path: root/pycparser/c_ast.py
diff options
authoreli.bendersky <devnull@localhost>2010-08-13 16:49:11 +0300
committereli.bendersky <devnull@localhost>2010-08-13 16:49:11 +0300
commit988bb2d684b4725887cdd0587fd575834a6b865a (patch)
tree36fbf5e739dbe720fc4e5e7f478fcf4c3431a4e0 /pycparser/c_ast.py
parent6ab7669690632a1595ada42a475abb0152b5c517 (diff)
Backed out changeset: 8ee804744907
Diffstat (limited to 'pycparser/c_ast.py')
1 files changed, 1163 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/pycparser/c_ast.py b/pycparser/c_ast.py
index f1aafe6..90cfb79 100644
--- a/pycparser/c_ast.py
+++ b/pycparser/c_ast.py
@@ -1,161 +1,1163 @@
-import c_ast as current
-from ast import *
-classes = [SubNodeClass('ArrayDecl',
- children=['type','dim']),
- SubNodeClass('ArrayRef',
- children=['name',
- 'subscript']),
- SubNodeClass('Assignment',
- ['op'],
- ['lvalue',
- 'rvalue']),
- SubNodeClass('BinaryOp',
- ['op'],
- ['left', 'right']),
- SubNodeClass('Break'),
- SubNodeClass('Case',
- children=['expr','stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('Cast',
- children=['to_type',
- 'expr']),
- SubNodeClass('Compound',
- children=['decls',
- 'stmts']),
- SubNodeClass('Constant',
- ['type',
- 'value']),
- SubNodeClass('Conitnue'),
- SubNodeClass('Decl',
- ['name',
- 'quals',
- 'storage'],
- ['type',
- 'init',
- 'bitsize']),
- SubNodeClass('Default',
- children = ['stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('DoWhile',
- children = ['cond',
- 'stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('EllipsisParam'),
- SubNodeClass('Enum',
- ['name'],
- ['values']),
- SubNodeClass('Enumerator',
- ['name'],
- ['value']),
- SubNodeClass('EnumeratorList',
- children=['enumerators']),
- SubNodeClass('ExprList',
- children=['exprs']),
- SubNodeClass('AST',
- children=['ext']),
- SubNodeClass('For',
- children=['init',
- 'cond',
- 'next',
- 'stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('FuncCall',
- children=['name',
- 'args']),
- SubNodeClass('FuncDecl',
- children=['args',
- 'type']),
- SubNodeClass('FuncDef',
- children=['decl',
- 'body',
- 'param_decls']),
- SubNodeClass('Goto', ['name']),
- SubNodeClass('ID', ['name']),
- SubNodeClass('IdentifierType', ['names']),
- SubNodeClass('If',
- children = ['cond',
- 'iftrue',
- 'iffalse']),
- SubNodeClass('Label',
- ['name'],
- ['stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('ParamList',
- children=['params']),
- SubNodeClass('PtrDecl', ['quals'], ['type']),
- SubNodeClass('Return',
- children=['expr']),
- SubNodeClass('Struct', ['name'], ['decls']),
- SubNodeClass('StructRef',
- ['type'],
- ['name',
- 'field']),
- SubNodeClass('Switch',
- children=['cond',
- 'stmt']),
- SubNodeClass('TernaryOp',
- children=['cond',
- 'iftrue',
- 'iffalse']),
- SubNodeClass('TypeDecl',
- ['declname',
- 'quals'],
- ['type']),
- SubNodeClass('Typedef',
- ['name',
- 'quals',
- 'storage'],
- ['type']),
- SubNodeClass('Typename',
- ['quals'],
- ['type']),
- SubNodeClass('UnaryOp', ['op'], ['expr']),
- SubNodeClass('Union', ['name'], ['decls']),
- SubNodeClass('While',
- children = ['cond',
- 'stmt'])]
-for subclass in classes:
- setattr(current, subclass.__name__, subclass)
+# ** ATTENTION **
+# This code was automatically generated from the file:
+# _c_ast.yaml
+# Do not modify it directly. Modify the configuration file and
+# run the generator again.
+# ** ** *** ** **
+# pycparser: c_ast.py
+# AST Node classes.
+# Copyright (C) 2008, Eli Bendersky
+# License: LGPL
+import sys
+class Node(object):
+ """ Abstract base class for AST nodes.
+ """
+ def children(self):
+ """ A sequence of all children that are Nodes
+ """
+ pass
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ """ Pretty print the Node and all its attributes and
+ children (recursively) to a buffer.
+ file:
+ Open IO buffer into which the Node is printed.
+ offset:
+ Initial offset (amount of leading spaces)
+ attrnames:
+ True if you want to see the attribute names in
+ name=value pairs. False to only see the values.
+ showcoord:
+ Do you want the coordinates of each Node to be
+ displayed.
+ """
+ pass
+class NodeVisitor(object):
+ """ A base NodeVisitor class for visiting c_ast nodes.
+ Subclass it and define your own visit_XXX methods, where
+ XXX is the class name you want to visit with these
+ methods.
+ For example:
+ class ConstantVisitor(NodeVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.values = []
+ def visit_Constant(self, node):
+ self.values.append(node.value)
+ Creates a list of values of all the constant nodes
+ encountered below the given node. To use it:
+ cv = ConstantVisitor()
+ cv.visit(node)
+ Notes:
+ * generic_visit() will be called for AST nodes for which
+ no visit_XXX method was defined.
+ * The children of nodes for which a visit_XXX was
+ defined will not be visited - if you need this, call
+ generic_visit() on the node.
+ You can use:
+ NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
+ * Modeled after Python's own AST visiting facilities
+ (the ast module of Python 3.0)
+ """
+ def visit(self, node):
+ """ Visit a node.
+ """
+ method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
+ visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)
+ return visitor(node)
+ def generic_visit(self, node):
+ """ Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a
+ node. Implements preorder visiting of the node.
+ """
+ for c in node.children():
+ self.visit(c)
+class Typedef(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, quals, storage, type, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.quals = quals
+ self.storage = storage
+ self.type = type
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Typedef: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name)), ("quals", repr(self.quals)), ("storage", repr(self.storage))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name, self.quals, self.storage])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Struct(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, decls, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.decls = decls
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.decls is not None: nodelist.extend(self.decls)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Struct: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class FuncCall(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, args, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.args = args
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.name is not None: nodelist.append(self.name)
+ if self.args is not None: nodelist.append(self.args)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'FuncCall: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class UnaryOp(Node):
+ def __init__(self, op, expr, coord=None):
+ self.op = op
+ self.expr = expr
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.expr is not None: nodelist.append(self.expr)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'UnaryOp: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("op", repr(self.op))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.op])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Union(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, decls, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.decls = decls
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.decls is not None: nodelist.extend(self.decls)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Union: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class TernaryOp(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cond, iftrue, iffalse, coord=None):
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.iftrue = iftrue
+ self.iffalse = iffalse
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.iftrue is not None: nodelist.append(self.iftrue)
+ if self.iffalse is not None: nodelist.append(self.iffalse)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'TernaryOp: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Label(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Label: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class IdentifierType(Node):
+ def __init__(self, names, coord=None):
+ self.names = names
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'IdentifierType: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("names", repr(self.names))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.names])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class FuncDef(Node):
+ def __init__(self, decl, param_decls, body, coord=None):
+ self.decl = decl
+ self.param_decls = param_decls
+ self.body = body
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.decl is not None: nodelist.append(self.decl)
+ if self.body is not None: nodelist.append(self.body)
+ if self.param_decls is not None: nodelist.extend(self.param_decls)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'FuncDef: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Enumerator(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, value, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.value = value
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.value is not None: nodelist.append(self.value)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Enumerator: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class For(Node):
+ def __init__(self, init, cond, next, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.init = init
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.next = next
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.init is not None: nodelist.append(self.init)
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.next is not None: nodelist.append(self.next)
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'For: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Assignment(Node):
+ def __init__(self, op, lvalue, rvalue, coord=None):
+ self.op = op
+ self.lvalue = lvalue
+ self.rvalue = rvalue
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.lvalue is not None: nodelist.append(self.lvalue)
+ if self.rvalue is not None: nodelist.append(self.rvalue)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Assignment: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("op", repr(self.op))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.op])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class FuncDecl(Node):
+ def __init__(self, args, type, coord=None):
+ self.args = args
+ self.type = type
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.args is not None: nodelist.append(self.args)
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'FuncDecl: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Enum(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, values, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.values = values
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.values is not None: nodelist.append(self.values)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Enum: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class ExprList(Node):
+ def __init__(self, exprs, coord=None):
+ self.exprs = exprs
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.exprs is not None: nodelist.extend(self.exprs)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'ExprList: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Break(Node):
+ def __init__(self, coord=None):
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ return ()
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Break: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class DoWhile(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cond, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'DoWhile: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class StructRef(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, type, field, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.field = field
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.name is not None: nodelist.append(self.name)
+ if self.field is not None: nodelist.append(self.field)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'StructRef: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("type", repr(self.type))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.type])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class BinaryOp(Node):
+ def __init__(self, op, left, right, coord=None):
+ self.op = op
+ self.left = left
+ self.right = right
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.left is not None: nodelist.append(self.left)
+ if self.right is not None: nodelist.append(self.right)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'BinaryOp: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("op", repr(self.op))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.op])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Compound(Node):
+ def __init__(self, decls, stmts, coord=None):
+ self.decls = decls
+ self.stmts = stmts
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.decls is not None: nodelist.extend(self.decls)
+ if self.stmts is not None: nodelist.extend(self.stmts)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Compound: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class ArrayDecl(Node):
+ def __init__(self, type, dim, coord=None):
+ self.type = type
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ if self.dim is not None: nodelist.append(self.dim)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'ArrayDecl: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Case(Node):
+ def __init__(self, expr, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.expr = expr
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.expr is not None: nodelist.append(self.expr)
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Case: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Cast(Node):
+ def __init__(self, to_type, expr, coord=None):
+ self.to_type = to_type
+ self.expr = expr
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.to_type is not None: nodelist.append(self.to_type)
+ if self.expr is not None: nodelist.append(self.expr)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Cast: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class TypeDecl(Node):
+ def __init__(self, declname, quals, type, coord=None):
+ self.declname = declname
+ self.quals = quals
+ self.type = type
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'TypeDecl: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("declname", repr(self.declname)), ("quals", repr(self.quals))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.declname, self.quals])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Default(Node):
+ def __init__(self, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Default: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class PtrDecl(Node):
+ def __init__(self, quals, type, coord=None):
+ self.quals = quals
+ self.type = type
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'PtrDecl: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("quals", repr(self.quals))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.quals])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Switch(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cond, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Switch: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Continue(Node):
+ def __init__(self, coord=None):
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ return ()
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Continue: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class ParamList(Node):
+ def __init__(self, params, coord=None):
+ self.params = params
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.params is not None: nodelist.extend(self.params)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'ParamList: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Return(Node):
+ def __init__(self, expr, coord=None):
+ self.expr = expr
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.expr is not None: nodelist.append(self.expr)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Return: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Typename(Node):
+ def __init__(self, quals, type, coord=None):
+ self.quals = quals
+ self.type = type
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Typename: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("quals", repr(self.quals))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.quals])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class ID(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'ID: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Goto(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Goto: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Decl(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, quals, storage, type, init, bitsize, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.quals = quals
+ self.storage = storage
+ self.type = type
+ self.init = init
+ self.bitsize = bitsize
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.type is not None: nodelist.append(self.type)
+ if self.init is not None: nodelist.append(self.init)
+ if self.bitsize is not None: nodelist.append(self.bitsize)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Decl: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("name", repr(self.name)), ("quals", repr(self.quals)), ("storage", repr(self.storage))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.name, self.quals, self.storage])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class Constant(Node):
+ def __init__(self, type, value, coord=None):
+ self.type = type
+ self.value = value
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'Constant: ')
+ if attrnames:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s=%s' % nv for nv in [("type", repr(self.type)), ("value", repr(self.value))])
+ else:
+ attrstr = ', '.join('%s' % v for v in [self.type, self.value])
+ buf.write(attrstr)
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class FileAST(Node):
+ def __init__(self, ext, coord=None):
+ self.ext = ext
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.ext is not None: nodelist.extend(self.ext)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'FileAST: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class ArrayRef(Node):
+ def __init__(self, name, subscript, coord=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.subscript = subscript
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.name is not None: nodelist.append(self.name)
+ if self.subscript is not None: nodelist.append(self.subscript)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'ArrayRef: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class While(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cond, stmt, coord=None):
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.stmt = stmt
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.stmt is not None: nodelist.append(self.stmt)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'While: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class EnumeratorList(Node):
+ def __init__(self, enumerators, coord=None):
+ self.enumerators = enumerators
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.enumerators is not None: nodelist.extend(self.enumerators)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'EnumeratorList: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class EllipsisParam(Node):
+ def __init__(self, coord=None):
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ return ()
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'EllipsisParam: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)
+class If(Node):
+ def __init__(self, cond, iftrue, iffalse, coord=None):
+ self.cond = cond
+ self.iftrue = iftrue
+ self.iffalse = iffalse
+ self.coord = coord
+ def children(self):
+ nodelist = []
+ if self.cond is not None: nodelist.append(self.cond)
+ if self.iftrue is not None: nodelist.append(self.iftrue)
+ if self.iffalse is not None: nodelist.append(self.iffalse)
+ return tuple(nodelist)
+ def show(self, buf=sys.stdout, offset=0, attrnames=False, showcoord=False):
+ lead = ' ' * offset
+ buf.write(lead + 'If: ')
+ if showcoord:
+ buf.write(' (at %s)' % self.coord)
+ buf.write('\n')
+ for c in self.children():
+ c.show(buf, offset + 2, attrnames, showcoord)