34) } def testGetPositionByType(self): assert self.s1.componentType.getPositionByType(univ.Null().tagSet) == 1 def testSetToDefault(self): self.s1.setComponentByName('name', univ.noValue) assert self.s1['name'] == univ.OctetString('') def testIter(self): assert list(self.s1) == ['name', 'null', 'age'] def testStaticDef(self): class Set(univ.Set): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString('')), namedtype.DefaultedNamedType('age', univ.Integer(34)) ) s = Set() s['name'] = 'abc' assert s['name'] == str2octs('abc') def testGetComponentWithDefault(self): class Set(univ.Set): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer(123)), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString()), ) s = Set() assert s[0] == 123 assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByName('nick', default=None) is None s[1] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) is not None assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) is None def testGetComponentNoInstantiation(self): class Set(univ.Set): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer(123)), namedtype.OptionalNamedType('nick', univ.OctetString()), ) s = Set() assert s[0] == 123 assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByName('nick', instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue s[1] = 'test' assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is not univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) == str2octs('test') s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue class SetPicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Set( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()) ) ) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Set assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Set( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()) ) ) old_asn1['name'] = 'test' serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 assert new_asn1['name'] == str2octs('test') class Choice(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): BaseTestCase.setUp(self) innerComp = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('count', univ.Integer()), namedtype.NamedType('flag', univ.Boolean()) ) ) self.s1 = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('sex', innerComp) ) ) def testTag(self): assert self.s1.tagSet == tag.TagSet(), 'wrong tagSet' def testRepr(self): assert 'Choice' in repr(self.s1.clone().setComponents('a')) s = self.s1.clone().setComponents( sex=self.s1.setComponentByPosition(1).getComponentByPosition(1).clone().setComponents(count=univ.Integer(123)) ) assert 'Choice' in repr(s) def testContains(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert 'name' in self.s1 assert 'sex' not in self.s1 self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.Integer.tagSet, 123, innerFlag=True) assert 'name' not in self.s1 assert 'sex' in self.s1 def testIter(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert list(self.s1) == ['name'] self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.Integer.tagSet, 123, innerFlag=True) assert list(self.s1) == ['sex'] def testOuterByTypeWithPythonValue(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.OctetString.tagSet ) == str2octs('abc') def testOuterByTypeWithInstanceValue(self): self.s1.setComponentByType( univ.OctetString.tagSet, univ.OctetString('abc') ) assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.OctetString.tagSet ) == str2octs('abc') def testInnerByTypeWithPythonValue(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.Integer.tagSet, 123, innerFlag=True) assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.Integer.tagSet, 1 ) == 123 def testInnerByTypeWithInstanceValue(self): self.s1.setComponentByType( univ.Integer.tagSet, univ.Integer(123), innerFlag=True ) assert self.s1.getComponentByType( univ.Integer.tagSet, 1 ) == 123 def testCmp(self): self.s1.setComponentByName('name', univ.OctetString('abc')) assert self.s1 == str2octs('abc'), '__cmp__() fails' def testGetComponent(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert self.s1.getComponent() == str2octs('abc'), 'getComponent() fails' def testGetName(self): self.s1.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert self.s1.getName() == 'name', 'getName() fails' def testSetComponentByPosition(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('Jim')) assert self.s1 == str2octs('Jim') def testClone(self): self.s1.setComponentByPosition(0, univ.OctetString('abc')) s = self.s1.clone() assert len(s) == 0 s = self.s1.clone(cloneValueFlag=1) assert len(s) == 1 assert s.getComponentByPosition(0) == self.s1.getComponentByPosition(0) def testSetToDefault(self): s = self.s1.clone() s.setComponentByName('sex', univ.noValue) assert s['sex'] is not univ.noValue def testStaticDef(self): class InnerChoice(univ.Choice): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('count', univ.Integer()), namedtype.NamedType('flag', univ.Boolean()) ) class OuterChoice(univ.Choice): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('sex', InnerChoice()) ) c = OuterChoice() c.setComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, 'abc') assert c.getName() == 'name' def testGetComponentWithDefault(self): s = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer()) ) ) assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByName('name', default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByName('id', default=None, instantiate=False) is None assert s.getComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, default=None) is None assert s.getComponentByType(univ.Integer.tagSet, default=None) is None s[1] = 123 assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None) is not None assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, univ.noValue) == 123 s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, default=None, instantiate=False) is None def testGetComponentNoInstantiation(self): s = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer()) ) ) assert s.getComponentByPosition(0, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByName('name', instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByName('id', instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByType(univ.OctetString.tagSet, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByType(univ.Integer.tagSet, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue s[1] = 123 assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is not univ.noValue assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) == 123 s.clear() assert s.getComponentByPosition(1, instantiate=False) is univ.noValue class ChoicePicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaPickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer()) ) ) serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert type(new_asn1) == univ.Choice assert old_asn1.isSameTypeWith(new_asn1) def testValuePickling(self): old_asn1 = univ.Choice( componentType=namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('name', univ.OctetString()), namedtype.NamedType('id', univ.Integer()) ) ) old_asn1['name'] = 'test' serialised = pickle.dumps(old_asn1) assert serialised new_asn1 = pickle.loads(serialised) assert new_asn1 assert new_asn1['name'] == str2octs('test') suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)