path: root/pycparser
diff options
authorEli Bendersky <eliben@gmail.com>2012-01-24 05:53:41 +0200
committerEli Bendersky <eliben@gmail.com>2012-01-24 05:53:41 +0200
commit0e8e1b7676c3db660c7ee39439f5387b85682a09 (patch)
tree02dc0cbc8f9af7246a072872a5a30713228c6705 /pycparser
parent665a0bd5c7ce7c9b7be87aed962bb33a541c0850 (diff)
moving CGenerator from examples/c-to-c.py into its own class in pycparser/. c-to-c remains as a shell example over it
Diffstat (limited to 'pycparser')
2 files changed, 384 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/pycparser/c_generator.py b/pycparser/c_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a646683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycparser/c_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# pycparser: c_generator.py
+# C code generator from pycparser AST nodes.
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012, Eli Bendersky
+# License: BSD
+from . import c_ast
+class CGenerator(object):
+ """ Uses the same visitor pattern as c_ast.NodeVisitor, but modified to
+ return a value from each visit method, using string accumulation in
+ generic_visit.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.output = ''
+ # Statements start with indentation of self.indent_level spaces, using
+ # the _make_indent method
+ #
+ self.indent_level = 0
+ def _make_indent(self):
+ return ' ' * self.indent_level
+ def visit(self, node):
+ method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
+ return getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit)(node)
+ def generic_visit(self, node):
+ #~ print('generic:', type(node))
+ if node is None:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return ''.join(self.visit(c) for c in node.children())
+ def visit_Constant(self, n):
+ return n.value
+ def visit_ID(self, n):
+ return n.name
+ def visit_ArrayRef(self, n):
+ arrref = self._parenthesize_unless_simple(n.name)
+ return arrref + '[' + self.visit(n.subscript) + ']'
+ def visit_StructRef(self, n):
+ sref = self._parenthesize_unless_simple(n.name)
+ return sref + n.type + self.visit(n.field)
+ def visit_FuncCall(self, n):
+ fref = self._parenthesize_unless_simple(n.name)
+ return fref + '(' + self.visit(n.args) + ')'
+ def visit_UnaryOp(self, n):
+ operand = self._parenthesize_unless_simple(n.expr)
+ if n.op == 'p++':
+ return '%s++' % operand
+ elif n.op == 'p--':
+ return '%s--' % operand
+ elif n.op == 'sizeof':
+ # Always parenthesize the argument of sizeof since it can be
+ # a name.
+ return 'sizeof(%s)' % self.visit(n.expr)
+ else:
+ return '%s%s' % (n.op, operand)
+ def visit_BinaryOp(self, n):
+ lval_str = self._parenthesize_if(n.left,
+ lambda d: not self._is_simple_node(d))
+ rval_str = self._parenthesize_if(n.right,
+ lambda d: not self._is_simple_node(d))
+ return '%s %s %s' % (lval_str, n.op, rval_str)
+ def visit_Assignment(self, n):
+ rval_str = self._parenthesize_if(
+ n.rvalue,
+ lambda n: isinstance(n, c_ast.Assignment))
+ return '%s %s %s' % (self.visit(n.lvalue), n.op, rval_str)
+ def visit_IdentifierType(self, n):
+ return ' '.join(n.names)
+ def visit_Decl(self, n, no_type=False):
+ # no_type is used when a Decl is part of a DeclList, where the type is
+ # explicitly only for the first delaration in a list.
+ #
+ s = n.name if no_type else self._generate_decl(n)
+ if n.bitsize: s += ' : ' + self.visit(n.bitsize)
+ if n.init:
+ if isinstance(n.init, c_ast.ExprList):
+ s += ' = {' + self.visit(n.init) + '}'
+ else:
+ s += ' = ' + self.visit(n.init)
+ return s
+ def visit_DeclList(self, n):
+ s = self.visit(n.decls[0])
+ if len(n.decls) > 1:
+ s += ', ' + ', '.join(self.visit_Decl(decl, no_type=True)
+ for decl in n.decls[1:])
+ return s
+ def visit_Typedef(self, n):
+ s = ''
+ if n.storage: s += ' '.join(n.storage) + ' '
+ s += self._generate_type(n.type)
+ return s
+ def visit_Cast(self, n):
+ s = '(' + self._generate_type(n.to_type) + ')'
+ return s + ' ' + self._parenthesize_unless_simple(n.expr)
+ def visit_ExprList(self, n):
+ visited_subexprs = []
+ for expr in n.exprs:
+ if isinstance(expr, c_ast.ExprList):
+ visited_subexprs.append('{' + self.visit(expr) + '}')
+ else:
+ visited_subexprs.append(self.visit(expr))
+ return ', '.join(visited_subexprs)
+ def visit_Enum(self, n):
+ s = 'enum'
+ if n.name: s += ' ' + n.name
+ if n.values:
+ s += ' {'
+ for i, enumerator in enumerate(n.values.enumerators):
+ s += enumerator.name
+ if enumerator.value:
+ s += ' = ' + self.visit(enumerator.value)
+ if i != len(n.values.enumerators) - 1:
+ s += ', '
+ s += '}'
+ return s
+ def visit_FuncDef(self, n):
+ decl = self.visit(n.decl)
+ self.indent_level = 0
+ # The body is a Compound node
+ body = self.visit(n.body)
+ return decl + '\n' + body + '\n'
+ def visit_FileAST(self, n):
+ s = ''
+ for ext in n.ext:
+ if isinstance(ext, c_ast.FuncDef):
+ s += self.visit(ext)
+ else:
+ s += self.visit(ext) + ';\n'
+ return s
+ def visit_Compound(self, n):
+ s = self._make_indent() + '{\n'
+ self.indent_level += 2
+ if n.block_items:
+ s += ''.join(self._generate_stmt(stmt) for stmt in n.block_items)
+ self.indent_level -= 2
+ s += self._make_indent() + '}\n'
+ return s
+ def visit_EmptyStatement(self, n):
+ return ';'
+ def visit_ParamList(self, n):
+ return ', '.join(self.visit(param) for param in n.params)
+ def visit_Return(self, n):
+ s = 'return'
+ if n.expr: s += ' ' + self.visit(n.expr)
+ return s + ';'
+ def visit_Break(self, n):
+ return 'break;'
+ def visit_Continue(self, n):
+ return 'continue;'
+ def visit_TernaryOp(self, n):
+ s = self.visit(n.cond) + ' ? '
+ s += self.visit(n.iftrue) + ' : '
+ s += self.visit(n.iffalse)
+ return s
+ def visit_If(self, n):
+ s = 'if ('
+ if n.cond: s += self.visit(n.cond)
+ s += ')\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.iftrue, add_indent=True)
+ if n.iffalse:
+ s += self._make_indent() + 'else\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.iffalse, add_indent=True)
+ return s
+ def visit_For(self, n):
+ s = 'for ('
+ if n.init: s += self.visit(n.init)
+ s += ';'
+ if n.cond: s += ' ' + self.visit(n.cond)
+ s += ';'
+ if n.next: s += ' ' + self.visit(n.next)
+ s += ')\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ return s
+ def visit_While(self, n):
+ s = 'while ('
+ if n.cond: s += self.visit(n.cond)
+ s += ')\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ return s
+ def visit_DoWhile(self, n):
+ s = 'do\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ s += self._make_indent() + 'while ('
+ if n.cond: s += self.visit(n.cond)
+ s += ');'
+ return s
+ def visit_Switch(self, n):
+ s = 'switch (' + self.visit(n.cond) + ')\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ return s
+ def visit_Case(self, n):
+ s = 'case ' + self.visit(n.expr) + ':\n'
+ s += self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ return s
+ def visit_Default(self, n):
+ return 'default:\n' + self._generate_stmt(n.stmt, add_indent=True)
+ def visit_Label(self, n):
+ return n.name + ':\n' + self._generate_stmt(n.stmt)
+ def visit_Goto(self, n):
+ return 'goto ' + n.name + ';'
+ def visit_EllipsisParam(self, n):
+ return '...'
+ def visit_Struct(self, n):
+ return self._generate_struct_union(n, 'struct')
+ def visit_Typename(self, n):
+ return self._generate_type(n.type)
+ def visit_Union(self, n):
+ return self._generate_struct_union(n, 'union')
+ def visit_NamedInitializer(self, n):
+ s = ''
+ for name in n.name:
+ if isinstance(name, c_ast.ID):
+ s += '.' + name.name
+ elif isinstance(name, c_ast.Constant):
+ s += '[' + name.value + ']'
+ s += ' = ' + self.visit(n.expr)
+ return s
+ def _generate_struct_union(self, n, name):
+ """ Generates code for structs and unions. name should be either
+ 'struct' or union.
+ """
+ s = name + ' ' + (n.name or '')
+ if n.decls:
+ s += '\n'
+ s += self._make_indent()
+ self.indent_level += 2
+ s += '{\n'
+ for decl in n.decls:
+ s += self._generate_stmt(decl)
+ self.indent_level -= 2
+ s += self._make_indent() + '}'
+ return s
+ def _generate_stmt(self, n, add_indent=False):
+ """ Generation from a statement node. This method exists as a wrapper
+ for individual visit_* methods to handle different treatment of
+ some statements in this context.
+ """
+ typ = type(n)
+ if add_indent: self.indent_level += 2
+ indent = self._make_indent()
+ if add_indent: self.indent_level -= 2
+ if typ in (
+ c_ast.Decl, c_ast.Assignment, c_ast.Cast, c_ast.UnaryOp,
+ c_ast.BinaryOp, c_ast.TernaryOp, c_ast.FuncCall, c_ast.ArrayRef,
+ c_ast.StructRef):
+ # These can also appear in an expression context so no semicolon
+ # is added to them automatically
+ #
+ return indent + self.visit(n) + ';\n'
+ elif typ in (c_ast.Compound,):
+ # No extra indentation required before the opening brace of a
+ # compound - because it consists of multiple lines it has to
+ # compute its own indentation.
+ #
+ return self.visit(n)
+ else:
+ return indent + self.visit(n) + '\n'
+ def _generate_decl(self, n):
+ """ Generation from a Decl node.
+ """
+ s = ''
+ if n.funcspec: s = ' '.join(n.funcspec) + ' '
+ if n.storage: s += ' '.join(n.storage) + ' '
+ s += self._generate_type(n.type)
+ return s
+ def _generate_type(self, n, modifiers=[]):
+ """ Recursive generation from a type node. n is the type node.
+ modifiers collects the PtrDecl, ArrayDecl and FuncDecl modifiers
+ encountered on the way down to a TypeDecl, to allow proper
+ generation from it.
+ """
+ typ = type(n)
+ #~ print(n, modifiers)
+ if typ == c_ast.TypeDecl:
+ s = ''
+ if n.quals: s += ' '.join(n.quals) + ' '
+ s += self.visit(n.type)
+ nstr = n.declname if n.declname else ''
+ # Resolve modifiers.
+ # Wrap in parens to distinguish pointer to array and pointer to
+ # function syntax.
+ #
+ for i, modifier in enumerate(modifiers):
+ if isinstance(modifier, c_ast.ArrayDecl):
+ if (i != 0 and isinstance(modifiers[i - 1], c_ast.PtrDecl)):
+ nstr = '(' + nstr + ')'
+ nstr += '[' + self.visit(modifier.dim) + ']'
+ elif isinstance(modifier, c_ast.FuncDecl):
+ if (i != 0 and isinstance(modifiers[i - 1], c_ast.PtrDecl)):
+ nstr = '(' + nstr + ')'
+ nstr += '(' + self.visit(modifier.args) + ')'
+ elif isinstance(modifier, c_ast.PtrDecl):
+ nstr = '*' + nstr
+ if nstr: s += ' ' + nstr
+ return s
+ elif typ == c_ast.Decl:
+ return self._generate_decl(n.type)
+ elif typ == c_ast.Typename:
+ return self._generate_type(n.type)
+ elif typ == c_ast.IdentifierType:
+ return ' '.join(n.names) + ' '
+ elif typ in (c_ast.ArrayDecl, c_ast.PtrDecl, c_ast.FuncDecl):
+ return self._generate_type(n.type, modifiers + [n])
+ else:
+ return self.visit(n)
+ def _parenthesize_if(self, n, condition):
+ """ Visits 'n' and returns its string representation, parenthesized
+ if the condition function applied to the node returns True.
+ """
+ s = self.visit(n)
+ if condition(n):
+ return '(' + s + ')'
+ else:
+ return s
+ def _parenthesize_unless_simple(self, n):
+ """ Common use case for _parenthesize_if
+ """
+ return self._parenthesize_if(n, lambda d: not self._is_simple_node(d))
+ def _is_simple_node(self, n):
+ """ Returns True for nodes that are "simple" - i.e. nodes that always
+ have higher precedence than operators.
+ """
+ return isinstance(n,( c_ast.Constant, c_ast.ID, c_ast.ArrayRef,
+ c_ast.StructRef, c_ast.FuncCall))
diff --git a/pycparser/c_parser.py b/pycparser/c_parser.py
index 77f1e34..7205842 100644
--- a/pycparser/c_parser.py
+++ b/pycparser/c_parser.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# pycparser: c_parser.py
# CParser class: Parser and AST builder for the C language
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Eli Bendersky
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012, Eli Bendersky
# License: BSD
import re
import ply.yacc